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Lisa Zerby, MN, RN, CNOR 10752 126th Ave NE
Kirkland, WA 98033
To develop, improve and utilize my nurse educator skills to assist students in achieving
their best in becoming nurses. To protect the safety and well being of, and advocate for,
patients and students in my care. Long-term goals include developing expertise as a
nurse educator, while maintaining relevant clinical practice. To develop my skills as an
instructor and share my experience, knowledge and skills with student nurses for the
MN Masters of Nursing; UW, Bothell, June 2014, Sigma Theta Tau
BSN Bachelors of Science in Nursing; UW, Bothell, June 2012
AAS Associates Degree in Applied Science in Nursing; Lake Washington
Institute of Technology, Kirkland, December 2010, Magna Cum Laude
CoC Nursing Assistant from LWIT, Kirkland, April 2008
CoC Surgical Technology from RTC, Renton, January 1990, Summa Cum Laude
Diploma Lindbergh High School, Renton, June 1984, Magna Cum Laude
Credentials & Licensing
Nurse License: RN60190985 Issued: 1/2011; Expires: 6/2016
CNOR certification Obtained: 9/2013; Expires 12/2018
BLS/CPR certification Last issued: 6/2014; Expires: 6/2016
Professional Experience
9/2014 to present Nursing Faculty, Renton Technical College
1/2014 to 6/2014 Teaching Assistant: University of Washington, Bothell
9/2011 to present Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle; CNOR staff nurse,
preceptor, relief charge nurse
4/2004 to 9/2011 Group Health Cooperative, Bellevue and Redmond; Senior/Lead
3/1994 to 11/2003 OHMC, Bellevue; Surgical Technologist, MMS, Surgical Scheduling
3/1991 to 3/1994 Auburn Regional Medical Center, Auburn; CST, Endoscopy
3/1991 to 3/1992 Snoqualmie Valley Hospital, Snoqualmie; Surgical Technologist
6/1990 to 9/1990 UWMC, Seattle; Hospital Assistant/Endoscopy Technologist,
Teaching Experience
9/2015 to present Alterations in Health Care Needs Theory, Lab Skills and
Clinicals (Med-Surg)
6/2016 to 8/2016 Major Chronic Alterations in Health Care Needs Theory, Lab
Skills and Clinicals (Med-Surg)
3/2015 to 6/2016 Alterations in Health Care Needs Theory, Lab Skills and
Clinicals (Med-Surg)
Lisa Zerby
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1/2015 to 2/2015 Major Acute Alterations in Health Care Needs Clinicals (Acute
Care VMC)
1/2015 to present Alterations in Health Care Needs Theory, Lab Skills and Clinicals
9/2014 to
Foundations of Nursing Practice Theory, Lab Skills and Clinicals
8/2014 to present AORN Seattle Chapter education program contributor
1/2014 to present Course development: Patient Safety Using EBP
1/2014 to 6/2014 Teaching Assistant RN-BSN Program Core Course (EBP & CI)
9/2012 to present Preceptor and mentor, OR, VMMC
5/2013 to present UWB MN program curriculum revision/update
3/2013 to 6/2013 Curriculum evaluation & analysis (QSEN, for accreditation) LWIT
Nursing Program
1/2012 to 3/2012 Community, Occupation and Environmental Health Nursing
1/2010 to 6/2010 LWIT, Kirkland; Instructional Assistant, Medical Assisting
3/2010 to 6/2011 Spanish tutoring, LWIT, Kirkland
12/2008 to
RN program mentoring/tutoring LWIT
1/2008 to 4/2008 CNA academic and skill mentoring/tutoring
2004 to 2010 Preceptor: Sterile Processing Department, new employees and
students; GHC, Bellevue
Presentations & Papers
6/2014 Creation of Teaching-Learning Module on Patient Safety
presentation and paper
6/2014 Mentoring in Nursing Education presentation
5/2014 Translating Research Into Practice or TRIP presentation
4/2014 Ortho Trauma in the OR, VMMC
3/2014 Teaching EBP to Colleagues to Improve Patient Safety
presentation and paper
3/2014 Nursing Roles: Pathways to post-Graduate Degrees (DNP, Ph.D.)
11/2013 Use of Aesthetics in Healthcare Institutions paper
11/2013 Ethical Reflection: Patient Safety in the Operating Room paper
Lisa Zerby
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8/2013 Steep Trendelenburg Lithotomy Positioning: Safely Positioning the
Patient for Robotic Assisted Gynecological Surgery presentation
8/2013 Teaching Effective Communication Skills: For Nurses New to the
Operating Room presentation
8/2013 Becoming a Preceptor: Beginning Steps to Becoming a Nurse
Educator paper
6/2013 Lake Washington Institute of Technology Nursing Program Gap
Analysis presentation
6/2013 Surgical Team Compliance for Surgical Safety Time Out
Completion presentation and paper
5/2013 Development of Newly Formed Litho Team with Ongoing
Evaluation paper
4/2013 Assessment of a Population and Evaluation of Data Collection
Tools paper
4/2013 Patient Safety: Using the Surgical Time Out to Improve Patient
Safety Outcomes paper
3/2013 Making a Difference: Fundraising for Chinese Girls Education
presentation and paper
12/2012 Application of Swansons Caring Theory into Practice: Caring
Perioperative Nursing paper
12/2012 Analysis of Leadership in Nursing: Styles and Methods to Achieve
Transformational Leadership paper
5/2012 A Journey in Reflection presentation
5/2012 The Effects of Culture on Teen Pregnancy and Access to
Contraceptives presentation
3/2012 Walkthrough Assessment of Morel Foundry: Environmental and
Occupational Assessment for Health Promotion paper
2/2012 Implementation of a Skin Tear Protocol to Decrease Incidence of
Skin Tears in Adults 65 Years of Age or Older presentation
1/2012 to 3/2012 Hazard Communication Training for Morel Foundry/Ballard Brass
Industry, Seattle
11/2011 Stress and Health: Manage Your Stress for Good Health
11/2011 Conceptual Synthesis: Race and Class paper
11/2011 Expanding the Social Network paper
Lisa Zerby
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6/2011 Acculturation presentation
5/2011 Community Health and Medicine in El Salvador paper
4/2011 South Asians in the Diaspora presentation
12/2010 Nursing Career Ladders presentation
5/2010 Traumatic brain Injury and Intracranial Pressure Monitoring
2/2010 Community Health Promotion: Healthy Snacking presentation
1/2010 Comparison of Israeli to US Birthing Practices presentation
11/2009 Nursing Considerations and Implications for Clients with
Rheumatoid Arthritis paper and presentation
6/2009 The Nursing Care Plan and Age-Related Changes paper
5/2009 Roles for Gerontological Nurses in Home, Institution and
Community Settings presentation
4/2004 to 9/2011 In-Service development, coordination and presentation; GHC
Volunteer/Community Service Experience
8/2014 Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission (NCQAC) Nursing
Practice Advisory Group (NPAG) member
6/2014 WSNA Patient Safety Summit
5/2013 Universal Leadership Conference, UWB
5/2013 UWB MN Program re-design
2/2013 Advocacy Camp (WSNA)
5/2012 UW Bothell 5k Run/Walk med-tent nurse
2/2012, 2/2010 Nurse Legislation Day
1/25/2012 Environmental Lobby Day, 2012
4/30/2011 Washington C.A.R.E Clinic (NAFC)
1/2009-12/2010 Blood Pressure Screening: Monthly On-Campus, LWIT
6/2010 Northwest Kidney Fest, Northwest Kidney Centers
4/2010 Health & Wellness Fair, LWIT; Student Liaison for Nursing Program
4/2010 Community Health Promotion: Nutrition; Girls & Boys Club, Kirkland
10/2009; 10/2010 OHMC Vitality Fair
11/2009 Higher Touch Health Fair, Bellevue
Honors & Awards
Academic excellence, UW Bothell Nursing program 1/2014
Academic excellence, UW Bothell Nursing program 20th
Anniversary celebration
Degree Prospects Scholarship 7/2012
Auxiliary of Group Health Cooperative Academic Scholarship 3/2008
Lisa Zerby
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4/2014 to present Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (STTI)
10/2013 to 6/2014 UWB Nursing Program MN CRC
10/2013 to present Washington Council for Nursing (WCN)
4/2013 to present Society of Urological Nurses & Associates (SUNA)
3/2013 to present CLABSI/CAUTI Committee (VMMC)
3/2013 to 6/2013 Graduate Senator, ASUWB
2013 to present Diversity Nursing
2013 to present Institute of Medicine (IOM)
2013 to present National Academy of State Health Policy (NASHP)
2013 to present National League of Nursing (NLN)
6/2012 to present University of Washington Alumni Association (UWAA)
5/2012 to present Professional Development and Recognition Program (PDRP)
Pilot contributor and participant
2/2012 to present Golden Key International Honor Society
2/2012 to present Phi Sigma Theta National Honor Society
2012 to present Equal Rights Washington (ERW)
2012 to present Global Fund for Women (GFW)
2012 to present Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
2012 to present United States Student Association (USSA)
3/2011 to 6/2014 Associated Student Union UW Bothell (ASUWB)
1/2011 to present Association of Operating Room Nurses (AORN)
10/2010 to present King County Nurses Association (KCNA)
4/2010 to present Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society
1/2009 to present American Association of Nurses (ANA)
1/2009 to present Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA)
Languages & International Travel
English Native fluency
Spanish Elementary fluency
French Elementary fluency
Travel Canada, France (Paris), Iceland
Transcripts, work samples and letters of reference or recommendation available
upon request.

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  • 1. Lisa Zerby, MN, RN, CNOR 10752 126th Ave NE Kirkland, WA 98033 206-601-9746 lisa.zerby@me.com Objective To develop, improve and utilize my nurse educator skills to assist students in achieving their best in becoming nurses. To protect the safety and well being of, and advocate for, patients and students in my care. Long-term goals include developing expertise as a nurse educator, while maintaining relevant clinical practice. To develop my skills as an instructor and share my experience, knowledge and skills with student nurses for the future. Education/Training MN Masters of Nursing; UW, Bothell, June 2014, Sigma Theta Tau BSN Bachelors of Science in Nursing; UW, Bothell, June 2012 AAS Associates Degree in Applied Science in Nursing; Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Kirkland, December 2010, Magna Cum Laude CoC Nursing Assistant from LWIT, Kirkland, April 2008 CoC Surgical Technology from RTC, Renton, January 1990, Summa Cum Laude Diploma Lindbergh High School, Renton, June 1984, Magna Cum Laude Credentials & Licensing Nurse License: RN60190985 Issued: 1/2011; Expires: 6/2016 CNOR certification Obtained: 9/2013; Expires 12/2018 BLS/CPR certification Last issued: 6/2014; Expires: 6/2016 Professional Experience 9/2014 to present Nursing Faculty, Renton Technical College 1/2014 to 6/2014 Teaching Assistant: University of Washington, Bothell 9/2011 to present Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle; CNOR staff nurse, preceptor, relief charge nurse 4/2004 to 9/2011 Group Health Cooperative, Bellevue and Redmond; Senior/Lead CSRT 3/1994 to 11/2003 OHMC, Bellevue; Surgical Technologist, MMS, Surgical Scheduling 3/1991 to 3/1994 Auburn Regional Medical Center, Auburn; CST, Endoscopy Tech/Assistant 3/1991 to 3/1992 Snoqualmie Valley Hospital, Snoqualmie; Surgical Technologist 6/1990 to 9/1990 UWMC, Seattle; Hospital Assistant/Endoscopy Technologist, Scheduling Teaching Experience 9/2015 to present Alterations in Health Care Needs Theory, Lab Skills and Clinicals (Med-Surg) 6/2016 to 8/2016 Major Chronic Alterations in Health Care Needs Theory, Lab Skills and Clinicals (Med-Surg) 3/2015 to 6/2016 Alterations in Health Care Needs Theory, Lab Skills and Clinicals (Med-Surg)
  • 2. Lisa Zerby Page 2 1/2015 to 2/2015 Major Acute Alterations in Health Care Needs Clinicals (Acute Care VMC) 1/2015 to present Alterations in Health Care Needs Theory, Lab Skills and Clinicals (Med-Surg) 9/2014 to 12/2014 Foundations of Nursing Practice Theory, Lab Skills and Clinicals (LTC) 8/2014 to present AORN Seattle Chapter education program contributor 1/2014 to present Course development: Patient Safety Using EBP 1/2014 to 6/2014 Teaching Assistant RN-BSN Program Core Course (EBP & CI) 9/2012 to present Preceptor and mentor, OR, VMMC 5/2013 to present UWB MN program curriculum revision/update 3/2013 to 6/2013 Curriculum evaluation & analysis (QSEN, for accreditation) LWIT Nursing Program 1/2012 to 3/2012 Community, Occupation and Environmental Health Nursing 1/2010 to 6/2010 LWIT, Kirkland; Instructional Assistant, Medical Assisting Program 3/2010 to 6/2011 Spanish tutoring, LWIT, Kirkland 12/2008 to 12/2010 RN program mentoring/tutoring LWIT 1/2008 to 4/2008 CNA academic and skill mentoring/tutoring 2004 to 2010 Preceptor: Sterile Processing Department, new employees and students; GHC, Bellevue Presentations & Papers 6/2014 Creation of Teaching-Learning Module on Patient Safety presentation and paper 6/2014 Mentoring in Nursing Education presentation 5/2014 Translating Research Into Practice or TRIP presentation 4/2014 Ortho Trauma in the OR, VMMC 3/2014 Teaching EBP to Colleagues to Improve Patient Safety presentation and paper 3/2014 Nursing Roles: Pathways to post-Graduate Degrees (DNP, Ph.D.) presentation 11/2013 Use of Aesthetics in Healthcare Institutions paper 11/2013 Ethical Reflection: Patient Safety in the Operating Room paper
  • 3. Lisa Zerby Page 3 8/2013 Steep Trendelenburg Lithotomy Positioning: Safely Positioning the Patient for Robotic Assisted Gynecological Surgery presentation 8/2013 Teaching Effective Communication Skills: For Nurses New to the Operating Room presentation 8/2013 Becoming a Preceptor: Beginning Steps to Becoming a Nurse Educator paper 6/2013 Lake Washington Institute of Technology Nursing Program Gap Analysis presentation 6/2013 Surgical Team Compliance for Surgical Safety Time Out Completion presentation and paper 5/2013 Development of Newly Formed Litho Team with Ongoing Evaluation paper 4/2013 Assessment of a Population and Evaluation of Data Collection Tools paper 4/2013 Patient Safety: Using the Surgical Time Out to Improve Patient Safety Outcomes paper 3/2013 Making a Difference: Fundraising for Chinese Girls Education presentation and paper 12/2012 Application of Swansons Caring Theory into Practice: Caring Perioperative Nursing paper 12/2012 Analysis of Leadership in Nursing: Styles and Methods to Achieve Transformational Leadership paper 5/2012 A Journey in Reflection presentation 5/2012 The Effects of Culture on Teen Pregnancy and Access to Contraceptives presentation 3/2012 Walkthrough Assessment of Morel Foundry: Environmental and Occupational Assessment for Health Promotion paper 2/2012 Implementation of a Skin Tear Protocol to Decrease Incidence of Skin Tears in Adults 65 Years of Age or Older presentation 1/2012 to 3/2012 Hazard Communication Training for Morel Foundry/Ballard Brass Industry, Seattle 11/2011 Stress and Health: Manage Your Stress for Good Health presentation 11/2011 Conceptual Synthesis: Race and Class paper 11/2011 Expanding the Social Network paper
  • 4. Lisa Zerby Page 4 6/2011 Acculturation presentation 5/2011 Community Health and Medicine in El Salvador paper 4/2011 South Asians in the Diaspora presentation 12/2010 Nursing Career Ladders presentation 5/2010 Traumatic brain Injury and Intracranial Pressure Monitoring presentation 2/2010 Community Health Promotion: Healthy Snacking presentation 1/2010 Comparison of Israeli to US Birthing Practices presentation 11/2009 Nursing Considerations and Implications for Clients with Rheumatoid Arthritis paper and presentation 6/2009 The Nursing Care Plan and Age-Related Changes paper 5/2009 Roles for Gerontological Nurses in Home, Institution and Community Settings presentation 4/2004 to 9/2011 In-Service development, coordination and presentation; GHC Volunteer/Community Service Experience 8/2014 Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission (NCQAC) Nursing Practice Advisory Group (NPAG) member 6/2014 WSNA Patient Safety Summit 5/2013 Universal Leadership Conference, UWB 5/2013 UWB MN Program re-design 2/2013 Advocacy Camp (WSNA) 5/2012 UW Bothell 5k Run/Walk med-tent nurse 2/2012, 2/2010 Nurse Legislation Day 1/25/2012 Environmental Lobby Day, 2012 4/30/2011 Washington C.A.R.E Clinic (NAFC) 1/2009-12/2010 Blood Pressure Screening: Monthly On-Campus, LWIT 6/2010 Northwest Kidney Fest, Northwest Kidney Centers 4/2010 Health & Wellness Fair, LWIT; Student Liaison for Nursing Program 4/2010 Community Health Promotion: Nutrition; Girls & Boys Club, Kirkland 10/2009; 10/2010 OHMC Vitality Fair 11/2009 Higher Touch Health Fair, Bellevue Honors & Awards Academic excellence, UW Bothell Nursing program 1/2014 Academic excellence, UW Bothell Nursing program 20th Anniversary celebration 11/2012 Degree Prospects Scholarship 7/2012 Auxiliary of Group Health Cooperative Academic Scholarship 3/2008
  • 5. Lisa Zerby Page 5 Affiliations/Memberships/Committees 4/2014 to present Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (STTI) 10/2013 to 6/2014 UWB Nursing Program MN CRC 10/2013 to present Washington Council for Nursing (WCN) 4/2013 to present Society of Urological Nurses & Associates (SUNA) 3/2013 to present CLABSI/CAUTI Committee (VMMC) 3/2013 to 6/2013 Graduate Senator, ASUWB 2013 to present Diversity Nursing 2013 to present Institute of Medicine (IOM) 2013 to present National Academy of State Health Policy (NASHP) 2013 to present National League of Nursing (NLN) 6/2012 to present University of Washington Alumni Association (UWAA) 5/2012 to present Professional Development and Recognition Program (PDRP) Pilot contributor and participant 2/2012 to present Golden Key International Honor Society 2/2012 to present Phi Sigma Theta National Honor Society 2012 to present Equal Rights Washington (ERW) 2012 to present Global Fund for Women (GFW) 2012 to present Human Rights Campaign (HRC) 2012 to present United States Student Association (USSA) 3/2011 to 6/2014 Associated Student Union UW Bothell (ASUWB) 1/2011 to present Association of Operating Room Nurses (AORN) 10/2010 to present King County Nurses Association (KCNA) 4/2010 to present Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society 1/2009 to present American Association of Nurses (ANA) 1/2009 to present Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA) Languages & International Travel English Native fluency Spanish Elementary fluency French Elementary fluency Travel Canada, France (Paris), Iceland Transcripts, work samples and letters of reference or recommendation available upon request.