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resume 5 2015docx
Lucy Duarte
38 W. Wimbolton Drive
Mt. Prospect,IL 60056
Cell: 847-322-3664
Dedicated Customer Service Managerwith over 20 years of experience in customer service settings. Achieve
record-high customer satisfaction rankings, improvements to the bottomline and turnaround of
underperforming operations.
Enthusiastic commitment to customerservice asa key driver of company goal attainment. Lead by example and
ensure the execution of all safety,security,quality and operations policies.
Areas of Expertise:
Customer Service Management
Complaint Handling & Resolution
Operations Management
Customer Satisfaction Enhancement
Front-End Supervision
Teambuilding & Training
Cost-Reduction Strategies
Business Relations/Builder
Professional Experience:
American Eagle Airlines  Chicago, IL
Ramp Operations/ Administration Manager  04/14 to current
Responsible for design, development and administration of programs and activities for specified departments. Compiles
and analyzes data using independent judgment to determine procedures involved. Assists in establishing and maintaining
programs and procedures while drawing conclusions in developing recommendations for solutions of business and
administration concerns. Prepares presentation/correspondence. Ensures procedural compliance and compliance with
legal requirements. Performs audit activities to determine what, if any, problems exist and ensures corrective measures are
 Work hand in hand with Human Resources when handling investigations, grievances, and
unemployment hearings
 Understand and apply provisions of union agreements and company/federal regulations
 Exercise sound judgement in making recommendations on information gathered/reviewed
 Flexible and capable of adapting to constant change
 Ability to learn PC applications and apply knowledge
 Work well underdeadlines and high volume stress of project work
 Ability to prioritize tasks,handle multiple projects concurrently,work with minimum supervision
 Work with all levels of management in communicating issues and making presentations
 Directs and coordinate department activities and is responsible for running a safe and effective
 In this role the Manager will resolve operational problems during tour of duty which includes
working in the operation during peak or irregular periods.
 Through the use of cross-functional teams, the Manager may generate and implement quality
improvement ideas.
 Responsible for meeting profitability and cost control goals; develops and monitors budget and
spending,actively seekscost reduction ideas,and monitors lost time.
 Coordinates activities of the ramp service team with related activities of other departments to
ensure efficiency and economy
 Evaluate current procedures and practices for accomplishing ramp service objectives to develop
and implement improved proceduresand practices
 Ensure compliance with all operations(safety/government requirements)
 Investigate discrepancies and compiles statistical data for compliance purposes.
 Coach and counsel personnel and provides guidance to their team on ramp service and
performance issues
 Coordinate variousaspects of the operation including scheduling,hiring,and training
 Evaluate team performance through corporate quality control measurements, such as
observations,feedback,data and customer complaints and compliments
American Eagle Airlines  Chicago, IL
Ramp Operations Supervisor  01/14 to 07/14
same as listed prior below
American Eagle Airlines  Chicago, IL
Customer Service Supervisor  10/12 to 1/14
 Great CustomerService,Sales,and Organizational skills
 Strong AnalyticalandAdministrative abilities
 Excellent oral and writtencommunicationskills,leadership,initiativeandjudgment
 Abilityto work in a high energy,highpaceenvironmentandmaintainforce
 Communicate with managers, peers, both within immediate department, as well as with other
 Spend majority of time in the operation,interacting with employees and customers
 Work in operation during peak or irregular periods
 Ability to multi-task and work independently while paying attention to detail
 Coordinate operation including scheduling and training when necessary
 Analyze and resolve work problems, or assists workers in solving work problems
 Initiate or suggest plans to motivate workers to achieve work goals and team building
 Recommend or initiate personnel actions, such as promotions, transfers, discharges, and
disciplinary measures
 Assist in recommendations to measure the improvement of performance and quality of product,
changesin work conditionsto increase efficiency
 Maintain time and attendance records as well as personnel files and performance records
 Confer with other Supervisors and/or Managers to coordinate activities of individual
 Coach and counsel personnel and provide guidance to employees on customer service and
performance issues
 Document employee performance using Peak Performance through Commitment
 Encourage employee teamwork to generate and implement ideas
 Organize and execute the process of ground transportation ofpassengers when needed
 Involvement in the constant improvement of all safety aspects of the departments
 Ensure adherence of Company safety standards
 Administer company policies and procedures
 Assist in the screening and hiring process of new recruits
American Eagle Airlines  Chicago, IL
Ramp Operations Supervisor  4/11 to 10/12
 RMOD Alternate coverage per operational need (Ramp Management Operation Dept.)
 Great CustomerService and Organizationalskills
 Strong AnalyticalandAdministrative abilities
 Excellent oral and writtencommunicationskills,leadership,initiativeandjudgment
 Communicate with managers, peers, both within immediate department, as well as with other
departmentsto meet operationalneed
 Assist in the screeningandhiring process ofnew recruits
 Resolve operational problems duringtour ofduty
 Coordinate operation including scheduling and training when necessary
 Document employees performance using Peak Performance through Commitment (PPC)
 Conduct investigations and Boards of Inquiry (BOI)
 Directing investigations into cause of internal and external complaints relating to the
 Recommend or initiate personnel actions, such as promotions, transfers, discharges, and
disciplinary measures
 Assist in recommendations to measure the improvement of performance and quality of product,
changesin work conditionsto increase efficiency
 Enforcing of all company rules, and regulations in conjunction with the TWU contract
 Provide employees with necessary tools, resources and training to meet/exceed all operational
performance goals
 Train new hire Clerks,new Supervisors, conduct safety training classes
 Responsible for the performance of Field Service Clerks
 Coordinate workersin multiple areas of Ramp Operation
 Assist in organizing the process of ground transportation ofbags when needed
 Coach and counsel personnel and provide guidance on Ramp Operation
 Interpret Company policies to workers and enforce safety regulations, adherence of Company
safety standards
 Assist workers in solving work related problems
 Write delay analysis, irregularity reports and complete documentation
American Eagle Airlines  Chicago, IL
Bag Team Operations Supervisor  10/10 to 4/11
 Insure timely process and delivery of bags
 Regulate the process of baggage change order requests
 Organize and execute the process of ground transportation ofbags when needed
 Monitordaily input of data on management reports
 Monitordaily delaysand cancellations
 Recommend or initiate personnel actions, such as promotions, transfers, discharges, and
disciplinary measures
 Actively seek cost reduction ideas Initiate or suggest plans to motivate workers achieve work
 Assist Ramp Supervisors with monitoring of ramp operation as needed
 Ensure adherence of Company safety standards
 Enforcing of all company rules, and regulations in conjunction with the TWU contract
American Eagle Airlines  Chicago, IL
Fleet Service Clerk  7/09 to 10/10
 Handling of baggage and/or items on and off aircraft, carts, containers, and transporting these bags
 External servicing of the aircraft including lavatory, potable water, external electricity, air start
and preconditioned air
 Arrival and departure activities of aircraft including cleaning aircraft windshield; pushing out
and related guide person functions
American Airlines  Chicago, IL
Fleet Service Clerk  4/08 to 1/09
 Handling of baggage and/or items on and off aircraft, carts, containers, and trucks. transporting these
 External servicing of the aircraft including lavatory, potable water, external electricity, air start
and preconditioned air
 Arrival and departure activities of aircraft including cleaning aircraft windshield; pushing out
and related guide person functions.
Creative Mortgage Corp.  Elgin, IL
Mortgage Broker  5/04 to 3/08
 Owned/Managed the business with 5 employees
 Sponsorand Host Open Houses for local Realtors
 ExceptionalCustomerService,Sales,Organizational,AnalyticalandAdministrative skills
 Establish great relationships with Banks, Realtors and Customers to secure/generate future repeat
 Shop network consisting of over forty lenders to select the most suitable program to match client
 Assist Loan Officers with quoting and deal structuring of FHA and Conventional loans.
 Work closely with loan officers to obtain the highest level of customer satisfaction under high
stress levels to meet mortgage contingencies and insure timely closings per sales contract and rate lock expiration
 Write,Review andProcessmortgage loanapplications
 Work hand in handdirectly with bank Underwriters andTitle Company
 Expert at mortgage processing, Conventional and FHA loans through Freddie Mac LP, FNMA
DU/DO, and manual underwriting and Calyx Point software. Experience with automated systems for several
 Evaluate files for quality control and risk issues to identify and eliminate potential mortgage
 Complete auditsand generate reports to comply with state regulations/requirements
 Prepare closing documents and attend closings
 Complete administrative and payroll duties
Education and Training
Elgin Community College
Earned 25 credits- Concentration in Business Management/Accounting
References Available Upon Request

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resume 5 2015docx

  • 2. Lucy Duarte 38 W. Wimbolton Drive Mt. Prospect,IL 60056 Ld3664@gmail.com Cell: 847-322-3664 Dedicated Customer Service Managerwith over 20 years of experience in customer service settings. Achieve record-high customer satisfaction rankings, improvements to the bottomline and turnaround of underperforming operations. Enthusiastic commitment to customerservice asa key driver of company goal attainment. Lead by example and ensure the execution of all safety,security,quality and operations policies. Areas of Expertise: Customer Service Management Complaint Handling & Resolution Operations Management Customer Satisfaction Enhancement Front-End Supervision Sales Teambuilding & Training Cost-Reduction Strategies Business Relations/Builder Professional Experience: American Eagle Airlines Chicago, IL Ramp Operations/ Administration Manager 04/14 to current Responsible for design, development and administration of programs and activities for specified departments. Compiles and analyzes data using independent judgment to determine procedures involved. Assists in establishing and maintaining programs and procedures while drawing conclusions in developing recommendations for solutions of business and administration concerns. Prepares presentation/correspondence. Ensures procedural compliance and compliance with
  • 3. legal requirements. Performs audit activities to determine what, if any, problems exist and ensures corrective measures are taken. Work hand in hand with Human Resources when handling investigations, grievances, and unemployment hearings Understand and apply provisions of union agreements and company/federal regulations Exercise sound judgement in making recommendations on information gathered/reviewed Flexible and capable of adapting to constant change Ability to learn PC applications and apply knowledge Work well underdeadlines and high volume stress of project work Ability to prioritize tasks,handle multiple projects concurrently,work with minimum supervision Work with all levels of management in communicating issues and making presentations Directs and coordinate department activities and is responsible for running a safe and effective operation. In this role the Manager will resolve operational problems during tour of duty which includes working in the operation during peak or irregular periods. Through the use of cross-functional teams, the Manager may generate and implement quality improvement ideas. Responsible for meeting profitability and cost control goals; develops and monitors budget and spending,actively seekscost reduction ideas,and monitors lost time. Coordinates activities of the ramp service team with related activities of other departments to ensure efficiency and economy Evaluate current procedures and practices for accomplishing ramp service objectives to develop and implement improved proceduresand practices Ensure compliance with all operations(safety/government requirements) Investigate discrepancies and compiles statistical data for compliance purposes. Coach and counsel personnel and provides guidance to their team on ramp service and performance issues Coordinate variousaspects of the operation including scheduling,hiring,and training Evaluate team performance through corporate quality control measurements, such as observations,feedback,data and customer complaints and compliments American Eagle Airlines Chicago, IL Ramp Operations Supervisor 01/14 to 07/14 same as listed prior below American Eagle Airlines Chicago, IL
  • 4. Customer Service Supervisor 10/12 to 1/14 Great CustomerService,Sales,and Organizational skills Strong AnalyticalandAdministrative abilities Excellent oral and writtencommunicationskills,leadership,initiativeandjudgment Abilityto work in a high energy,highpaceenvironmentandmaintainforce Communicate with managers, peers, both within immediate department, as well as with other departments Spend majority of time in the operation,interacting with employees and customers Work in operation during peak or irregular periods Ability to multi-task and work independently while paying attention to detail Coordinate operation including scheduling and training when necessary Analyze and resolve work problems, or assists workers in solving work problems Initiate or suggest plans to motivate workers to achieve work goals and team building Recommend or initiate personnel actions, such as promotions, transfers, discharges, and disciplinary measures Assist in recommendations to measure the improvement of performance and quality of product, changesin work conditionsto increase efficiency Maintain time and attendance records as well as personnel files and performance records Confer with other Supervisors and/or Managers to coordinate activities of individual departments Coach and counsel personnel and provide guidance to employees on customer service and performance issues Document employee performance using Peak Performance through Commitment Encourage employee teamwork to generate and implement ideas Organize and execute the process of ground transportation ofpassengers when needed Involvement in the constant improvement of all safety aspects of the departments Ensure adherence of Company safety standards Administer company policies and procedures Assist in the screening and hiring process of new recruits
  • 5. American Eagle Airlines Chicago, IL Ramp Operations Supervisor 4/11 to 10/12 RMOD Alternate coverage per operational need (Ramp Management Operation Dept.) Great CustomerService and Organizationalskills Strong AnalyticalandAdministrative abilities Excellent oral and writtencommunicationskills,leadership,initiativeandjudgment Communicate with managers, peers, both within immediate department, as well as with other departmentsto meet operationalneed Assist in the screeningandhiring process ofnew recruits Resolve operational problems duringtour ofduty Coordinate operation including scheduling and training when necessary Document employees performance using Peak Performance through Commitment (PPC) Conduct investigations and Boards of Inquiry (BOI) Directing investigations into cause of internal and external complaints relating to the department Recommend or initiate personnel actions, such as promotions, transfers, discharges, and disciplinary measures Assist in recommendations to measure the improvement of performance and quality of product, changesin work conditionsto increase efficiency Enforcing of all company rules, and regulations in conjunction with the TWU contract Provide employees with necessary tools, resources and training to meet/exceed all operational performance goals Train new hire Clerks,new Supervisors, conduct safety training classes Responsible for the performance of Field Service Clerks Coordinate workersin multiple areas of Ramp Operation Assist in organizing the process of ground transportation ofbags when needed Coach and counsel personnel and provide guidance on Ramp Operation Interpret Company policies to workers and enforce safety regulations, adherence of Company safety standards Assist workers in solving work related problems Write delay analysis, irregularity reports and complete documentation American Eagle Airlines Chicago, IL Bag Team Operations Supervisor 10/10 to 4/11
  • 6. Insure timely process and delivery of bags Regulate the process of baggage change order requests Organize and execute the process of ground transportation ofbags when needed Monitordaily input of data on management reports Monitordaily delaysand cancellations Recommend or initiate personnel actions, such as promotions, transfers, discharges, and disciplinary measures Actively seek cost reduction ideas Initiate or suggest plans to motivate workers achieve work goals Assist Ramp Supervisors with monitoring of ramp operation as needed Ensure adherence of Company safety standards Enforcing of all company rules, and regulations in conjunction with the TWU contract American Eagle Airlines Chicago, IL Fleet Service Clerk 7/09 to 10/10 Handling of baggage and/or items on and off aircraft, carts, containers, and transporting these bags and/oritemsbetweenterminals,gates,andbagbelts External servicing of the aircraft including lavatory, potable water, external electricity, air start and preconditioned air Arrival and departure activities of aircraft including cleaning aircraft windshield; pushing out and related guide person functions American Airlines Chicago, IL Fleet Service Clerk 4/08 to 1/09 Handling of baggage and/or items on and off aircraft, carts, containers, and trucks. transporting these bagsand/oritemsbetweenterminals,gates,andbagbelts External servicing of the aircraft including lavatory, potable water, external electricity, air start and preconditioned air Arrival and departure activities of aircraft including cleaning aircraft windshield; pushing out and related guide person functions. Creative Mortgage Corp. Elgin, IL
  • 7. Mortgage Broker 5/04 to 3/08 Owned/Managed the business with 5 employees Sponsorand Host Open Houses for local Realtors ExceptionalCustomerService,Sales,Organizational,AnalyticalandAdministrative skills Establish great relationships with Banks, Realtors and Customers to secure/generate future repeat businessreferrals/revenue Shop network consisting of over forty lenders to select the most suitable program to match client needs. Assist Loan Officers with quoting and deal structuring of FHA and Conventional loans. Work closely with loan officers to obtain the highest level of customer satisfaction under high stress levels to meet mortgage contingencies and insure timely closings per sales contract and rate lock expiration dates. Write,Review andProcessmortgage loanapplications Work hand in handdirectly with bank Underwriters andTitle Company Expert at mortgage processing, Conventional and FHA loans through Freddie Mac LP, FNMA DU/DO, and manual underwriting and Calyx Point software. Experience with automated systems for several lenders Evaluate files for quality control and risk issues to identify and eliminate potential mortgage fraud. Complete auditsand generate reports to comply with state regulations/requirements Prepare closing documents and attend closings Complete administrative and payroll duties Education and Training
  • 8. Elgin Community College Earned 25 credits- Concentration in Business Management/Accounting References Available Upon Request