El documento presenta el informe de la Comisión Presidencial de Salud de diciembre de 2010. El Presidente Pi?era convocó a expertos en salud para proponer reformas al sistema. La comisión trabajó durante 4 meses analizando temas como un plan de salud garantizado y el subsidio de incapacidad laboral. Pese a avances, persiste insatisfacción ciudadana con la atención. Las reformas a sistemas de salud son complejas y requieren cambios graduales y consenso para no interrumpir la atención diaria.
El documento presenta el informe de la Comisión Presidencial de Salud de diciembre de 2010. El Presidente Pi?era convocó a expertos en salud para proponer reformas al sistema. La comisión trabajó durante 4 meses analizando temas como un plan de salud garantizado y el subsidio de incapacidad laboral. Pese a avances, persiste insatisfacción ciudadana con la atención. Las reformas a sistemas de salud son complejas y requieren cambios graduales y consenso para no interrumpir la atención diaria.
14. 2 2011 海峽兩岸華文文學學術研討會論文選集
From Clarifying the Historical Naming to Excavating
the Cultural Mechanism
-How to Inquire into the Significance of the Republic
of China in Chinese Literature
The Republic of China is an important link in the historical process of modern China. The
research of Chinese modern literary history by taking the Republic of China as the narration frame
should become our conscious pursuit. To explore the literature mechanism of the Republic of China
is the subject urgent to be solved. The literature mechanism of the Republic of China refers to the
gradually formed influence after Qing Dynasty, the Chinese last feudal autocratic regime's collapse,
and all sorts of strengths that give an impetus to the fresh development of literature in the new social
form, the Republic of China.
Key Words:the Republic of China, the literature mechanism of the Republic of
China, Chinese modern literature
LiYi: Professor, College of Chinese Languge Literature, Beijing Normal University.
24. 12 2011 海峽兩岸華文文學學術研討會論文選集
The Life of a Word:A Study of the Definitions of
“Literature” in Modern China
Ma Rui?
By investigating the meaning and significance of the term “literature” in modern Chinese
literary criticism, we think that “aesthetics” and “ideology” have entered into the definition of
“literature” one after another and have greatly influenced on understanding of the nature, boundary
and value of literature in modern Chinese intellectuals. As a mark, it means that the term
“literature” in Chinese has shifted from the cultural concept to the Aesthetic one and the
sociological one again. One of the most important reasons of the shift is the theoretical system
that carries the literary knowledge has been changing since the late Qing, during which time the
confidence on Confucianism has generally been whittled away with the rise of Western
Aesthetics and Marxist theory.
Key words:Literature, Modern China, Aesthetics, Ideology
Ma Rui: Professor, College of Literature & Journalism, Sichuan University.