Stel: je bent een enthousiaste jeugdambtenaar en je werkgever is heel tevreden over je werk. Je krijgt steeds meer taken, maar... op een dag gaat het licht uit. Het verdict is hard: burn-out. Hermen Six (oud-jeugdconsulent in Torhout en evenementenco旦rdinator in Roeselare) maakte het zelf mee en leerde waardevolle lessen. Hij komt dit graag met jullie delen. Met een aantal oefeningen neem je jezelf onder de loep.
Als ouder heb je een specifieke impact op hoe je tiener studeert. Als je de neiging hebt om je kind heel erg te pushen hierin, bekom je een kind dat zelf weinig zelf-verantwoordelijkheid opneemt. Het studeert omdat het moet. Deze slides geven je wat tips en inzichten om vooreerst zelf als ouder je goed te voelen onafhankelijk van hoe je tiener studeert. Alsook over wat je kan doen en hoe je kan mindful communiceren opdat je tiener meer zijn of haar verantwoordelijkheid opneemt.
Workshop voor ZZP-er om een goede balans tussen werk en prive leven te vinden.
Gaan een druk ZZP bestaan en een gelukkig gezin samen? Ontdek in 4 stappen hoe je zorgt voor een goede werk prive balans, waardoor je zowel qua werk, gezin en met jezelf gelukkig bent.
Stel: je bent een enthousiaste jeugdambtenaar en je werkgever is heel tevreden over je werk. Je krijgt steeds meer taken, maar... op een dag gaat het licht uit. Het verdict is hard: burn-out. Hermen Six (oud-jeugdconsulent in Torhout en evenementenco旦rdinator in Roeselare) maakte het zelf mee en leerde waardevolle lessen. Hij komt dit graag met jullie delen. Met een aantal oefeningen neem je jezelf onder de loep.
Als ouder heb je een specifieke impact op hoe je tiener studeert. Als je de neiging hebt om je kind heel erg te pushen hierin, bekom je een kind dat zelf weinig zelf-verantwoordelijkheid opneemt. Het studeert omdat het moet. Deze slides geven je wat tips en inzichten om vooreerst zelf als ouder je goed te voelen onafhankelijk van hoe je tiener studeert. Alsook over wat je kan doen en hoe je kan mindful communiceren opdat je tiener meer zijn of haar verantwoordelijkheid opneemt.
Workshop voor ZZP-er om een goede balans tussen werk en prive leven te vinden.
Gaan een druk ZZP bestaan en een gelukkig gezin samen? Ontdek in 4 stappen hoe je zorgt voor een goede werk prive balans, waardoor je zowel qua werk, gezin en met jezelf gelukkig bent.
This document summarizes a travel guide about retracing the steps of Ebenezer Scrooge in London. It discusses how the stories we tell ourselves profoundly shape our lives and realities, and how few people recognize they can change their stories to transform their destinies, as Scrooge did. The travel guide founder, Peter de Kuster, will show participants how to rewrite their stories in the style of Charles Dickens to inspire action and progress in life and business, just as the ghosts helped Scrooge rewrite his story.
This document provides a guide for finding and creating one's dream job by following in the footsteps of characters from the movies Julie & Julia and Midnight in Paris while visiting Paris. It outlines how to test drive potential careers through exploring different industries and opportunities in the city to discover what type of work brings you joy and fulfillment.
The document discusses the different perspectives one could have on their "dream job". It describes the dream job as joyous and a chance to make a difference, but also as horrible and lonely. It says the dream job is about inspiring excellence in others, assuming responsibility for performance, and living creatively rather than having control. The dream job is portrayed as both a glorious adventure and an ultimate hero's journey of telling one's long story.
Trainingsprogramma 'Reis je dromen achterna' 6-26 Januari 2014 op Isla Holbox, Mexico gegeven door Steven Zwerink en Diana Vermeij van Wonderlijk Werken.
We worden regelmatig geconfronteerd met kleine en grote tegenslagen. Hoe we hiermee omgaan verschilt van persoon tot persoon.
Gelukkig is veerkracht iets dat iedereen kan trainen en versterken, net als een spier! Vigez leert je hoe je controle over je leven kan hebben. Je leert jezelf te waarderen en positief in het leven te staan. Verwacht je aan tips en oefeningen!
Faalangst kan een enorme belemmering zijn om verder op de carri竪reladder te klimmen. Wanneer het jou ook belemmert is het goed om te weten dat je nu van jouw faalangst verlost kan raken met dit gratis e-book
Je sterke punten vinden doe je door je talenten te kennen en ze te cultiveren. Deze strengthfinder test and results (by the Gallup Organisation) is mij aangeboden door de organisatie "Krachtenbundel JIP". Zij hanteert deze mooie aanpak zodat medewerkers hun talenten boven de structuren komen te staan en de persoonlijkheid op de cultuur van het bedrijf kan worden gematched. Prachtig!
Wellicht het beste dat mij in deze zware periode is overkomen.
Vele ouders vinden het heel moeilijk om een balans te vinden tussen streng zijn, veel regels stellen zodat alles op orde is en tegelijk liefdevol zijn en vrijheid geven.
Hoe kan je als ouder daar een goede balans in vinden?
Dit slideset brengt je een inleiding rond hoe je je rol als ouder kan beginnen te zien, waardoor je veel gemakkelijker de balans kan vinden.
The Hero's Journey Amsterdam. Making Money Doing What You Love. Peter de Kuster
The Creative Hero
This chapter discusses creative heroes and how they have found tremendous success and creative freedom, not just financially but also in their work. It emphasizes focusing on your strengths and embracing what makes you unique rather than trying to fit a mold. True success comes from finding your gifts and using your creativity in your career. While society often rewards more conventional left-brain approaches, being creative requires using both sides of your brain and finding a whole-brain approach that works for you. The key is taking time to understand yourself so you can work with your natural abilities and find fulfilling work that fits you like a glove.
This document provides an introduction to "The Hero's Journey" travel guide about finding a fulfilling creative career in Brussels. It discusses following your passion to find a career that doesn't feel like work. The guide will share stories of creative heroes and heroines in Brussels to provide concrete tips on overcoming challenges in creative fields and turning passions into viable careers. It aims to help creative people harness their talents and energies to succeed in their work.
This document provides an introduction to "The Hero's Journey" travel guide about finding a fulfilling creative career in Brussels. It discusses following your passion to find a career that doesn't feel like work. The guide will share stories of creative heroes and heroines in Brussels to provide concrete tips on overcoming challenges in creative fields and turning passions into viable careers. It aims to help creative people harness their talents and energies to succeed in their work.
This document provides an introduction to "The Hero's Journey" travel guide about finding a fulfilling creative career in Brussels. It discusses following your passion to find a career that doesn't feel like work. The guide will share stories of creative heroes and heroines in Brussels to provide concrete tips on overcoming challenges in creative fields and turning passions into viable careers. It aims to help readers harness their creative energy and talents to succeed in their quest for an engaging life's work.
This document provides an introduction to "The Hero's Journey" travel guide about finding a fulfilling creative career in Brussels. It discusses following your passion to find a career that is both financially rewarding and personally fulfilling. The guide will share stories of past and present creative heroes in Brussels who have overcome challenges to succeed in their fields. It aims to provide concrete tips and lessons to help creative people develop the right skills and mindset to make a living doing what they love. The journey discussed in the guide is about taking charge of your own destiny and career path.
This document provides an introduction to "The Hero's Journey" travel guide about finding a fulfilling creative career in Brussels. It discusses following your passion to find a career that is both financially rewarding and personally fulfilling. The guide will share stories of past and present creative heroes in Brussels who have overcome challenges to succeed in their fields. It aims to provide concrete tips and lessons to help creative people develop the right skills and mindset to turn their talents into a viable career through which they can "make a living doing what they love."
This document provides an introduction to "The Hero's Journey" travel guide about finding a fulfilling creative career in Brussels. It discusses following your passion to find a career that doesn't feel like work. The guide will share stories of creative heroes and heroines in Brussels to provide concrete tips on overcoming challenges in creative fields and turning passions into viable careers. It aims to help creative people harness their talents and energies to succeed in their work.
This document provides an introduction to "The Hero's Journey" travel guide about finding a fulfilling creative career in Brussels. It discusses following your passion to find a career that doesn't feel like work. The guide will share stories of creative heroes and heroines in Brussels to provide concrete tips on overcoming challenges in creative fields and turning passions into viable careers. It aims to help creative people harness their talents and energies to succeed in their work.
This document provides an introduction to "The Hero's Journey" travel guide about finding a fulfilling creative career in Brussels. It discusses following your passion to find a career that is both financially rewarding and personally fulfilling. The guide will share stories of creative heroes and heroines in Brussels to inspire readers and provide concrete tips on overcoming challenges faced by those in creative fields. It encourages readers to pursue their dreams and not settle for less than what is best for them. The journey discussed in the guide will help readers harness their creative energy and talents to succeed in building a career doing what they love.
This document provides an introduction to "The Hero's Journey" travel guide about finding a fulfilling creative career in Brussels. It discusses following your passion to find a career that is both financially rewarding and personally fulfilling. The guide will share stories of past and present creative heroes in Brussels who have overcome challenges to succeed in their fields. It aims to provide concrete tips and lessons to help creative people develop the right skills and mindset to turn their talents into a viable career through which they can "make a living doing what they love."
The document introduces the concept of the creative hero's journey through Brussels, providing stories of creative heroes and heroines from the city, both past and present, to inspire the reader and provide lessons on overcoming challenges faced by creative professionals. It discusses finding fulfillment and financial success through a career that aligns with one's talents and passions. The travel guide aims to help readers harness their creative energy and find a way to turn something they enjoy into a fulfilling career through right-brain techniques and learning from the experiences of other creative heroes.
This document introduces the concept of "The Hero's Journey" which is a travel guide through Vienna highlighting stories of creative heroes and heroines who have succeeded in building financially rewarding careers doing what they love. It aims to provide concrete tips and lessons from these individuals to help creative people overcome challenges and find fulfilling work that allows them to express their creativity. The guide will explore how to choose a suitable career path, set goals, avoid common pitfalls, network effectively, create a business plan, and develop the discipline needed to succeed as one's own boss.
This document introduces the concept of "The Hero's Journey" which is a travel guide through Vienna highlighting stories of creative heroes and heroines who have succeeded in building financially rewarding careers doing what they love. It aims to provide concrete tips and lessons from these individuals to help creative people overcome challenges and find fulfilling work that allows them to express their creativity. The guide will explore how to choose a suitable career path, set goals, avoid common pitfalls, network effectively, create a business plan, and develop the discipline needed to succeed as one's own boss.
This document introduces the concept of "The Hero's Journey" which is a travel guide through Vienna highlighting stories of creative heroes and heroines who have succeeded in building financially rewarding careers doing what they love. It aims to provide concrete tips and lessons from these individuals to help creative people overcome challenges and find fulfilling work that allows them to express their creativity. The guide will explore how to choose a suitable career path, set goals, avoid common pitfalls, network effectively, create a business plan, and develop the discipline needed to succeed as one's own boss.
2. When faced with a problem, my first instinct is to:
a. Analyze the facts and find a logical solution.
b. Brainstorm many possible solutions using intuition.
1. The chapter introduces the concept of the creative hero and their quest to find fulfilling work doing what they love.
3. When learning something new, I prefer:
a. Step-by-step instructions and an outline.
b. To figure things out as I go along through trial and error.
2. It discusses how creatives have an insatiable hunger to achieve and be recognized for their work, but also need to focus
This document introduces the concept of "The Hero's Journey" which is a travel guide through Vienna highlighting stories of creative heroes and heroines who have succeeded in building financially rewarding careers doing what they love. It aims to provide concrete tips and lessons from these individuals to help creative people overcome challenges and find fulfilling work that allows them to express their creativity. The guide will explore how to choose a suitable career path, set goals, avoid common pitfalls, network effectively, create a business plan, and develop the discipline needed to succeed as one's own boss.
This document introduces the concept of "The Hero's Journey" which is a travel guide through Vienna highlighting stories of creative heroes and heroines who have succeeded in building financially rewarding careers doing what they love. It aims to provide concrete tips and lessons from these individuals to help creative people overcome challenges and find fulfilling work that allows them to express their creativity. The guide will explore how to choose a suitable career path, set goals, avoid common pitfalls, network effectively, create a business plan, and develop the discipline needed to succeed as one's own boss.
This document introduces the concept of "The Hero's Journey" which is a travel guide through Vienna highlighting stories of creative heroes and heroines who have succeeded in building financially rewarding careers doing what they love. It aims to provide concrete tips and lessons from these individuals to help creative people overcome challenges and find fulfilling work that allows them to express their creativity. The guide will explore how to choose a suitable career path, set goals, avoid common pitfalls, network effectively, create business plans, and develop the discipline needed to succeed as one's own boss.
This document introduces the concept of "The Hero's Journey" which is a travel guide through Vienna highlighting stories of creative heroes and heroines who have succeeded in building financially rewarding careers doing what they love. It aims to provide concrete tips and lessons from these individuals to help creative people overcome challenges and find fulfilling work that allows them to express their creativity. The guide will explore how to choose a suitable career path, set goals, avoid common pitfalls, network effectively, create a business plan, and develop the discipline needed to succeed as one's own boss.