The future of psychometric testing in industry: Views from above and belowMartin Sehlapelo
The document summarizes interviews conducted with various stakeholders in South Africa regarding their views on psychometric testing in industry. It finds that there are both convergences and divergences between the "views from above" of personnel practitioners and the "views from below" of workers and unions. While personnel practitioners acknowledge some biases in testing, they believe these can be overcome through improved tests. Workers and unions have little trust in tests and see the need for explicit testing policies developed through consultation. Most agree that tests should assess relevant job skills and that interviewing and assessing learning potential are preferable alternatives. Responsible reform of testing practices is needed for the transformation of psychology in South Africa.
The document discusses arm wrestling and what makes some people highly successful at it. While strongmen are often thought to be the best due to their size, the world's best arm wrestler Alexey Voevoda is actually rather small by strongman standards at 6'4" and 250 lbs. His success comes from having extremely powerful forearms that can generate alarming force. The document then outlines some common exercises used by elite arm wrestlers, like wrist curls, bicep curls, and isometric holds, highlighting Alexey's impressive weights for these exercises. It stresses strengthening both arms equally.
The future of psychometric testing in industry: Views from above and belowMartin Sehlapelo
The document summarizes interviews conducted with various stakeholders in South Africa regarding their views on psychometric testing in industry. It finds that there are both convergences and divergences between the "views from above" of personnel practitioners and the "views from below" of workers and unions. While personnel practitioners acknowledge some biases in testing, they believe these can be overcome through improved tests. Workers and unions have little trust in tests and see the need for explicit testing policies developed through consultation. Most agree that tests should assess relevant job skills and that interviewing and assessing learning potential are preferable alternatives. Responsible reform of testing practices is needed for the transformation of psychology in South Africa.
The document discusses arm wrestling and what makes some people highly successful at it. While strongmen are often thought to be the best due to their size, the world's best arm wrestler Alexey Voevoda is actually rather small by strongman standards at 6'4" and 250 lbs. His success comes from having extremely powerful forearms that can generate alarming force. The document then outlines some common exercises used by elite arm wrestlers, like wrist curls, bicep curls, and isometric holds, highlighting Alexey's impressive weights for these exercises. It stresses strengthening both arms equally.
狠狠撸s from a presentation given by Gillian Fatica to a meeting of IIBA UK's South West branch on [13 November 2014.
User Experience, or UX, is a fashionable buzzword. Is it just a fad, or is it actually important to your project? If you have users, then the answer is yes! But what if you have no UX resource? In this presentation we will explain how the BA is perfectly positioned to take on several key UX roles, and drive towards a delightful user experience. We shall demonstrate how we have used key concepts, tools and techniques to produce valuable results.
Key learnings include:
- What UX actually means
- The ROI of UX and why time should be invested in it
- Discover tools and techniques for BAs to apply on their projects
- See a case study of a web based business application designed using UX principles and methods
The document discusses the effects of the global recession in India and strategies for businesses to survive during an economic downturn. It provides an overview of causes and effects of recessions, and recommends focusing on cash flow, reducing costs, seeking new business, and hiring slowly while emphasizing teamwork. The document also stresses the importance of corporate education for retention, capability building, productivity, and strategies during difficult economic times.
This document provides guidance for trainers on techniques for training in precursor chemical control. It discusses the systematic approach to training, which involves analyzing training needs, setting objectives, designing training strategies, implementing training, and evaluating results. It emphasizes that training design should match objectives and training methods. The document also covers adult learning principles, developing learning units, preparing lectures, participatory training methods, visual aids, and trainer characteristics. Key aspects of training such as needs analysis, aim/objective setting, content balance, and feedback are discussed in detail.
Buying a car can be intimidating; there are so many things to think about. Doing your homework ahead of time is the key to finding the vehicle you want at a fair price. Arming yourself with knowledge will give you the power to negotiate the best deal possible. Here are the six steps you should take when you are ready to purchase a car.
Gregory Johnson burned an American flag during a political protest and was convicted under Texas law of desecrating a flag. The Supreme Court ruled that flag burning is a form of symbolic speech protected by the First Amendment. While some found the flag burning offensive, causing offense is not enough to prohibit speech. The Court determined that Johnson's actions were a protected form of expression and symbolic speech under the freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment.
These seven principles come from excellent research conducted by RE Mayer, J Sweller et al. Use them as a guide for your documents and presentations, and you won't go far wrong.
Cu doped ZnS was investigated as a potential p-type transparent conducting material. Thin films of Cu:ZnS were deposited via pulsed laser deposition using a segmented target to control Cu concentration between 1-20% mole fraction. The films exhibited 80% visible light transparency and crystallized in the desired wurtzite structure after annealing. However, conductivity was low due to most Cu occupying interstitial rather than substitutional sites in the ZnS lattice. Achieving sulfur-rich deposition conditions is needed to promote Cu substitution for Zn and improve hole concentration and conductivity.
What’s happening? - Introduction to the Present ContinuousVivi Giampaolo
The document discusses the present continuous tense in English. It provides examples of sentences in the present continuous tense using common verbs like "speak", "dance", and "play". It explains that the present continuous uses the present form of the verb "to be" plus the verb in the "-ing" form to describe actions happening now. It highlights the difference between simple present and present continuous tenses.
Liam Belch proposes a surrealist and fashion photography slideshow that will confront viewers and challenge their perceptions of what is right and wrong in society today. The slideshow will feature provocative images exploring topics like vanity, sex, power and control, religion, and corruption. It will be accompanied by music and quotes to further convey challenging ideas. The target audience is older teenagers and young adults who Liam hopes to "assault" by "breaking down the walls of perception." He intends to confront expectations of perfection in fashion photography by presenting "some real/surrealist views." The production technique will focus on the composition and layout of raw, unedited photographs arranged like digital paintings.
This document discusses eHealth in Thailand and the road ahead. It summarizes that eHealth adoption in Thailand is high but siloed, with a lack of integration and interoperability. Standards development is underway but incomplete. The road ahead involves addressing gaps in national leadership, workforce shortages, accelerating standards development, integrating applications, and growing local informatics research. Overall eHealth can be a key component of Thailand's healthcare system if these challenges are addressed.
This document provides guidance for teaching a lesson about the short story "The People Could Fly" by Tobias Wolff. It includes discussion questions to analyze the story's themes of slavery and empowerment. Students are instructed to work with partners to discuss the story and complete a note-catcher identifying powerful phrases, images, the overall theme, and how the language and images create meaning. The lesson aims to examine how this folktale gave slaves a tool to cope with their situation and why its message still resonates today.
This document discusses using predictive analytics to improve customer retention. It outlines that predictive analytics can be used to analyze customer data to predict which customers are most at risk of churning (canceling their service). By understanding the causes of churn, companies can personalize the customer experience for at-risk customers, such as by cross-selling additional products or targeting discounts, in order to reduce churn. The document demonstrates how a predictive analytics tool called Qubit Decipher can analyze customer data to identify high-risk acquisition channels, behaviors, keywords, and individual customers to most effectively target retention efforts. Improving retention through predictive analytics can provide significant business value in increased revenue, customer lifetime value, and word-of-mouth referrals.
This document advertises 1TopSpy cell phone tracking software and describes how it can be used to check a girlfriend's Facebook messages without her knowledge. It claims the software allows tracking of GPS location, call logs, text messages, social media messages, photos and other phone activity. It provides instructions on installing the software on a target phone and accessing the monitoring from a control panel online or on another device. Customer testimonials praise how the software allows monitoring employees and children.
El documento describe el concepto de takt time y cómo se puede usar para balancear las operaciones de una línea de producción de hamburguesas. El takt time calculado es de 2.4 minutos por hamburguesa. Al balancear las operaciones se reducen de 7 a 5 y se aumenta la producción diaria de 120 a 208 hamburguesas. El balanceo óptimo de las operaciones es clave para cumplir con la demanda del cliente de manera eficiente.
Companies all over the world come to Regus to find the flexible workspace that enables them to do business more effectively. We have over 800,000 customers using our business centres every day, this gives us a wealth of experience in all workplace issues. If you’re looking for an expert to speak at your event, big or small, we are happy to provide trained speakers to talk about the issues your audience want to discuss.
Please contact Henry Collinge at if you would like a Regus speaker to present at your event.
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A. 課程名稱
B. 上課時間
C. 課程要達到的目的,也就是學員上完課後,將
D. 課程人數
E. 學員背景資料:含學員年齡、進公司年資、職
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G. 繳講義時間
H. 課程中所需器材
I. 地圖與交通建議