26.11.2016Aslanian ZHoraPlease very art how to know read very art very you know about Mxitrarian Miabanutium very heaven, very good, very history been have you don't know for Armenia about...
Republica bolivariana de venezuela1Roonald PerezEl documento presenta información sobre un estudiante de la Universidad Fermin Toro en Venezuela. Incluye el nombre del estudiante, Angel Arias, su número de identificación y la sección y escuela a la que pertenece.
HalloweenVika MarkosyanHalloween originated over 2,000 years ago when the Celtic people of Ireland, the UK, and France celebrated their New Year's Day on November 1st and believed the night before was when the living and dead interacted. Later, Christians named November 1st All Saints Day and the night before All Hallows Eve, later shortened to Halloween. Europeans believed spirits visited on Halloween and wore costumes to avoid harm, a tradition brought to America where pumpkins replaced turnips for jack-o-lanterns. Today, Halloween is a secular holiday where children dress up and go trick-or-treating for candy.
26.11.2016Aslanian ZHoraPlease very art how to know read very art very you know about Mxitrarian Miabanutium very heaven, very good, very history been have you don't know for Armenia about...
Republica bolivariana de venezuela1Roonald PerezEl documento presenta información sobre un estudiante de la Universidad Fermin Toro en Venezuela. Incluye el nombre del estudiante, Angel Arias, su número de identificación y la sección y escuela a la que pertenece.
HalloweenVika MarkosyanHalloween originated over 2,000 years ago when the Celtic people of Ireland, the UK, and France celebrated their New Year's Day on November 1st and believed the night before was when the living and dead interacted. Later, Christians named November 1st All Saints Day and the night before All Hallows Eve, later shortened to Halloween. Europeans believed spirits visited on Halloween and wore costumes to avoid harm, a tradition brought to America where pumpkins replaced turnips for jack-o-lanterns. Today, Halloween is a secular holiday where children dress up and go trick-or-treating for candy.
Hatkit Project - DatafiddlerholimanThe Datafiddler is a tool that allows users to analyze and visualize network traffic data stored in a MongoDB database by the Hatkit Proxy. It provides two primary views: a table view that displays raw data fields, and an aggregator view that shows aggregated data in a tree structure. Additional third-party plugins are planned to integrate other analysis frameworks.
Vietnam power pointMichelle HaddixThis is a very brief lesson on the history of the Vietnam war. It gives students not only an idea of what was going on overseas, but also what was going on at home.
Presentación proyecto enuy inglesAngel NuñezThis document outlines the ENUY Project which aims to create a network between unemployed young people across Europe. The project will involve exchanges of experiences and methodologies for effective employment programs for youth. Partner organizations include vocational schools in Sweden, an entrepreneurship support center in Slovakia, and local governments in Italy focusing on developing ideas into business projects. The stages of the ENUY Project include preliminary information gathering, exchanges of data with partners, visits between locations, and evaluation of results to identify best practices to help unemployed young people.
Vietnam Power PointMichelle HaddixThis gives students a very brief history of the Vietnam war. It not only gives them insight to what was going on overseas, but also what was going on at home.
The very hungry_caterpillar_bookvaleriewattThe Very Hungry Caterpillar tells the story of a caterpillar that hatches from an egg on a leaf and spends the week eating through various fruits, becoming increasingly hungry each day. By Saturday, the caterpillar has a stomach ache from overeating but then eats a leaf on Sunday and feels better. The caterpillar then spins a cocoon and emerges two weeks later as a beautiful butterfly.
90’s cartoonsDerek De WittThis document discusses and compares three popular 1990s cartoon TV shows: Pokémon, Animaniacs, and Magic School Bus. It provides background information on the origins and plots of each show, as well as some trivia questions. The document concludes that these shows were formative entertainment for children in the 1990s that blended education and fun in a way that shows today do not match.
Tranter Australia Informationbjs123A collection of slides on Tranter Heat Exchangers in Australia including product information on gasketed and welded units.
2. Մխիթար Սեբաստացու անվամբ է կոչվում
Երևանի «Մխիթար Սեբաստացի»
Մխիթար (իսկական անունը՝ Մանուկ)
Սեբաստացին սովորել է Սեբաստիայի Սբ
Նշան, ապա՝ Էջմիածնի, Սևանի, Կարինի
վանքերում։ 1693 թ-ին մեկնել է Բերիա
(այժմ՝ Հալեպ), որտեղ ծանոթացել է
կաթոլիկ միսիոներների հետ։
3. Խուսափելով թուրքական
հարձակումներից՝ 1715 թ-ին
միաբանությունը տեղափոխվել է
Վենետիկ։ 1717 թ-ին Վենետիկի
Ծերակույտը հրովարտակով Սբ Ղազար
կղզին շնորհել է միաբանությանը։
Այստեղ Սեբաստացին կառուցել է
եկեղեցի, բացել դպրոց, պատրաստել է
4. Սբ Ղազարում նա զբաղվել է
մատենագիտական աշխատանքով,
ղեկավարել իր սաների բանասիրական
հետազոտական աշխատանքները,
կատարել թարգմանություններ,
հրատարակել գրքեր։
5. Սեբաստացու մահվանից հետո
միաբանությունը, ի պատիվ նրա, կոչվել է
Մխիթարյան։ Դեռևս կենդանության օրոք
նրան մեծարել են Երկրորդ Լուսավորիչ
ազգիս, Երկրորդ Մեսրոպ և այլ