- The document discusses provisioning frameworks like Chef and tools like Berkshelf and knife-solo that can be used to automate server setup and environment configuration.
- It provides an overview of using Berkshelf to install cookbooks from Opscode as well as custom cookbooks from GitHub, and how knife-solo can be used like Chef Server to easily work with Chef Solo.
- The author recommends using version 0.3.0 or later of knife-solo which isn't yet publicly released so it needs to be built.
Running Multiple Multilingual Websites at Kyoto University on WordCamp Kansai 2015.
Concretely, the case example is at Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. Various countries researchers have frequently come to the Center, so a multiple multilingual system construction is very important issue!
Running Multiple Multilingual Websites at Kyoto University on WordCamp Kansai 2015.
Concretely, the case example is at Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. Various countries researchers have frequently come to the Center, so a multiple multilingual system construction is very important issue!
This document provides an overview and summary of key information about CentOS 7, including:
- CentOS is a Linux distribution derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and provides a free, community-supported version of RHEL.
- Details on how CentOS 7 is based on and compatible with RHEL 7 and supports common server configurations like LAMP stacks.
- Information on installing and deploying CentOS 7 virtually using tools like VirtualBox and Vagrant.
- An introduction to new technologies in CentOS 7 like the systemd init system.
16. レシピの作成
package “ntp” do
action :install
service “ntpd” do
supports :status=>true,:restart=>true,:reload=>true
action [:enable,:start]