D&TA Summer School Teaching for the contextual challengeAlison HardyThe document discusses teaching design and technology for contextual challenges at GCSE level. It provides an overview of the three phases of a contextual challenge: phase 1 involves exploring needs and wants, phase 2 focuses on meeting identified needs and wants, and phase 3 is evaluating outcomes. Examples of contextual challenges are provided from various exam boards as well as example student projects addressing challenges such as improving daily life, promoting health and wellbeing, and protecting people. The document aims to help teachers approach contextual challenges in their design and technology teaching.
Zaptap keynote museumsYan SimardThis document discusses an augmented reality platform that provides various features to enhance the visitor experience at art galleries and museums. Some key features mentioned include:
1) Allowing visitors to get additional information about artwork through their mobile devices and share opinions on social media.
2) Collecting real-time visitor metrics like demographics, locations, product scans, and Facebook interactions to gain insights.
3) Pushing customized offers, alerts and incentives to visitors in real-time via their mobile devices to encourage social sharing and purchases.
D&TA Summer School Teaching for the contextual challengeAlison HardyThe document discusses teaching design and technology for contextual challenges at GCSE level. It provides an overview of the three phases of a contextual challenge: phase 1 involves exploring needs and wants, phase 2 focuses on meeting identified needs and wants, and phase 3 is evaluating outcomes. Examples of contextual challenges are provided from various exam boards as well as example student projects addressing challenges such as improving daily life, promoting health and wellbeing, and protecting people. The document aims to help teachers approach contextual challenges in their design and technology teaching.
Zaptap keynote museumsYan SimardThis document discusses an augmented reality platform that provides various features to enhance the visitor experience at art galleries and museums. Some key features mentioned include:
1) Allowing visitors to get additional information about artwork through their mobile devices and share opinions on social media.
2) Collecting real-time visitor metrics like demographics, locations, product scans, and Facebook interactions to gain insights.
3) Pushing customized offers, alerts and incentives to visitors in real-time via their mobile devices to encourage social sharing and purchases.
Diabetes management ; In hospital; insulin; aims kochiMohan ShenoyThis document outlines strategies for blood glucose control in hospitalized patients with diabetes undergoing surgery. It discusses preoperative management in the endocrinology clinic including glycemic targets. It recommends starting all patients on a basal-bolus insulin regimen for better control rather than sliding scales. Perioperative protocols are outlined for blood glucose management via insulin infusion or subcutaneous insulin. Transitioning between infusion and subcutaneous insulin is explained. Targets and monitoring are emphasized. Changes are proposed to standardize and improve preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative diabetes management for patients undergoing major surgery.
Educa presentationitslearningTechnology can enhance assessment for learning in several ways. Brief face-to-face feedback that refers to students' specific goals helps students feel their feedback is valuable. Polls and online discussions can engage students, reveal their understanding, and allow shy students to express themselves. Tests can empower students and foster engagement when they provide immediate feedback. Assessment results can expose weaknesses so teachers can adjust their teaching accordingly.
BSc induction 2013 14Alison HardyThis document summarizes the welcome talk and registration for first year students in the BSc (Hons) Secondary Design and Technology Education program. It introduces the program leader and staff, outlines the course aims of preparing students to become effective secondary teachers with skills in design and technology. It then details the course structure, including the assessment schedule, resources available to students, and safety procedures for the workshops. Finally, it provides an activity for students to research and present information on an assigned area of Nottingham.
Don’t use nuclear powerwheeler621Nuclear power should not be used because it is not cost effective, poses many dangers, and is unhealthy. It does not save much money and has significant risks. Its use threatens public health and safety in multiple ways.
Mobile marketing1Allie EdwardsMobile marketing is communicating with people via their mobile devices. It is an important trend as more people have cell phones than computers. Current trends in mobile marketing include mobile advertising from companies like Google and Apple, text message marketing for promotions, and location-based services using geo-social networking on platforms like Facebook Places and Foursquare. Mobile marketing is very effective due to the convenience of reaching customers on their personal devices and the quick response it enables compared to other forms of advertising.
Weekly newsAmandeep143ONGC is negotiating with ExxonMobil to buy its 25% stake in an Angolan oil field for $2 billion to expand in Africa and compete with Chinese companies. Emami's sales of Zandu Balm increased 35% after the product was featured in a popular Dabangg song. The Philippines is projected to surpass India as the world's largest provider of voice-based business process outsourcing services this year due to lower staff turnover rates. Harley-Davidson plans to start locally assembling 200 motorcycles per year in India to make its products more affordable and tap into the growing Indian premium bike market.
Keeping pace with twitter: Dtes2 session 3Alison HardySession plan linked to conference presentation. Using twitter to keep pace in an online university session.
02QueenMary777This document defines and provides examples for several words: awkward (not well planned or designed), bursts (to break or fly apart suddenly), perception (apprehending through senses or mind), conscious (aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings), phobia (irrational fear leading to avoidance), and behavior (manner of acting). It explores concepts relating to instruments, methods, pipes, cognition, awareness, specific fears, and acting.
DTES1: Session 1aims and purposes of educationAlison HardyThis document discusses the aims and purposes of education. It begins by quoting several influential thinkers on their definitions of education. It then examines different perspectives on what constitutes education, including whether it must be intentional and transmit something worthwhile. The document also explores who decides what knowledge is worthwhile and what education is for from both an individual and societal perspective. It outlines some common purposes of education proposed by governments and boards of education. Finally, it notes there are many differing views on the fundamental aims of education.
Entrenamiento 58 ejercicios de futbolWILLY FDEZEl documento presenta 58 ejercicios semanales para la técnica individual propuestos por Salu Boldo para la temporada 2006-2007 del equipo U.F.Barbera. Cada ejercicio describe brevemente los movimientos que deben realizar los jugadores para perfeccionar su control del balón, pases y remates a portería de forma individualizada.
Conjunctionsinfocusvirtual2Conjunctions are used to join words, phrases, or clauses. The document discusses various types of co-relative conjunctions including both-and, either-or, neither-nor, so-that, as much-as, the same-as, too-to, not only-but also, such-as, no sooner-than, hardly-when, and although/though-yet and provides examples of how each is used in sentences.
Each and everyinfocusvirtual2The document discusses the differences between the words "each" and "every". It notes that "each" refers to individuals or things separately, while "every" implies grouping. It provides examples of proper usage for each word and has the reader complete sentences using the correct one.
Voicemail as a science Donato DiorioDo you have an OUTSTANDING initial outreach? Our free webinar “Voicemail as a Science” has been applauded as being one of the best webinars on the recruiting process. I want to personally invite you to join me
Some of the concepts covered:
◦Defining voicemails: not all voicemails are the same
◦What are the major types and how effective are they?
◦How to assess your team’s current voicemail skill, it may shock you!
◦How to craft, measure and score a voicemail message
◦How to coach your team into voicemail gurus
◦The importance of peer review
-How to get a return call 9 out of 10 times
Nutrient Management in Wisconsin: Education, On-Farm Research, Training 2sondramilkieThe Discovery Farms program conducts on-farm research on real Wisconsin farms located in different geographic regions facing various environmental challenges. The goal is to better understand and reduce sources of phosphorus, nitrogen, and other pollutants that may impair water quality. Farms participate for 5-7 years while the program monitors the economic and environmental effects of best management practices. The program has found that critical periods for runoff are during snowmelt and rains on frozen or near-saturated soils, and that tile drainage is a major contributor of phosphorus in some areas. Research results are used to help farmers and advisors identify fields with high runoff risk and adopt suitable practices to reduce losses.
"viaggio-pellegrinaggio" a Mauthausen-HarteimCarmen GarauL'esperienza degli allievi dell'ISIS Marchesini di Sacile (PN) che hanno partecipato al "viaggio-pellegrinaggio" a Mauthausen-Harteim
"viaggio-pellegrinaggio" a Mauthausen-HarteimCarmen GarauL'esperienza degli allievi dell'ISIS Marchesini di Sacile (PN) che hanno partecipato al "viaggio-pellegrinaggio" a Mauthausen-Harteim
Android KIOSK : payment system & topup machineJoe RanVector Technology Corp. released a new generation public phone VTouch . VTouch is a payphone or KIOSK with a 7-inch touch screen . Via a big and interactive User graphic interface , The VTouch not only provide phone call service , but also provide a lot of new service .
VTouch use android OS. That means VTouch should be launch the APP from Google play. But we modify the android to make the phone more suitable for public . So we development the KIOSK mode and only can be launched our Vector Payphone app only.
VTouch can read /write some payment cards such as “RFID” “Credit card “ or some phone card or QR code card.
VTouch also have a reception printer which can print a ticket or reception.
Please contact with us to implement your new idea with our mini KIOSK –Vtouch payphone
ReferencesJulia BeckerThis document contains a list of 14 references to images related to bats and other animals. Each reference provides the title of the image, date retrieved, and URL where the image can be accessed. The references cover different types of bats, as well as birds, foxes, and other animals sometimes associated with bats.