Lp3 opening sequencechurchillmedia1) The document provides guidance for students taking a Media Studies course on creating an opening sequence for a film as part of their practical production work.
2) It emphasizes the importance of applying what they have learned about media concepts and theories from other units to their practical work.
3) Students are instructed to research example opening sequences from thriller films to analyze how characters, mood, sound, and structure are used to create meaning for the audience.
T.W.I.N.IsabelMcclellandThis teaser poster for the horror movie The Women In Black uses minimalistic design. It features a single shadowy image of an actor's face against a black background, with faded white text. By revealing very little information and not answering many questions, the poster generates interest among audiences who are familiar with the original story. It effectively uses contrast, fading, and shadows to match the horror genre while hiding details that could give away the plot.
Production PlanBenPotter1The production plan summarizes the casting, costumes, props, settings, and filming schedule for a music video for the song "Somebody Told Me" by the fictional band The Killers. Ben Hollis will play the lead vocalist role, with Luca Abraham and Ben Potter as supporting band members. Abbie Dixon will play the girlfriend. Costumes were selected to represent the band's indie rock genre and style. Props include a microphone, electric guitar, keyboard, and amp. Filming locations include a stage, common room, street, and wasteland area over 5 days in October and November.
Chloe Media Prestentation 2guestb423290dThe document discusses a music magazine media product that was produced for a class. The student feels their magazine could be sold on shelves alongside real magazines due to its professional look and style. The magazine is aimed at a female audience ages 16-25 that enjoys fashion and shopping at stores like River Island and H&M. Through the process of constructing the magazine, the student learned how to use Photoshop and other design tools to improve photo quality and make the magazine look more polished.
Diamond Ranking ExerciseigrantThe document discusses different types of energy resources and provides an example case study on wind power in Cornwall, UK.
1) It asks the reader to rank various energy resources based on availability, cost of production, environmental impact, and effect on global warming.
2) It then discusses wind power as a renewable energy source, how wind turbines work to generate electricity, and locations in Cornwall where wind farms are located.
3) The advantages of wind power include low running costs, no carbon emissions, ability to farm land underneath, renewable source. Disadvantages include inability to control the wind, need for windy locations, higher initial costs than fossil fuels, and not everyone likes the appearance of wind farms
Photo shoot planningianjamiealexbenThe band plans to have an outdoor photo shoot in the natural scenery around Summerhill to capture shots of the band members climbing rocks or sitting on high rocks with the landscape in the background. They will wear indie-style clothing similar to an earlier test shoot, such as jumpers, coats, and skinny jeans. Another proposed location is Ward Jackson Park, known for its chilled environment, where shots of the band sitting on swings or a climbing frame could portray an immature look linking to the song's theme of needing to grow up. An indoor test shoot in studio lights did not work well but provided an idea for an advertisement photo showing darkness that could symbolize the band's name.
Sad Pop FactsMihexI think it's safe to say - when you give the power to the people, expect people to use it to drive out everything that is better then them.
That Little Something That Doesn’t Quite Fit In: Intra-group Identity Tension...Antia G. BenThis document discusses intra-group identity tensions around the notion of Spanish-ness. It explores what it means to be Spanish both within Spain and within the United States. It notes that identities can be fluid and what it means to be Spanish may differ both between Spain and the US, and even within each country, as cultural understandings of Spanish-ness are not fixed or uniform.
Lp3 opening sequencechurchillmedia1) The document provides guidance for students taking a Media Studies course on creating an opening sequence for a film as part of their practical production work.
2) It emphasizes the importance of applying what they have learned about media concepts and theories from other units to their practical work.
3) Students are instructed to research example opening sequences from thriller films to analyze how characters, mood, sound, and structure are used to create meaning for the audience.
T.W.I.N.IsabelMcclellandThis teaser poster for the horror movie The Women In Black uses minimalistic design. It features a single shadowy image of an actor's face against a black background, with faded white text. By revealing very little information and not answering many questions, the poster generates interest among audiences who are familiar with the original story. It effectively uses contrast, fading, and shadows to match the horror genre while hiding details that could give away the plot.
Production PlanBenPotter1The production plan summarizes the casting, costumes, props, settings, and filming schedule for a music video for the song "Somebody Told Me" by the fictional band The Killers. Ben Hollis will play the lead vocalist role, with Luca Abraham and Ben Potter as supporting band members. Abbie Dixon will play the girlfriend. Costumes were selected to represent the band's indie rock genre and style. Props include a microphone, electric guitar, keyboard, and amp. Filming locations include a stage, common room, street, and wasteland area over 5 days in October and November.
Chloe Media Prestentation 2guestb423290dThe document discusses a music magazine media product that was produced for a class. The student feels their magazine could be sold on shelves alongside real magazines due to its professional look and style. The magazine is aimed at a female audience ages 16-25 that enjoys fashion and shopping at stores like River Island and H&M. Through the process of constructing the magazine, the student learned how to use Photoshop and other design tools to improve photo quality and make the magazine look more polished.
Diamond Ranking ExerciseigrantThe document discusses different types of energy resources and provides an example case study on wind power in Cornwall, UK.
1) It asks the reader to rank various energy resources based on availability, cost of production, environmental impact, and effect on global warming.
2) It then discusses wind power as a renewable energy source, how wind turbines work to generate electricity, and locations in Cornwall where wind farms are located.
3) The advantages of wind power include low running costs, no carbon emissions, ability to farm land underneath, renewable source. Disadvantages include inability to control the wind, need for windy locations, higher initial costs than fossil fuels, and not everyone likes the appearance of wind farms
Photo shoot planningianjamiealexbenThe band plans to have an outdoor photo shoot in the natural scenery around Summerhill to capture shots of the band members climbing rocks or sitting on high rocks with the landscape in the background. They will wear indie-style clothing similar to an earlier test shoot, such as jumpers, coats, and skinny jeans. Another proposed location is Ward Jackson Park, known for its chilled environment, where shots of the band sitting on swings or a climbing frame could portray an immature look linking to the song's theme of needing to grow up. An indoor test shoot in studio lights did not work well but provided an idea for an advertisement photo showing darkness that could symbolize the band's name.
Sad Pop FactsMihexI think it's safe to say - when you give the power to the people, expect people to use it to drive out everything that is better then them.
That Little Something That Doesn’t Quite Fit In: Intra-group Identity Tension...Antia G. BenThis document discusses intra-group identity tensions around the notion of Spanish-ness. It explores what it means to be Spanish both within Spain and within the United States. It notes that identities can be fluid and what it means to be Spanish may differ both between Spain and the US, and even within each country, as cultural understandings of Spanish-ness are not fixed or uniform.
3. LIVESTREAM NE İŞE YARAR Livestream tüm dünyada insanların istediği dilde canlı yayın yapmamızı sağlayan ve daha önceden çekilen yayınları sunmamızı sağlayan sosyal paylaşım sitesidir. Gelişmiş özellikleri bulunan canlı yayın yapabileceğimiz çok yararlı bir sitedir. ßu sitede birden fazla kamera ile yayın yapabilir izleyenlere farklı bir deneyim ile bilgi aktarabilirsiniz.
4. AVANTAJLARI? Sadece video izlek istiyenler için “Watch” aynı zamanda yayında yapmak isteyenler için “Broadcast” olmak üzere iki farklı üyelik şeklinin bulunması. Çektiği videoyu paylaşmak isteyen insanlar için paylaşım sitesi. Herkesin üye olabileceği ücretsiz bir üyelik versiyonununda bulunması.
5. UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDEKİ YERİ Uzaktan eğitimde konuları bir ders kitabında sıkıcı bir şekilde öğrencilere aktarmak yerine livestream.com da oluşturulacak bir canlı yayın ile daha zevkli hale getirilebilir.
11. Üyelik Formunu Doldurduktan sonra Sadece webcam yayını için “Webcasting” hem webcam hem masaüstü yayını için “Procasting” gelişmiş webcam ve masaüstü yayını için “Studio” seçeneklerinden birini seçiyoruz. Ben livestream prodcaster” seçeneğini seçtim.
13. Allow buttonuna tıklayıp izin verdikten sonra kameramız devreye girecektir. Canlı yayın yapmak için GO LIVE buttonuna tıklamamız yeterli olacaktır. Burada Channel Page: kısmındaki adresi yayınımızı izlemek istediğimiz bir kişiye veya kişilere vererek yayınımızı izletebiliriz.