ゼロから始める深層強化学習(NLP2018講演資料)/ Introduction of Deep Reinforcement LearningPreferred Networks
Introduction of Deep Reinforcement Learning, which was presented at domestic NLP conference.
言語処理学会第24回年次大会(NLP2018) での講演資料です。
* Satoshi Hara and Kohei Hayashi. Making Tree Ensembles Interpretable: A Bayesian Model Selection Approach. AISTATS'18 (to appear).
arXiv ver.: https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.09066#
* GitHub
This document discusses self-supervised representation learning (SRL) for reinforcement learning tasks. SRL learns state representations by using prediction tasks as an auxiliary objective. The key ideas are: (1) SRL learns an encoder that maps observations to states using a prediction task like modeling future states or actions; (2) The learned state representations improve generalization and exploration in reinforcement learning algorithms; (3) Several SRL methods are discussed, including world models, inverse models, and causal infoGANs.
Ribeiro, Marco Tulio, Sameer Singh, and Carlos Guestrin. "" Why should i trust you?" Explaining the predictions of any classifier." Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining. 2016.
Explanation in Machine Learning and Its ReliabilitySatoshi Hara
This document summarizes a presentation on explanation in machine learning. It discusses two types of explanations: saliency maps and similar examples. Saliency maps highlight important regions of an input that influenced a prediction. Similar examples provide instances from a database that are similar to the input. The document notes that the reliability of explanations has become a key concern, as explanations may not be valid or could be used maliciously. It reviews research evaluating the faithfulness and plausibility of explanations, and proposes tests like parameter randomization to evaluate faithfulness. The talk concludes that generating fake explanations could allow unfair models to appear fair, highlighting a risk of "fairwashing" that more research is needed to address.
ゼロから始める深層強化学習(NLP2018講演資料)/ Introduction of Deep Reinforcement LearningPreferred Networks
Introduction of Deep Reinforcement Learning, which was presented at domestic NLP conference.
言語処理学会第24回年次大会(NLP2018) での講演資料です。
* Satoshi Hara and Kohei Hayashi. Making Tree Ensembles Interpretable: A Bayesian Model Selection Approach. AISTATS'18 (to appear).
arXiv ver.: https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.09066#
* GitHub
This document discusses self-supervised representation learning (SRL) for reinforcement learning tasks. SRL learns state representations by using prediction tasks as an auxiliary objective. The key ideas are: (1) SRL learns an encoder that maps observations to states using a prediction task like modeling future states or actions; (2) The learned state representations improve generalization and exploration in reinforcement learning algorithms; (3) Several SRL methods are discussed, including world models, inverse models, and causal infoGANs.
Ribeiro, Marco Tulio, Sameer Singh, and Carlos Guestrin. "" Why should i trust you?" Explaining the predictions of any classifier." Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining. 2016.
Explanation in Machine Learning and Its ReliabilitySatoshi Hara
This document summarizes a presentation on explanation in machine learning. It discusses two types of explanations: saliency maps and similar examples. Saliency maps highlight important regions of an input that influenced a prediction. Similar examples provide instances from a database that are similar to the input. The document notes that the reliability of explanations has become a key concern, as explanations may not be valid or could be used maliciously. It reviews research evaluating the faithfulness and plausibility of explanations, and proposes tests like parameter randomization to evaluate faithfulness. The talk concludes that generating fake explanations could allow unfair models to appear fair, highlighting a risk of "fairwashing" that more research is needed to address.
Convex Hull Approximation of Nearly Optimal Lasso SolutionsSatoshi Hara
Satoshi Hara, Takanori Maehara. Convex Hull Approximation of Nearly Optimal Lasso Solutions. In Proceedings of 16th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Part II, pages 350--363, 2019.
Theoretical Linear Convergence of Unfolded ISTA and its Practical Weights and...Satoshi Hara
【NeurIPS 2018 読み会 in 京都】
Theoretical Linear Convergence of Unfolded ISTA and its Practical Weights and Thresholds
ERATO感謝祭 Season IV
【参考】Satoshi Hara and Takanori Maehara. Enumerate Lasso Solutions for Feature Selection. In Proceedings of the 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'17), pages 1985--1991, 2017.
5. 第二回ザッピングセミナー 原聡
n Why Should I Trust You?: Explaining the Predictions of
Any Classifier, KDD'16 [Python実装 LIME; R実装 LIME]
? どの特徴が予測に重要だったかを提示する。
? モデルを説明対象データの周辺で線形モデルで近似する。
- 線形モデルの係数の大小で、各特徴の重要度合いを測る。
Why Should I Trust You?: Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifierより引用
7. 第二回ザッピングセミナー 原聡
n 画像認識の説明
n モデルのデバッグ
? 狼 vs ハスキーの分類
? 狼画像として、雪背景
→ LIMEにより、モデルが
していることがわかる。 7
Why Should I Trust You?: Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier より引用
9. 第二回ザッピングセミナー 原聡
n Q. 嘘の説明って何?
A. モデル!の実態を反映していない説明。
n Q. なぜ嘘をつくの?
A. 嘘をつくと得することがあるから。
n Q. どんなときに嘘をつくと得するの?
A. お金が絡むと嘘をつくインセンティブは生まれやすい。
n Q. なぜ嘘の説明の研究するの?あなた悪い人?
A. 良い人のつもり。どんな嘘が技術的に可能か、を知らな
10. 第二回ザッピングセミナー 原聡
n 性別や人種で差別する不公平なモデルは悪いモデル。
? 男性と女性とで基準が異なる学力評価モデル。
? 黒人と白人とで基準が異なるローン審査モデル。
n 大前提:著しく不公平なモデルは使われるべきではない。
n でも、もしも不公平なモデルを使ってるとバレなかったら?
? 特定の性別の学生が高い評価を得やすくなる。
- 特定の性別の学生の士気が上がる(かもしれない)。
- 被差別側の性別の学生が少数派の場合、不満を黙殺しやすい。
? 特定の人種の人がローンを組みやすくなる。
- 人種間で収入格差がある場合、高収入の人種を優遇した方が
20. 第二回ザッピングセミナー 原聡
n Adultデータでの結果
? 説明における各特徴の重要度をFairMLツールにより計測
正直な説明 偽りの説明
else if
else if
else if
else if
else low-income
then high-income
then low-income
then low-income
then low-income
then high-income
capital gain > 7056
marital = single
education = HS-grad
occupation = other
occupation = white-colloar
第二回ザッピングセミナー 原聡
23. 第二回ザッピングセミナー 原聡
n Q. 嘘の説明って何?
A. モデル!の実態を反映していない説明。
n Q. なぜ嘘をつくの?
A. 嘘をつくと得することがあるから。
n Q. どんなときに嘘をつくと得するの?
A. お金が絡むと嘘をつくインセンティブは生まれやすい。
n Q. なぜ嘘の説明の研究するの?あなた悪い人?
A. 良い人のつもり。どんな嘘が技術的に可能か、を知らな