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NAME		 Lisa Smith
ADDRESS	 114 Ballentine Crossing Ln., Irmo, SC 29063
BIRTH PLACE	 Buffalo, NewYork, USA
EMAIL		 lisa@lisaSCdesigner.com
PHONE		 231 360 3231
Born and raised in upstate NewYork, I graduated in 1978 with honors, and was
accepted into the Cleveland Institute of Art in Ohio. After completing the two
year foundation program, I relocated to Austin,Texas, where I spent the next
nine years steadily broadening my experience and skills in the design and print
world. I worked at typesetting and print shops, copy shops, small newspapers,
and as a production artist at a weekly grocery circular. I have extensive ex-
perience in customer service, as I have worked in coffee shops, retail stores, a
western store, and as a hotel sales representative in order to gain sales experi-
ence, and retain impeccable customer service skills. I moved toTraverse City, MI
in 1993, and established my own design business.
I know the intensity, the commitment, the client critiques and the feeling of
accomplishment that comes when final artwork is approved and ready for print.
I have always kept abreast of current trends in design, color and technology. I
work as a team player and always chose to provide the client what he envisions.
I am currently a resident of Irmo, SC, and seeking a permanent position as a
designer in a local well-established business that will utilize my existing skills as
a designer, provide freedom to explore new trends, offer stability and growth
opportunities in the future.
In 2003, I established my own design and print freelance business, under LA DESIGN.
A few of my clients are listed below.
TC Food (2003-present)
A conglomeration of five local
restaurants and a catering co.
Identity development for each restau-
rant as an individual and as part of a
brand. Logos, menus, campaigns, sales
materials, event support materials.
Hip Bones (2007-2010)
Packaging development for retail
and veterinarian line of healthy
companion animal treats. Brand
and identity development for start up
business. Drew original characters,
packaging for entire line of eight prod-
ucts. Logos, menus, campaigns, sales
materials, event support materials.
Sleders FamilyTavern
The oldest family restaurant and
bar in Michigan. Develop new cam-
paigns to maintain high level of com-
munity support , menus, billboards,
social media presence, weekly ads.
I & E Specialties (2012-present)
Commercial Builder. Develop new
look for local commercial building
company. Logo, rack card, website,
business identity make-over.
Connemara Concerts
Entertainment promotion. Design
posters, tickets for local concerts,
post events on local sites, build
gallery of past events
Tigermoon Rising (2014)
Logo development. Designed new
logo to be used for clothing, adver-
tising specialties. Copyright attained,
and client slowly working on clothing
development and sales package
LISASMITH education
august - may
Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA)
Cleveland, OH
Completed two year foundation program for Fine Artists
Jewelry Construction, Life Drawing, Graphic Design
Lakeshore Central High
Angola, NewYork
Graduated with four majors: Art, Business, Math, Science
Received Art Award
summer sessions: july-august
Private Art Lessons - drawing, fashion illustration
Throughout elementary and high school years
computer strengths
Adobe Indesign CC
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Acrobat
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Powerpoint
Word Press
Quark Express
personal strengths
Passion to excel, self-motivated, deep understanding of branding and creating creative visual solutions
Well organized with attention to detail, ability to follow-through, team leadership
Experience managing projects involving constant communication with outside vendors
Work well under pressure; effectively handle tight deadlines,unexpected delays,and changing priorities
social media
instagram: #lisaSCdesigner
LISASMITH professional career
LA Design-Freelance Graphic Designer, Print Broker, Social Media
Traverse City, Michigan 2003-2012, 2012-present in Columbia, SC
Graphic Designer, Print andWeb, Social Media
 Professional graphic designer with vast knowledge, experience and unlimited creativity. Excellent design and
execution skills, mac and pc formatting for print and web: catalogs, booklets, posters, menus, ads, packaging,
signage, POP, trade show booth graphics, promotional materials, various techniques (varnishes, die-cutting)
 Concept, development and implementation of compelling brand identity. Able to retouch, layer, adjust photos i
in photoshop effectively.
 Developed and executed print/web artwork campaigns for over twenty restaurants inTraverse City, Michigan.
 Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, Photoshop, QuarkExpress, Acrobat, Powerpoint, Quickbooks,Word Press.
 Solicit new customers, prepare quotes, meet with clients with proofs, billing, quickbooks, end of month reports
for accountant.
 Digital artwork for web use. Update sites, facebook and blog posts, headers, downloadable online coupons,
schedules. Strategizing and creating marketing plans for startup and existing businesses and restaurants with
particular attention paid to competition, brand building
The Copy Shop
Traverse City, Michigan 1997-2003
Graphic Designer /Customer Service
 Designed camera ready art for local businesses, charities, local government elections, courtroom graphics,
booklets, magazine ads, newsletters, annual reports, calendars, POS displays, event posters/tickets,
 Front desk, customer service, opening/closing cash register.
 High paced, demanding atmosphere, in-house copiers, large format printers, artwork to specifications required
ProtoType Design and Print
Austin,Texas 1990-1996
Owner, Graphic Designer,Type, Design and Print
 Professional Graphic designer offering complete graphic,camera and print services.
Armstrong McCall bi-monthly beauty magazine.Worked hand in hand with director. Provided camera ready
art, (ad design, page layouts, camera-ready half-tones, and final negatives provided for print.
 Built my own darkroom, equipped with state of the art production camera and various photo lens/chemicals to
produce half-tones, negatives and PMTs for production.Worked hand in hand with local photographer on many
marketing projects-setting up senarios, lighting, staging for local events.
retail employment
march 2016- present
Belk, Columbiana Mall, Columbia, SC Coach Specialist
Promoted to Coach Handbags Specialist. Responsible for entire Coach department, inventory, visual merchan-
dising according to plan, training with Coach reps, and daily, quarterly and yearly sales goals. Knowledgeable in
Michael Kors, Brahmin, Brighton, Kate Spade and numerous other designers represented at Belk. Credit
application and pre-sell goals for monthly sales events.
nov 2014 - february 2016
Belk, Columbiana Mall, Columbia, SC Retail Sales Associate
Customer service, point of purchase sales and handling all money transactions, including cash register opening
and closing for accessories department in largest retail entity in Columbiana Mall. Link removal for watches,
maintaining stocked displays, visual merchandising, markdowns, credit application sales, recovery. Computer
generated floor planograms for end of year inventory.
nov - jan 2013
JC Penny, Columbiana Mall, Columbia, SC Holiday sales associate
Seasonal early am shift, unpack new merchandise and move to sales floor,credit application sales, cash register
opening and closing, replenished displays, inventory counts, markdowns, recovery.
TC Food,Traverse City, MI
Contact: Joanne Hitchens, Director of Marketing
Sleders FamilyTavern,Traverse City, MI
Contact: Deb Cairns, Owner
Connemara Concerts,Traverse City, MI
Contact: Seamus Shinners, Entertainment Promoter
5.1 x 6.042
Northern Express
Spring Ads 2014
Aplace to share good times
with family and friends.
SledersTavern717 RANDOLPH
231.947.9213 | SLEDERS.COM
Northern Express
5.1 x 6.041
Full Color
717 Randolph  TC  231.947.9213
Hip Bones, Hip Flex Product Line
Traverse City, MI
Contact: Robert Adams, Owner
Brochures,Traverse City, MI
Contact: Joanne Hitchens, Director of Marketing
Logos,Traverse City, MI
Grand Traverse
Nutriti n
Grand Traverse
Grand Traverse
Nutriti n
Miranda Monroe, Nutritional Consultant
1000 Marina Drive
Irmo,SC 29063
Tofoodvaluedat_____________________________________________ $______________
Presentedby_________________________________________________ Date____________
No.______________ ___________________________________
1000 Marina Drive
Irmo,SC 29063
Tofoodvaluedat_____________________________________________ $______________
Presentedby_________________________________________________ Date____________
No.______________ ___________________________________
Tofoodvaluedat_____________________________________________ $______________
Presentedby_________________________________________________ Date____________
No.______________ ___________________________________
1000 Marina Drive
Irmo,SC 29063
At PBJs!
At PBJs!
At PBJs!
JBFSWEATSHIRT:Layout 13 10/4/13 11:49 AM Page 2
NAME		 Lisa Smith
ADDRESS	 114 Ballentine Crossing Ln., Irmo, SC 29063
EMAIL		 lisa@lisaSCdesigner.com
PHONE		 231 360 3231
references / client referrals
Joanne Hitchens
TC Food, Director of Marketing
Traverse City, MI49685
Deb and Brian Cairns
Sleders FamilyTavern, Owners
717 Randolph Street
Traverse City, MI 49684
cell: 231 649 8955
Caroline Elliott
Belk Consultant, Belk Handbag Division
127 Macaw Landing
Lexington, SC 29073
(803) 609-2170
Chantay Dreher
Belk Consultant, Michael Kors Specialist, Handbag Division
804 SweetThorne Rd.
Irmo, SC 29063
cell: 803-727-6169
Robert B. Adams, Sr.
Overby Farm, Hip Bones, Former Owner
7209 Crystal Avenue
Box 383
Beulah, MI 49617
cell: 231-233-1501
Seamus Shinners
Connemara Concerts, Owner
410 Seventh Street
Traverse City, MI 49684
Peter Barbadoro
Fire Protection Engineers andTechnical Staffing
Irmo, South Carolina
Phillip Fleetwood
Applied, Account Manager
Irmo, South Carolina
cell: 803 b546 5919

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  • 1. LISASMITH NAME Lisa Smith ADDRESS 114 Ballentine Crossing Ln., Irmo, SC 29063 BIRTH PLACE Buffalo, NewYork, USA EMAIL lisa@lisaSCdesigner.com PHONE 231 360 3231 ABOUT ME Born and raised in upstate NewYork, I graduated in 1978 with honors, and was accepted into the Cleveland Institute of Art in Ohio. After completing the two year foundation program, I relocated to Austin,Texas, where I spent the next nine years steadily broadening my experience and skills in the design and print world. I worked at typesetting and print shops, copy shops, small newspapers, and as a production artist at a weekly grocery circular. I have extensive ex- perience in customer service, as I have worked in coffee shops, retail stores, a western store, and as a hotel sales representative in order to gain sales experi- ence, and retain impeccable customer service skills. I moved toTraverse City, MI in 1993, and established my own design business. I know the intensity, the commitment, the client critiques and the feeling of accomplishment that comes when final artwork is approved and ready for print. I have always kept abreast of current trends in design, color and technology. I work as a team player and always chose to provide the client what he envisions. I am currently a resident of Irmo, SC, and seeking a permanent position as a designer in a local well-established business that will utilize my existing skills as a designer, provide freedom to explore new trends, offer stability and growth opportunities in the future. In 2003, I established my own design and print freelance business, under LA DESIGN. A few of my clients are listed below. TC Food (2003-present) A conglomeration of five local restaurants and a catering co. Identity development for each restau- rant as an individual and as part of a brand. Logos, menus, campaigns, sales materials, event support materials. tcfood.com Hip Bones (2007-2010) Packaging development for retail and veterinarian line of healthy companion animal treats. Brand and identity development for start up business. Drew original characters, packaging for entire line of eight prod- ucts. Logos, menus, campaigns, sales materials, event support materials. Sleders FamilyTavern (2003-present) The oldest family restaurant and bar in Michigan. Develop new cam- paigns to maintain high level of com- munity support , menus, billboards, social media presence, weekly ads. sleders.com I & E Specialties (2012-present) Commercial Builder. Develop new look for local commercial building company. Logo, rack card, website, business identity make-over. i&especialties.com Connemara Concerts (2003-present) Entertainment promotion. Design posters, tickets for local concerts, post events on local sites, build gallery of past events Tigermoon Rising (2014) Logo development. Designed new logo to be used for clothing, adver- tising specialties. Copyright attained, and client slowly working on clothing development and sales package
  • 2. LISASMITH education august - may Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA) Cleveland, OH Completed two year foundation program for Fine Artists Jewelry Construction, Life Drawing, Graphic Design Lakeshore Central High Angola, NewYork Graduated with four majors: Art, Business, Math, Science Received Art Award summer sessions: july-august Private Art Lessons - drawing, fashion illustration Throughout elementary and high school years computer strengths Adobe Indesign CC Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Acrobat Microsoft Word Microsoft Powerpoint Word Press Quark Express Freehand Quickbooks personal strengths Passion to excel, self-motivated, deep understanding of branding and creating creative visual solutions Well organized with attention to detail, ability to follow-through, team leadership Experience managing projects involving constant communication with outside vendors Work well under pressure; effectively handle tight deadlines,unexpected delays,and changing priorities social media facebook.com/ladesignsc twitter.com/lisasmith@lisaSCdesigner https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-smith-08169761 instagram: #lisaSCdesigner
  • 3. LISASMITH professional career LA Design-Freelance Graphic Designer, Print Broker, Social Media Traverse City, Michigan 2003-2012, 2012-present in Columbia, SC Graphic Designer, Print andWeb, Social Media Professional graphic designer with vast knowledge, experience and unlimited creativity. Excellent design and execution skills, mac and pc formatting for print and web: catalogs, booklets, posters, menus, ads, packaging, signage, POP, trade show booth graphics, promotional materials, various techniques (varnishes, die-cutting) Concept, development and implementation of compelling brand identity. Able to retouch, layer, adjust photos i in photoshop effectively. Developed and executed print/web artwork campaigns for over twenty restaurants inTraverse City, Michigan. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, Photoshop, QuarkExpress, Acrobat, Powerpoint, Quickbooks,Word Press. Solicit new customers, prepare quotes, meet with clients with proofs, billing, quickbooks, end of month reports for accountant. Digital artwork for web use. Update sites, facebook and blog posts, headers, downloadable online coupons, schedules. Strategizing and creating marketing plans for startup and existing businesses and restaurants with particular attention paid to competition, brand building The Copy Shop Traverse City, Michigan 1997-2003 Graphic Designer /Customer Service Designed camera ready art for local businesses, charities, local government elections, courtroom graphics, booklets, magazine ads, newsletters, annual reports, calendars, POS displays, event posters/tickets, Front desk, customer service, opening/closing cash register. High paced, demanding atmosphere, in-house copiers, large format printers, artwork to specifications required ProtoType Design and Print Austin,Texas 1990-1996 Owner, Graphic Designer,Type, Design and Print Professional Graphic designer offering complete graphic,camera and print services. Armstrong McCall bi-monthly beauty magazine.Worked hand in hand with director. Provided camera ready art, (ad design, page layouts, camera-ready half-tones, and final negatives provided for print. Built my own darkroom, equipped with state of the art production camera and various photo lens/chemicals to produce half-tones, negatives and PMTs for production.Worked hand in hand with local photographer on many marketing projects-setting up senarios, lighting, staging for local events. retail employment march 2016- present Belk, Columbiana Mall, Columbia, SC Coach Specialist Promoted to Coach Handbags Specialist. Responsible for entire Coach department, inventory, visual merchan- dising according to plan, training with Coach reps, and daily, quarterly and yearly sales goals. Knowledgeable in Michael Kors, Brahmin, Brighton, Kate Spade and numerous other designers represented at Belk. Credit application and pre-sell goals for monthly sales events. nov 2014 - february 2016 Belk, Columbiana Mall, Columbia, SC Retail Sales Associate Customer service, point of purchase sales and handling all money transactions, including cash register opening and closing for accessories department in largest retail entity in Columbiana Mall. Link removal for watches, maintaining stocked displays, visual merchandising, markdowns, credit application sales, recovery. Computer generated floor planograms for end of year inventory. nov - jan 2013 JC Penny, Columbiana Mall, Columbia, SC Holiday sales associate Seasonal early am shift, unpack new merchandise and move to sales floor,credit application sales, cash register opening and closing, replenished displays, inventory counts, markdowns, recovery.
  • 4. portfolio TC Food,Traverse City, MI Contact: Joanne Hitchens, Director of Marketing Sleders FamilyTavern,Traverse City, MI Contact: Deb Cairns, Owner Connemara Concerts,Traverse City, MI Contact: Seamus Shinners, Entertainment Promoter 5.1 x 6.042 Northern Express Sleders Spring Ads 2014 1/5 Aplace to share good times with family and friends. SledersTavern717 RANDOLPH TRAVERSE CITY, MI 231.947.9213 | SLEDERS.COM Since1882 Sleders Northern Express 5.1 x 6.041 Full Color SLEDERS TAVERN 717 Randolph TC 231.947.9213 sleders.com Cookingforgood,sensible folkssince1882 LISASMITH Hip Bones, Hip Flex Product Line Traverse City, MI Contact: Robert Adams, Owner
  • 5. LISASMITH portfolio Brochures,Traverse City, MI Contact: Joanne Hitchens, Director of Marketing Miscellaneous Logos,Traverse City, MI Grand Traverse Nutriti n Grand Traverse Nutrition Grand Traverse Nutriti n Miranda Monroe, Nutritional Consultant FRONT UNION CANTINA GRILL &TAP ROOM GRILL &TAP ROOM A Gift For YOU 1000 Marina Drive Irmo,SC 29063 803.732.1480 Thiscertificateentitles___________________________________________________________ Tofoodvaluedat_____________________________________________ $______________ Presentedby_________________________________________________ Date____________ No.______________ ___________________________________ AuthorizedSignature Certificatevalidoneyearfromissuedate.Notredeemableforcashoralcohol. A Gift For YOU 1000 Marina Drive Irmo,SC 29063 803.732.1480 Thiscertificateentitles___________________________________________________________ Tofoodvaluedat_____________________________________________ $______________ Presentedby_________________________________________________ Date____________ No.______________ ___________________________________ AuthorizedSignature Certificatevalidoneyearfromissuedate.Notredeemableforcashoralcohol. Thiscertificateentitles___________________________________________________________ Tofoodvaluedat_____________________________________________ $______________ Presentedby_________________________________________________ Date____________ No.______________ ___________________________________ AuthorizedSignature Certificatevalidforoneyearfromissuedate.Notredeemableforcashoralcohol. A Gift For YOU 1000 Marina Drive Irmo,SC 29063 803.732.1480 At PBJs! At PBJs! At PBJs! JBFSWEATSHIRT:Layout 13 10/4/13 11:49 AM Page 2
  • 6. LISASMITH NAME Lisa Smith ADDRESS 114 Ballentine Crossing Ln., Irmo, SC 29063 EMAIL lisa@lisaSCdesigner.com PHONE 231 360 3231 references / client referrals Joanne Hitchens TC Food, Director of Marketing 1249Woodmere Traverse City, MI49685 231-342-9331 joanne@tcfood.com Deb and Brian Cairns Sleders FamilyTavern, Owners 717 Randolph Street Traverse City, MI 49684 cell: 231 649 8955 cairns@earthlink.net Caroline Elliott Belk Consultant, Belk Handbag Division 127 Macaw Landing Lexington, SC 29073 elvis59@gmail.com (803) 609-2170 Chantay Dreher Belk Consultant, Michael Kors Specialist, Handbag Division 804 SweetThorne Rd. Irmo, SC 29063 cell: 803-727-6169 cbdreher@att.net Robert B. Adams, Sr. Overby Farm, Hip Bones, Former Owner 7209 Crystal Avenue Box 383 Beulah, MI 49617 cell: 231-233-1501 rbadams49@gmail.com Seamus Shinners Connemara Concerts, Owner 410 Seventh Street Traverse City, MI 49684 231-941-8667 musicmanseamus@hotmail.com Peter Barbadoro Fire Protection Engineers andTechnical Staffing Irmo, South Carolina cell:617-293-5340 firesmart1@me.com Phillip Fleetwood Applied, Account Manager Irmo, South Carolina cell: 803 b546 5919 pfleetwood@applied.com