3 - Послевузовское обучениеKhoa Ngôn ngữ và Văn hóa NgaHọc tiếng Nga online. Learn Russian.
Послевузовское обучение
Giới thiệu hệ thống giáo dục sau Đại học của Việt Nam.
дипломная презентация по роли аутентичных материалов в развитии познавательно...Ivan SimanovВсе о дипломной презентации:
Bihari: You are what you eatSMACC ConferenceDavid Bihari is an Intensivist from Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney. Heis particularly interested and passionate aboutnutrition in the critically ill, and has been involved in research in this area for many years. Here he talks about how we feed in ICU.
3 - Послевузовское обучениеKhoa Ngôn ngữ và Văn hóa NgaHọc tiếng Nga online. Learn Russian.
Послевузовское обучение
Giới thiệu hệ thống giáo dục sau Đại học của Việt Nam.
дипломная презентация по роли аутентичных материалов в развитии познавательно...Ivan SimanovВсе о дипломной презентации:
Bihari: You are what you eatSMACC ConferenceDavid Bihari is an Intensivist from Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney. Heis particularly interested and passionate aboutnutrition in the critically ill, and has been involved in research in this area for many years. Here he talks about how we feed in ICU.
Truck center brochureKevin Goyette MBAThis document summarizes the services provided by TruckCenter.com, which specializes in online auction events for trucks, tractors, and trailers. TruckCenter.com markets customers' surplus vehicles to over 2.3 million buyers through dedicated transportation asset auction sites. They offer asset management services like inspection, detailing, titling and payment processing to maximize sales prices. TruckCenter.com has five vehicle marshaling yards across the US for storage and pre-inspection of assets.
Leading Causes of Mortality and Morbidity in UtahState of Utah, Salt Lake City- The leading causes of mortality in Utah in 2008 were heart disease, cancer, and stroke, which together accounted for over half of all deaths. The leading causes of hospitalization were also heart disease, injuries, mental disorders, and arthritis.
- Injuries were the leading cause of emergency room visits. Heart disease, injuries, mental disorders, and back problems were among the top causes of both hospitalizations and emergency visits.
- An analysis of hospitalization counts and charges found that heart disease, which was the top cause of death and hospitalization, was also one of the biggest cost drivers of healthcare spending. Mental disorders had a relatively larger impact on morbidity than costs.
MortalityjmoncurThere are four key measures of mortality in a population: crude death rate, age-specific death rate, life expectancy, and infant mortality rate. The crude death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 people annually. The age-specific death rate focuses on a particular age and sex. Life expectancy is the number of years a newborn is expected to live. Infant mortality is the number of deaths under age 1 per 1000 live births. Mortality is influenced by factors like age, sex, race, occupation, wealth, housing, access to healthcare, water and food, and education. Countries with the lowest infant mortality rates tend to be more developed with fewer issues like food/water shortages, greater stability, and education.
Behavioral determinantUniversity of KhartoumTarget of public health approaches.
The shifting role of behaviour ( simple-complex)
Behavioural risk factors (itself- determinant-consequent)
determinants of behaviour
Public health strategies to influence determinants of behaviour
The interaction of socioeconomic status (SES), environments, and behaviour
Denormalizing behaviour
Public health interventions and conclusion
Mortality and mobidity indicatorsPriyamadhaba BeheraThis document discusses various measures used to quantify mortality and morbidity. It defines key terms like rates, ratios, proportions and describes different types of mortality and morbidity measures including crude death rates, cause-specific mortality rates, life expectancy, years of life lost, and others. It also discusses methods to adjust rates to account for factors like age and sex, and aggregate measures that combine mortality and morbidity data.
maternal mortality sri lanka global mortality landscape_murray_110110_ihmeInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation - University of WashingtonThe document discusses methods and results for estimating global mortality, including maternal mortality. It describes using multiple data sources and statistical modeling to estimate mortality rates for countries lacking complete vital registration systems. Key findings include a 34% reduction in under-five mortality from 1990-2008, with declines seen in most regions. Maternal mortality declined from 342,900 deaths in 2008, though progress has been uneven across countries and hampered by HIV in some areas.
Friis chapter 1 slidestodd.damrowEpidemiology is defined as the study of the distribution and determinants of health and disease in populations. It examines how often diseases occur in different groups and what factors cause them. Key aspects include studying determinants like behaviors or environments that influence health, how diseases are distributed in populations, and measuring morbidity like illness and mortality like death rates. Important foundations of epidemiology include using an interdisciplinary approach, quantifying data, and examining disease frequencies like in epidemics. Historical figures like Hippocrates, John Snow, and others helped establish core epidemiological concepts and methods through their studies of disease outbreaks.
Quality Assessment of Mortality InformationInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation - University of WashingtonIHME professor Rafael Lozano chaired the 2012 meeting of the Regional Advisory Committee on Health Statistics, Comité Regional Asesor sobre Estadísticas de Salud (CRAES), in Havana, Cuba. Dr. Lozano spoke on quality assessment of mortality information, explaining IHME’s work in the identification and redistribution of cause of death codes. This research supports the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors 2010 Study.
Measures of MortalityAkhilesh BhargavaThe document discusses various measures used to quantify disease occurrence and mortality rates. It defines key terms like prevalence, incidence, rates, ratios and standardized rates. Prevalence is a snapshot of disease at a point in time while incidence describes new cases occurring over time. Crude rates are calculated for the entire population while specific rates are for subpopulations. Standardized rates allow comparison between populations by adjusting for differences in age or other distributions. Methods like direct and indirect standardization are used to derive adjusted rates. Mortality data from vital statistics provides important public health indicators but has issues like accuracy of documentation and changing disease classifications over time.
Mortality measurementAbino DavidMeasures of mortality provide important information for epidemiological studies. They include crude death rate, specific death rates, case fatality rate, proportional mortality rate, and survival rate. Standardized rates allow for comparisons between populations with different age compositions. Some challenges include incomplete reporting, inaccurate information, and non-uniformity across locations. However, mortality measures are useful for explaining trends, prioritizing health issues, designing interventions, and assessing public health programs.
Incidence And PrevalenceAyman Abou MehremIncidence and prevalence measures provide information about disease frequency and burden in populations. Prevalence describes the proportion of people with a disease at a point in time, while incidence refers to the number of new cases that develop over time. Both measures can be stratified by person, place, and time to gain insights into a disease's pathogenesis and development.
Morbidity and mortality 2011Vivian BarreraThe document reports on the morbidity and mortality cases from the Department of Family and Community Medicine at Perpetual Succour Hospital for August 2011, including statistics on hospital admissions, census in family medicine, leading causes of morbidity, and mortality cases. Internal medicine had the highest percentage of total admissions at 46%, while the top three leading causes of morbidity in family medicine were acute gastroenteritis, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections. The single mortality case was a 50-year-old female with invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast.
Morbidity & mortalityHalyna LugovaThis lecture looks specifically at measures of disease frequency: morbidity and mortality. You will see how morbidity data can be used, how routinely collected mortality data can begin to throw light on very important issues that might determine health. You will review the sources of important, routinely collected population data in Malaysia: demographic data (e.g., population census) and health event data (e.g., mortality, hospital and general practice data).
Mortality RatesAyman Abou MehremThis document defines various mortality rates used to measure child mortality and provides statistics for Canada in 2007. It defines perinatal mortality as deaths from 22 weeks of gestation to 7 days after birth. Neonatal mortality is defined as deaths from birth to 28 days. Infant mortality is deaths under 1 year of age. The under-5 mortality rate measures the probability of a child dying before age 5.
Morbidity and mortality slidesjesus4uThis document discusses various health indicators used to measure morbidity and mortality. It defines key terms like mortality, crude death rate, life expectancy. It also covers morbidity measures like prevalence, incidence and types of morbidity rates. Different rates are explained including infant, child, maternal and other cause-specific mortality rates. The importance and limitations of these indicators in understanding population health are also summarized.
Chronic diseases and their risk factors in the Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation - University of WashingtonThe document summarizes findings from the Saudi Health Interview Survey (SHIS) conducted in 2013. Some key findings include:
- 15.1% of Saudis ages 15 or older are hypertensive, 40.5% are borderline hypertensive
- 8.5% are hypercholesterolemic and 20% are borderline hypercholesterolemic
- 13.4% are diabetic and 16.3% are borderline diabetic
- 28.7% of Saudis are obese
What Is MoralitySteve KashdanThis document provides an overview of morality and ethics. It defines philosophy and explains how ethics relates to the study of morality. It outlines two approaches to studying morality - descriptive and philosophical. The philosophical approach includes normative ethics, which deals with standards of behavior, and meta-ethics, which analyzes the logic and reasoning behind ethical systems. The document also discusses where morality comes from, including objective theories based on supernatural beings or natural laws, and subjective theories that see morality as residing within humans. It explores the relationships between morality, law, religion and culture.
Факультет переводов УНИКDarya EliseevaОтделение УНИК ИМЭИ и Факультет лингвистики ИМЭИ осуществляют обучение студентов по профилю «Перевод и переводоведение».
Учеба на лингвистическом факультете – это дистанционное обучение на специальном учебном сайте института. Занятия проходят в виртуальных классах, которые напоминают обычные лекционные помещения, где студенты могут видеть друг друга, общаться, взаимодействовать с преподавателем. Здесь вы найдете различные обучающие видео- и аудиолекции. В виртуальном классе студенты слышат и видят преподавателя и своих однокурсников. На учебном сайте вуза можно общаться с кураторами, консультироваться с преподавателями и студентами.
Мы разработали особую программу обучения – «погружение» в историю и культуру страны, чей язык изучает студент. Уже спустя год обучения студенты имеют достойные знания.
Обучение иностранным языкам является средством, которое позволит получить интересную и высокооплачиваемую работу. В любом направлении, сфере деятельности специалисты, знающие английский и другие иностранные языки, более востребованы и быстрее делают успешную карьеру. На отделении УНИК обучение иностранным языкам осуществляется через Интернет. Это доступно и удобно! Главное – постоянно практиковаться!
Программы переподготовки в МГУAnna ProffПрограммы переподготовки в Центре интерактивных технологий ФИЯР МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова. Диплом МГУ. Присвоение новой квалификации ПЕДАГОГА. Тема: ИКТ в преподавании иностранных языков.
Тенденция огрубления в рууском языке матер. з досвыду роботи №4Psariova
1. Приглашаем принять участие методистов и
учителей английского языка, имеющих научные
работы, статьи по предложенной теме
телеконференции. Специальный гость -
заслуженный учитель РФ, доктор педагогических
наук Ткаучук Михаил Сергеевич.
Телеконференция будет проходить в режиме online
25 мая 2012 года с 10.00 до 12.30 (по Москве).
Трансляция телеконференции будет вестись на
официальном портале www.ikttelekonf.com
Модератор: Иванова Татьяна (tany-ska@yandex.ru)
2. Обсуждать выступления докладчиков
во время, отведенное для
Придерживаться общечеловеческих
норм поведения
Придерживаться темы конференции.
Выступать с докладами при условии
предварительной подачи темы для
телеконференции. Время доклада не
должно превышать 10 минут.
За обеспечением
порядка, последовательностью и
регламентом выступлений следит
При условии срыва проведения
телеконференции, модератор, ответс
твенный за организацию такой
телеконференции, в праве исключить
участника из телеконференции.
3. 9.30 – регистрация участников и
10.00 – приветственное слово директора
лингвистической школы №71.
10.10 – выступление дпн. Ткаучука М.С.
10.20 – выступление
зарегистрировавшихся участников с
11.20 – технический перерыв.
11.30 – обсуждение проблемы
содержания лингвострановедческого
аспекта в обучении английскому
12.00 – подведение итогов
* в случае изменения в порядке телеконференции, участникам будет сообщено заранее, также новый
порядок будет вывешен на официальном портале.
4. Добрый день, уважаемые участники
Мы рады приветствовать на первой
телеконференции, посвященной
проблемам лингвострановедческого
аспекта в обучении английскому языку.
На современном этапе развития нашего общества значимость изучения иностранного
языка возрастает, возрастает потребность в овладении иностранным языком как
средством общения.
Начиная с 90-х годов, все большее значение приобретают элементы
лингвострановедения (ЛС), вводимые в курс обучения иностранному языку в средней
Если раньше страноведческие сведения сопровождали базовый курс иностранного
языка лишь как комментарий при изучении того или иного материала, то в настоящее
время лингвострановедческий аспект (ЛСА) должен стать неотъемлемой частью уроков
иностранного языка.
Эффективность использования ЛСА в процессе обучения иностранному языку
очевидно. Это ведет к более полному, глубокому осмыслению специфических явлений
изучаемого языка, незнание которых ведет к недостаточному пониманию явлений,
реалий, собственно языка, что затрудняет проникновение в культуру другого народа.
ЛСА открывает широкую дорогу для достижения этой цели.
Директор ЛШ №71
Рудольф Т.С.