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Matthew Ledford FastPivot.com Social Media Strategy for International NGOs & Universities Jonathan Poston FastPivot.com Worldwide Trends, Brand Promotion, & Recruiting Hashtag: #social-4-orgs Grant Henry FastPivot.com Jim Zhang Maharishi University of Management
Social Media Promotions for International Universities LNU-MSU International College of Business, Dalian China.  Courtesy Mike Coutts, Assistant Dean, Director of International Students International Careers Program at Universidad Espiritu Santo, Guayaquil Ecuador.  Courtesy Isidro Fierro, Director of ICP Eastern Illinois University, Charleston IL.  Courtesy Lisa Brown, Study Abroad Coordinator Top Ten Social Media Marketing Optimization Tips  Implementing location based strategy
Case I. : LNU-MSU CIB LNU-MSU College of International Business is a partnership between Liaoning Normal University & Missouri State University. LNU-MSU CIB has a diverse student body, which includes approx. 900 students from the U.S., Africa, Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Mongolia, etc. Began FB/Twitter Campaign, Dec. 22, 2011 Ref:  http:// chinacampus.missouristate.edu/about.htm
Case I. : LNU-MSU CIB Strategies & Insights:  Use an international student team to manage social media  (will provide good international marketing experience for students) Post program info. (re: presentations, awards, new instructors, important dates, events, etc.) & general China info. Encourage alumni, current & former staff/instructors etc. to get involved.  Build community.  Use social as a tool for outreach, student recruitment, etc.
Case II. : UEES-ICP International Careers Program at Universidad Espiritu Santo, Guayaquil Ecuador (http:// www.uees.edu.ec/pregrado/international/icp.php ) 5000 students total 1200 in the International Careers Program
Case II. : UEES-ICP , Facebook Page:  http:// www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id =1187341121
Case II. : UEES-ICP Strategies & Insights:  Results:  When we post a workshop, we get immediate students wanting to register. How do you measure results?  In the workshop registration, and students payments, also events attendance. Twitter vs. Facebook?  Here in Ecuador, twitter is not to popular. Student recruitment via social media:  None
Case III: EIU- Study Abroad
Case III: EIU- Study Abroad   400+ Facebook fans after initiating campaign about 1 year ago  Facebook:  http:// www.facebook.com/EIUStudyAbroad?v =wall   .
Case III: EIU- Study Abroad Marketing Study Abroad : Most students on EIUs campus probably hear about our office in multiple ways, and Facebook ( is just one of those ways.油I have had a lot of students tell me that they came to an event on campus because they saw it on Facebook, but no one has specifically told me theyve studied abroad because they saw us on Facebook
Case III: EIU- Study Abroad, Admin Tips  Like international organizations online.油 Im in study abroad, so Ive liked every travel blog that I know about.油 Ive also liked travel publications, embassy websites, all of our partners and partner universities, and cultural organizations. This way, I can borrow their posts and I never run out of things to post on Facebook on any given day.油 Ive found that as long as you give credit by tagging the person who posted the link, people dont mind if you use their links.油 Actually, they appreciate it because youve tagged them and therefore exposed more people to their page.油
Case III: EIU- Study Abroad Whenever I see a post that might interest our students, I keep it on a Microsoft Word document arranged by country.油 (Im attaching that document for your reference. ) This way, all I have to do is pull a post off the list.油  Keep a Facebook calendar.油This can be online, or like mine, a paper calendar on the wall on which I write what Im going to post on Facebook each day.油 I periodically check EIUs calendar for international-related events and write them on my Facebook calendar.油 I also write any scholarship deadlines, information meetings, so that I can announce them on Facebook.油
Case III: EIU- Study Abroad Giveaways are a great way to attract fans to your Facebook page.油 It doesnt have to be expensive.油 For International Education Week, we posted a picture of a staff member in clothing from a different country each day.油 The students were asked to guess which country the clothing came from and one correct guesser each day received a $20 gift card to Borders.油
Top Ten Tips  Keep it relevant & clear, especially in the title. Consider online readers (like short, bulleted, use photos, hyperlinked, clarity, useful / informative, catchy). Include a single, focused call to action (watch for multiple messages). Link back to your high conversion landing pages.  Use SEO keywords for every channel, so not only will your fans/followers etc. find you now, but so your entire target market can find your content later (compounded value)
Top Ten Tips, cont. 6. Use custom design & graphics to extend branding, etc. onto social platforms (Facebook Splash page, etc.)  5600  Fans
Top Ten Tips, cont. 7. Post on a regular basis (a few times daily to several times a week, depending on goals)  8. Adapt your social media campaign to the audience (whats the best platform?, what language?, are they on mobile?, etc.) 9. Beyond posting good content to keep it growing, advertise your social media on your orgs Homepage, newsletter, print media, Facebook ads, etc.  10. Measure Results!!
Location Based Strategy Below are some we use here in the U.S. List in Google Places and add pictures, store information, contact info  http:// places.google .com /business   You can also add Offers to Your Google Maps Listing  http:// www.google.com/local/add/coupons?hl =en- US&gl =US
Location Based Strategy Get everyone you know to rate your business here:  http:// www.google.com /hotpot#  and on  http:// www.yelp.com
Location Based Strategy Add your business location to Facebook Places  http:// www.facebook.com /places/ Offer incentives to frequent Four Square check ins:  http:// foursquare.com /businesses/
Measuring Results The first step is determining conversion goals..what do they want visitors to do...if that is signing up for an event/newsletter or buy something etc
Measuring Results 油 Using a sign up form for event registration newsletters etc., customers can report how they found out about the link etc.油 Use油 bit.ly  for Twitter 油& insights for FB, but they really only give you an idea of views to a particular link.
Measuring Results Use Google Analytics (create advanced segments for social) to track & cross reference (from油 bit.ly 油etc.) social traffic to determine campaign effectiveness.油
Measuring Results Not so easy to track long term SEO and Branding value, but better ways of tracking this than trad. ads.油 There's also qualitative tracking...keeping records of useful contacts, sales leads, etc. (can also automate with Klout etc. but I've found that to be inaccurate..as well as some other tools.) 油
Social Media for International NGOs & Universities Part III Weidong (Jim) Zhang
China's Netizen Population Source: CNNIC China's netizen population has reached 450 million by the end of November, up 20.3 percent year on year. 油 Million
What Chinese are doing online? Source: moonlighthk.com
The 100 most-visited sites: China油Data: December 2010 Source: 油 google.com Rank site 油 油 油 油 油油 Unique Visitors (users) 1    油 油 油 油 油 油 230,000,000 2   油  油 油 油 油 油 油 油 170,000,000 4  Sina.com.cn  油 油 油 油 油 110,000,000 6  Youku.com  油 油 油 油 油 油 88,000,000 9  Tudou.com  油 油 油 油 油 油 67,000,000
Popular Social Media Platforms油 Source:  360属 Digital Influence
Best Practices to Reach Your Chinese Students!油 A Chinese webpage U.S.A. 60+ Colleges and Universities油 U.K. 油 油15+ Colleges and油Universities BBS (Bulletin Board System) QQ, Online conference MSN Blog Skype + SMS ( The best way to remind your油Chinese 油 applicants checking emails) Social Networks 油 Service(SNS)油RENREN, Kaixin001,  Weibo , Youku, Tudou.
油油 油 油 QQ MSN油 油油 油 油 油 Video油 University of油Idaho
油 QQ Group
QQ,Weibo, BBS, Blog
A good example
Chinese Facebook Kaixin001.com The Kaixin001 has listed around 20 colleges users.油
"Weibo" is the Hottest Search for Chinese Internet Surfers for 2010. Trends and Strategies Source:油 blogs.wsj.com  pacificepoch.com 油  The  number 油of registered microblog users in China grew to  75 million in 2010 , from  8 million in 2009 , according to a recent report by market research firm Analysys International, and that figure is expected to  240 million in 2012 ." "Sina's (Nasdaq:SINA) Twitter-like microblogging service will record 150 million users in 2011, with  10 million new users 油joining every month, DoNews reported on January 7 citing the director of Sina's Marketing Strategy Center, Ai Yong.油More than  5,000 enterprises 油and  2,700 media organizations 油have joined the service, the report said."
More than 160 colleges and universities on  Weibo , Are you the one of them?油
"Government Gets Big Into Microblogging"油 Trends and Strategies Source:油 blogs.wsj.c om 油 " Hundreds 油 of  public security bureaus 油in China have launched their own microblogs,  Xinhua 油said this week, as part of an attempt to better connect with the countrys tech-savvy online population while also leveraging  social media 油as means to solving criminal cases... Other  local government agencies 油have also turned to microblogs as a way to push out policy announcements and other information, as well as hear complaints from the public. According to Sinas statistics,  139 government departments 油and  56 transportation departments 油have opened Sina Weibo accounts, including the  provincial government in Yunnan , whose油account油has racked up more than 48,800 followers since opening in June last year."
University of the Arts London
University of Greenwich
University of Sunderland
Be the 1st U.S. Colleges on Chinese Twitter (Weibo) Trends and Strategies Source: asiadigitalmap.com A few differences: Verified accounts油 280 Roman characters 油 Embedded picture & video attachments Weibo Live Weibo Group Schools on Weibo: 160 +  colleges and universities users 60 + 油business schools users 12 + 油high schools油users 4+ foreign schools油users How Chinese college promoting油themselves? Sharing activities, class schedules, programs油 Events, photos, videos油 Common hashtags on Weibo for campus discussion 油(e.g. #colleges#)
Fudan University油 油
The coolest residence油advisor油who can write a notice in English.油 Wuhan University of油Technology
University Accounts Worth Learning From Trends and Strategies Source: 油 patrickpowers.net "Be a conversation driver...responding quickly to anyone asking a question." 油 "Twitter accounts are always better when theyre personal." "A university account isnt always about promoting the school, its about cheering it on." EducationUSA Shaanxi Normal University
Sustainable Recruiting 油 油 - Recruiting油is not a one-shot deal Trends and strategies  Use social media as tools for your recruiting pool油 Developing school relations and油networks油 Online Information Sessions油 Meet up Live Education Fair Action油Plans Alumni油 Admissions orientation Faculty members油 International油Admissions Orientation International student experiences Visa Application  New students Departure Orientation
Become friends first, then do business. (Promoting & Branding ) Source: chinese-culture.net 油 Chinese油Business油Culture " Chinese business relationship inevitably becomes a  social relationship 油after a while. Unlike Western business relationship which remains professional and perhaps, aloof, even after a long time, Chinese business relationship becomes a social one. The more you share your personal life, including family, hobbies, political views, aspirations, the closer you are in your business relationship. Sometimes, a lot of time is spent discussing matters outside of business, but then a lot of time, the other party is also making up his mind about your deal based on how much he sees your personal relationship with him. "
Developing School Relations and Networks油 (Promoting & Branding ) Source: dipont.com I HK University of Science and Technology  Information sessions II The油Robert油H.油Smith油School of油Business 油 Business Plan Competition   Information Sessions The most effective way to promote your programs and schools in China.
Developing School Relations and Networks油 (Promoting & Branding ) Talk to the high school advisor  Talk to student's parents 油 Alumni success Campus facilities and teaching qualities Safety and support services  Name and contact information for Chinese students, Chinese faculty members Internships and careers  Transfer Students (1+3, 2+2, 3+1) International Transferring programs Scotland SQA HND (Scottish Qualifications Authority High National Diploma) U.K. BTEC HND (Business & Technology Education Council High National Diploma)
Developing School Relations and Networks油 (Promoting & Branding ) English Interviews  Sending alumni back to their high schools Social Media & Forums ESL teachers networks Universities relationships
Thank you! Want to know more? 油 @me油 wzhang@mum.edu油 [email_address] Need help with your油recruiting?  I am interested in recruiting consulting and job opportunities.
www.fastpivot.com For any questions for FastPivot.com, contact Grant Henry at  [email_address] You can also contact Jim Zhang at  [email_address]   Social Media Strategy for International NGOs & Universities For an archive of todays webinar, keep an eye on our blog: http:// ecommerceblog.fastpivot.com Take advantage of our complimentary 1-on-1 strategy session: http:// bit.ly/socialorganizations

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Social Media Strategy for International NGOs & Universities

  • 1. Matthew Ledford FastPivot.com Social Media Strategy for International NGOs & Universities Jonathan Poston FastPivot.com Worldwide Trends, Brand Promotion, & Recruiting Hashtag: #social-4-orgs Grant Henry FastPivot.com Jim Zhang Maharishi University of Management
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  • 20. Social Media Promotions for International Universities LNU-MSU International College of Business, Dalian China. Courtesy Mike Coutts, Assistant Dean, Director of International Students International Careers Program at Universidad Espiritu Santo, Guayaquil Ecuador. Courtesy Isidro Fierro, Director of ICP Eastern Illinois University, Charleston IL. Courtesy Lisa Brown, Study Abroad Coordinator Top Ten Social Media Marketing Optimization Tips Implementing location based strategy
  • 21. Case I. : LNU-MSU CIB
  • 22. Case I. : LNU-MSU CIB LNU-MSU College of International Business is a partnership between Liaoning Normal University & Missouri State University. LNU-MSU CIB has a diverse student body, which includes approx. 900 students from the U.S., Africa, Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Mongolia, etc. Began FB/Twitter Campaign, Dec. 22, 2011 Ref: http:// chinacampus.missouristate.edu/about.htm
  • 23. Case I. : LNU-MSU CIB
  • 24. Case I. : LNU-MSU CIB
  • 25. Case I. : LNU-MSU CIB
  • 26. Case I. : LNU-MSU CIB
  • 27. Case I. : LNU-MSU CIB Strategies & Insights: Use an international student team to manage social media (will provide good international marketing experience for students) Post program info. (re: presentations, awards, new instructors, important dates, events, etc.) & general China info. Encourage alumni, current & former staff/instructors etc. to get involved. Build community. Use social as a tool for outreach, student recruitment, etc.
  • 28. Case II. : UEES-ICP International Careers Program at Universidad Espiritu Santo, Guayaquil Ecuador (http:// www.uees.edu.ec/pregrado/international/icp.php ) 5000 students total 1200 in the International Careers Program
  • 29. Case II. : UEES-ICP , Facebook Page: http:// www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id =1187341121
  • 30. Case II. : UEES-ICP Strategies & Insights: Results: When we post a workshop, we get immediate students wanting to register. How do you measure results? In the workshop registration, and students payments, also events attendance. Twitter vs. Facebook? Here in Ecuador, twitter is not to popular. Student recruitment via social media: None
  • 31. Case III: EIU- Study Abroad
  • 32. Case III: EIU- Study Abroad 400+ Facebook fans after initiating campaign about 1 year ago Facebook: http:// www.facebook.com/EIUStudyAbroad?v =wall .
  • 33. Case III: EIU- Study Abroad Marketing Study Abroad : Most students on EIUs campus probably hear about our office in multiple ways, and Facebook ( is just one of those ways.油I have had a lot of students tell me that they came to an event on campus because they saw it on Facebook, but no one has specifically told me theyve studied abroad because they saw us on Facebook
  • 34. Case III: EIU- Study Abroad, Admin Tips Like international organizations online.油 Im in study abroad, so Ive liked every travel blog that I know about.油 Ive also liked travel publications, embassy websites, all of our partners and partner universities, and cultural organizations. This way, I can borrow their posts and I never run out of things to post on Facebook on any given day.油 Ive found that as long as you give credit by tagging the person who posted the link, people dont mind if you use their links.油 Actually, they appreciate it because youve tagged them and therefore exposed more people to their page.油
  • 35. Case III: EIU- Study Abroad Whenever I see a post that might interest our students, I keep it on a Microsoft Word document arranged by country.油 (Im attaching that document for your reference. ) This way, all I have to do is pull a post off the list.油 Keep a Facebook calendar.油This can be online, or like mine, a paper calendar on the wall on which I write what Im going to post on Facebook each day.油 I periodically check EIUs calendar for international-related events and write them on my Facebook calendar.油 I also write any scholarship deadlines, information meetings, so that I can announce them on Facebook.油
  • 36. Case III: EIU- Study Abroad Giveaways are a great way to attract fans to your Facebook page.油 It doesnt have to be expensive.油 For International Education Week, we posted a picture of a staff member in clothing from a different country each day.油 The students were asked to guess which country the clothing came from and one correct guesser each day received a $20 gift card to Borders.油
  • 37. Top Ten Tips Keep it relevant & clear, especially in the title. Consider online readers (like short, bulleted, use photos, hyperlinked, clarity, useful / informative, catchy). Include a single, focused call to action (watch for multiple messages). Link back to your high conversion landing pages. Use SEO keywords for every channel, so not only will your fans/followers etc. find you now, but so your entire target market can find your content later (compounded value)
  • 38. Top Ten Tips, cont. 6. Use custom design & graphics to extend branding, etc. onto social platforms (Facebook Splash page, etc.) 5600 Fans
  • 39. Top Ten Tips, cont. 7. Post on a regular basis (a few times daily to several times a week, depending on goals) 8. Adapt your social media campaign to the audience (whats the best platform?, what language?, are they on mobile?, etc.) 9. Beyond posting good content to keep it growing, advertise your social media on your orgs Homepage, newsletter, print media, Facebook ads, etc. 10. Measure Results!!
  • 40. Location Based Strategy Below are some we use here in the U.S. List in Google Places and add pictures, store information, contact info http:// places.google .com /business You can also add Offers to Your Google Maps Listing http:// www.google.com/local/add/coupons?hl =en- US&gl =US
  • 41. Location Based Strategy Get everyone you know to rate your business here: http:// www.google.com /hotpot# and on http:// www.yelp.com
  • 42. Location Based Strategy Add your business location to Facebook Places http:// www.facebook.com /places/ Offer incentives to frequent Four Square check ins: http:// foursquare.com /businesses/
  • 43. Measuring Results The first step is determining conversion goals..what do they want visitors to do...if that is signing up for an event/newsletter or buy something etc
  • 44. Measuring Results 油 Using a sign up form for event registration newsletters etc., customers can report how they found out about the link etc.油 Use油 bit.ly for Twitter 油& insights for FB, but they really only give you an idea of views to a particular link.
  • 45. Measuring Results Use Google Analytics (create advanced segments for social) to track & cross reference (from油 bit.ly 油etc.) social traffic to determine campaign effectiveness.油
  • 46. Measuring Results Not so easy to track long term SEO and Branding value, but better ways of tracking this than trad. ads.油 There's also qualitative tracking...keeping records of useful contacts, sales leads, etc. (can also automate with Klout etc. but I've found that to be inaccurate..as well as some other tools.) 油
  • 47.
  • 48. Social Media for International NGOs & Universities Part III Weidong (Jim) Zhang
  • 49. China's Netizen Population Source: CNNIC China's netizen population has reached 450 million by the end of November, up 20.3 percent year on year. 油 Million
  • 50. What Chinese are doing online? Source: moonlighthk.com
  • 51. The 100 most-visited sites: China油Data: December 2010 Source: 油 google.com Rank site 油 油 油 油 油油 Unique Visitors (users) 1 油 油 油 油 油 油 230,000,000 2 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 油 170,000,000 4 Sina.com.cn 油 油 油 油 油 110,000,000 6 Youku.com 油 油 油 油 油 油 88,000,000 9 Tudou.com 油 油 油 油 油 油 67,000,000
  • 52. Popular Social Media Platforms油 Source: 360属 Digital Influence
  • 53. Best Practices to Reach Your Chinese Students!油 A Chinese webpage U.S.A. 60+ Colleges and Universities油 U.K. 油 油15+ Colleges and油Universities BBS (Bulletin Board System) QQ, Online conference MSN Blog Skype + SMS ( The best way to remind your油Chinese 油 applicants checking emails) Social Networks 油 Service(SNS)油RENREN, Kaixin001, Weibo , Youku, Tudou.
  • 54. 油油 油 油 QQ MSN油 油油 油 油 油 Video油 University of油Idaho
  • 59. Chinese Facebook Kaixin001.com The Kaixin001 has listed around 20 colleges users.油
  • 60. "Weibo" is the Hottest Search for Chinese Internet Surfers for 2010. Trends and Strategies Source:油 blogs.wsj.com pacificepoch.com 油 The number 油of registered microblog users in China grew to 75 million in 2010 , from 8 million in 2009 , according to a recent report by market research firm Analysys International, and that figure is expected to 240 million in 2012 ." "Sina's (Nasdaq:SINA) Twitter-like microblogging service will record 150 million users in 2011, with 10 million new users 油joining every month, DoNews reported on January 7 citing the director of Sina's Marketing Strategy Center, Ai Yong.油More than 5,000 enterprises 油and 2,700 media organizations 油have joined the service, the report said."
  • 61. More than 160 colleges and universities on Weibo , Are you the one of them?油
  • 62. "Government Gets Big Into Microblogging"油 Trends and Strategies Source:油 blogs.wsj.c om 油 " Hundreds 油 of public security bureaus 油in China have launched their own microblogs, Xinhua 油said this week, as part of an attempt to better connect with the countrys tech-savvy online population while also leveraging social media 油as means to solving criminal cases... Other local government agencies 油have also turned to microblogs as a way to push out policy announcements and other information, as well as hear complaints from the public. According to Sinas statistics, 139 government departments 油and 56 transportation departments 油have opened Sina Weibo accounts, including the provincial government in Yunnan , whose油account油has racked up more than 48,800 followers since opening in June last year."
  • 63. University of the Arts London
  • 66. Be the 1st U.S. Colleges on Chinese Twitter (Weibo) Trends and Strategies Source: asiadigitalmap.com A few differences: Verified accounts油 280 Roman characters 油 Embedded picture & video attachments Weibo Live Weibo Group Schools on Weibo: 160 + colleges and universities users 60 + 油business schools users 12 + 油high schools油users 4+ foreign schools油users How Chinese college promoting油themselves? Sharing activities, class schedules, programs油 Events, photos, videos油 Common hashtags on Weibo for campus discussion 油(e.g. #colleges#)
  • 68. The coolest residence油advisor油who can write a notice in English.油 Wuhan University of油Technology
  • 69. University Accounts Worth Learning From Trends and Strategies Source: 油 patrickpowers.net "Be a conversation driver...responding quickly to anyone asking a question." 油 "Twitter accounts are always better when theyre personal." "A university account isnt always about promoting the school, its about cheering it on." EducationUSA Shaanxi Normal University
  • 70. Sustainable Recruiting 油 油 - Recruiting油is not a one-shot deal Trends and strategies Use social media as tools for your recruiting pool油 Developing school relations and油networks油 Online Information Sessions油 Meet up Live Education Fair Action油Plans Alumni油 Admissions orientation Faculty members油 International油Admissions Orientation International student experiences Visa Application New students Departure Orientation
  • 71. Become friends first, then do business. (Promoting & Branding ) Source: chinese-culture.net 油 Chinese油Business油Culture " Chinese business relationship inevitably becomes a social relationship 油after a while. Unlike Western business relationship which remains professional and perhaps, aloof, even after a long time, Chinese business relationship becomes a social one. The more you share your personal life, including family, hobbies, political views, aspirations, the closer you are in your business relationship. Sometimes, a lot of time is spent discussing matters outside of business, but then a lot of time, the other party is also making up his mind about your deal based on how much he sees your personal relationship with him. "
  • 72. Developing School Relations and Networks油 (Promoting & Branding ) Source: dipont.com I HK University of Science and Technology Information sessions II The油Robert油H.油Smith油School of油Business 油 Business Plan Competition Information Sessions The most effective way to promote your programs and schools in China.
  • 73. Developing School Relations and Networks油 (Promoting & Branding ) Talk to the high school advisor Talk to student's parents 油 Alumni success Campus facilities and teaching qualities Safety and support services Name and contact information for Chinese students, Chinese faculty members Internships and careers Transfer Students (1+3, 2+2, 3+1) International Transferring programs Scotland SQA HND (Scottish Qualifications Authority High National Diploma) U.K. BTEC HND (Business & Technology Education Council High National Diploma)
  • 74. Developing School Relations and Networks油 (Promoting & Branding ) English Interviews Sending alumni back to their high schools Social Media & Forums ESL teachers networks Universities relationships
  • 75. Thank you! Want to know more? 油 @me油 wzhang@mum.edu油 [email_address] Need help with your油recruiting? I am interested in recruiting consulting and job opportunities.
  • 76. www.fastpivot.com For any questions for FastPivot.com, contact Grant Henry at [email_address] You can also contact Jim Zhang at [email_address] Social Media Strategy for International NGOs & Universities For an archive of todays webinar, keep an eye on our blog: http:// ecommerceblog.fastpivot.com Take advantage of our complimentary 1-on-1 strategy session: http:// bit.ly/socialorganizations

Editor's Notes

  • #50: China's netizen population has reached 450 million by the end of November, up 20.3 percent year on year.
  • #52: Chinese facebook油 Renren.com 油listed on the 30th most visited sites.油
  • #60: Chinese facebook油 Kanxin001.com listed 20油institutional users.油 Here I have joined many colleges and universitys group.油 British油Council, Birmingham City University 油 IDP Education, the world's largest student placement firm, IDP Education also manages and part-owns the IELTS test.
  • #61: Read more:油 http://www.shanghaidaily.com/search/result.asp#ixzz1B4guRYqq The Wall Street Journal http://pacificepoch.com/china-investment-research/sector/digital-media/articles/sina-microblog-users-to-hit-150m-this-year/ Sina's (Nasdaq: SINA ) Twitter-like microblogging service will record 150 million users in 2011, with 10 million new users joining every month,油 More than 5,000 enterprises and 2,700 media organizations have joined the service. Microblogs, known as weibo in Mandarin, are fast becoming one of the primary means by which Chinese web users access news and information with services like Sina.coms Sina Weibo playing an increasingly important role in pushing news coverage of major public affairs. 油 油
  • #62: Chinese Twitter油 sina weibo has more than 160 colleges and universities users.油
  • #63: Read more:油 http://www.shanghaidaily.com/search/result.asp#ixzz1B4guRYqq The Wall Street Journal http://pacificepoch.com/china-investment-research/sector/digital-media/articles/sina-microblog-users-to-hit-150m-this-year/ Sina's (Nasdaq: SINA ) Twitter-like microblogging service will record 150 million users in 2011, with 10 million new users joining every month,油 More than 5,000 enterprises and 2,700 media organizations have joined the service. Microblogs, known as weibo in Mandarin, are fast becoming one of the primary means by which Chinese web users access news and information with services like Sina.coms Sina Weibo playing an increasingly important role in pushing news coverage of major public affairs. 油 油
  • #68: A professor who油
  • #69: The coolest residence油advisor油who can write a notice in English.油 Wuhan Tech University