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"These slides from Anita Ondine are being made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License."
Introduction to Exceptional Event Analyst CommunityErin Robinson
This document summarizes an introduction webinar for the Exceptional Event Analyst Community. It provided an overview of the Exceptional Event Documentation System (EE DSS) tool and resources for exceptional event analysis. Over 140 people from over 50 organizations registered for the webinar. It highlighted the EE DSS wiki as a hub for community activities, resources tagged with #ExceptionalEvent on Delicious, and the timeline for exceptional event flag submission and documentation for PM2.5. Contact information was provided for key community contacts.
The document discusses the ESIP Commons, which aims to provide a knowledge repository and citation mechanism for information generated by the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP). The ESIP Commons allows members to publish, cite, and discover various non-traditional scholarly works, including white papers, meeting materials, and future content types. It tracks contributions by individuals and organizations to further knowledge sharing within the ESIP network.
Proactively manage quality and outcomes readmissionsBrenda Aulinskis
The document discusses challenges in healthcare around reducing preventable hospital readmissions and the financial penalties providers face; it presents SAS's readmission analytics platform which uses data integration, predictive modeling, and clinical decision support to identify at-risk patients, determine the interventions most likely to prevent readmissions, and optimize outcomes. The platform aims to help providers engage patients, make evidence-based decisions, and lower readmission rates and costs.
The document discusses how ESIP (Earth Science Information Partners) uses virtual communities and platforms to facilitate collaboration around earth science data. It provides examples of how ESIP creates wikis, social media listening tools, and hybrid meeting spaces to allow distributed groups to find, discuss, and share data. These virtual "planks" and "workspaces" help scale collaboration across disciplines and communities. The goal is to support interoperability at multiple levels and allow earth scientists and IT practitioners to produce returns by working together in a connected, social way.
The document provides basic rules for using the articles "a/an", "the", and no article (nothing) in English. It explains that "a/an" is used before singular countable nouns when referring to something for the first time. "The" is used before singular and plural nouns when referring to something again, or when referring to specific people, places, or things. No article is used in many contexts like general references, days of the week, continents, individual countries, places, meals, modes of transportation, sports, and more.
Esip 101 - An introduction to all things ESIPErin Robinson
This document provides an introduction to the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Federation, a community of Earth science data and information technology practitioners. It outlines ESIP's vision and history, describes its partner types and governance structure, and highlights some of the work it does to support interoperability, best practices, professional development, and collaboration in Earth science. Key information includes that ESIP was formed in 1998 by NASA, is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and brings together over 150 partner organizations in a distributed network to advance Earth science.
Transforming Networking within ESIP using ResearchBitErin Robinson
Geoscientists increasingly need interdisciplinary teams to solve their research problems. Currently, geoscientists use Research Networking (RN) systems to connect with each other and find people of similar and dissimilar interests. As we shift to digitally mediated scholarship, we need innovative methods for scholarly communication. Formal methods for scholarly communication are undergoing vast transformation owing to the open-access movement and reproducible research. However, informal scholarly communication that takes place at professional society meetings and conferences, like AGU, has received limited research attention relying primarily on serendipitous interaction.
The ResearchBit project aims to fundamentally improve informal methods of scholarly communication by leveraging the serendipitous interactions of researchers and making them more aware of co-located potential collaborators with mutual interests. This presentation will describe our preliminary hardware testing done at the Federation for Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer meeting this past July and the initial recommendation system design. The presentation will also cover the cultural shifts and hurdles to introducing new technology, the privacy concerns of tracking technology and how we are addressing those new issues.
Presented at 2015 AGU Fall Meeting
The document discusses the ESIP Commons, which aims to provide a knowledge repository and citation mechanism for information generated by the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP). The ESIP Commons allows members to publish, cite, and discover various non-traditional scholarly works, including white papers, meeting materials, and future content types. It tracks contributions by individuals and organizations to further knowledge sharing within the ESIP network.
Proactively manage quality and outcomes readmissionsBrenda Aulinskis
The document discusses challenges in healthcare around reducing preventable hospital readmissions and the financial penalties providers face; it presents SAS's readmission analytics platform which uses data integration, predictive modeling, and clinical decision support to identify at-risk patients, determine the interventions most likely to prevent readmissions, and optimize outcomes. The platform aims to help providers engage patients, make evidence-based decisions, and lower readmission rates and costs.
The document discusses how ESIP (Earth Science Information Partners) uses virtual communities and platforms to facilitate collaboration around earth science data. It provides examples of how ESIP creates wikis, social media listening tools, and hybrid meeting spaces to allow distributed groups to find, discuss, and share data. These virtual "planks" and "workspaces" help scale collaboration across disciplines and communities. The goal is to support interoperability at multiple levels and allow earth scientists and IT practitioners to produce returns by working together in a connected, social way.
The document provides basic rules for using the articles "a/an", "the", and no article (nothing) in English. It explains that "a/an" is used before singular countable nouns when referring to something for the first time. "The" is used before singular and plural nouns when referring to something again, or when referring to specific people, places, or things. No article is used in many contexts like general references, days of the week, continents, individual countries, places, meals, modes of transportation, sports, and more.
Esip 101 - An introduction to all things ESIPErin Robinson
This document provides an introduction to the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Federation, a community of Earth science data and information technology practitioners. It outlines ESIP's vision and history, describes its partner types and governance structure, and highlights some of the work it does to support interoperability, best practices, professional development, and collaboration in Earth science. Key information includes that ESIP was formed in 1998 by NASA, is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and brings together over 150 partner organizations in a distributed network to advance Earth science.
Transforming Networking within ESIP using ResearchBitErin Robinson
Geoscientists increasingly need interdisciplinary teams to solve their research problems. Currently, geoscientists use Research Networking (RN) systems to connect with each other and find people of similar and dissimilar interests. As we shift to digitally mediated scholarship, we need innovative methods for scholarly communication. Formal methods for scholarly communication are undergoing vast transformation owing to the open-access movement and reproducible research. However, informal scholarly communication that takes place at professional society meetings and conferences, like AGU, has received limited research attention relying primarily on serendipitous interaction.
The ResearchBit project aims to fundamentally improve informal methods of scholarly communication by leveraging the serendipitous interactions of researchers and making them more aware of co-located potential collaborators with mutual interests. This presentation will describe our preliminary hardware testing done at the Federation for Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer meeting this past July and the initial recommendation system design. The presentation will also cover the cultural shifts and hurdles to introducing new technology, the privacy concerns of tracking technology and how we are addressing those new issues.
Presented at 2015 AGU Fall Meeting
"Queer Legal Studies: An Introduction," a presentation given by Maurice Hong-...narzissmus
"Queer Legal Studies: An Introduction," a presentation given by Maurice Hong-Cheng Chang at Graduate Institute for Gender Studies, Shih Hsin University, 11 May 2009.
2. 法律帝國的締造者: Ronald Dworkin (德沃金)其人其事 1931 年出生於美國羅德島州的 Providence 。 從哈佛到牛津 ( 1953-1955 ): 由哲學轉向法律。 青年德沃金: 哈佛法學院( 1955-57) Learned Hand 法官助理( 1957-58 ) 紐約國際商務律師( 1958-62 ) 從實務到學術: 耶魯法學院副教授( 1962-67 ) 耶魯法理學講座教授( Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld Professor of Jurisprudence, 1968-69 )
3. 登上學術頂峰: 牛津大學法理學講座教授 ( 1969-98 ) 紐約大學法學與哲學教授 ( 1975- 迄今) UCL 倫敦大學大學學院客座教授 ( 1984-98 ) UCL 奎恩法理學講座教授 ( Quain Professor of Jurisprudence, 1998-2008 ) 獲頒挪威「霍爾堡國際紀念獎」 ( Holberg International Memorial Prize,2007 ) UCL 邊沁法理學講座教授 ( 2008-2010 )
4. 著作(專書) : Taking Rights Seriously (1978) A Matter of Principle (1985) Law’s Empire (1986) Life’s Dominion (1993) Freedom’s Law (1996) Sovereign Virtue (2000) Justice in Robes (2006) Is Democracy Possible Here (2006) Justice for Hedgehogs (2011, forthcoming)
5. 探索法律帝國(一):藍圖 我們都是法律帝國的子民,是其 方法 與 理想 的忠誠追隨者,當我們在辯論因此必須做什麼的時候,我們心中正受著它的束縛。 法律推理是 建構性詮釋 ( constructive interpretation )的一種運用,我們的法律存在於 對我們整體法律實踐的最佳證立 ( the best justification of our legal practices as a whole ),它存在於矢志這些實踐盡可能成為最佳的 敘事 之中。 由這一觀點來看,只有當我們確認與區別出政治價值之多樣且時常相互競爭的不同面向,也就是在「 某個詮釋在全盤考量下,比起任何其他詮釋,可以使法律故事在整體上成為較佳 」的這個複雜判斷中,交織在一起所呈現出來的不同部分時,法律論證( legal argument )的獨特結構與限制才會浮現出來。
6. 這本書要粹煉、開展與闡明如此的法律概念觀( conception of law )。這個概念觀是從 整全性 ( integrity )、 社群 ( community )與 友愛 ( fraternity )等更具普遍性的政略中,發掘自己的根基。它探索對於 抽象法理論 ( legal theory )的重大影響,接著是對 普通法 ( common law )、 制定法 ( statute )與 憲法 ( the constitution )中所產生的一系列具體個案的重大影響。 ~ ( LE 序言 ) 這本書的討論對象是關於 法律中的理論爭議 ( theoretical disagreement in law ),其目標是要理解理論爭議是何種爭議,然後再建構與捍衛一個 適當法律根據 ( the proper grounds of law )的特定理論。 ~( LE, 11/12 )
9. 法哲學家們爭論著總則部分 ( general part ),即任何法律論證所必須擁有的 詮釋性基礎 。我們可以從反面看。實務中的任何法律論證,無論如何瑣碎與有限,都預設著法理學所提供的那種抽象基礎,而當諸多敵對基礎相互競爭時,一個法律論證預設著其一而拒絕其他。因此, 任何法官的意見書本身就是法哲學的作品 ,縱使那個哲學被隱藏著,而引證與一系列事實支配著可見的論證。 法理學是裁判的總則部分,是任何法律決定的無聲前言。 Jurisprudence is the general part of adjudication, silent prologue to any decision at law. ~ ( LE, 90/98-99 )
10. 探索法律帝國(四):支柱(核心論點) I. 法律本旨的建構性詮釋: 我們關於法律的討論,一般來講都有著這樣的預設,即法律實踐最抽象與最根本的本旨( point )在於,以下述方式引導與拘束政府權力: 法律堅持,除非是源自 ( flowing from ) 過去的政治決定,對於「集體力量何時正當(或被證立) ( justified )」 所作成的個人權利與責任的許可 ( licensed ) 或要求,否則強制力均不應行使或不行使,不論這些目的多麼有幫助,多麼有益或多麼高貴 。 ~ ( LE, 93/101 )
14. III. 整全性的政治道德美德: 整全性與社群人格化: 整全性顯示其與一個與之平行的個人道德( personal morality )理想的關聯。……當我們對被當成 道德主體 ( moral agent )的國家或社群,提出相同要求時,當我們堅持,國家必須依照 單一融貫的一組原則來行動 時,整全性就變成政治理想。 ~ ( LE, 166/174-5 )