The document describes why a hamster makes a good pet. It is cute and lives in a small cage that can be carried around. The hamster also enjoys some of the same foods like fruits and vegetables that the author enjoys. It is quiet when sleeping, small so it doesn't need much space, and can be brought around to show others.
Ideas prácticas para promover el aprendizaje activo y cooperativovilmasalgadoo
El documento describe ideas prácticas para promover el aprendizaje activo y cooperativo en el aula. Se?ala que el aprendizaje cooperativo activa actividades de aprendizaje activo que reemplazan las clases tradicionales donde solo el profesor habla. Ahora, todos aprendemos juntos mediante estrategias como trabajar en grupo, valorar el trabajo de los demás, reconocer las dificultades propias y aprender de ellas, organizar conceptos con gráficos, concluir sobre temas dados y desarrollar el pensamiento cr
Tompkins Cortland Community College provided 24 hours of training in Fundamentals of Supervision and Management to student Tonja Smith from May 7, 2015. The training focused on basic skills for supervising others and managing projects or teams. Tonja Smith successfully completed the full 24 hours of training.
From Watching to Making: the democratization of knowledge and inventionMassimiliano Dibitonto
Speech held at Education and Media Conference in sofia (5 oct 2015 ) describing the evolution of media and education and its intersection with the maker's culture