This document introduces Retrofit, an Android library for making REST API calls. It discusses how to define API interfaces, generate implementations, and make requests. Key features covered include defining endpoints as methods, using interfaces as API specifications, asynchronous requests with callbacks, support for different data format converters, and setting static and dynamic header values. The conclusion states that Retrofit provides a way to avoid issues with incorrect or outdated API documentation.
This document introduces Retrofit, an Android library for making REST API calls. It discusses how to define API interfaces, generate implementations, and make requests. Key features covered include defining endpoints as methods, using interfaces as API specifications, asynchronous requests with callbacks, support for different data format converters, and setting static and dynamic header values. The conclusion states that Retrofit provides a way to avoid issues with incorrect or outdated API documentation.
「Welcome to Social Enterprise ~海外事例紹介で紐解く ソーシャルネットワーキングで変わるマーケティング~」NetyearGroup
1. The document introduces social enterprise and provides examples of companies like Burberry and KLM that have successfully used social media and collaboration tools internally.
2. It discusses how companies can use tools like Chatter to better communicate across departments, welcome new employees, and share updates from leadership.
3. The final sections explore how social media data and analytics can provide valuable consumer insights and how social CRM tools allow companies to better engage customers on social networks.
This document discusses strategies for growing a business using digital and social media marketing. It addresses using Facebook, Twitter, content marketing and analytics to engage users and compares metrics of major tech companies. Triple media integration of paid, owned and earned strategies are outlined to maximize outreach. User engagement and contextual content are emphasized for effective social media campaigns.
The document discusses how digital is the future and mentions apps and customer experience organizational reform. It appears to be about transitioning to digital and reforming an organization to focus on customer experience through apps and digital means.
22. 受注率向上、商談サイクル短縮化活用事例(弊社)
Compelling Event お客様がその日までに購入しなけれ Red Flags 懸念事項、製品上のギャッ
ばならない理由 プ
Customer Use 何のためにソリューションを利用す Our Competitive 今回の商談での競合に対す
Case るのか。どの業務で利用するか Differentiators る優位性
Customer Goal 顧客がソリューションを使って達成 Connect the Dots 顧客内での関係者
ROI 今回の投資に対するお客様の期待値 SFDC Executive Sponsor 社内のエグゼクティブスポ
Decision Maker 顧客側での最終意思決定者 Approved Budget 予算が承認されているか
23. 学习における法则
70-20-10 の法則
by Robert W. Eichinger, and Michael M. Lombard