Java one2016 con3054-watsonap-issandhya kapoorThis document discusses building cognitive applications using Watson APIs. It provides an overview of cognitive computing and machine learning, as well as a demonstration of using the Watson Java SDK to analyze the tone of text. The document discusses problems that cognitive applications can help solve, the history of AI and machine learning, use cases, and major players in the field. It also demonstrates a sample cognitive application for conversational skills that is built with Watson services and deployed to Bluemix.
TriMed Annual MembershipsTriMed : Dr. ESK CIMS Pvt. LtdTrimed offers annual membership packages at different levels - Silver, Gold, Platinum, Titanium, Diamond and Solitaire. Each level provides access to online medical records and assessments. They also provide various consultations and services depending on the level, with higher levels providing more consultations and home visits. The memberships are valid for one year and can be renewed, with the balance amount carried forward to subsequent years. Family members can also avail the benefits by taking the medical records and assessments. Diagnostics can also be availed by members.
Avoid six mistakes-maria arruaMaria A. ArruaThe document outlines six common mistakes people make when applying for a mortgage: 1) forgetting to check your credit score beforehand, 2) withholding any personal or financial information from loan documents, 3) making large deposits into your bank account right before applying, 4) not getting pre-approved for a loan amount, 5) not shopping around for the best mortgage deal, and 6) changing jobs during the application process. The document provides tips to avoid each mistake such as checking your credit early, being fully transparent, maintaining consistent bank deposits, getting pre-approved, comparing multiple lender offers, and waiting to change jobs until after closing.
My family!GisiMaldonadoThis document describes a family consisting of a mother, father, brother, sister, and dog. The family spends a lot of time together, though this closeness can sometimes lead to arguments. Each family member supports and protects the others. The mother is a lawyer who works with her aunt in publicity, while the father is a mechanical engineer. The brother and sister love each other but also fight occasionally, and they look out for one another. The dog is like a sister and often makes the family laugh.
Granny Was a Hacker: Knitting as Computer CodeKristine HowardPresented at the April 2014 "What Do You Know - Sydney" event.
More details on my blog here:
DiVal Fixed & Mobile BillboardsiTours 360VRThis document discusses different types of mobile advertising vehicles used by DiVal including shoe mobiles, a mobile warehouse, and emergency service vehicles that function as moving billboards to advertise the DiVal brand. It lists several DiVal branded vehicles including shoe mobiles, a mobile warehouse, and emergency service vehicles like a fire truck and extinguisher van that all serve as mobile advertising platforms on the road.
DiVal Safety is a Buffalo Business First Best Place to Work in Western New YorkiTours 360VRThis document provides information about winners and finalists of a "Best Places to Work" award in the large companies category (101-200 employees) in Buffalo, New York.
Gold winner DiVal Safety Equipment fosters a culture driven by meeting customer needs. Silver winner HoganWillig law firm promotes work-life balance. Bronze winner The Hamister Group recognizes employees exemplifying its values.
Finalist Buffalo Hearing & Speech Center offers services to those with communication needs and fosters continuous learning and collaboration. Finalist Northtown Auto Group has 17 brands and 7 locations committed to serving the community.
Different Modes of Documetariesemmanuella_mmjThe document discusses the codes and conventions of factual programming and news broadcasts. It outlines 5 types of factual programming - expository, observational, participatory, reflexive, and performative documentaries - and describes their conventions such as use of narration, interviews, and involvement of the filmmaker. It also discusses conventions of news broadcasts such as the role of news readers to research, write, and present news stories while addressing the audience and maintaining an emotionally detached demeanor. News readers are expected to have communication skills, work well under pressure, and dress appropriately for their role.
Media unit 9jackohonessThis document discusses various photography techniques including landscape, wildlife, aerial, sports, portrait, and architectural photography. It then summarizes 5 impactful photos, providing details about each such as the photographer, type of shot, subject matter, and why the photo was chosen. The photos include a monsoon scene in Mumbai, a bubble photo, a light-beam contour map, Muhammad Ali dodging a punch, and a ballet performance. Brief biographical information is also provided about photographer Ralph Morse and his career at Life magazine, known for his creative style and photos from World War 2.
Vanish unwantedthoughtsThe Coach Training Academy Learn how to recognize negative thoughts for what they are and how to control them. Coaching techniques for living a more positive life.
Da li se social media marketing isplati?Ivan ZivkovicPostoji li ROI društvenih mreža? Gde ga tražiti i kako meriti. Možete li danas da priuštite da vaš brend ili kompanija ne budu tamo?
Sumirajući najbolje svetske i domaće primere, pokušaćemo da damo odgovor na "pitanje od milion dolara”.
Social media marketing - Digital Strategy and Brand DevelopmentDuško VelkovskiSTRANICA BEZ POSETILACA JE SAMO JEDNA OD 10 MILIJARDI STRANICA NA WEBU I NIŠTA VIŠE!
Zašto postaviti web stranicu na internet ako je niko neće pronaći osim vas?
Mnogi od vas imaju web stranice koje izgledaju fantastično ali je problem što niko ne zna za njih osim vas samih i nekoliko vaših prijatelja... Promenite to!
Na kojoj stranici Google-a je vaš sajt? Ako je konkurencija ispred vas onda to znači da oni rade nešto što vi ne radite... change that!
Ako vas nema na internetu, to je isto kao i da ne postojite.
Svaka uspešna kompanija danas osim web stranice istu mora i da promoviše.
Internet Marketing je ključ uspeha na internetu.
Miloš Simić - To je samo marketing, Controlling magazin 03Menadžment Centar BeogradMiloš Simić (Grand casino Beograd) iznosi svoje viđenje marketinga danas na globalnom tržištu.
Pregled marketing tržišta u regionu - Srbija (Mile Banić, Grey Belgrade)Marketing mrežaPregled marketing tržišta u regionu - Srbija, forum IZAZOV 2015.
Ekonomija lajkaPioniri CommunicationsZa poslovni uspeh, danas je, više nego ikada, potrebno povezati se sa kupcem i trajno negovati taj odnos. Ako je nova valuta društvenih mreža odnos koji gradite sa vašim kupcima, koliko ulažete u njega - toliko će vam se i vratiti.
Zato ćemo kroz svetsku praksu i iskustva, ali i domaće studije slučajeva, pokazati kako da iskoristite sve mogućnosti ove nove “društvene ekonomije” za rast vašeg poslovanja.
All web2013 skoplje makedonijaMr Vladimir StankovicPrezentacija za predavanje AllWeb2013
Skoplje, Makedonija
Komunikacija, korporativno predstavljanje na Internetu, koriščenje Internet alata.
DiVal Fixed & Mobile BillboardsiTours 360VRThis document discusses different types of mobile advertising vehicles used by DiVal including shoe mobiles, a mobile warehouse, and emergency service vehicles that function as moving billboards to advertise the DiVal brand. It lists several DiVal branded vehicles including shoe mobiles, a mobile warehouse, and emergency service vehicles like a fire truck and extinguisher van that all serve as mobile advertising platforms on the road.
DiVal Safety is a Buffalo Business First Best Place to Work in Western New YorkiTours 360VRThis document provides information about winners and finalists of a "Best Places to Work" award in the large companies category (101-200 employees) in Buffalo, New York.
Gold winner DiVal Safety Equipment fosters a culture driven by meeting customer needs. Silver winner HoganWillig law firm promotes work-life balance. Bronze winner The Hamister Group recognizes employees exemplifying its values.
Finalist Buffalo Hearing & Speech Center offers services to those with communication needs and fosters continuous learning and collaboration. Finalist Northtown Auto Group has 17 brands and 7 locations committed to serving the community.
Different Modes of Documetariesemmanuella_mmjThe document discusses the codes and conventions of factual programming and news broadcasts. It outlines 5 types of factual programming - expository, observational, participatory, reflexive, and performative documentaries - and describes their conventions such as use of narration, interviews, and involvement of the filmmaker. It also discusses conventions of news broadcasts such as the role of news readers to research, write, and present news stories while addressing the audience and maintaining an emotionally detached demeanor. News readers are expected to have communication skills, work well under pressure, and dress appropriately for their role.
Media unit 9jackohonessThis document discusses various photography techniques including landscape, wildlife, aerial, sports, portrait, and architectural photography. It then summarizes 5 impactful photos, providing details about each such as the photographer, type of shot, subject matter, and why the photo was chosen. The photos include a monsoon scene in Mumbai, a bubble photo, a light-beam contour map, Muhammad Ali dodging a punch, and a ballet performance. Brief biographical information is also provided about photographer Ralph Morse and his career at Life magazine, known for his creative style and photos from World War 2.
Vanish unwantedthoughtsThe Coach Training Academy Learn how to recognize negative thoughts for what they are and how to control them. Coaching techniques for living a more positive life.
Da li se social media marketing isplati?Ivan ZivkovicPostoji li ROI društvenih mreža? Gde ga tražiti i kako meriti. Možete li danas da priuštite da vaš brend ili kompanija ne budu tamo?
Sumirajući najbolje svetske i domaće primere, pokušaćemo da damo odgovor na "pitanje od milion dolara”.
Social media marketing - Digital Strategy and Brand DevelopmentDuško VelkovskiSTRANICA BEZ POSETILACA JE SAMO JEDNA OD 10 MILIJARDI STRANICA NA WEBU I NIŠTA VIŠE!
Zašto postaviti web stranicu na internet ako je niko neće pronaći osim vas?
Mnogi od vas imaju web stranice koje izgledaju fantastično ali je problem što niko ne zna za njih osim vas samih i nekoliko vaših prijatelja... Promenite to!
Na kojoj stranici Google-a je vaš sajt? Ako je konkurencija ispred vas onda to znači da oni rade nešto što vi ne radite... change that!
Ako vas nema na internetu, to je isto kao i da ne postojite.
Svaka uspešna kompanija danas osim web stranice istu mora i da promoviše.
Internet Marketing je ključ uspeha na internetu.
Miloš Simić - To je samo marketing, Controlling magazin 03Menadžment Centar BeogradMiloš Simić (Grand casino Beograd) iznosi svoje viđenje marketinga danas na globalnom tržištu.
Pregled marketing tržišta u regionu - Srbija (Mile Banić, Grey Belgrade)Marketing mrežaPregled marketing tržišta u regionu - Srbija, forum IZAZOV 2015.
Ekonomija lajkaPioniri CommunicationsZa poslovni uspeh, danas je, više nego ikada, potrebno povezati se sa kupcem i trajno negovati taj odnos. Ako je nova valuta društvenih mreža odnos koji gradite sa vašim kupcima, koliko ulažete u njega - toliko će vam se i vratiti.
Zato ćemo kroz svetsku praksu i iskustva, ali i domaće studije slučajeva, pokazati kako da iskoristite sve mogućnosti ove nove “društvene ekonomije” za rast vašeg poslovanja.
All web2013 skoplje makedonijaMr Vladimir StankovicPrezentacija za predavanje AllWeb2013
Skoplje, Makedonija
Komunikacija, korporativno predstavljanje na Internetu, koriščenje Internet alata.
Advertising Trends 2015.Ivan ZivkovicPrezentacija sa Izazov Forum 2015. panela na temu Trendovi - Gde smo, a gde želimo da budemo?
Više na
Marketing u društvenim medijimaGoranka RadojčićPrimena društvenih medija u marketingu.
Kako privući pažnju potencijalnih kupaca na svoj sajt i povećati posećenost sajta uz pomoć društvenih medija.
1. Društvene mreže talične
za biznis
Gotovo da nema ozbiljne firme koja preko “Fejsbuka” ili “Tvitera” ne
ide u susret potrošačima, osluškuje njihov glas i stvara što bolji
imidž u javnosti. Mnoge firme odu i korak dalje pa obučavaju
zaposlene kako da koristeći društvene medije, što više unaprede
poslovanje. Sve više je i specijalizovanih firmi koje im u tome
Taksi, zahvaljujući samo jednom tvitu, dolazi na poziv za koji je potrošeno manje od 140
"Prepoznali smo ciljnu grupu na Tviteru i sada već imamo 5.800 pratilaca, a taj broj svaki
dan raste", ističe marketing menadžer "Naksis" taksija Miroslav Milovanović.
2. Broj korisnika Fejsbuka u Srbiji dostiže četiri miliona, dok ih je na Tviteru nekoliko stotina
hiljada. Popularne mreže pokazale su se kao odlično mesto za promovisanje biznisa, ali
kako armiju sledbenika pretvoriti u armiju potrošača to je veština koja može da se nauči.
"Naš prvenstveni cilj je da sve zaposlene u kompaniji osvestimo da je njihovo prisustvo
na društvenim mrežama jako bitno. Jedina lošija stvar od toga da niste na društvenim
mrežama je da niste aktivni, to je najgore, jer ljudi očekuju neku interaktivnost od vas i
očekuju da budu prisni sa brendom korporacije", objašnjava konsultant "One2Grow"
Marko Cvetković.
Prisnost znači poverenje, a to donosi zaradu.
"Nekada je to teško izmeriti milionima dolara ili dinara profita, ali oni primećuju da im se
ljudi više obraćaju i da mnogo češće klijenti dolaze kod njih nego što oni jure svoje
klijente. Oni na taj način stvaraju bazu podataka i bazu lojalnih klijenata", kaže direktorka
"One2Grow" Mirjana Gomilanović.
Društveni mediji mogu da posluže i kao kanal preko kojeg najbrže može da se prevaziđe
krizna situacija.
3. "Kada se one dese, svako će doći tamo da vas nađe, da tamo iznese nešto javno, da to i
drugi vide i da ih podrže, i ako vi niste tu da im odgovorite i ako to ne rešite, stvarate zid
da vas ne zanima vaš konzument", ističe Marko Cvetković.
Efekti onlajn komunikacije su vrlo merljivi. Prema broju lajkova, šerova, retvitova ili
klikova tačno se zna koliko ljudi je videlo i koliko im se svideo neki proizvod. A kada se
nauči kome i kako se obratiti, društveni mediji postaju talični za biznis.