A framework for assessing and reporting resilience of native vegetationRichard ThackwayLand management practices are used for a wide range of purposes to modify and fragment native vegetation at sites and to transform vegetated landscapes. Land management targets indicators of vegetation structure, species composition and regenerative capacity. A framework is presented enabling the gains and losses of native vegetation to be tracked over time at site and landscape scales.
CampbellFinalGISPoster (1)Benjamin CampbellThis document analyzes whether Portland's urban growth boundary (UGB) addresses racial discrimination in urban sprawl. The author hypothesizes that areas most likely to be expanded in the UGB will have majority white populations nearby. The methodology examines zoning designations for areas likely to be developed, applies buffers around industry and overlapped areas, and analyzes demographics within 1.5 miles. The findings show the two areas identified for potential UGB expansion have around 88-90% white populations within buffers, indicating the UGB may preferentially expand into white neighborhoods and not address racial issues in urban sprawl.
A framework for assessing and reporting resilience of native vegetationRichard ThackwayLand management practices are used for a wide range of purposes to modify and fragment native vegetation at sites and to transform vegetated landscapes. Land management targets indicators of vegetation structure, species composition and regenerative capacity. A framework is presented enabling the gains and losses of native vegetation to be tracked over time at site and landscape scales.
CampbellFinalGISPoster (1)Benjamin CampbellThis document analyzes whether Portland's urban growth boundary (UGB) addresses racial discrimination in urban sprawl. The author hypothesizes that areas most likely to be expanded in the UGB will have majority white populations nearby. The methodology examines zoning designations for areas likely to be developed, applies buffers around industry and overlapped areas, and analyzes demographics within 1.5 miles. The findings show the two areas identified for potential UGB expansion have around 88-90% white populations within buffers, indicating the UGB may preferentially expand into white neighborhoods and not address racial issues in urban sprawl.
Materi ii-tipe-bendungan-uruganivanda rovaliaBendungan urugan memiliki tiga tipe utama yaitu tipe urugan tanah homogen, tipe urugan zonal, dan tipe urugan batu dengan membran. Tipe urugan tanah homogen menggunakan tanah sebagai bahan utama yang dipadatkan secara homogen. Tipe urugan zonal menggunakan batu/tanah bergradasi yang diatur dalam zona-zona tertentu. Tipe urugan batu dengan membran menggunakan batu sebagai bahan inti yang dilapisi
Systematic framework to assess restoration actions and outcomes based on meas...Richard ThackwayA unifying framework is presented for tracking the outcomes of intentional and unintentional land management practices on the condition components of plant communities. The framework is based on 22 indicators hierarchically organised into 10 functional, structural and compositional criteria. Changes in the values of criteria and indicators over time track the response of a plant community to land management practices. This involves a twostep process. First develop a systematic and comprehensive site-based chronology of land management practices over time. Second fully integrate relevant data and information on the responses of the plant community into the chronology of practices, actions and interventions. How, and to what degree, the practices effect the indicators is also recorded, including deliberate and/or inadvertent actions and outcomes. Data and information on the outcomes of actions is compiled from various sources including; direct measures of field-based attributes, estimates of attributes derived from expert elicitation, environmental histories, interviews with skilled subject specials and relevant metrics derived from multi-spatial and multi-temporal remote sensing datasets. Provided a competent ecologist has access to key resources, a preliminary assessment can be completed in three days. Indicators are scored separately using a metric 0-1, based on the response of the plant community’s indicator assessed relative to the indicator in the reference state. Indicator scores are aggregated and weighted separately for three components; functional (55%), structural (27%) and compositional (18%). The reference state is assigned 100%. This framework has been widely applied across major climate zones in Australia to track and explain observed decadal spatial and temporal changes in the condition of plant communities including changes due to restoration activities. Examples will be provided in how applications of this framework also provide insights in plant community resilience, possible system trajectories and future management options.
9º ano 2015 16Escola Básica 2 3 do CaniçoEste documento fornece informações sobre as provas finais do 9o ano de escolaridade em Portugal, incluindo quem é admitido e não aprovado, datas das provas, e como os resultados são calculados. As provas finais ocorrem em duas fases em junho e julho, e os alunos podem fazer provas de equivalência para disciplinas com nível negativo.
Prefeito Edson Vieira é multado por irregularidades em licitaçõesBruno Muniz1) O documento trata da prestação de contas da Prefeitura Municipal de Santa Cruz do Capibaribe referente ao ano de 2013.
2) A auditoria apontou irregularidades em dispensas de licitação realizadas pela prefeitura, alegando falta de planejamento e caracterização da situação de emergência.
3) O prefeito à época alega que assumiu a gestão em meio a um "caos administrativo" e que as dispensas foram necessárias para garantir serviços essenciais à população.
British NewspapersRuslana PeresadaThis document provides information about British newspapers, including a lesson aimed at improving English reading skills. The lesson objectives are to learn new vocabulary, read texts in detail, improve confidence, and develop discussion skills. It also includes sample questions about media consumption habits to prepare for an interview. Key terms related to newspapers are defined, such as circulation, distribution, and censorship. The document tests comprehension with true/false statements and includes a relaxation activity commenting on a joke. Homework involves writing a news article.
47034Efrén IngledueEste documento presenta un proyecto pedagógico para mejorar la comprensión lectora y la escritura de estudiantes de segundo grado a través del uso de las TIC. El proyecto implementará actividades como el uso de procesadores de texto, grabaciones de lectura en voz alta, y prácticas de puntuación. Se llevará a cabo durante 4 semanas y evaluará el progreso de los estudiantes mediante rubricas y actividades en línea.
29897 pEfrén IngledueEste documento presenta un proyecto para fomentar la higiene personal en los estudiantes de la sede Nuevo Siglo de Garbado a través del uso de las TIC. El proyecto se encuentra en la etapa de formulación y busca crear hábitos de higiene personal e incentivar el uso pedagógico de las TIC entre los estudiantes de entre 6 y 13 años. Para lograr esto, el proyecto utilizará herramientas TIC como computadores, internet, blog de la escuela y redes sociales para educar e informar a los estud
Sikander Mohammed Resume... Travel, Sales ExecutiveSikander Mohammed sikander@stareveresttourism-travel.comMohammed Sikander is applying for the position of Travel Consultant or Travel Coordinator with an organization in Dubai. He has over 7 years of experience in the travel industry in roles like Travel Consultant and Reservation & Ticketing Agent. He is seeking a challenging role where he can utilize his strong communication and interpersonal skills. He has included his resume for review.
Entregable.docxJohana LondoñoEste documento presenta información sobre la gestión documental y administrativa. Explica los objetivos de producir documentos siguiendo la normativa, y describe conceptos como certificados, constancias y la estructura de estos. También cubre temas como signos de puntuación, el teclado y la ergonomía para secretarias.
Foro de presentacionJuan Pablo SeguraOlga Lucia Melo Romero es una estudiante de 19 años de la Universidad Minuto de Dios en Cuarto semestre de Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil. Ella vive en Villapinzón, Cundinamarca y trabaja de Lunes a Viernes en un café internet. Sus expectativas para el curso son ampliar sus conocimientos sobre las problemáticas de su comunidad y compartir experiencias para mejorar. El desarrollo profesional requiere aprender a enfrentar diferentes problemas en contextos cambiantes. Para ser un buen ciudadano responsable, es importante
ความตกต่างทางศิลปะของภาคหนือละภาคใต้SeeGrundyความเเตกต่างทางศิลปะระหว่างภาคเหนือเเละภาคใต้ เช่นด้่านสถาปัตยกรรม ปติมากรรม
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