Evaluation 2emmaguestThe document discusses branding and design choices for print products promoting the band All About Flux. It maintains coherence across items by using a consistent color palette of red, black, white and sepia tones evoking a circus/theater theme. Two main fonts, Orator and Stentiga, are used to keep the style simple and legible. Costumes and props establish characters and relate to the target audience. Lighting employs natural light for clarity and sepia effects to distinguish between narrative and performance sections. Visual themes of circus, mime and theater are carried through from the music video to print work according to positive audience feedback.
Evaluation Q4holliecoralThe document discusses the use of various media technologies in creating a stop motion music video and related materials for a band. Photoshop was used to edit images and add text for promotional materials. Premier Pro was used to edit the video, adding transitions between clips to match the music. Audacity was used to edit the audio track. Online tools like YouTube, Facebook, and Google provided research materials, audience feedback, and templates to inform the project design.
Shooting scheduleOmaridx2This document provides a cast list and production schedule for a short film. It lists the characters, actors, locations, dates and times for filming various scenes. The main characters are Royal-Tee, played by Glenn, and "Lil homie", played by Rhys. Other characters include "Pop Dukes", played by Mr. Ward, and Royal-Tee's brother, played by Ephraim. Scenes will be filmed in various locations like the kitchen, quad, street and pier between Monday 2/12/2013 and Saturday 14/12/2013. Crew members and required costumes and props are also outlined for each scene.
Album artbinteThe document provides summaries of album artworks for various artists:
1. The Slayer album "Show No Mercy" uses symbols of destruction like devil tails and broken stars to convey the thrash metal genre.
2. Ali Azmat's solo album "Social Circus" features a graffiti-covered image of his face representing the confused social circus of today.
3. Nirvana's "Bleach" album art is in black and white to achieve a "bleached" effect, showing the band's energetic rock music.
4. Metallica's "Death Magnetic" depicts a coffin in a magnetic field, reflecting the album's name and content.
Florence slideshowtatala123Florence + the Machine is a London-based indie rock band led by singer Florence Welch. The band formed in 2007 and has since released 4 albums. Their music has been described as alternative, indie rock, baroque, and neo soul. Florence had her big break when a talent scout heard her singing in a club restroom. The band is popular on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook where they share band news and photos. Their lyrics often reference themes of love, death, and the human experience.
Media Evaluation- Questions 1-5nicole2095The document discusses the ways in which the media product follows conventions of real magazines.
It describes how the front cover includes typical elements like the main image and cover lines, while challenging conventions through manipulations in Photoshop and a vibrant design.
The contents page challenges stereotypes by having a dominating color and informal tone.
The double page spread challenges white backgrounds through a custom background in Photoshop and varied fonts and sizes.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conv...elliemooreThe document discusses conventions used in acoustic music videos. Some common conventions mentioned include shots of the artist playing an instrument, slow camera movements, black and white editing, and plain costumes. The document then discusses how the creator's music video incorporated these conventions, such as shots of playing piano and guitar. It also discusses how some conventions were challenged, such as incorporating a dance routine and using a brightly lit location rather than dull settings typical for acoustic videos.
Music Video PitchThe Billericay SchoolThis document outlines plans for an acoustic music video cover of either the song "Saviour" or "River" by the artist Lights. It will feature one singer, Gillian Jacob, and one music editor. Potential filming locations are described as well as themes to explore in the video like emptiness, love, and courage. Costume color designs focusing on black, white, red and green are proposed to represent the themes and meaning of the chosen song.
Castle Wolfsteinn pres may 2012ConaljThe document discusses the original 1981 game Castle Wolfenstein and a remake of the game being developed in GameMaker. It provides details on the original game such as the developer, genre, and that it was the first to incorporate stealth gameplay. It then covers aspects of remaking the game like updated gameplay mechanics, graphics, and feedback from beta testing. Overall it finds GameMaker useful but limited, and that remaking the game has proven more difficult than expected.
Question 1 HollyC17My group's music video follows many conventions of Avril Lavigne's original music video for her song "When You're Gone" to create a similar style. We use similar camera shots, costumes, settings, and storylines to portray loneliness and isolation. However, we also challenge some conventions by adding long shots and medium close-ups of the artist not looking at the audience to develop a sadder atmosphere. Overall, the video draws from real music video conventions but also adapts them to suit our narrative.
willjennymannThe document summarizes a group project to create a music video for the song "Everyday I Love You Less and Less" by the Kaiser Chiefs. The group studied similar indie/punk music videos to inform their creative choices. They aimed to interpret the lyrics literally and amplify them with comical scenes. Their video featured various camera shots and stop motion effects to engage viewers and get them to replay it. Initial feedback on YouTube and Facebook was positive, praising the video's humor, fast pace, and successful matching of music and visuals.
Pod Camp London 09jfredinFixing Your Photography...
...for less than you paid to be here!
by Jason Fredin
Presented at PodCamp London '09.
Primarily about photography for the web.
Evaluation 2emmaguestThe document discusses branding and design choices for print products promoting the band All About Flux. It maintains coherence across items by using a consistent color palette of red, black, white and sepia tones evoking a circus/theater theme. Two main fonts, Orator and Stentiga, are used to keep the style simple and legible. Costumes and props establish characters and relate to the target audience. Lighting employs natural light for clarity and sepia effects to distinguish between narrative and performance sections. Visual themes of circus, mime and theater are carried through from the music video to print work according to positive audience feedback.
Evaluation Q4holliecoralThe document discusses the use of various media technologies in creating a stop motion music video and related materials for a band. Photoshop was used to edit images and add text for promotional materials. Premier Pro was used to edit the video, adding transitions between clips to match the music. Audacity was used to edit the audio track. Online tools like YouTube, Facebook, and Google provided research materials, audience feedback, and templates to inform the project design.
Shooting scheduleOmaridx2This document provides a cast list and production schedule for a short film. It lists the characters, actors, locations, dates and times for filming various scenes. The main characters are Royal-Tee, played by Glenn, and "Lil homie", played by Rhys. Other characters include "Pop Dukes", played by Mr. Ward, and Royal-Tee's brother, played by Ephraim. Scenes will be filmed in various locations like the kitchen, quad, street and pier between Monday 2/12/2013 and Saturday 14/12/2013. Crew members and required costumes and props are also outlined for each scene.
Album artbinteThe document provides summaries of album artworks for various artists:
1. The Slayer album "Show No Mercy" uses symbols of destruction like devil tails and broken stars to convey the thrash metal genre.
2. Ali Azmat's solo album "Social Circus" features a graffiti-covered image of his face representing the confused social circus of today.
3. Nirvana's "Bleach" album art is in black and white to achieve a "bleached" effect, showing the band's energetic rock music.
4. Metallica's "Death Magnetic" depicts a coffin in a magnetic field, reflecting the album's name and content.
Florence slideshowtatala123Florence + the Machine is a London-based indie rock band led by singer Florence Welch. The band formed in 2007 and has since released 4 albums. Their music has been described as alternative, indie rock, baroque, and neo soul. Florence had her big break when a talent scout heard her singing in a club restroom. The band is popular on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook where they share band news and photos. Their lyrics often reference themes of love, death, and the human experience.
Media Evaluation- Questions 1-5nicole2095The document discusses the ways in which the media product follows conventions of real magazines.
It describes how the front cover includes typical elements like the main image and cover lines, while challenging conventions through manipulations in Photoshop and a vibrant design.
The contents page challenges stereotypes by having a dominating color and informal tone.
The double page spread challenges white backgrounds through a custom background in Photoshop and varied fonts and sizes.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conv...elliemooreThe document discusses conventions used in acoustic music videos. Some common conventions mentioned include shots of the artist playing an instrument, slow camera movements, black and white editing, and plain costumes. The document then discusses how the creator's music video incorporated these conventions, such as shots of playing piano and guitar. It also discusses how some conventions were challenged, such as incorporating a dance routine and using a brightly lit location rather than dull settings typical for acoustic videos.
Music Video PitchThe Billericay SchoolThis document outlines plans for an acoustic music video cover of either the song "Saviour" or "River" by the artist Lights. It will feature one singer, Gillian Jacob, and one music editor. Potential filming locations are described as well as themes to explore in the video like emptiness, love, and courage. Costume color designs focusing on black, white, red and green are proposed to represent the themes and meaning of the chosen song.
Castle Wolfsteinn pres may 2012ConaljThe document discusses the original 1981 game Castle Wolfenstein and a remake of the game being developed in GameMaker. It provides details on the original game such as the developer, genre, and that it was the first to incorporate stealth gameplay. It then covers aspects of remaking the game like updated gameplay mechanics, graphics, and feedback from beta testing. Overall it finds GameMaker useful but limited, and that remaking the game has proven more difficult than expected.
Question 1 HollyC17My group's music video follows many conventions of Avril Lavigne's original music video for her song "When You're Gone" to create a similar style. We use similar camera shots, costumes, settings, and storylines to portray loneliness and isolation. However, we also challenge some conventions by adding long shots and medium close-ups of the artist not looking at the audience to develop a sadder atmosphere. Overall, the video draws from real music video conventions but also adapts them to suit our narrative.
willjennymannThe document summarizes a group project to create a music video for the song "Everyday I Love You Less and Less" by the Kaiser Chiefs. The group studied similar indie/punk music videos to inform their creative choices. They aimed to interpret the lyrics literally and amplify them with comical scenes. Their video featured various camera shots and stop motion effects to engage viewers and get them to replay it. Initial feedback on YouTube and Facebook was positive, praising the video's humor, fast pace, and successful matching of music and visuals.
Pod Camp London 09jfredinFixing Your Photography...
...for less than you paid to be here!
by Jason Fredin
Presented at PodCamp London '09.
Primarily about photography for the web.
Research into the genre of music wheatus fallsjasmine_knoxAlternative rock emerged from the independent music underground of the 1980s and became widely popular in the 1990s, distinguished by a distorted guitar sound, transgressive lyrics, and a defiant attitude. The term originally referred more broadly to musicians united by their debt to the musical style or independent ethos of punk rock from the late 1970s. Alternative has sometimes been used as a catch-all description for underground rock artists receiving mainstream success or any music descended from punk, including some punk, new wave, and post-punk bands.
Mt uva presentationSanket BhattThis document provides information on current trends in commerce education in Mumbai and inferences drawn from these trends. Some key points:
- Approximately 200,000 students enroll in B.Com programs each year through Mumbai University.
- Many students prefer vocational or job-oriented courses over traditional B.Com programs. There is also stagnation in enrollment in coaching classes.
- Major commerce coaching classes focus mainly on courses like CA rather than overall personality development.
- Inferences are that students prefer vocational options combined with basic graduation, and existing programs lack emphasis on personality grooming.
3. LIVESTREAM NE İŞE YARAR Livestream tüm dünyada insanların istediği dilde canlı yayın yapmamızı sağlayan ve daha önceden çekilen yayınları sunmamızı sağlayan sosyal paylaşım sitesidir. Gelişmiş özellikleri bulunan canlı yayın yapabileceğimiz çok yararlı bir sitedir. ßu sitede birden fazla kamera ile yayın yapabilir izleyenlere farklı bir deneyim ile bilgi aktarabilirsiniz.
4. AVANTAJLARI? Sadece video izlek istiyenler için “Watch” aynı zamanda yayında yapmak isteyenler için “Broadcast” olmak üzere iki farklı üyelik şeklinin bulunması. Çektiği videoyu paylaşmak isteyen insanlar için paylaşım sitesi. Herkesin üye olabileceği ücretsiz bir üyelik versiyonununda bulunması.
5. UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDEKİ YERİ Uzaktan eğitimde konuları bir ders kitabında sıkıcı bir şekilde öğrencilere aktarmak yerine livestream.com da oluşturulacak bir canlı yayın ile daha zevkli hale getirilebilir.
11. Üyelik Formunu Doldurduktan sonra Sadece webcam yayını için “Webcasting” hem webcam hem masaüstü yayını için “Procasting” gelişmiş webcam ve masaüstü yayını için “Studio” seçeneklerinden birini seçiyoruz. Ben livestream prodcaster” seçeneğini seçtim.
13. Allow buttonuna tıklayıp izin verdikten sonra kameramız devreye girecektir. Canlı yayın yapmak için GO LIVE buttonuna tıklamamız yeterli olacaktır. Burada Channel Page: kısmındaki adresi yayınımızı izlemek istediğimiz bir kişiye veya kişilere vererek yayınımızı izletebiliriz.