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Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
In the past, organizations competed by optimizing productivity, efficiency and predictability with long term
planning. Relying on planning was important because high transaction costs made it difficult to change course
once decisions had been made, resources had been committed, and people and teams had been coordinated.
Today, plans start losing value the moment they're finished. Because we can't predict the future, time and
resources devoted to planning are a less valuable investment than embracing agile methods that encourage
experimentation and fuel rapid learning. The opposite of planning doesn’t have to be chaos. Responsive
organizations still need a long term vision, but make progress through experimentation and iteration.
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Falling apart Too good
Does nothing
Does too
many things
Keep your hands inside the cart at all times ...
enter here
Falling apart Too good
Does nothing
Does too
many things
Keep your hands inside the cart at all times ...
enter here
Falling apart Too good
Does nothing
Does too
many things
Keep your hands inside the cart at all times ...
enter here
Falling apart Too good
Does nothing
Does too
many things
Keep your hands inside the cart at all times ...
enter here
Falling apart Too good
Does nothing
Does too
many things
Keep your hands inside the cart at all times ...
enter here
Big corp.
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Goes to the computer
Goes to the officers
keyboard Stores the keystrokes
on a moveable MiFare
RFID tag
Completed within a 2-
week, single person,
part-time sprint
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation
Presentation  #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation

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Presentation #responsive org copenhagen - planning vs. experimentation

  • 6. </>
  • 8. In the past, organizations competed by optimizing productivity, efficiency and predictability with long term planning. Relying on planning was important because high transaction costs made it difficult to change course once decisions had been made, resources had been committed, and people and teams had been coordinated. Today, plans start losing value the moment they're finished. Because we can't predict the future, time and resources devoted to planning are a less valuable investment than embracing agile methods that encourage experimentation and fuel rapid learning. The opposite of planning doesn’t have to be chaos. Responsive organizations still need a long term vision, but make progress through experimentation and iteration.
  • 16. Falling apart Too good Does nothing Does too many things Keep your hands inside the cart at all times ... Startups enter here
  • 17. Falling apart Too good Does nothing Does too many things Keep your hands inside the cart at all times ... Startups enter here
  • 18. Falling apart Too good Does nothing Does too many things Keep your hands inside the cart at all times ... Startups enter here
  • 19. Falling apart Too good Does nothing Does too many things Keep your hands inside the cart at all times ... Startups enter here Second attempt
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  • 28. Goes to the computer Goes to the officers keyboard Stores the keystrokes on a moveable MiFare RFID tag Completed within a 2- week, single person, part-time sprint