Ngrohja globale i referohet rritjes s谷 temperatur谷s n谷 planetin Tok谷 n谷 nj谷 periudh谷 t谷 caktuar. Nj谷 tjet谷r kuptim i ngrohjes globale 谷sht谷 ai i nj谷 hipoteze sipas t谷 cil谷s ngrohja e Tok谷s vjen si pasoj谷 e p谷rdorimit nga njeriu t谷 l谷nd谷ve fosile.
Ndryshimet klimatike n谷 Tok谷 kan谷 ndodhur me cikle t谷 caktuara gjat谷 gjith谷 historis谷 s谷 planetit, p谷rfshir谷 ardhjen dhe largimin e akullnajave n谷 epokat e akullta p谷rkat谷se.
Ceshte mjedisi? Mjedisi 谷sht谷 burimi kryesor i jet谷s n谷 Tok谷 dhe p谷r k谷t谷 arsye duhet ruajtur dhe p谷rdorur me kujdes. Mjedisi sot p谷rdoret n谷 m谷nyr谷 t谷 pabarabart谷 n谷 vende t谷 ndryshme t谷 bot谷s dhe k谷rc谷nohet nga faktor谷 t谷 shumt谷. Mbrojtja e tij 谷sht谷 nj谷 domosdoshm谷ri jo vet谷m p谷r brezat e sot谷m, por edhe p谷r brezat e ardhsh谷m. Mjedisi apo ambienti, 谷sht谷 t谷r谷sia e rrethanave p谷rreth nj谷 organizmi ose shume organizmave, kombinimin I kushteve atmosferike me jeten e gjallesave, zhvillimin, dhe mbijetes谷n e organizmave. Mjedisi mund te perkufizohet edhe si teresia e elementeve biotike dhe abiotike ne Toke. Lidhja e njeriut me natyren Lidhjet e njeriut me natyren jane mijeravjecare, dhe se fundi roli i mjedisit ne jeten e individit eshte me teper i karakerit ekonomiko-social, se sa i karakterit fizik qe ka qene shekuj me pare. Mjedisi dhe burimet natyrore jane aspekte shume te rendesishme per paqen, pasi kur burimet natyrore behen te pamjaftueshme atehere ne luftojme per to.Dhe kjo lloj lufte per te kompensuar pamjaftueshmerine ekonomiko-sociale te mjedisit ka dy rruge: grabitjen me force te pasurive natyrore te te tjereve dhe shtimin ne menyre te natyrshme te tyre, ne ato raste kur eshte e mundur nje gje e tille. Shtimi i gjelberimit nepermjet mbjelljeve te reja dhe ruajtja e gjendjes natyrore te vendeve turistike jane nje aspekt i shtimit ne menyre te natyrshme te pasurive natyrore dhe permiresimit te klimes mjedisore ne pergjithesi. Por, edhe lufta per te grabitur pasurite e te tjereve mund te konsiderohet nje veprim jo dhe aq cnjerezor sa shkaterrimi dhe shperfillja brutale e avantazheve mjedisore qe te ka falur natyra. Por ne kohet e sotshme njerzit nuk dine ta mirembajne mjedisin.Njeriu duhet te jetoje ne mjedis te paster e jo te ndotur nga mbeturinat.Ne mjedis ajri eshte kryesor dhe nese ai eshte i ndotur nuk e kemi shendetin e mire.
Mbeturinat, riciklimi i qelqit, riciklimi i plastikes, riciklimi i letres, kompostimi, mjedis i paster, fshati Rrahmanli, Kumanove, shkolla filore Kirili dhe Metodi, Erina Emini
Ndotja e mjedisit dhe ndikimi i saj n谷 biodiversitet Darla Evangjeli
Njohja mbi llojet e ndotjes t谷 mjedisit
Njohja e ligjeve t谷 konferencave nd谷rkomb谷tare p谷r mbrojtjen e mjedisit.
Pasojat e ndotjes n谷 biodiversitet
Masat mbrojt谷se p谷r mjedisin dhe ruajtjen e llojeve nga autoritetet v谷ndase dhe nga ministria e mjedisit .
Ekipi Ecovolis 谷sht谷 krenar tju prezantoj谷 buletinin e par谷 t谷 nism谷s s谷 re Un谷 Ricikloj. Kjo nism谷, me q谷llime sa ambientaliste aq sociale, vjen e vendosur t谷 krijoj谷 nj谷 shteg t谷 ri, nga ku do kaloj谷 p谷r tu instaluar n谷 shoq谷rin谷 ton谷 kultura dhe praktika e riciklimit. P谷rmes kurioziteteve, fakteve reale, por dhe shifrave konkrete, riciklimi evidentohet si nj谷 nevoj谷 por dhe k谷naq谷si. Nga Erika Simmons q谷 krijon art me materiale t谷 ricikluara e deri tek ngjashm谷ria jon谷 me Mozambikun, p谷rsa i p谷rket munges谷s s谷 mund谷sive dhe praktik谷s s谷 riciklimit, duke kaluar nga elektorati n谷 SHBA dhe Rom谷t tan谷 ambientalist谷, rruga nga sht谷pia tek kazani 谷sht谷 po aq e shpejt谷 sa dhe leximi i k谷tij buletini, me mbi 15 artikuj, q谷 shpresojm谷 tju duken interesant谷, tju japin d谷shir谷n p谷r t谷 ricikluar dhe q谷 mund t谷 gjenden vet谷m online, pasi n谷 mbrojtje t谷 pem谷ve, ne nuk e shp谷rdorojm谷 letr谷n.
Ndotja e mjedisit dhe ndikimi i saj n谷 biodiversitet Darla Evangjeli
Njohja mbi llojet e ndotjes t谷 mjedisit
Njohja e ligjeve t谷 konferencave nd谷rkomb谷tare p谷r mbrojtjen e mjedisit.
Pasojat e ndotjes n谷 biodiversitet
Masat mbrojt谷se p谷r mjedisin dhe ruajtjen e llojeve nga autoritetet v谷ndase dhe nga ministria e mjedisit .
Ekipi Ecovolis 谷sht谷 krenar tju prezantoj谷 buletinin e par谷 t谷 nism谷s s谷 re Un谷 Ricikloj. Kjo nism谷, me q谷llime sa ambientaliste aq sociale, vjen e vendosur t谷 krijoj谷 nj谷 shteg t谷 ri, nga ku do kaloj谷 p谷r tu instaluar n谷 shoq谷rin谷 ton谷 kultura dhe praktika e riciklimit. P谷rmes kurioziteteve, fakteve reale, por dhe shifrave konkrete, riciklimi evidentohet si nj谷 nevoj谷 por dhe k谷naq谷si. Nga Erika Simmons q谷 krijon art me materiale t谷 ricikluara e deri tek ngjashm谷ria jon谷 me Mozambikun, p谷rsa i p谷rket munges谷s s谷 mund谷sive dhe praktik谷s s谷 riciklimit, duke kaluar nga elektorati n谷 SHBA dhe Rom谷t tan谷 ambientalist谷, rruga nga sht谷pia tek kazani 谷sht谷 po aq e shpejt谷 sa dhe leximi i k谷tij buletini, me mbi 15 artikuj, q谷 shpresojm谷 tju duken interesant谷, tju japin d谷shir谷n p谷r t谷 ricikluar dhe q谷 mund t谷 gjenden vet谷m online, pasi n谷 mbrojtje t谷 pem谷ve, ne nuk e shp谷rdorojm谷 letr谷n.
This document summarizes the key intermolecular forces that determine the properties of liquids and solids. It describes dipole-dipole interactions, hydrogen bonding, London dispersion forces, and how these forces differ between liquids, solids, and gases. It also discusses the structures of different types of solids like ionic, molecular, metallic and network solids.
Fatema tuz Jannat discusses various techniques for merchandise display and presentation in retail stores. Some key techniques include shoulder-out and face-forward presentation for hanging clothes, organizing by ideas, styles, colors or prices. Additional methods are vertical and tonnage merchandising, shelving, hanging, folding, pegging, stacking, and dumping. Psychological factors to consider include projecting perceptions of value, fashion image, visibility throughout the store, and using vertical color blocking for visual appeal.
The document discusses scientific concepts related to gravity, orbital movements, and the shape of the Earth as described in verses from the Quran. It notes that 7th century verses reference the roundness of the Earth and its direction of rotation, implying the Quran hinted at scientific facts well before their discovery. The document examines multiple Quranic verses and their relation to modern scientific understanding of the force of gravity, orbits, and Earth's spherical shape and rotation from west to east.
The Braun Foundation for International ExchangeMartin Moessmer
Our Mission:
The Non-Profit Braun Foundation sees itself as a mediator for the needs of schools, universities, businesses and exchange organisations, and a facilitator for the intercultural education of (future) applicants, the further education of internationally placed employees, as well as supporting individuals and organisations in other related areas.
Our Vision:
We would like to contribute towards a mutual understanding between cultures, and develop and promote different educational and economic systems. To this end, the foundation facilitates crucial exchanges and meetings at an international level.
Our Values:
Tolerance, Integration and intercultural communication are very complex terms. The Braun Foundation brings these principles to life, and through an operational and supportive foundation business, incorporates them into our daily lives and our society.
To reach our goals and fulfill our vision we cooperate, support and interlink colleges, high-schools, state and private universities, Language Schools and Exchange organisations, NGOs, NPOs, private companies and State Organisations.
Together with the extensive and diverse Braun Foundation network we have established the International Exchange Service of the Braun Foundation (PESIE) and the International PESIE Student ID Card (IPSC).
The project "Preparation Colleges in Germany" complements the Foundation's main purposes and activities.
The document discusses the features and benefits of replacement windows from a home improvement company. It provides details on licenses, insurance, successful past projects, dealer criteria, questions to ask dealers, and factors homeowners consider like energy efficiency, maintenance, appearance, security, and sound reduction. It also summarizes the company's history and highlights their technology, glass packages, and window performance benefits.
This document discusses the relationship between gravity and weight. It explains that gravity is produced by mass and the more mass an object has, the stronger its gravitational pull. Gravity pulls objects towards each other, and the weight of an object is a measure of how strongly gravity pulls on it. While gravity depends on mass, weight can vary depending on location because gravity differs on different planets and locations within a planet's gravitational field.
This document discusses gravity, weight, and weightlessness. It provides the formulas for calculating weight based on mass and gravitational acceleration. Your weight depends on the gravitational pull of the planet you are on. With no gravitational pull, you experience a state of weightlessness or neutral buoyancy. The document uses these concepts to calculate weight on different planets like Saturn based on their gravitational acceleration.
This document contains information about various medical devices produced by B. Braun Interventional Systems, including vena cava filters, introducer sheaths, drainage systems, balloons, and ports. It provides brief descriptions of each device, highlighting their key features and intended uses such as filtering blood clots, draining fluids, and performing angioplasty procedures. The document appears to be aimed at medical professionals and provides specifications for the different systems and tools.
1) The document describes experiments to modify the DNA of the SecA gene through site-directed mutagenesis.
2) Two types of mutations are introduced: an amino acid substitution (T624C) and an LBT insertion at position G151.
3) The mutations are generated using PCR-based methods like sdmPCR and round-the-horn PCR and subsequently transformed into E. coli for protein expression analysis.
The document discusses gravity from both a scientific and Islamic perspective. It defines gravity as a natural force that attracts objects with mass towards each other. It explains how gravity allows life to exist on Earth by giving objects weight and settling them on the planet's surface. The Quran references gravity through verses describing Allah making Earth a stable home. Overall, the document aims to demonstrate science and religion are compatible by showing the Quran discussed gravity centuries before its scientific discovery.
This document discusses molecular mechanics force fields, specifically the Merck Molecular Force Field (MMFF). It provides details on the functional form and parameters of MMFF, including that it is a Class II force field designed to accurately model conformational energies and non-bonded interactions of pharmaceutical compounds. The total energy expression for MMFF is provided, including terms for internal interactions like bonds, angles, and torsions, as well as nonbonded van der Waals and electrostatic terms. Application of MMFF in the CHARMM program is also described.
1) El documento presenta las f坦rmulas fundamentales de la trigonometr鱈a, incluyendo las funciones seno, coseno, tangente y cotangente. 2) Se definen las funciones trigonom辿tricas para diferentes 叩ngulos en los cuadrantes y se establecen relaciones entre ellas. 3) Se presentan f坦rmulas adicionales para transformar entre las diferentes funciones trigonom辿tricas.
EUGM 2013 - Bernd Rupp (FMP) Chemical Information systems: From compound coll...ChemAxon
The FMP has developed a database of commercially available compounds which is used to design our in-house HTS collection and is additionally applied to create focused libraries. But the dramatically increase of unique compounds of one order of magnitude from less than 10 to around 30 to 40 million compounds currently and approximately hundred million compounds in the next years requires a reorganization and redevelopment of our storage and searching strategy. To manage such a massive amount of data we developed a Registration Database for registration and normalisation of vendor catalogues. This database contains the highly redundant data of the vendor catalogues and is converted in a second step into the non-redundant Unique Structure Database which represents a data warehouse combining vendor data, structural descriptors and in-house classification tools including our earlier developed ADMET- and reactivity filters as well as our in-house fragment-based fingerprints used for library design tasks. The management of both database systems is part of a new developed Java application, which handles the user management for the data upload in the Registration Database and the conversion into the Unique Structure Database. Further a first version of a Web service is in preparation. This service allows the scientist not only to search for compounds and fragments in the Unique Structure Database but also to combine such a search with the FMP tools to classify compounds for their usability in biological assays.
Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces and describes the attraction between masses. Newton's law of universal gravitation provides an accurate approximation for calculating gravitational effects. Gravity causes acceleration at 9.81 m/s^2 at Earth's surface and is responsible for weight. Applications of gravity include its role in dynamics through Newton's laws of motion as well as in technologies like gravity chairs and skateboards.
3. Vetit谷 e qelqit
L谷ng i tejftohur
Ka viskozitet jasht谷zakonisht t谷 lart谷
Forcat e kohezionit n谷 temp. t谷 zakonshme jan谷
t谷 m谷dha
Q谷ndrueshm谷ria kimike e lart谷 ndaj veprimit te
ac. t谷 tret谷sirave t谷 krip谷rave
Fort谷si t谷 lart谷
P谷rcjellshm谷ria termike e vog谷l
Q谷ndrueshm谷ria termike e vog谷l
E met谷 e tij thyeshm谷ria e leht谷
4. Llojet e qelqeve
Rreth 90% e qelqit t谷 prodhuar 谷sht谷 qelq i
zakonsh谷m ( qelq natriumi kalciumi).
Qelq natriumi kalciumi p谷rmban:
- 65-75 % kuarc ,
-15-18 % oksid natriumi,
-10-20 % oksid kalciumi
- p谷rqindje t谷 vog谷l e oksid alumini III.
Qelqi kristal
5. Prodhimi i qelqit
P谷rgatitja e p谷rzierjes s谷 l谷nd谷ve t谷
Pastrimi dhe homogjenizimi i mas谷s s谷
Formimi i objekteve
P谷rpunimi p谷rfundimtar i produktit
6. L谷nd谷t e para t谷 prodhimit
t谷 qelqit
Ndahen n谷:
Kryesore (qelq formuese):
-r谷ra kuarcore e past谷r (kuarcite t谷 bluara im谷t)
-sod谷 e kalcinuar ose sulfat natriumi
-shkum谷s (gur g谷lqeror)
-alumin ose kaolini
-acid borik ose boraks
Ndihm谷se :
-okside metalesh
-metale ose jometale q谷 mbeten n谷 form谷 koloidale
7. Si p谷rgatitet qelqi i zakonsh谷m ?
1. P谷rgatitet nj谷 p谷rzierje r谷re silicore ,karbonat
natriumi e karbonat kalciumi duke shtuar edhe
mbeturina qelqesh t谷 thyera (50%)
2. Vendoset n谷 furra t谷 shkrirjes s谷 qelqit
3. Me rritjen e temp. zhvillohen disa procese kimike
4. M谷njanohet uji ,prishen rrjetet kristalore ,ndodh
shp谷rberja e karbonateve n谷 okside .
5. Objektet e qelqit formohen nga masa e shkrir谷
,kur masa 谷sht谷 ende e l谷ng谷t dhe duhet t谷 ftohet
para se qelqi t谷 humbas plasticitetin e vet.
8. M谷nyrat e formimit t谷 objekteve prej qelqit
Me fryrje
Me stampim
Me derdhje
9. Fryerja
Me dor谷 ose me stampa.
M谷nyra e par谷:
Pun谷tori merr pak brum me nj谷 pip谷z metalike dhe
duke e fryer formohet nje flusk谷 q谷 me an谷 t谷 l谷vizjeve
merr form谷n e sendit q谷 duhet prodhuar.
M谷nyra e dyt谷:
Kur fryerja b谷het me stampa fluska vendoset n谷
stampe ku vazhdon fryerja ashtu q谷 masa e qelqit t谷
puthitet pas faqeve t谷 brendshme t谷 stamp谷s metalike .
P谷rdoren sidomos tek makinat automatike Poce
,shishe ,gota etj.
11. Stampimi
Sasia e nevojshme e qelqit vendoset n谷 stamp谷
ku ngjeshet ose fryhet q谷 t谷 marr谷 n谷 sakt谷si
form谷n e stamp谷s.Kjo sh谷rben p谷 t谷 prodhuar
sende t谷 plota me forma t谷 ndryshme .
12. Derdhja
sht谷 nj谷 proces n谷 t谷 cilin masa e qelqit t谷 shkrir谷
derdhet ne stampa t谷 p谷rshtatshme ku merr form谷n
e dh谷n谷 .
Prodhohen objekte artistike ,qelqe p谷r aparate
optike etj.
13. M谷nyra p谷r prodhimin e flet谷ve t谷 qelqit
N谷 sip. t谷 qelqit vendoset nj谷 vark谷 prej materiali
zjarrdurues.Varka zhytet n谷 mas谷n e qelqit n谷
m谷nyr谷 q谷 niveli i t谷 qar谷s t谷 jet谷 m谷 posht谷 se
niveli i l谷ngut .Brumi del nga e qara n谷 trajt谷 flete e
cila t谷rhiqet lart谷 nga qifte cilindrash.Qelqi ftohet
gradualisht dhe prehet n谷 kreun e mekanizmit t谷
19. Projekt i punuar nga :
Arta Gegaj
Fatjona Hoxhaj
Genta Jusufi
Edona Sallahu
Genta Ukimeri
Klasa 11b