The document provides tips for optimizing Unity games to improve CPU and memory performance. It discusses optimizing transforms by collecting updates and using SetPositionAndRotation, optimizing animators by reordering data and removing extra transforms, optimizing physics by reducing collider complexity and raycast distance, and optimizing memory by reducing texture sizes, removing duplicate assets, and marking textures as non-readable.
The document provides tips for optimizing Unity games to improve CPU and memory performance. It discusses optimizing transforms by collecting updates and using SetPositionAndRotation, optimizing animators by reordering data and removing extra transforms, optimizing physics by reducing collider complexity and raycast distance, and optimizing memory by reducing texture sizes, removing duplicate assets, and marking textures as non-readable.
Tokyo HoloLens ミートアップ vol.30(登壇資料。先日あったMixed Reality Dev Days 2022のMRTK3をセションをぎゅっと濃縮してMRTK3概要、基本的な話、興味深い機能の紹介。
12. 28
Madgwick Filter [1]
Madgwick Filter
1. 角速度ベクトルからクォータニオンの変位を計算
2. 重力ベクトルから勾配法によって変位を修正
→ 定常特性の改善,過渡特性の維持
[1] S.O.H. Madgwick, et al. Estimation of IMU and MARG orientation using a gradient descent algorithm. In
2011 IEEE ICORR, pp. 1-7, June 2011.
17. 33
姿勢制御則 Attitude Control Law
PID 補償
Fresk, et al. [2] の制御則
[2] E. Fresk and G. Nikolakopoulos. Full quaternion based attitude control for a quadrotor. In ECC 2013,
pp. 3864-3869, July 2013.