The document provides instructions and problems for an exam on differential equations. It consists of 5 problems worth a total of 100 points. The problems cover topics like modeling population growth with differential equations, sketching phase lines and solutions, using Euler's method, solving linear differential equations, and finding particular solutions involving exponential, trigonometric, and complex functions. Students are instructed to show all their work and that solutions will be made available online after the exam.
Social computing is transforming how content is created and shared online. It allows people to easily share content, engage in conversations, and influence discussions. This disruption is blurring professional and personal boundaries and shortening the lifespan of content. Social computing includes technologies like social networking, tagging, blogging, and wikis. A strategy for social computing requires new approaches to risk management and business models to take advantage of emerging opportunities.
This six-week unit focuses on Native American cultures through paired literature and informational texts. Students will compare depictions of 19th century Ojibway culture in The Birchbark House to works like Little House on the Prairie. They will read trickster stories, listen to music, and view art from various Native American nations to understand similarities and differences between cultures. Class discussions will address how perspective and traditions shape one's view of events and people. The unit culminates in an essay responding to the essential question of how literature provides cultural insights.
Este documento define varios t辿rminos b叩sicos de estad鱈stica como variables, escalas de medici坦n, poblaci坦n, muestra, par叩metros y frecuencias. Explica que la estad鱈stica se ocupa de recolectar y analizar datos para sacar conclusiones validas. Define tipos de variables como cualitativas y cuantitativas, y describe escalas de medici坦n como nominal, ordinal e intervalo. Adem叩s, explica la diferencia entre poblaci坦n y muestra en un estudio estad鱈stico.
Megan E. Jennings provides her contact information and seeks a position in theater or film where she can utilize her skills. She obtained a Bachelor of Arts in English/Creative Writing and Theater from Presbyterian College in 2012. Her experience includes internships in dance and modeling, as well as writing, design, management, performance, and community service roles. She has studied screenwriting and acting and created work in various mediums. Her personal interests include the arts and human rights advocacy.
Dipesh Shah has over 10 years of experience as a QA Lead working on projects for clients like CIBC and RBC, with a focus on testing applications built using Pega, Ecourier, and other tools. He has expertise in test planning, execution, defect tracking, and managing teams of testers. The document provides details on his skills, qualifications, work history and accomplishments on various banking software projects.
Limite y continuidad de funciones de varias variables.Rafael Brito
Este documento trata sobre los l鱈mites y la continuidad de funciones de varias variables. Explica la definici坦n formal de l鱈mite para funciones de dos variables y c坦mo se extiende la noci坦n de continuidad para campos escalares y vectoriales. Incluye ejemplos ilustrativos de l鱈mites, propiedades y continuidad para funciones de varias variables.
The document discusses wearable technology and provides statistics about its growth and future potential. It notes that 1 in 5 US adults already owns an internet of things device and the number of connected devices now exceeds the human population. However, it also cautions that wearable tech is not fully developed yet and advocates for building wearables that create utility, joy, security, and blend fashion with technology rather than just novelty. The future of the industry is predicted to be huge but developers are encouraged to design with human values in mind.
Best Practices paper on Automated Browser Compatibility Testing by Ashwini Phalle and Sandeep Naik from Fiserv. This paper was submitted for QAI's 12th International Software Testing Conference, 2012.
Startupfest 2013 - The luck you make - Chris ShipleyStartupfest
This is a story about a career molded by the luck, and the moral of the story is simple : What you do with luck good luck and bad defines who you become as an entrepreneur, a founder, and a leader. Leading technology and product analyst, executive producer of the DEMO Conferences and co-founder of Guidewire Labs, Chris Shipley speaks candidly about her experiences.
PDM Santiago de Cali 2016 - 2019 "Cali Progresa Contigo"Andres Montoya
Acuerdo Municipal 306 de 2016
Por el cual se adopta el Plan de Desarrollo del Municipio de Santiago de Cali 2016 - 2019
"Cali Progresa Contigo"
explained here is bone loos and patterns of bone loos in alveolar bone to various insults . Dr Harshavardhan pawal also gives emphasis on rate on bone loss and radius of action .
This document discusses bone destruction patterns caused by periodontal disease. It identifies the main causes of bone destruction as the extension of gingival inflammation, trauma from occlusion, and systemic disorders. It describes several patterns of bone loss seen in periodontal disease, including horizontal, vertical, osseous craters, bulbous contours, reversed architecture, ledges, and furcation involvement. The rate and episodic nature of bone destruction in periodontal disease is also covered.
This document discusses periodontal disease and bone loss. It states that changes in bacteria from healthy to diseased states are associated with progression from gingivitis to periodontitis. Periodontitis is characterized by inflammatory changes in the gingiva and connective tissue caused by bacteria, leading to destruction of collagen fibers and bone loss. The rate of bone loss without treatment is approximately 0.2mm per year on facial surfaces and 0.3mm per year on proximal surfaces. Bone loss occurs episodically with periods of activity and inactivity.
Limite y continuidad de funciones de varias variables.Rafael Brito
Este documento trata sobre los l鱈mites y la continuidad de funciones de varias variables. Explica la definici坦n formal de l鱈mite para funciones de dos variables y c坦mo se extiende la noci坦n de continuidad para campos escalares y vectoriales. Incluye ejemplos ilustrativos de l鱈mites, propiedades y continuidad para funciones de varias variables.
The document discusses wearable technology and provides statistics about its growth and future potential. It notes that 1 in 5 US adults already owns an internet of things device and the number of connected devices now exceeds the human population. However, it also cautions that wearable tech is not fully developed yet and advocates for building wearables that create utility, joy, security, and blend fashion with technology rather than just novelty. The future of the industry is predicted to be huge but developers are encouraged to design with human values in mind.
Best Practices paper on Automated Browser Compatibility Testing by Ashwini Phalle and Sandeep Naik from Fiserv. This paper was submitted for QAI's 12th International Software Testing Conference, 2012.
Startupfest 2013 - The luck you make - Chris ShipleyStartupfest
This is a story about a career molded by the luck, and the moral of the story is simple : What you do with luck good luck and bad defines who you become as an entrepreneur, a founder, and a leader. Leading technology and product analyst, executive producer of the DEMO Conferences and co-founder of Guidewire Labs, Chris Shipley speaks candidly about her experiences.
PDM Santiago de Cali 2016 - 2019 "Cali Progresa Contigo"Andres Montoya
Acuerdo Municipal 306 de 2016
Por el cual se adopta el Plan de Desarrollo del Municipio de Santiago de Cali 2016 - 2019
"Cali Progresa Contigo"
explained here is bone loos and patterns of bone loos in alveolar bone to various insults . Dr Harshavardhan pawal also gives emphasis on rate on bone loss and radius of action .
This document discusses bone destruction patterns caused by periodontal disease. It identifies the main causes of bone destruction as the extension of gingival inflammation, trauma from occlusion, and systemic disorders. It describes several patterns of bone loss seen in periodontal disease, including horizontal, vertical, osseous craters, bulbous contours, reversed architecture, ledges, and furcation involvement. The rate and episodic nature of bone destruction in periodontal disease is also covered.
This document discusses periodontal disease and bone loss. It states that changes in bacteria from healthy to diseased states are associated with progression from gingivitis to periodontitis. Periodontitis is characterized by inflammatory changes in the gingiva and connective tissue caused by bacteria, leading to destruction of collagen fibers and bone loss. The rate of bone loss without treatment is approximately 0.2mm per year on facial surfaces and 0.3mm per year on proximal surfaces. Bone loss occurs episodically with periods of activity and inactivity.
Limite y continuidad de funciones de varias variables.Rafael Brito
1. Migl Urbonait, Aristida
epetos Almos Adamkiens pagrindin
Mokytoja Janina Daukien
Nacionalin mokini迭 ir pedagog迭 konferencija Mokyklin aplinkotyra 2012, kovo 19-30 d., Lietuva
2. Drgms pertekliaus turinti vieta vadinama pelke. Pelkms b笛dinga
mi邸ko ir pelki迭 biotop迭 眺vairov. Tolimoje praeityje Lietuvoje buvo
daug pelki迭 ir mi邸k迭. Toki迭 plot迭 suma転jo dl 転moni迭 笛kins
veiklos. Pelki迭 plotai ir toliau ma転ja, nyksta 邸iems biotopams
b笛dingos r笛邸ys.
Nacionalin mokini迭 ir pedagog迭 konferencija Mokyklin aplinkotyra 2012, kovo 19-30 d., Lietuva
3. Tyrimo tikslas I邸siai邸kinti Kepurins ir
epetos auk邸tapelki迭 biotopams b笛dingas
Tyrimo u転daviniai :
1) Nustatyti, kokios biotop迭 眺vairovs r笛邸ys
auga Kepurins pelkje.
2) Suklasifikuoti r笛邸is pagal po転ymius.
3) I邸skirti abiems auk邸tapelki迭 biotopams
b笛dingas r笛邸is.
Nacionalin mokini迭 ir pedagog迭 konferencija Mokyklin aplinkotyra 2012, kovo 19-30 d., Lietuva
4. Kupi邸kio rajono pietryiuose yra Kepurins telmologinis draustinis, kurio
teritorija 700 ha.
Tyrim vykdme Kepurins telmologiniame draustinyje.
Tyrimo laikas. 2011 m. bir転elio ir 2011 m.rugsjo mn.
Tyrimo metodai - stebjimas, lyginimas, augal迭 fotografavimas.
Augal迭 r笛邸is nustatme remdamiesi augal迭 atlasais:
1) Sasnauskas P., Sasnauskas Vl. Ma転asis botanikos atlasas. Kaunas, viesa,
2) Isokas G. Enciklopedin mi邸ko knyga. Vilnius, Mintis, 2001.
Pasiruo邸imo etapai:
Enciklopedinje mi邸ko knygoje perskaitme skyri迭 apie pelkini迭 augal迭 r笛邸is.
Tinkamai pasiruo邸me 転ygiui 眺 pelk.
Nacionalin mokini迭 ir pedagog迭 konferencija Mokyklin aplinkotyra 2012, kovo 19-30 d., Lietuva
5. 1 lentel. Kepurinje auga 邸e邸i迭 r笛邸i迭 grybai
Nr. Gryb迭 r笛邸is
1. Lep邸 Leccinumscabrum (Bull.:Fr.)S.F.Gray
2. Geltonasis baravykas Suillus variegatus
3. Zuikiabaravykis Baletus luridus Schaeff: Fr.
4. Valgomoji voverait Cantharellus cibarius Fr.
5. Tikroji 笛md Russula vesca Fr.
6. Pilkoji me邸kut Paxillus involutus Batsch: Fr.
Nacionalin mokini迭 ir pedagog迭 konferencija Mokyklin aplinkotyra 2012, kovo 19-30 d., Lietuva
6. 2 lentel. Auk邸tapelkje auga vienos r笛邸ies kerp
Nr. Specifi邸kai mintantys grybai
1. 貼alsvarud 邸iur C. Chlorophaea (Floerk.)Spreng
3 lentel. Trij迭 r笛邸i迭 samanos
Nr. Saman迭 r笛邸is
1. Magelano kiminas Sphagnum magellanicum Brid.
2 Durpyninis gegu転linis Polytrichum strickum
3. Paprastasis gegu転linis Polytrichum commune Hedw.
Nacionalin mokini迭 ir pedagog迭 konferencija Mokyklin aplinkotyra 2012, kovo 19-30 d., Lietuva
7. 4 lentel. Trij迭 r笛邸i迭 sporiniai induoiai Pteridophyta
Nr. Sporini迭 induoi迭 Sporini迭 induoi迭 r笛邸is
1. Asi笛kliniai Eduisetopsida Margasis asi笛klis Equisetum variegatum Schleich
ex F.Weber et D. Mohr
Gegu転inis asi笛klis Equisetum polustre L.
2. Papartainiai Pteropsida Skiauterinis papartis
Dryopteris cristata (L.) A. Gray
5 lentel. Dviej迭 r笛邸i迭 plikaskliai (skliniai induoiai) Pinophyta,
Gymnospermae Spygliuoiai Coniferopsida
Nr. Spygliuoi迭 r笛邸is
1. Paprastoji egl Picea abies (L.)Karst. (Pexcelsa Link)
2. Paprastoji pu邸is Pinus sylvestris L.
Nacionalin mokini迭 ir pedagog迭 konferencija Mokyklin aplinkotyra 2012, kovo 19-30 d., Lietuva