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Presented By: Neetika Yadav
 Counter is a sequential circuit. A digital circuit which is used for a counting
pulses is known counter.
 Counters are of two types.
Asynchronous or ripple counters.
Synchronous counters.
 Depending on the way in which the counting progresses, the synchronous or
asynchronous counters are classified as follows 
Up counters
Down counters
Up/Down counters
Asynchronous Counters (or Ripple counters)
 the clock signal (CLK) is only used to clock the first FF.
 Each FF (except the first FF) is clocked by the preceding FF.
Synchronous Counters
 the clock signal (CLK) is applied to all FF
 all FF shares the same clock signal,
 the output will change at the same time.
Modulus (MOD)
 the number of states it counts in a complete cycle before it goes back
to the initial state.
No. of states = 2n
= MOD number
Where n is no of flip flops
E.g. MOD-4 use 2 FF (2-bit), MOD-8 use 3 FF (3-bit), etc..)
 Modulus (MOD)  the number of states it counts in a complete cycle
before it goes back to the initial state.
So in general, an n-bit ripple counter is called as modulo-N counter.
Ripple Counter
 an asynchronous counter where only the first flip-flop is clocked by an
external clock.
 All subsequent flip-flops are clocked by the output of the preceding
 Asynchronous counters are also called ripple-counters because of the
way the clock pulse ripples it way through the flip-flops.
2-bit ripple up counter
External clock is applied to the clock input of flip-flop A and QA output is applied to the
clock input of the next flip-flop i.e. FF-B.
It contains two flip flops. A 2-bit ripple counter can count up to 4 states. It counts from 0 to 3.
2 bit Ripple Down Counter
It contains two flip flops. A 2-bit ripple counter can count up to 4 states.
It is known as down counter as it counts down from 3 to 0.
Up/Down Counter
 In the UP/DOWN ripple counter all the FFs operate in the toggle mode.
 So either T flip-flops or JK flip-flops are to be used.
 The LSB flip-flop receives clock directly. But the clock to every other FF
is obtained from (Q or Q bar) output of the previous FF.
 UP counting mode (M=0): The Q output of the preceding FF is
connected to the clock of the next stage if up counting is to be achieved.
For this mode, the mode select input M is at logic 0 (M=0).
 DOWN counting mode (M=1) : If M =1, then the Q bar output of the
preceding FF is connected to the next FF. This will operate the counter
in the down counting mode.
3-bit binary up/down ripple counter
 3-bit : hence three FFs are required.
 UP/DOWN : So a mode control input is essential.
 For a ripple up counter, the Q output of preceding FF is connected to
the clock input of the next one.
 For a ripple down counter, the Q bar output of preceding FF is
connected to the clock input of the next one.
3-bit binary up/down ripple counter
 Case 1: With M = 0 (Up counting mode)
 If M = 0 and M bar = 1, then the AND gates 1 and 3 in fig. will be enabled whereas the AND gates 2
and 4 will be disabled.
 Hence QA gets connected to the clock input of FF-B and QB gets connected to the clock input of FF-
 These connections are same as those for the normal up counter. Thus with M = 0 the circuit work
as an up counter.
 Case 2: With M = 1 (Down counting mode)
 If M = 1, then AND gates 2 and 4 in fig. are enabled whereas the AND gates 1 and 3 are disabled.
 Hence QA bar gets connected to the clock input of FF-B and QB bar gets connected to the clock
input of FF-C.
 These connections will produce a down counter. Thus with M = 1 the circuit works as a down
Synchronous counters
 If the "clock" pulses are applied to all the flip-flops in a counter
 changes in the output occur in synchronisation with the clock signal.
Ring Counter
 By looping the output back to the input, (feedback) we can convert a
standard shift register circuit into a ring counter. Consider the circuit
4-bit Ring Counter
4-bit Johnson Counter

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presentationforcountersin digitalelectronics

  • 2. 2 Counters Counter is a sequential circuit. A digital circuit which is used for a counting pulses is known counter. Counters are of two types. Asynchronous or ripple counters. Synchronous counters. Depending on the way in which the counting progresses, the synchronous or asynchronous counters are classified as follows Up counters Down counters Up/Down counters
  • 3. 3 Types Asynchronous Counters (or Ripple counters) the clock signal (CLK) is only used to clock the first FF. Each FF (except the first FF) is clocked by the preceding FF. Synchronous Counters the clock signal (CLK) is applied to all FF all FF shares the same clock signal, the output will change at the same time.
  • 4. 4 Modulus (MOD) the number of states it counts in a complete cycle before it goes back to the initial state. No. of states = 2n = MOD number Where n is no of flip flops E.g. MOD-4 use 2 FF (2-bit), MOD-8 use 3 FF (3-bit), etc..) Modulus (MOD) the number of states it counts in a complete cycle before it goes back to the initial state. So in general, an n-bit ripple counter is called as modulo-N counter.
  • 5. 5 Ripple Counter an asynchronous counter where only the first flip-flop is clocked by an external clock. All subsequent flip-flops are clocked by the output of the preceding flip-flop. Asynchronous counters are also called ripple-counters because of the way the clock pulse ripples it way through the flip-flops.
  • 6. 6 2-bit ripple up counter External clock is applied to the clock input of flip-flop A and QA output is applied to the clock input of the next flip-flop i.e. FF-B. It contains two flip flops. A 2-bit ripple counter can count up to 4 states. It counts from 0 to 3.
  • 7. 7 2 bit Ripple Down Counter It contains two flip flops. A 2-bit ripple counter can count up to 4 states. It is known as down counter as it counts down from 3 to 0.
  • 8. 8 Up/Down Counter In the UP/DOWN ripple counter all the FFs operate in the toggle mode. So either T flip-flops or JK flip-flops are to be used. The LSB flip-flop receives clock directly. But the clock to every other FF is obtained from (Q or Q bar) output of the previous FF. UP counting mode (M=0): The Q output of the preceding FF is connected to the clock of the next stage if up counting is to be achieved. For this mode, the mode select input M is at logic 0 (M=0). DOWN counting mode (M=1) : If M =1, then the Q bar output of the preceding FF is connected to the next FF. This will operate the counter in the down counting mode.
  • 9. 9 3-bit binary up/down ripple counter 3-bit : hence three FFs are required. UP/DOWN : So a mode control input is essential. For a ripple up counter, the Q output of preceding FF is connected to the clock input of the next one. For a ripple down counter, the Q bar output of preceding FF is connected to the clock input of the next one.
  • 10. 10 3-bit binary up/down ripple counter
  • 11. 11 Working Case 1: With M = 0 (Up counting mode) If M = 0 and M bar = 1, then the AND gates 1 and 3 in fig. will be enabled whereas the AND gates 2 and 4 will be disabled. Hence QA gets connected to the clock input of FF-B and QB gets connected to the clock input of FF- C. These connections are same as those for the normal up counter. Thus with M = 0 the circuit work as an up counter. Case 2: With M = 1 (Down counting mode) If M = 1, then AND gates 2 and 4 in fig. are enabled whereas the AND gates 1 and 3 are disabled. Hence QA bar gets connected to the clock input of FF-B and QB bar gets connected to the clock input of FF-C. These connections will produce a down counter. Thus with M = 1 the circuit works as a down counter.
  • 12. 12 Synchronous counters If the "clock" pulses are applied to all the flip-flops in a counter simultaneously changes in the output occur in synchronisation with the clock signal.
  • 13. 13 Ring Counter By looping the output back to the input, (feedback) we can convert a standard shift register circuit into a ring counter. Consider the circuit below.

Editor's Notes

  • #9: Let the selection of Q and Q bar output of the preceding FF be controlled by the mode control input M such that, If M = 0, UP counting. So connect Q to CLK. If M = 1, DOWN counting. So connect Q bar to CLK.