The document discusses the SATYSFI Conf 2021 conference which will take place on June 26, 2021. It provides details on recent updates to the SATYSFI typesetting system including the addition of linear-transform-graphics, improvements to page breaking for multicolumn content, and adding debugging information for overfull/underfull boxes. Version 0.0.6, 0.0.7, and planned future updates are summarized. The document also discusses using domain specific languages for describing typesetting definitions and structures and provides examples using amidakuji diagrams.
The document describes various probability distributions that can arise from combining Bernoulli random variables. It shows how a binomial distribution emerges from summing Bernoulli random variables, and how Poisson, normal, chi-squared, exponential, gamma, and inverse gamma distributions can approximate the binomial as the number of Bernoulli trials increases. Code examples in R are provided to simulate sampling from these distributions and compare the simulated distributions to their theoretical probability density functions.
This document provides an overview of POMDP (Partially Observable Markov Decision Process) and its applications. It first defines the key concepts of POMDP such as states, actions, observations, and belief states. It then uses the classic Tiger problem as an example to illustrate these concepts. The document discusses different approaches to solve POMDP problems, including model-based methods that learn the environment model from data and model-free reinforcement learning methods. Finally, it provides examples of applying POMDP to games like ViZDoom and robot navigation problems.
AAAI2023「Are Transformers Effective for Time Series Forecasting?」と、HuggingFace「Yes, Transformers are Effective for Time Series Forecasting (+ Autoformer)」の紹介です。
Parallelization of Graceful Labeling Using Open MPIJSRED
This document summarizes research on parallelizing the graceful graph labeling problem using OpenMP on multi-core processors. It introduces the concepts of parallelization, multi-core architecture, and OpenMP. An algorithm is designed to parallelize graceful labeling by distributing graph vertices across processor cores. Execution time and speedup are measured for graphs of increasing size, showing improved speedup and reduced time with parallelization. Results show consistent performance gains as graph size increases due to better utilization of the multi-core architecture.
String Comparison Surprises: Did Postgres lose my data?Jeremy Schneider
Comparisons are fundamental to computing - and comparing strings is not nearly as straightforward as you might think. Come learn about the history, nuance and surprises of “putting words in order” that you never knew existed in computer science, and how that nuance impacts both general programming and SQL programming. Next, walk through a few actual scenarios and demonstrations using PostgreSQL as a user and administrator, which you can re-run yourself later for further study, including one way you could easily corrupt your self-managed PostgreSQL database if you aren't prepared. Finally we’ll dive into an explanation of the surprising behaviors we saw in PostgreSQL, and learn more about user and administrative features PostgreSQL provides related to localized string comparison.
This document provides an overview of POMDP (Partially Observable Markov Decision Process) and its applications. It first defines the key concepts of POMDP such as states, actions, observations, and belief states. It then uses the classic Tiger problem as an example to illustrate these concepts. The document discusses different approaches to solve POMDP problems, including model-based methods that learn the environment model from data and model-free reinforcement learning methods. Finally, it provides examples of applying POMDP to games like ViZDoom and robot navigation problems.
AAAI2023「Are Transformers Effective for Time Series Forecasting?」と、HuggingFace「Yes, Transformers are Effective for Time Series Forecasting (+ Autoformer)」の紹介です。
Parallelization of Graceful Labeling Using Open MPIJSRED
This document summarizes research on parallelizing the graceful graph labeling problem using OpenMP on multi-core processors. It introduces the concepts of parallelization, multi-core architecture, and OpenMP. An algorithm is designed to parallelize graceful labeling by distributing graph vertices across processor cores. Execution time and speedup are measured for graphs of increasing size, showing improved speedup and reduced time with parallelization. Results show consistent performance gains as graph size increases due to better utilization of the multi-core architecture.
String Comparison Surprises: Did Postgres lose my data?Jeremy Schneider
Comparisons are fundamental to computing - and comparing strings is not nearly as straightforward as you might think. Come learn about the history, nuance and surprises of “putting words in order” that you never knew existed in computer science, and how that nuance impacts both general programming and SQL programming. Next, walk through a few actual scenarios and demonstrations using PostgreSQL as a user and administrator, which you can re-run yourself later for further study, including one way you could easily corrupt your self-managed PostgreSQL database if you aren't prepared. Finally we’ll dive into an explanation of the surprising behaviors we saw in PostgreSQL, and learn more about user and administrative features PostgreSQL provides related to localized string comparison.
The document is a presentation about new features in PostgreSQL 9.6. It discusses several major new features including parallel queries, avoiding VACUUM on all-frozen pages using freeze maps, monitoring the progress of VACUUM, phrase full text search, multiple synchronous replication, remote_apply synchronous commit, and improved capabilities of the postgres_fdw extension including pushing down sorts, joins, updates and deletes to remote servers.
This document discusses programming concepts in Perl including variables, flow control, loops, input/output, and subroutines. It provides examples of using different data types like scalars, arrays, and hashes. It also covers reading and writing files in Perl using filehandles, and handling errors when opening files. The document emphasizes best practices for programming in Perl such as developing code in stages, showing activity when running interactively, using comments, and choosing a consistent coding convention.
Hadoop con 2016_9_10_王經篤(Jing-Doo Wang)Jing-Doo Wang
This document summarizes a presentation on potential applications using the class frequency distribution of maximal repeats from tagged sequential data. It discusses using maximal repeat patterns and their frequency distributions over time to analyze trends in topic histories from literature, detect anomalies in manufacturing processes for quality control, and identify distinguishing patterns in genomic sequences. Potential applications discussed include text mining historical archives, individualized learning based on topic histories, detecting changes in language for elderly assessment, monitoring new word adoption, and integrating IoT sensor data with product traceability systems for industrial quality assurance.
MateriApps LIVE! provides a concise Linux environment for computational materials science. The May 18, 2021 version 3.3 update includes over 20 computational materials science codes and visualization tools. It can be run directly from a USB or installed in virtual machines on Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems. Tutorials are available to help users get started with codes for electronic structure calculations, molecular dynamics, and more.
5th in the AskTOM Office Hours series on graph database technologies.
PGQL: A Query Language for Graphs
Learn how to query graphs using PGQL, an expressive and intuitive graph query language that's a lot like SQL. With PGQL, it's easy to get going writing graph analysis queries to the database in a very short time. Albert and Oskar show what you can do with PGQL, and how to write and execute PGQL code.
Future features for openCypher: Schema, Constraints, Subqueries, Configurable...openCypher
Presented at the First openCypher Implementers Meeting in Walldorf, Germany, February 2017 @
Cisco Connect Japan 2014:安定した無線 LAN 上でビジネス クリティカルなアプリケーションを利用するには?シスコシステムズ合同会社
This document discusses real-time traffic over wireless LANs (RToWLAN). It summarizes key aspects of RToWLAN including:
1) RToWLAN allows real-time traffic like voice and video to be transmitted over WLANs as if on a wired LAN.
2) Factors like packet loss, latency, and jitter must be carefully managed to support real-time applications over WLAN.
3) Cisco technologies like CleanAir, Dynamic Frequency Selection, and RF optimization help deliver reliable real-time performance over WLAN.
This document discusses factors that influence the evolution and adoption of programming languages like Scala. It argues that for a language to be evolutionarily stable, it needs to survive, be adopted by a user base that is more than 1%, and be attractive. Scala's main value proposition is its support for static metaprogramming, but it needs to improve concurrency support, reduce boilerplate code, and simplify its core to lower the learning curve. New developments like Dotty and Squid could help address current issues and support further language evolution.
Graph Signal Processing for Machine Learning A Review and New Perspectives - ...lauratoni4
This document provides an outline for a tutorial on graph signal processing (GSP) for machine learning. It will include a brief introduction to GSP, key GSP tools for machine learning, and how GSP can help address challenges related to exploiting data structure, improving efficiency/robustness, and enhancing model interpretability. Applications of GSP for machine learning will also be discussed. The tutorial will conclude with a summary of open challenges and new perspectives in the field.
Many practical computing problems concern large graphs.
Standard examples include the Web graph and various social
networks. The scale of these graphs—in some cases billions
of vertices, trillions of edges—poses challenges to their
efficient processing. In this paper we present a computational
model suitable for this task. Programs are expressed
as a sequence of iterations, in each of which a vertex can
receive messages sent in the previous iteration, send messages
to other vertices, and modify its own state and that of
its outgoing edges or mutate graph topology. This vertexcentric
approach is flexible enough to express a broad set of
algorithms. The model has been designed for efficient, scalable
and fault-tolerant implementation on clusters of thousands
of commodity computers, and its implied synchronicity
makes reasoning about programs easier. Distributionrelated
details are hidden behind an abstract API. The result
is a framework for processing large graphs that is expressive
and easy to program.
This document provides an overview of AngularJS and discusses some security issues related to the Bash shell vulnerability CVE-2014-6271. It also summarizes the key features of the Filydoc document management system and file sharing website.
The document describes analyzing clickstream data using Spark clustering algorithms. It discusses parsing raw clickstream data containing user agent strings to extract useful fields like device type, OS, and timezone. It then applies distributed K-modes clustering in Spark to group users into subsets exhibiting similar patterns. The results show 10 clusters with different proportions of country, timezone, device and other fields, revealing distinct user types within the dataset.
An online semantic enhanced dirichlet model for short textJay Kumarr
The document presents a new online semantic-enhanced Dirichlet model (OSDM) for clustering short text streams. OSDM addresses challenges with existing approaches like semantic ambiguity, concept drift over time, and batch vs online processing. It maintains active topics online using a non-parametric probabilistic graphical model that incorporates semantic information through term co-occurrence and performs automatic topic detection. Experimental results on news, tweet and Reuters datasets show OSDM outperforms other models in clustering performance over data streams and is robust to parameter changes.
The document discusses several machine learning projects at NECST Research. It summarizes projects involving behavior identification in animals using models like XGBoost, muscle synergy identification using NMF and neural networks on FPGA, deep learning acceleration on embedded devices using HLS, spiking neural networks for robot simulation, CNN acceleration on FPGA using CONDOR, and the PRETZEL system for optimizing multiple similar ML models deployed on cloud platforms.
Leveraging Multiple GPUs and CPUs for Graphlet Counting in Large Networks Ryan Rossi
Massively parallel architectures such as the GPU are becoming increasingly important due to the recent proliferation of data. In this paper, we propose a key class of hybrid parallel graphlet algorithms that leverages multiple CPUs and GPUs simultaneously for computing k-vertex induced subgraph statistics (called graphlets). In addition to the hybrid multi-core CPU-GPU framework, we also investigate single GPU methods (using multiple cores) and multi-GPU methods that leverage all available GPUs simultaneously for computing induced subgraph statistics. Both methods leverage GPU devices only, whereas the hybrid multi-core CPU-GPU framework leverages all available multi-core CPUs and multiple GPUs for computing graphlets in large networks. Compared to recent approaches, our methods are orders of magnitude faster, while also more cost effective enjoying superior performance per capita and per watt. In particular, the methods are up to 300+ times faster than a recent state-of-the-art method. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to leverage multiple CPUs and GPUs simultaneously for computing induced subgraph statistics.
This document presents a method for detecting hotspots (services responsible for suboptimal performance) in a service-oriented architecture. The method reconstructs service call graphs from logged metrics to identify the top-k services whose optimization would most reduce latency or cost. It proposes quantifying each service's impact and using a greedy algorithm to select services in descending order of impact. Evaluation on a large-scale production dataset found the approach more effective than a baseline and produced consistent results over time, helping engineering teams optimize performance.
F. Serdio, E. Lughofer, K. Pichler, T. Buchegger, M. Pichler and H. Efendic, Multivariate Fault Detection using Vector Autoregressive Moving Average and Orthogonal Transformation in the residual Space, Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, PHM 2013, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2013, pp. 548-555.
The document describes the implementation of a math typesetting module in the Satyrographos programming language. It defines types like math and math-element to represent mathematical expressions. Functions like output and output-element are used to convert a math expression to a string by mapping over its elements. Special characters are wrapped in calls to make-char-info to handle properties like color. Let-math is used to define relational operators like ≤ by combining character, class, and color information.
This document discusses SATySFi, a static analysis-based typesetting system for functional implementation. It provides an overview of SATySFi's features such as being a better LaTeX alternative, using OCaml for its implementation, and supporting Unicode, OpenType features, and dynamic typesetting through a domain specific language. The document also outlines some areas for future work such as improving figure and citation support and adding more OpenType math features.
Primary User Emulation Attack (PUEA) is one of the major threats to the spectrum sensing in cognitive
radio networks. This paper studies the PUEA using energy detection that is based on the energy of the
received signal. It discusses the impact of increasing the number of attackers on the performance of
secondary user. Moreover, studying how the malicious user can emulate the Primary User (PU) signal is
made. This is the first analytical method to study PUEA under a different number of attackers. The
detection of the PUEA increases with increasing the number of attackers and decreases when changing the
channel from lognormal to Rayleigh fading.
This PPT covers the index and engineering properties of soil. It includes details on index properties, along with their methods of determination. Various important terms related to soil behavior are explained in detail. The presentation also outlines the experimental procedures for determining soil properties such as water content, specific gravity, plastic limit, and liquid limit, along with the necessary calculations and graph plotting. Additionally, it provides insights to understand the importance of these properties in geotechnical engineering applications.
Defining the Future of Biophilic Design in Crete.pdfARENCOS
Biophilic design is emerging as a key approach to enhancing well-being by integrating natural elements into residential architecture. In Crete, where the landscape is rich with breathtaking sea views, lush olive groves, and dramatic mountains, biophilic design principles can be seamlessly incorporated to create healthier, more harmonious living environments.
Indian Soil Classification System in Geotechnical EngineeringRajani Vyawahare
This PowerPoint presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the Indian Soil Classification System, widely used in geotechnical engineering for identifying and categorizing soils based on their properties. It covers essential aspects such as particle size distribution, sieve analysis, and Atterberg consistency limits, which play a crucial role in determining soil behavior for construction and foundation design. The presentation explains the classification of soil based on particle size, including gravel, sand, silt, and clay, and details the sieve analysis experiment used to determine grain size distribution. Additionally, it explores the Atterberg consistency limits, such as the liquid limit, plastic limit, and shrinkage limit, along with a plasticity chart to assess soil plasticity and its impact on engineering applications. Furthermore, it discusses the Indian Standard Soil Classification (IS 1498:1970) and its significance in construction, along with a comparison to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). With detailed explanations, graphs, charts, and practical applications, this presentation serves as a valuable resource for students, civil engineers, and researchers in the field of geotechnical engineering.
Kalite Politikam?z
Taykon ?elik i?in kalite, hayallerinizi bizlerle payla?t???n?z an ba?lar. Proje ?iziminden detaylar?n ??zümüne, detaylar?n ??zümünden üretime, üretimden montaja, montajdan teslime hayallerinizin ger?ekle?ti?ini g?rdü?ünüz ana kadar ge?en tüm a?amalar?, ?al??anlar?, tüm teknik donan?m ve ?evreyi i?ine al?r KAL?TE.
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