The document discusses several issues affecting the oceans, including the distribution and decline of coral reefs and various sea creatures. It also examines the impacts of storms and disasters on the low-lying island of Tuvalu, including king tides, storm surge, coastal erosion, and saltwater intrusion threatening its agriculture. Underwater sculpture gardens are highlighted as a way to help protect coral reefs while attracting tourists.
The document contains personal and contact information, education history, work experience, training courses, languages, and computer skills of Mohamed Elgohary. It details his extensive experience as a drilling and workover rig supervisor working on various rigs in Egypt since 2008. It also lists the many tasks and operations he has experience with including well drilling, completions, workovers, fishing, stimulation, and testing. His education includes a B.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering and technical degree focused on offshore structures.
El documento analiza las relaciones entre la tecnología y la técnica, ciencia, dise?o, informática y ética, y cómo estas influyen en los cambios sociales y culturales. Explora cómo la técnica se refiere a procedimientos prácticos y la tecnología a procesos de sistematización. También discute cómo la ciencia busca entender el mundo natural mientras que la tecnología lo modifica para satisfacer necesidades humanas.
Summer Training Project Report Cover Page UpdatedNAINCY BARANWAL
This document is a summer training project report submitted by Ms. Naincy Baranwal to the Centre For Management Development in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Post Graduate Diploma in Management. The report focuses on the recruitment and selection processes at Cashpor Micro Credit and was supervised by the HR manager, Ms. Ankita Jaiswal, with guidance from the faculty member Mrs. Shalini Sheel.
Este documento resume los diferentes grupos de alimentos y sus beneficios nutricionales. Se divide en proteínas (queso, carne, huevos, pescado), verduras y frutas (vitaminas A, C, fibra, minerales), cereales y tubérculos (fibra, vitaminas B y C), grasas (aceites, mantequilla, margarina, vitaminas liposolubles), líquidos (agua, zumos, café, té), y alcohol (debe consumirse con moderación). El documento concluye enfatizando que una dieta sal
O documento apresenta atividades numéricas para crian?as de 1 a 20 e instru??es para preencher quadros com números de 1 a 60, além de perguntas sobre o número 1 e a ordem numérica.
Goldmore is pecialized in LED Light products(Led camping light ,Led flashlight,Led night light .Led headlamp….etc) more than 10 years . ??At Goldmore, we strive to create higher value and offer best one station service for our customers all the time.
1. The document discusses Islamic views on personality according to different levels of the self (nafs). It mentions the nafs al-radhiyah, nafs al-qon'ah, nafs al-muthmainnah, nafs al-mulhima, nafs al-kaliimah, and nafs al-lawwamah.
2. It also discusses types of personality as mukmin (believer), kafir (disbeliever), and munafik (hypocrite).
3. Finally, it notes that while humans share biological needs with animals, they differ in having an intellect/heart to guide behavior, and that personality can
Este documento presenta un programa de actividades de recuperación y refuerzo para un estudiante de 1o de ESO. Incluye ejercicios de Geografía e Historia sobre temas como los mapas, el relieve terrestre, la deriva continental y la estructura interna de la Tierra. El estudiante deberá completar las tareas asignadas en cada estándar para mejorar sus conocimientos en estas áreas.
Rock quality determination, rock structure ratingPrashant Katti
The Rock Quality Designation Index (RQD) provides a quantitative estimate of rock mass quality based on drill logs. The RQD is equal to the percentage of intact core pieces longer than 100mm in the total core length. It indicates the fractured state of the rock mass but does not provide information on core pieces shorter than 10cm or account for joint orientation. The Rock Structure Rating (RSR) is a quantitative method to describe rock mass quality and appropriate ground support. It assigns weighted values to parameters like rock type, joint patterns, and tunnel construction factors to determine an RSR value for rock tunnel sections.
The document discusses global warming facts and effects. It states that in the 20th century, the average global temperature increased by 0.74°C and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere rose from 280 parts per million to 383 parts per million. Some potential effects of rising temperatures include rising sea levels, changes in rainfall patterns, threats to animal habitats, and increased extreme weather events like hurricanes and droughts. The document calls for reducing fossil fuel use and emissions to help mitigate the impacts of climate change.
1) Redi realizó experimentos colocando carne y pescado en frascos abiertos y cerrados para refutar la teoría de la generación espontánea. Observó que solo en los frascos abiertos aparecían gusanos, demostrando que los seres vivos no se generan espontáneamente de la materia inerte.
2) El experimento que confirma la hipótesis de Redi es haber colocado las carnes en frascos cerrados y en frascos abiertos, observando gusanos solo en los segundos
Properties of minerals can be used to identify them, including color, luster, streak, cleavage, fracture, hardness, specific gravity, acid test, crystals, and special properties. Color is not always reliable since many minerals can be the same color or a mineral can come in different colors. A mineral's luster refers to how it shines and can be metallic, non-metallic, vitreous, or pearly. Hardness is measured on Mohs scale from 1 to 10 based on which materials can scratch the mineral. Special properties include traits like magnetism, radioactivity, or fluorescence under UV light that are unique to certain minerals.
El documento presenta 13 preguntas de evaluación sobre diversos temas de ciencias para estudiantes de primer grado. Cada pregunta presenta un breve texto informativo seguido de múltiples opciones de respuesta, de las cuales los estudiantes deben seleccionar la correcta. Los temas incluyen escarabajos de la papa, brucelosis, leishmaniasis, fiebre tifoidea, glóbulos blancos, producción de oxígeno por los árboles, medicina tradicional, vicu?as, huert
Saltwater intrusion occurs when saline water from the ocean moves into freshwater aquifers located near the coast. It is often caused by groundwater pumping or construction activities that provide pathways for saltwater. Saltwater intrusion impacts freshwater resources and can lead to the loss of vegetation. The Ghyben-Herzberg relation describes the interaction between fresh and saltwater, and estimates that for every foot of freshwater above sea level, there will be 40 feet below. Management strategies aim to maintain groundwater levels and include conservation, alternative water sources, recharge, and monitoring wells.
Rock Mass Classification and also a brief description of Rock Mass Rating (RMR), Rock Structure Rating (RSR), Q valves and New Austrian Tunneling method(NATM)
Как создать успешный бизнес на продвижении мобильных приложенийЕвгений Адамович
Данная презентация расскажет о том, как создать полноценный отдел по продвижению мобильных приложений с минимальными издержками и рисками, и правильно выбрать нишу для работы
- Что нужно для запуска мобильного направления в Digital агентстве: анализ рынка (изучение текущих продуктов, выбор ниши), создание продукта-драйвера?
- Как привлекать новых клиентов (стандартные и нестандартные каналы для поиска новых клиентов)
- Как удержать текущих клиентов
- Как правильно проводить масштабирование
Este documento resume los diferentes grupos de alimentos y sus beneficios nutricionales. Se divide en proteínas (queso, carne, huevos, pescado), verduras y frutas (vitaminas A, C, fibra, minerales), cereales y tubérculos (fibra, vitaminas B y C), grasas (aceites, mantequilla, margarina, vitaminas liposolubles), líquidos (agua, zumos, café, té), y alcohol (debe consumirse con moderación). El documento concluye enfatizando que una dieta sal
O documento apresenta atividades numéricas para crian?as de 1 a 20 e instru??es para preencher quadros com números de 1 a 60, além de perguntas sobre o número 1 e a ordem numérica.
Goldmore is pecialized in LED Light products(Led camping light ,Led flashlight,Led night light .Led headlamp….etc) more than 10 years . ??At Goldmore, we strive to create higher value and offer best one station service for our customers all the time.
1. The document discusses Islamic views on personality according to different levels of the self (nafs). It mentions the nafs al-radhiyah, nafs al-qon'ah, nafs al-muthmainnah, nafs al-mulhima, nafs al-kaliimah, and nafs al-lawwamah.
2. It also discusses types of personality as mukmin (believer), kafir (disbeliever), and munafik (hypocrite).
3. Finally, it notes that while humans share biological needs with animals, they differ in having an intellect/heart to guide behavior, and that personality can
Este documento presenta un programa de actividades de recuperación y refuerzo para un estudiante de 1o de ESO. Incluye ejercicios de Geografía e Historia sobre temas como los mapas, el relieve terrestre, la deriva continental y la estructura interna de la Tierra. El estudiante deberá completar las tareas asignadas en cada estándar para mejorar sus conocimientos en estas áreas.
Rock quality determination, rock structure ratingPrashant Katti
The Rock Quality Designation Index (RQD) provides a quantitative estimate of rock mass quality based on drill logs. The RQD is equal to the percentage of intact core pieces longer than 100mm in the total core length. It indicates the fractured state of the rock mass but does not provide information on core pieces shorter than 10cm or account for joint orientation. The Rock Structure Rating (RSR) is a quantitative method to describe rock mass quality and appropriate ground support. It assigns weighted values to parameters like rock type, joint patterns, and tunnel construction factors to determine an RSR value for rock tunnel sections.
The document discusses global warming facts and effects. It states that in the 20th century, the average global temperature increased by 0.74°C and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere rose from 280 parts per million to 383 parts per million. Some potential effects of rising temperatures include rising sea levels, changes in rainfall patterns, threats to animal habitats, and increased extreme weather events like hurricanes and droughts. The document calls for reducing fossil fuel use and emissions to help mitigate the impacts of climate change.
1) Redi realizó experimentos colocando carne y pescado en frascos abiertos y cerrados para refutar la teoría de la generación espontánea. Observó que solo en los frascos abiertos aparecían gusanos, demostrando que los seres vivos no se generan espontáneamente de la materia inerte.
2) El experimento que confirma la hipótesis de Redi es haber colocado las carnes en frascos cerrados y en frascos abiertos, observando gusanos solo en los segundos
Properties of minerals can be used to identify them, including color, luster, streak, cleavage, fracture, hardness, specific gravity, acid test, crystals, and special properties. Color is not always reliable since many minerals can be the same color or a mineral can come in different colors. A mineral's luster refers to how it shines and can be metallic, non-metallic, vitreous, or pearly. Hardness is measured on Mohs scale from 1 to 10 based on which materials can scratch the mineral. Special properties include traits like magnetism, radioactivity, or fluorescence under UV light that are unique to certain minerals.
El documento presenta 13 preguntas de evaluación sobre diversos temas de ciencias para estudiantes de primer grado. Cada pregunta presenta un breve texto informativo seguido de múltiples opciones de respuesta, de las cuales los estudiantes deben seleccionar la correcta. Los temas incluyen escarabajos de la papa, brucelosis, leishmaniasis, fiebre tifoidea, glóbulos blancos, producción de oxígeno por los árboles, medicina tradicional, vicu?as, huert
Saltwater intrusion occurs when saline water from the ocean moves into freshwater aquifers located near the coast. It is often caused by groundwater pumping or construction activities that provide pathways for saltwater. Saltwater intrusion impacts freshwater resources and can lead to the loss of vegetation. The Ghyben-Herzberg relation describes the interaction between fresh and saltwater, and estimates that for every foot of freshwater above sea level, there will be 40 feet below. Management strategies aim to maintain groundwater levels and include conservation, alternative water sources, recharge, and monitoring wells.
Rock Mass Classification and also a brief description of Rock Mass Rating (RMR), Rock Structure Rating (RSR), Q valves and New Austrian Tunneling method(NATM)
Как создать успешный бизнес на продвижении мобильных приложенийЕвгений Адамович
Данная презентация расскажет о том, как создать полноценный отдел по продвижению мобильных приложений с минимальными издержками и рисками, и правильно выбрать нишу для работы
- Что нужно для запуска мобильного направления в Digital агентстве: анализ рынка (изучение текущих продуктов, выбор ниши), создание продукта-драйвера?
- Как привлекать новых клиентов (стандартные и нестандартные каналы для поиска новых клиентов)
- Как удержать текущих клиентов
- Как правильно проводить масштабирование