W8 l1Adam WatemanA teacher uses classroom equipment like tools to do their job of educating students. The document asks students to think of the equipment a teacher uses and matches other occupations like vet, hairdresser, dentist, farmer, and miner to their tools. It also prompts students to draw uniforms for different jobs and design their own school uniform.
30. quran orders to cut off hands of thiefSmple Trth1) Verse 5:38 from the Quran discussing punishment for thieves has commonly been interpreted to mean physically cutting off a thief's hand, but this is only one possible interpretation.
2) The verse and others suggest repentance and making amends is acceptable to God, so no punishment would be administered in that case.
3) The Arabic words used could also mean cutting ties/means of stealing or marking/cutting hands as a deterrent rather than physical removal.
4) Following the example from the story of Joseph in the Quran, detention and forced labor until repayment is made is another possible interpretation of the punishment.
Escuela de Idiomas Facultad de FilosofíaibethnatygmailThis document provides guidelines for greetings in English in both formal and informal situations. It discusses common greetings used when arriving such as "Good morning" formally and "Hi" or "Hello" informally. When departing, formal greetings include "Good evening" and informal include "Goodbye" or "See you later". It also notes that the question "How are you?" when greeting does not require an in-depth response and common short responses are provided. Additional Spanish translations for greetings are also included.
Trailer analysismaisielouisecooksonThe document analyzes the trailers for four films - Looper, The Comedian, Kill Bill, and Cloverfield - based on various elements including visuals, music, sound effects, text, and pace. For Looper, the trailer has fast cuts between dark scenes and gloomy visuals accompanied by electronic music related to the action. The Comedian features light colors and slow pace as it takes place in one location. Kill Bill uses well-known music and focuses on fights between characters using swords and other weapons shown with main yellow colors. Cloverfield starts with happy music but turns to screaming and explosions as it shows someone's handheld camera perspective of an animal attack at a leaving party with fast changing scenes
Magazine advert analysisanimalbodThe document summarizes three magazine advertisements for music albums. Each summary highlights the key visual elements that catch the reader's eye, such as the artist name, album title, photo or image, and color scheme. Font choices and layouts are also discussed as contributing to an eye-catching yet simple design that draws the reader in and conveys information about the artist and album effectively.
A43ticgrupo7Este documento presenta principios generales para la utilización, diseño, producción y evaluación de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en la enseñanza. Describe criterios para la selección de TIC, incluyendo objetivos educativos y características de los estudiantes. Explica etapas para el diseño y producción de materiales TIC, como el análisis, planificación, guionización y evaluación. Finalmente, detalla estrategias para evaluar TIC, como autoevaluación, juicio de expertos
Evaluation question 3danny550The document discusses a fictional production company called DDNJ that would be responsible for producing, funding, and distributing the film "Blindsight". DDNJ would likely sell the film to a major film studio like Warner Bros or Universal Studios for wider distribution. "Blindsight" would be similar to films produced by independent production companies that partner with larger studios, like Working Title films that are distributed by Universal Studios.
Yay finally done.power pointpeacecollegeThe document provides an overview of New Orleans, Louisiana, summarizing that:
1) New Orleans is known as the birthplace of jazz music and has influenced many musical genres.
2) The city celebrates various festivals throughout the year, most notably Mardi Gras, and was impacted by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
3) New Orleans continues rebuilding after the hurricane, but still faces challenges as residents recover and work to restore the city.
My PitchcampasjamieJamie-ash Townsend proposes creating an alternative rock music magazine focusing on obscure and unknown artists. The magazine would target music students, artists, and "art house people." It would have a dull, dishevelled design with muted colors to match the genre. While most of the magazine would profile unknown acts, 20% would feature slightly more mainstream bands to attract readers. Potential publishers include smaller companies like IPC Media. The double-page spread would feature a solo artist known but not widely recognized by teenagers, with a 60:40 text-to-image ratio and a bleed image spanning the pages.
W8 l1Adam WatemanA teacher uses classroom equipment like tools to do their job of educating students. The document asks students to think of the equipment a teacher uses and matches other occupations like vet, hairdresser, dentist, farmer, and miner to their tools. It also prompts students to draw uniforms for different jobs and design their own school uniform.
30. quran orders to cut off hands of thiefSmple Trth1) Verse 5:38 from the Quran discussing punishment for thieves has commonly been interpreted to mean physically cutting off a thief's hand, but this is only one possible interpretation.
2) The verse and others suggest repentance and making amends is acceptable to God, so no punishment would be administered in that case.
3) The Arabic words used could also mean cutting ties/means of stealing or marking/cutting hands as a deterrent rather than physical removal.
4) Following the example from the story of Joseph in the Quran, detention and forced labor until repayment is made is another possible interpretation of the punishment.
Escuela de Idiomas Facultad de FilosofíaibethnatygmailThis document provides guidelines for greetings in English in both formal and informal situations. It discusses common greetings used when arriving such as "Good morning" formally and "Hi" or "Hello" informally. When departing, formal greetings include "Good evening" and informal include "Goodbye" or "See you later". It also notes that the question "How are you?" when greeting does not require an in-depth response and common short responses are provided. Additional Spanish translations for greetings are also included.
Trailer analysismaisielouisecooksonThe document analyzes the trailers for four films - Looper, The Comedian, Kill Bill, and Cloverfield - based on various elements including visuals, music, sound effects, text, and pace. For Looper, the trailer has fast cuts between dark scenes and gloomy visuals accompanied by electronic music related to the action. The Comedian features light colors and slow pace as it takes place in one location. Kill Bill uses well-known music and focuses on fights between characters using swords and other weapons shown with main yellow colors. Cloverfield starts with happy music but turns to screaming and explosions as it shows someone's handheld camera perspective of an animal attack at a leaving party with fast changing scenes
Magazine advert analysisanimalbodThe document summarizes three magazine advertisements for music albums. Each summary highlights the key visual elements that catch the reader's eye, such as the artist name, album title, photo or image, and color scheme. Font choices and layouts are also discussed as contributing to an eye-catching yet simple design that draws the reader in and conveys information about the artist and album effectively.
A43ticgrupo7Este documento presenta principios generales para la utilización, diseño, producción y evaluación de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en la enseñanza. Describe criterios para la selección de TIC, incluyendo objetivos educativos y características de los estudiantes. Explica etapas para el diseño y producción de materiales TIC, como el análisis, planificación, guionización y evaluación. Finalmente, detalla estrategias para evaluar TIC, como autoevaluación, juicio de expertos
Evaluation question 3danny550The document discusses a fictional production company called DDNJ that would be responsible for producing, funding, and distributing the film "Blindsight". DDNJ would likely sell the film to a major film studio like Warner Bros or Universal Studios for wider distribution. "Blindsight" would be similar to films produced by independent production companies that partner with larger studios, like Working Title films that are distributed by Universal Studios.
Yay finally done.power pointpeacecollegeThe document provides an overview of New Orleans, Louisiana, summarizing that:
1) New Orleans is known as the birthplace of jazz music and has influenced many musical genres.
2) The city celebrates various festivals throughout the year, most notably Mardi Gras, and was impacted by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
3) New Orleans continues rebuilding after the hurricane, but still faces challenges as residents recover and work to restore the city.
My PitchcampasjamieJamie-ash Townsend proposes creating an alternative rock music magazine focusing on obscure and unknown artists. The magazine would target music students, artists, and "art house people." It would have a dull, dishevelled design with muted colors to match the genre. While most of the magazine would profile unknown acts, 20% would feature slightly more mainstream bands to attract readers. Potential publishers include smaller companies like IPC Media. The double-page spread would feature a solo artist known but not widely recognized by teenagers, with a 60:40 text-to-image ratio and a bleed image spanning the pages.
Media Presentation[1]guestc0dfd3The media product is a Japanese rock song called "Brightdown". The creators followed and challenged conventions of the genre by giving their artist an original rebellious identity. They developed this through shots of her with a guitar and band as well as adding animated characters for her to interact with in her own imaginary world. This mixed innocent and rebellious elements to keep viewers engaged with the unpredictable artist.
Music magazine omariOmaridx2The document summarizes a magazine article. It mentions the magazine's strap line "REAL RAP", suggesting it focuses on real rappers unlike competitors. The main story is about a specific hip hop artist and mentions drugs. A second story is for readers not interested in the main story. The magazine features different artists across genres to appeal to various music tastes.
ESSAY QUESTION 1Nerissa The document discusses the student's research process for their media studies music video production project. They analyzed examples of successful music videos across genres to understand common forms and conventions. They also looked at how some videos challenged conventions. The student focused on analyzing techniques used to create an appealing star persona. For their own video, the student's group aimed to be creative while also conforming to some pop music video conventions, such as emphasizing the artist's image over narrative. They developed ideas from their research through spontaneous filming decisions and innovative editing and camera techniques.
Commercial break현승 김Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage audiences to take actions regarding commercial offerings. Most commonly, the goal is to influence consumer behavior and increase consumption of products or services through branding and repetition of images or names. While advertising can enable economic growth, it is not without social costs and criticism. Critics argue that advertising occupies public spaces, increasingly invades private life, uses psychological pressure, and is difficult to distinguish from information. Spending on advertising in 2010 was estimated at $142.5 billion in the US and $467 billion worldwide.
3. LIVESTREAM NE İŞE YARAR Livestream tüm dünyada insanların istediği dilde canlı yayın yapmamızı sağlayan ve daha önceden çekilen yayınları sunmamızı sağlayan sosyal paylaşım sitesidir. Gelişmiş özellikleri bulunan canlı yayın yapabileceğimiz çok yararlı bir sitedir. ßu sitede birden fazla kamera ile yayın yapabilir izleyenlere farklı bir deneyim ile bilgi aktarabilirsiniz.
4. AVANTAJLARI? Sadece video izlek istiyenler için “Watch” aynı zamanda yayında yapmak isteyenler için “Broadcast” olmak üzere iki farklı üyelik şeklinin bulunması. Çektiği videoyu paylaşmak isteyen insanlar için paylaşım sitesi. Herkesin üye olabileceği ücretsiz bir üyelik versiyonununda bulunması.
5. UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDEKİ YERİ Uzaktan eğitimde konuları bir ders kitabında sıkıcı bir şekilde öğrencilere aktarmak yerine livestream.com da oluşturulacak bir canlı yayın ile daha zevkli hale getirilebilir.
11. Üyelik Formunu Doldurduktan sonra Sadece webcam yayını için “Webcasting” hem webcam hem masaüstü yayını için “Procasting” gelişmiş webcam ve masaüstü yayını için “Studio” seçeneklerinden birini seçiyoruz. Ben livestream prodcaster” seçeneğini seçtim.
13. Allow buttonuna tıklayıp izin verdikten sonra kameramız devreye girecektir. Canlı yayın yapmak için GO LIVE buttonuna tıklamamız yeterli olacaktır. Burada Channel Page: kısmındaki adresi yayınımızı izlemek istediğimiz bir kişiye veya kişilere vererek yayınımızı izletebiliriz.