【Intern Case Study_矽智財】
矽智財 (IP) 是 IC 設計所使用的智慧財產權,是一組事前設計好並驗證完畢、可重複使用的功能組塊,屬於半導體產業的上游,隨著 IC 產業垂直分工化的趨勢而崛起,具有高進入門檻、無庫存、高毛利等特色。
矽智財產業的商業模式為將設計好的 IP 模組授權給買家使用,初次會收取授權金 (License),往後開始量產則轉為收取權利金 (Royalty)。隨著先進製程不斷演進,全球矽智財市場也高速成長,終端市場以消費性電子為大宗,車用與 AI 應用則為主要成長動能。
矽智財在產業鏈、需求面、供給面、相關個股,還有什麼是我們需要注意的呢?一起來看看 Collaborator 的 Intern 們:梁維珉、黃微茹、蔡博獻、謝恩慈、曾筠婷詳盡分析的矽智財產業報告吧!
【Intern Case Study_矽智財】
矽智財 (IP) 是 IC 設計所使用的智慧財產權,是一組事前設計好並驗證完畢、可重複使用的功能組塊,屬於半導體產業的上游,隨著 IC 產業垂直分工化的趨勢而崛起,具有高進入門檻、無庫存、高毛利等特色。
矽智財產業的商業模式為將設計好的 IP 模組授權給買家使用,初次會收取授權金 (License),往後開始量產則轉為收取權利金 (Royalty)。隨著先進製程不斷演進,全球矽智財市場也高速成長,終端市場以消費性電子為大宗,車用與 AI 應用則為主要成長動能。
Consumer electronic products business in indiaanand9934
The document discusses the consumer electronics industry in India. It provides a history of the industry from transistor radios and black and white TVs in the 1960s to today's market of over $25 billion annually growing at 30% per year. The industry faces challenges from global competition and rapid changes in technology, but also opportunities from underpenetrated rural markets and growing mobile phone adoption. Recent government policies aim to promote domestic manufacturing in the industry.
The document discusses various aspects of international trade and finance, including the balance of payments. It begins with an introduction to international trade, noting that the exchange of goods and services across borders allows for greater competition and more affordable products. It then discusses factors that differentiate international trade from domestic trade, such as restrictions on the mobility of labor and capital between countries. The document also examines components of the balance of payments, including the balance of trade, balance on current account, and balance on capital account. It describes how official reserves are used to support currencies under fixed exchange rate systems.
1) A lei revoga a Lei n.° 18-A/92 e regulamentos do Código do Processo Penal que contrariem a nova lei, diversificando as medidas cautelares em processo penal.
2) As novas medidas incluem deten??o, medidas de coac??o pessoal e medidas de garantia patrimonial, sujeitas a princípios como necessidade e proporcionalidade.
3) A lei define regras para a deten??o em flagrante delito e fora de flagrante delito, bem como requisitos e execu??o de mandados de de
Make in India's all information you want to need in this Presentation. Please download it and make sure you will not download any more Information regarding it if you will see this.
This document discusses Phillip's curve and the natural rate of unemployment. It notes that in the short run, there is an inverse relationship between unemployment and inflation depicted by Phillip's curve. However, in the long run Phillip's curve becomes vertical as inflation increases due to rising expectations. The natural rate of unemployment (NAIRU) is the rate below which inflation rises, as workers demand higher wages. The document argues the NAIRU theory suggests governments should not try to lower unemployment through demand policies, as that would only cause inflation. However, the NAIRU concept is criticized for lacking empirical evidence and for being against Keynesian demand management.
【Intern Case Study_矽智財】
矽智財 (IP) 是 IC 設計所使用的智慧財產權,是一組事前設計好並驗證完畢、可重複使用的功能組塊,屬於半導體產業的上游,隨著 IC 產業垂直分工化的趨勢而崛起,具有高進入門檻、無庫存、高毛利等特色。
矽智財產業的商業模式為將設計好的 IP 模組授權給買家使用,初次會收取授權金 (License),往後開始量產則轉為收取權利金 (Royalty)。隨著先進製程不斷演進,全球矽智財市場也高速成長,終端市場以消費性電子為大宗,車用與 AI 應用則為主要成長動能。
Consumer electronic products business in indiaanand9934
The document discusses the consumer electronics industry in India. It provides a history of the industry from transistor radios and black and white TVs in the 1960s to today's market of over $25 billion annually growing at 30% per year. The industry faces challenges from global competition and rapid changes in technology, but also opportunities from underpenetrated rural markets and growing mobile phone adoption. Recent government policies aim to promote domestic manufacturing in the industry.
The document discusses various aspects of international trade and finance, including the balance of payments. It begins with an introduction to international trade, noting that the exchange of goods and services across borders allows for greater competition and more affordable products. It then discusses factors that differentiate international trade from domestic trade, such as restrictions on the mobility of labor and capital between countries. The document also examines components of the balance of payments, including the balance of trade, balance on current account, and balance on capital account. It describes how official reserves are used to support currencies under fixed exchange rate systems.
1) A lei revoga a Lei n.° 18-A/92 e regulamentos do Código do Processo Penal que contrariem a nova lei, diversificando as medidas cautelares em processo penal.
2) As novas medidas incluem deten??o, medidas de coac??o pessoal e medidas de garantia patrimonial, sujeitas a princípios como necessidade e proporcionalidade.
3) A lei define regras para a deten??o em flagrante delito e fora de flagrante delito, bem como requisitos e execu??o de mandados de de
Make in India's all information you want to need in this Presentation. Please download it and make sure you will not download any more Information regarding it if you will see this.
This document discusses Phillip's curve and the natural rate of unemployment. It notes that in the short run, there is an inverse relationship between unemployment and inflation depicted by Phillip's curve. However, in the long run Phillip's curve becomes vertical as inflation increases due to rising expectations. The natural rate of unemployment (NAIRU) is the rate below which inflation rises, as workers demand higher wages. The document argues the NAIRU theory suggests governments should not try to lower unemployment through demand policies, as that would only cause inflation. However, the NAIRU concept is criticized for lacking empirical evidence and for being against Keynesian demand management.
9. 推動製造業與設備材料業合作研發自主技術
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
12吋 10nm製程進
International companies invest,
manufacture and set up R & D
centers in Taiwan
Boosting domestic equipment and
components industries to develop and
establish supply chain system.
MOEA assists the foreign
and domestic companies
with the funding support
and the technology
End users provide the
specifications of the
equipment and the sketch of
the processes.
? 促成製造業者與
? 協助製造與封測