The document discusses sponsoring animals at the Milwaukee County Zoo's Education Center. Sponsoring animals can foster students' appreciation and respect for animals while helping support the zoo. Sponsors enjoy various perks depending on the level of sponsorship, such as receiving photos and updates on the sponsored animal. The article provides an overview of the sponsorship program and its benefits for both students and sponsors.
The SONEX Workgroup focuses on repository interoperability and deposit-related projects. It analyzes use cases like publisher-driven and funder-mandated article deposits. The Workgroup coordinates with projects from the JISC Deposit Call and provides support. Current tasks include expanding use case analysis, researching data management, and disseminating opportunities for international cooperation. Pablo de Castro leads SONEX from Carlos III University Madrid.
The document discusses an agency called the "Funky Duck 'Net Brand Agency'" that helps brands adapt to the internet by promoting their "funky side". The agency's philosophy is to interpret brands in a smart, non-standard, bold, and fun way that fits the rules, mood, and challenges of the internet. They aim to make brands fresh, funky, and promote involvement by combining fun and creative strategy to effectively fit brands to the internet environment.
Todd R. Jackson is seeking a position as an EPIC Application Analyst where he can apply his healthcare education and informatics experience. He has over 10 years of experience implementing and maintaining EMR systems including NextGen and Allscripts. His experience includes developing workflows, ensuring regulatory compliance, and administering quality programs. He has a Master's in Health Administration and Informatics and is proficient in various computer systems.
The document discusses key elements of research design including the purpose of studies, types of investigations, study settings, populations, time horizons, and units of analysis. It also covers measurement scales, reliability, and validity. The purpose of research design is to ensure the study effectively addresses its goals. Considering these elements early helps avoid issues later in the research process.
This 3-credit course focuses on international business research. The course aims to help students develop an understanding of traditional and modern business research approaches, distinguish between different research philosophies, and reflect on the research process. Students must submit assignments, attend classes, and participate in a group presentation to pass. Assignments include a research proposal, analysis of data collection and interpretation, and a final report. Attendance, assignments, a final exam, and class participation determine the student's overall grade.
Hingaia Peninsula School is redesigning their learning spaces to personalize education for students. The school will feature different learning studios designed for specific activities, including a performance studio, project room, and discussion space. Furniture and technology will allow flexible use of the spaces. Students will work in vertical groups of different ages to benefit from peer mentoring. Teachers will work in teams of three to support varied learning styles. The school day will consist of three 90-minute learning blocks separated by two 45-minute breaks for activities.
Quick functional UI sketches with Lua templates and mermaid.jsAlexander Gladysh
The talk presents a programmer-friendly approach to rapid prototyping of functional UI sketches for an enterprise application, using a home-grown Lua text template library and the mermaid.js command-line tool. The speaker will also share the experience of creating yet another text template library, the reasoning behind it and the lessons learned in the process of implementation.
Partner Training: Starting a NonprofitGrace Dunlap
This document provides an overview of the steps involved in starting a nonprofit organization, including establishing a board of directors, legal formation through filing articles of incorporation with the state, applying for 501(c)(3) federal tax exemption, complying with state-level regulations, and fulfilling annual reporting requirements. It discusses the services offered by CharityNet USA to help nonprofits with tasks such as document preparation, registrations, bookkeeping, and strategic planning. The conclusion emphasizes helping clients generate revenue and build a strong operational foundation through recommended services.
Fundraising is critical for nonprofits to raise money to fund programs and missions. Effective fundraising requires developing a comprehensive plan with goals and timelines that identifies various funding sources like events, grants, donations and online campaigns. It is important to evaluate fundraising efforts to determine successes and areas for improvement. Organizations should work to build fundraising expertise through training and resources to effectively implement strategies to support their work.
The document discusses the gradual merging of current research information system (CRIS) solutions and institutional repositories (IR) to meet institutional research data management needs. It outlines how CRIS systems focus more on internal management while repositories are outward facing, and how the two can become more interoperable by sharing metadata, publications, and other research information between the systems. The document also presents examples of universities that have integrated their CRIS and repository systems to increase information sharing and better support researchers and research assessment needs.
AMPOWER OUTSOURCING is an IT and BPO company established in 2003 that specializes in integrated BPO solutions and customer/back-office lifecycle management services. It aims to deliver high-quality, cost-effective solutions through sound delivery models and business strategies. AMPOWER OUTSOURCING has over 500 seats in New Delhi and offers services like customer support, data processing, and accounts processing. It focuses on recruiting qualified employees and providing thorough training to ensure quality service delivery.
This presentation on CRIS/IR integration and/or interoperability was delivered within the Open Access Week 2013 events organised by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Spanish University Library Network (REBIUN). It addresses the ever growing integration of institutional CRIS systems and repositories into a single research information management workflow -- also known by other name as "repository embedding". A number of examples are provided for this platform integration in the UK and Spain, and emphasis is placed on the benefits that such interoperability offers for increasing the effectivity in collecting and exposing institutional Open Access contents. A final reflection is added on what steps need to be taken next in order to promote a harmonised approach to research information exchange across institutions.
O documento discute a import?ncia da educa??o para o desenvolvimento econ?mico e social de um país. Ele argumenta que investimentos em educa??o melhoram a produtividade e a capacidade de inova??o, levando a maiores ganhos de produtividade ao longo do tempo. Além disso, uma popula??o mais educada promove sociedades mais estáveis e democráticas.
The document discusses the euroCRIS DSpace-CRIS repository, which provides a platform for open access to presentations from euroCRIS events. It aims to serve both as a repository and a CRIS system by including CERIF-compliant researcher profiles and organizational data. The repository is being populated starting with the most recent materials and events. Once populated, it will also function as a CRIS to provide snapshots of the euroCRIS community and support administration. The goal is to collect and increase discoverability of outputs from euroCRIS and related events to provide a far-reaching research information management platform. Community involvement is requested to review and improve personal and organizational information.
This document provides an overview and introduction to a course on international business research. It discusses defining research and the different types of research. It distinguishes between marketing research and management research. Examples of management research topics are given such as studying employee behaviors and attitudes. The document encourages students to think of research questions and opportunities for studies. It also provides information about using a Facebook page to continue discussion about the course material between classes.
Andrew Seybold's Rebuttal to FCC Capacity White PaperAndrew Seybold
In June 2010, the FCC published its second white paper supporting its recommendations in the National Broadband Plan (NBP) submitted to Congress in March of this year. The first white paper detailed the FCC’s ideas related to the cost of building and operating a nationwide public safety Broadband network. I reviewed that document and prepared my own white paper challenging many of the FCC’s assumptions and questioning its findings.
Open-V is a startup based out of india.
We combine the best open source platform with rugged industrial standard hardware.
Our background is creative with stability and we love open source.
We believe that work is about way more than just making money.
We’re totally committed to making products that are awesome and useful for any Enterprise.
We built the company that we’d want to do business with. We hope you do too.
This presentation, delivered at the UKCoRR Members Meeting at the Open University Milton Keynes on Dec 3rd, 2013, provides an update of the evolution of ORCID implementation with specific emphasis in the UK, highlighting the opportunities the identifier offers to repositories and CRIS systems and the challenges that universities need to address when planning to adopt ORCID at institutional level.
This document lists selected sales experiences for Jonathan Berman, a real estate agent. It describes over 30 different commercial and residential properties across Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island that Berman has helped sell. The properties range from single family homes to multi-unit buildings to industrial warehouses. Many were purchased by local investors or developers looking to benefit from tax incentives or redevelop the sites. Contact information is provided at the bottom for those seeking more details on any of the properties.
This document outlines the curriculum and certification process for an Animal Massage and Care Provider (AMCP) program. The program teaches techniques for interacting with and caring for various animal species through massage, exercise, and positive reinforcement. Students are required to complete reading assignments, study anatomy, and submit 40 session archives with pet photos to demonstrate their skills. The certification process involves completing resume projects and passing exams on various topics. The document provides guidelines for safely interacting with animals and outlines what is and is not within the scope of practice for AMCPs. Pets may attend classes if vaccination requirements are met and they remain under owner supervision.
This document describes how to create a Unix space management report using SAS. Key steps include:
1) Using Unix commands like df, du, and find within a SAS program to report on space capacity, usage, and availability at the volume and directory level.
2) Employing SAS/Graph and ODS to output the results into a PDF report with bar charts and area plots.
3) Automating the reporting process using cron jobs on Unix or the Enterprise Guide job scheduler to regularly execute the SAS program.
This document provides information about obtaining 501c3 tax exempt status for nonprofit organizations. It discusses what 501c3 status is and why it is important, the requirements and limitations for 501c3 organizations, compliance and regulations, and next steps in the application process. Key points include that 501c3 status provides tax exemptions, allows for tax-deductible donations, and is required to receive certain grants. Organizations must prove they are organized and operated exclusively for tax-exempt purposes like religious, charitable, or educational activities. The application process involves filing articles of incorporation, bylaws, and Form 1023 with the IRS.
Dia de los Muertos is a celebration to honor ancestors who have passed away. It is a tradition where relatives create altars and offerings to remember family members who have died. The celebration asks who from one's family will be honored during the holiday.
Hingaia Peninsula School is redesigning their learning spaces to personalize education for students. The school will feature different learning studios designed for specific activities, including a performance studio, project room, and discussion space. Furniture and technology will allow flexible use of the spaces. Students will work in vertical groups of different ages to benefit from peer mentoring. Teachers will work in teams of three to support varied learning styles. The school day will consist of three 90-minute learning blocks separated by two 45-minute breaks for activities.
Quick functional UI sketches with Lua templates and mermaid.jsAlexander Gladysh
The talk presents a programmer-friendly approach to rapid prototyping of functional UI sketches for an enterprise application, using a home-grown Lua text template library and the mermaid.js command-line tool. The speaker will also share the experience of creating yet another text template library, the reasoning behind it and the lessons learned in the process of implementation.
Partner Training: Starting a NonprofitGrace Dunlap
This document provides an overview of the steps involved in starting a nonprofit organization, including establishing a board of directors, legal formation through filing articles of incorporation with the state, applying for 501(c)(3) federal tax exemption, complying with state-level regulations, and fulfilling annual reporting requirements. It discusses the services offered by CharityNet USA to help nonprofits with tasks such as document preparation, registrations, bookkeeping, and strategic planning. The conclusion emphasizes helping clients generate revenue and build a strong operational foundation through recommended services.
Fundraising is critical for nonprofits to raise money to fund programs and missions. Effective fundraising requires developing a comprehensive plan with goals and timelines that identifies various funding sources like events, grants, donations and online campaigns. It is important to evaluate fundraising efforts to determine successes and areas for improvement. Organizations should work to build fundraising expertise through training and resources to effectively implement strategies to support their work.
The document discusses the gradual merging of current research information system (CRIS) solutions and institutional repositories (IR) to meet institutional research data management needs. It outlines how CRIS systems focus more on internal management while repositories are outward facing, and how the two can become more interoperable by sharing metadata, publications, and other research information between the systems. The document also presents examples of universities that have integrated their CRIS and repository systems to increase information sharing and better support researchers and research assessment needs.
AMPOWER OUTSOURCING is an IT and BPO company established in 2003 that specializes in integrated BPO solutions and customer/back-office lifecycle management services. It aims to deliver high-quality, cost-effective solutions through sound delivery models and business strategies. AMPOWER OUTSOURCING has over 500 seats in New Delhi and offers services like customer support, data processing, and accounts processing. It focuses on recruiting qualified employees and providing thorough training to ensure quality service delivery.
This presentation on CRIS/IR integration and/or interoperability was delivered within the Open Access Week 2013 events organised by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Spanish University Library Network (REBIUN). It addresses the ever growing integration of institutional CRIS systems and repositories into a single research information management workflow -- also known by other name as "repository embedding". A number of examples are provided for this platform integration in the UK and Spain, and emphasis is placed on the benefits that such interoperability offers for increasing the effectivity in collecting and exposing institutional Open Access contents. A final reflection is added on what steps need to be taken next in order to promote a harmonised approach to research information exchange across institutions.
O documento discute a import?ncia da educa??o para o desenvolvimento econ?mico e social de um país. Ele argumenta que investimentos em educa??o melhoram a produtividade e a capacidade de inova??o, levando a maiores ganhos de produtividade ao longo do tempo. Além disso, uma popula??o mais educada promove sociedades mais estáveis e democráticas.
The document discusses the euroCRIS DSpace-CRIS repository, which provides a platform for open access to presentations from euroCRIS events. It aims to serve both as a repository and a CRIS system by including CERIF-compliant researcher profiles and organizational data. The repository is being populated starting with the most recent materials and events. Once populated, it will also function as a CRIS to provide snapshots of the euroCRIS community and support administration. The goal is to collect and increase discoverability of outputs from euroCRIS and related events to provide a far-reaching research information management platform. Community involvement is requested to review and improve personal and organizational information.
This document provides an overview and introduction to a course on international business research. It discusses defining research and the different types of research. It distinguishes between marketing research and management research. Examples of management research topics are given such as studying employee behaviors and attitudes. The document encourages students to think of research questions and opportunities for studies. It also provides information about using a Facebook page to continue discussion about the course material between classes.
Andrew Seybold's Rebuttal to FCC Capacity White PaperAndrew Seybold
In June 2010, the FCC published its second white paper supporting its recommendations in the National Broadband Plan (NBP) submitted to Congress in March of this year. The first white paper detailed the FCC’s ideas related to the cost of building and operating a nationwide public safety Broadband network. I reviewed that document and prepared my own white paper challenging many of the FCC’s assumptions and questioning its findings.
Open-V is a startup based out of india.
We combine the best open source platform with rugged industrial standard hardware.
Our background is creative with stability and we love open source.
We believe that work is about way more than just making money.
We’re totally committed to making products that are awesome and useful for any Enterprise.
We built the company that we’d want to do business with. We hope you do too.
This presentation, delivered at the UKCoRR Members Meeting at the Open University Milton Keynes on Dec 3rd, 2013, provides an update of the evolution of ORCID implementation with specific emphasis in the UK, highlighting the opportunities the identifier offers to repositories and CRIS systems and the challenges that universities need to address when planning to adopt ORCID at institutional level.
This document lists selected sales experiences for Jonathan Berman, a real estate agent. It describes over 30 different commercial and residential properties across Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island that Berman has helped sell. The properties range from single family homes to multi-unit buildings to industrial warehouses. Many were purchased by local investors or developers looking to benefit from tax incentives or redevelop the sites. Contact information is provided at the bottom for those seeking more details on any of the properties.
This document outlines the curriculum and certification process for an Animal Massage and Care Provider (AMCP) program. The program teaches techniques for interacting with and caring for various animal species through massage, exercise, and positive reinforcement. Students are required to complete reading assignments, study anatomy, and submit 40 session archives with pet photos to demonstrate their skills. The certification process involves completing resume projects and passing exams on various topics. The document provides guidelines for safely interacting with animals and outlines what is and is not within the scope of practice for AMCPs. Pets may attend classes if vaccination requirements are met and they remain under owner supervision.
This document describes how to create a Unix space management report using SAS. Key steps include:
1) Using Unix commands like df, du, and find within a SAS program to report on space capacity, usage, and availability at the volume and directory level.
2) Employing SAS/Graph and ODS to output the results into a PDF report with bar charts and area plots.
3) Automating the reporting process using cron jobs on Unix or the Enterprise Guide job scheduler to regularly execute the SAS program.
This document provides information about obtaining 501c3 tax exempt status for nonprofit organizations. It discusses what 501c3 status is and why it is important, the requirements and limitations for 501c3 organizations, compliance and regulations, and next steps in the application process. Key points include that 501c3 status provides tax exemptions, allows for tax-deductible donations, and is required to receive certain grants. Organizations must prove they are organized and operated exclusively for tax-exempt purposes like religious, charitable, or educational activities. The application process involves filing articles of incorporation, bylaws, and Form 1023 with the IRS.
Dia de los Muertos is a celebration to honor ancestors who have passed away. It is a tradition where relatives create altars and offerings to remember family members who have died. The celebration asks who from one's family will be honored during the holiday.