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Serious games
in the museum:
an overview
Daniel Pletinckx
Visual Dimension bvba
V-MUST is funded by the European Commission under the Community's Seventh
Framework Programme, contract no. GA 270404.
Interactive storytelling
≒ Visiting a museum = an experience
≒ Provide a layered, multi-perspective story
≒ Reveal the human factor
≒ Interactive
≒ User choses based upon interest, curiosity, exploration
≒ Passive user profiling
≒ Storytelling
≒ Interactive storytelling = contradictory
≒ Story divided in many parts
≒ Works like a puzzle, finding connections
Interactive storytelling through
≒ Natural interaction  hands (Leap Motion)
≒ Spatial Augmented Reality
≒ Tangible Interfaces
≒ Virtex (museum objects)
≒ Virtex Light (monuments)
≒ Natural interaction  body
≒ AdMotum (real time 3D + Kinect1)
≒ TimeGate (real time 3D + Kinect2)
=> Serious game
Natural interaction: I Colori di Giotto
Giotto fresco and digital restoration, Assisi
Natural interaction: I Colori di Giotto
Giotto fresco, digital restoration, Assisi
Natural interaction: I Colori di Giotto
3D model of Giotto fresco, 2010, CNR-ITABC
Natural interaction: I Colori di Giotto
Interactive exploration of Giotto fresco, 2010, CNR-ITABC
Natural interaction: I Colori di Giotto
Interactive exploration of Giotto fresco, 2010, CNR-ITABC
Natural interaction: I Colori di Giotto
Interactive exploration of Giotto fresco, 2010, CNR-ITABC
Natural interaction: Etruscanning
Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, Vatican Museums
Natural interaction: Etruscanning
Regolini-Galassi tomb, excavated in 1836, objects in Vatican Museums
Natural interaction: Etruscanning
Interactive virtual Regolini-Galassi tomb (CNR-ITABC & Visual Dimension), 2011
Natural interaction: Etruscanning
Interactive virtual Regolini-Galassi tomb (CNR-ITABC & Visual Dimension)
Natural interaction: Etruscanning
Etruscanning setup at the National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden, Netherlands
Natural interaction: Etruscanning
Etruscanning setup at the Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam
Natural interaction: Etruscanning
Permanent Etruscanning installation at the Vatican Museums, Rome, 2013
Natural interaction: Vrouw Maria
Vrouw Maria, Maritime Museum of Finland, 2012
Natural interaction: Vrouw Maria
Vrouw Maria, Maritime Museum of Finland, 2012
Natural interaction: Vrouw Maria
Vrouw Maria, Maritime Museum of Finland, 2012
Natural interaction: Vrouw Maria
Vrouw Maria, Maritime Museum of Finland, 2012
Natural interaction: Aquae Patavinae
Archaeological park and museum at Montegrotto, Italy, 2012
Natural interaction: Aquae Patavinae
Archaeological park and museum at Montegrotto, Italy, 2012
Natural interaction: Aquae Patavinae
Natural interaction: Imago Bononiae
Imago Bononiae, interactive virtual reconstruction of Bologna, 2013
Natural interaction: Imago Bononiae
Imago Bononiae, interactive virtual reconstruction of Bologna, 2013
Natural interaction: Imago Bononiae
Imago Bononiae, interactive virtual reconstruction of Bologna, 2013
Natural interaction: Imago Bononiae
AdMotum @ Keys2Rome
AdMotum setup, 2014
AdMotum @ Sarajevo
Natural interaction implementation of Cim basilica in Keys2Rome exhibition
AdMotum @ Sarajevo
Natural interaction implementation of Cim basilica in Keys2Rome exhibition
AdMotum @ Sarajevo
Interactive Cim basilica in Keys2Rome exhibition
AdMotum @ Rome
Interactive Forum of Augustus in the Keys2Rome exhibition
AdMotum @ Amsterdam
Interactive Plasmolen villa (Nijmegen) in the Keys2Rome exhibition
AdMotum @ Amsterdam
Interactive Plasmolen villa (Nijmegen) in the Keys2Rome exhibition
AdMotum @ Amsterdam
Interactive Plasmolen villa (Nijmegen) in the Keys2Rome exhibition
AdMotum @ Alexandria
Interactive Serapeum (Alexandria) in the Keys2Rome exhibition
TimeGate @ Ename
Archaeological site of Ename, Belgium
TimeGate @ Ename
Natural interaction implementation of Ename abbey interior
TimeGate @ Ename
Natural interaction implementation of Ename abbey interior
TimeGate @ Ename
Natural interaction implementation of Ename abbey interior
TimeGate @ Ename
Natural interaction implementation of Ename abbey interior
TimeGate @ Ename
Natural interaction implementation of Ename abbey interior
Natural interaction implementation of Ename abbey exterior
Natural interaction implementation of Ename village
Natural interaction implementation of Ename abbey and village
Natural interaction  gesture editor
Gesture editor  selection of significant body parts
Gesture editor  gesture recording
Educational game  part 1
Natural interaction implementation of Ename abbey and village
Educational game  part 2 VIDEO
Educational game  part 3
Educational game  part 3
Educational game  part 4
Educational game  part 4
Ename educational game
Ename heritage centre
Ename educational game
Ename heritage centre  educational unit
Ename educational game
Ename heritage centre  outlook on archaeological site
Many thanks!

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