Кольорові словаНадвірнянський інформаційно - методичний центрНавчити учнів фантазувати. Створювати кольорове забарвлення слів. Вчити учнів бачити прекрасне в навколишньому світі, малювати картини словами і мандрувати чарівним неповторним світом. Розвивати мовлення і збагачувати його красою рідного слова. Виховувати любов до рідного краю, до рідної мови.
Краса рідної мовиНадвірнянський інформаційно - методичний центрНавчити учнів аналізувати прослухані та прочитані твори. Удосконалювати техніку читання поетичних творів, збагачувати словниковий запас. Розвивати усне мовлення. Виховувати почуття патріотизму, любов і повагу до рідної мови.
Redes internetAriel MedinaEste documento describe varios temas relacionados con redes e internet. Explica la clasificación de redes como LAN, MAN, WAN y otras, los protocolos CSMA/CD y CSMA/CA, y dispositivos para combinar redes como repetidores, puentes y conmutadores. También cubre temas como el origen de Internet, la arquitectura de red, direccionamiento IP, aplicaciones como correo electrónico, transferencia de archivos y VoIP, y las implementaciones de la World Wide Web incluyendo HTML, XML y el protocolo HTTP.
Algoritmos Ariel MedinaEste documento presenta información sobre algoritmos. Define un algoritmo como un conjunto ordenado de pasos para resolver un problema de forma no ambigua. Explica que los algoritmos se pueden representar usando pseudocódigo o lenguajes de programación. Describe las estructuras iterativas y recursivas para implementar repetición en algoritmos. También cubre el proceso de descubrir algoritmos y lista referencias bibliográficas.
ProcrastinationAlan AhlfeldtProcrastination refers to putting off important tasks in favor of less important ones or activities one enjoys. The article discusses the top five regrets of the dying, which are things people wish they had done differently in their own lives such as living truer to themselves, working less hard, expressing their feelings more, staying in touch with friends, and allowing themselves to be happier. The regrets all centered around things individuals decided not to do themselves rather than blaming others. When facing death, people recognize they are responsible for the decisions that shaped their lives.
Make my logo biggerKirill ZubovskyWhile working on Scoutzie.com, I noticed that in cases when clients and designers get upset at each other, often that is a direct result of them not understanding each other's goals. Clients want to showcase their businesses as best as they know, while designers want to create the most stunning and polished designs. Both parties are right. I want to illustrate this problem and the solution based on a problem that's familiar to many - "Make my logo bigger!" - a typical request from clients that upsets many designers.
I am giving a super-short version of this presentation at the 500Startups WarmGun conference. This is the extended version.
2015_portfolio-ENG-2Marcin EwMarcin Ewý is a Polish architect born in 1990. He received his Master's degree in Architecture from the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Kraków University in 2014. His master's project "Nowy Kleparz 2.0", a revitalization of the Nowy Kleparz marketplace in Kraków, won the BDA-SARP Award in 2015 and was nominated for another award. He has professional experience working in architectural firms and using Revit. He also creates 3D visualizations and has experience organizing architectural and cultural events.
Abstracciones de datosAriel MedinaEste documento resume el capítulo 8 de un libro sobre informática básica. El capítulo cubre temas como estructuras de datos básicas como arreglos, listas, pilas y colas, árboles, conceptos relacionados como estructuras estáticas y dinámicas y punteros. También describe la implementación de estructuras de datos en memoria principal y presenta un pequeño caso de estudio sobre el almacenamiento de una lista de nombres en orden alfabético usando un árbol binario. Finalmente, introduce los tipos de datos personalizados y los tip
ArchitectsShopwit KumarArchid is a dynamic Architectural and Project Management company that is recognized for its innovative exploration of design. Visit: - http://www.archid.co.za/
Trafikoa 2014 eu_ud lh3-4_haurren hiria_formaccio-ingurugelapatxigalarragahaurren hiria
Pteg i-grupo 5- cap -7 tema ingienieria de softwareErikValladarezEl documento presenta información sobre un tema de ingeniería de software dictado por el Lic. Marcio Rodas. Se menciona a los 6 integrantes del grupo y describe brevemente la ingeniería de software, los ciclos de vida del software, y algunos ejemplos de aplicaciones informáticas como ofimática y diseño asistido por computadora.
IBM B2B tools Rajesh KanumettaThis document discusses IBM and its business-to-business (B2B) integration tool called Sterling Integrator. Sterling Integrator is a transaction engine that supports high-volume electronic message exchange and integration between internal systems and external business partners. It allows modeling and managing of business processes through a web-based interface. The document also provides an overview of electronic data interchange (EDI) standards, including the X12 standard format which defines three envelope levels for EDI documents: interchange, functional group, and transaction. Sterling Integrator can be used to map between different data formats and automate business processes using EDI.
Robert S. Langer, "Looking Forward"The Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and BioethicsFebruary 7, 2017
Many of today’s important medications are biological products made from living organisms, manufactured through biotechnology, derived from natural sources, or produced synthetically. Biosimilars are a type of biological product approved by FDA on the basis of being highly similar to an already approved biological reference product.
This panel of experts discussed the current state of biosimilars in the healthcare ecosystem and what comes next from a technical and legal perspective. Topics included how the next generation of biosimilars could improve patient access to standard-of-care therapies, the concept of “biobetters,” economic and intellectual property considerations, and policy approaches to support existing and future biosimilars.
Learn more on our website: http://petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/events/details/looking-forward
Katakana word searchBridget BeaverThis document contains a list of 18 words written in katakana, a Japanese syllabary used to write foreign loanwords. The words include foods like katsudon and hamburger, drinks like juice, pop and coffee, activities like sports, dance and video games, objects like eraser and colors like orange and pink.
ProcrastinationAlan AhlfeldtProcrastination refers to putting off important tasks in favor of less important ones or activities one enjoys. The article discusses the top five regrets of the dying, which are things people wish they had done differently in their own lives such as living truer to themselves, working less hard, expressing their feelings more, staying in touch with friends, and allowing themselves to be happier. The regrets all centered around things individuals decided not to do themselves rather than blaming others. When facing death, people recognize they are responsible for the decisions that shaped their lives.
Make my logo biggerKirill ZubovskyWhile working on Scoutzie.com, I noticed that in cases when clients and designers get upset at each other, often that is a direct result of them not understanding each other's goals. Clients want to showcase their businesses as best as they know, while designers want to create the most stunning and polished designs. Both parties are right. I want to illustrate this problem and the solution based on a problem that's familiar to many - "Make my logo bigger!" - a typical request from clients that upsets many designers.
I am giving a super-short version of this presentation at the 500Startups WarmGun conference. This is the extended version.
2015_portfolio-ENG-2Marcin EwMarcin Ewý is a Polish architect born in 1990. He received his Master's degree in Architecture from the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Kraków University in 2014. His master's project "Nowy Kleparz 2.0", a revitalization of the Nowy Kleparz marketplace in Kraków, won the BDA-SARP Award in 2015 and was nominated for another award. He has professional experience working in architectural firms and using Revit. He also creates 3D visualizations and has experience organizing architectural and cultural events.
Abstracciones de datosAriel MedinaEste documento resume el capítulo 8 de un libro sobre informática básica. El capítulo cubre temas como estructuras de datos básicas como arreglos, listas, pilas y colas, árboles, conceptos relacionados como estructuras estáticas y dinámicas y punteros. También describe la implementación de estructuras de datos en memoria principal y presenta un pequeño caso de estudio sobre el almacenamiento de una lista de nombres en orden alfabético usando un árbol binario. Finalmente, introduce los tipos de datos personalizados y los tip
ArchitectsShopwit KumarArchid is a dynamic Architectural and Project Management company that is recognized for its innovative exploration of design. Visit: - http://www.archid.co.za/
Trafikoa 2014 eu_ud lh3-4_haurren hiria_formaccio-ingurugelapatxigalarragahaurren hiria
Pteg i-grupo 5- cap -7 tema ingienieria de softwareErikValladarezEl documento presenta información sobre un tema de ingeniería de software dictado por el Lic. Marcio Rodas. Se menciona a los 6 integrantes del grupo y describe brevemente la ingeniería de software, los ciclos de vida del software, y algunos ejemplos de aplicaciones informáticas como ofimática y diseño asistido por computadora.
IBM B2B tools Rajesh KanumettaThis document discusses IBM and its business-to-business (B2B) integration tool called Sterling Integrator. Sterling Integrator is a transaction engine that supports high-volume electronic message exchange and integration between internal systems and external business partners. It allows modeling and managing of business processes through a web-based interface. The document also provides an overview of electronic data interchange (EDI) standards, including the X12 standard format which defines three envelope levels for EDI documents: interchange, functional group, and transaction. Sterling Integrator can be used to map between different data formats and automate business processes using EDI.
Robert S. Langer, "Looking Forward"The Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and BioethicsFebruary 7, 2017
Many of today’s important medications are biological products made from living organisms, manufactured through biotechnology, derived from natural sources, or produced synthetically. Biosimilars are a type of biological product approved by FDA on the basis of being highly similar to an already approved biological reference product.
This panel of experts discussed the current state of biosimilars in the healthcare ecosystem and what comes next from a technical and legal perspective. Topics included how the next generation of biosimilars could improve patient access to standard-of-care therapies, the concept of “biobetters,” economic and intellectual property considerations, and policy approaches to support existing and future biosimilars.
Learn more on our website: http://petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/events/details/looking-forward
Katakana word searchBridget BeaverThis document contains a list of 18 words written in katakana, a Japanese syllabary used to write foreign loanwords. The words include foods like katsudon and hamburger, drinks like juice, pop and coffee, activities like sports, dance and video games, objects like eraser and colors like orange and pink.
15. Лети, голубко біла
Голубко біла, ти лети у світ,
Хай буде мир у небі голубому.
Бо голуб миру, кажуть з давніх літ,
Приносить радість родові людському.
Бо що ж дорожче в світі є за мир?
Та й за життя — ціннішого немає.
Коли піснями сповнений ефір,
Сміються діти і душа співає.
Коли панує щастя і любов,
Танцює понад квітами комашка,
У світі мир — основа із основ,
І символ миру — білосніжна пташка.
Голубко біла, ти лети у світ,
Хай буде мир у небі голубому!
Неси всім щастя, передай привіт
Усім народам, людові земному...