Ultrasoud herniaDr. Mohit GoelThis document provides an overview of ultrasound imaging for evaluating hernias. It describes the anatomy of the inguinal region and locations where hernias commonly occur. The main types of hernias discussed are indirect inguinal, direct inguinal, femoral, and spigelian hernias. For each type, the document describes the anatomy, location, contents, and ultrasound appearance. It emphasizes how ultrasound allows dynamic evaluation through Valsalva maneuvers to identify hernias.
Pleural Effusion & Pneumothorax radiology made simple by Anish Dhakal (Aryan)Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)This document discusses radiographic findings of various pleural pathologies. It begins by describing normal pleural anatomy and physiology. It then distinguishes between transudative and exudative pleural effusions based on their causes. Various patterns of pleural effusions are described, including loculated, subpulmonic, and fissural pseudotumors. Pneumothorax imaging findings like the deep sulcus sign and conditions that can mimic pneumothorax are also covered. The document concludes with an example of calculating pneumothorax volume using Light's equation.
Deep sulcus sign fallen lung sign-ct angiogram sign-flat-waist signMinstry of health ,Ibn alnafis hoapital, DamascusThis document discusses several radiographic signs seen on chest imaging:
1. The deep sulcus sign refers to an abnormally deep lateral costophrenic angle on supine chest x-rays and indicates the presence of a pneumothorax.
2. The fallen lung sign describes a collapsed lung that has fallen away from the hilum, either inferiorly and laterally in upright patients or posteriorly in supine patients, and indicates a fractured bronchus.
3. The CT angiogram sign is seen on contrast-enhanced CT scans as enhancing pulmonary vessels within a region of low attenuating lung consolidation and suggests conditions like pneumonia or lung tumors.
4. The flat waist sign is the loss
образотворче мистецтво підручник для 4 класу авт. резніченко м. і. трач с. к.MykolaivnaSобразотворче мистецтво підручник для 4 класу авт. резніченко м. і. трач с. к.
Pulmonary embolismNaglaa MahmoudCT Angiography is an important technique for diagnosing pulmonary embolism (PE). It allows direct visualization of blood clots in the lungs. A 16-slice CT scan can cover the entire chest in less than 10 seconds with 1mm resolution, evaluating vessels down to the 6th order branches. While CTPA is fast, non-invasive and highly sensitive and specific, limitations include potential allergic reactions to contrast dye or risks for patients with kidney problems or pregnancy. Proper technique including timing of contrast injection is important to avoid motion artifacts.
Adrenal Adenoma RadiologyDr.Santosh AtreyaThis document discusses adrenal adenomas. It begins by defining adrenal adenomas and their epidemiology. It then discusses the radiological appearance of normal adrenal glands and adrenal adenomas on ultrasound, CT, and MRI. Specific imaging features that suggest adrenal adenomas include low density on non-contrast CT (<10 HU) and rapid contrast washout on CT or signal drop-out on opposed-phase MRI. The document also discusses differential diagnoses, clinical presentations of functioning adenomas, and management guidelines.
Radiological findings of pleural effussionDrArpan ChouhanPleural effusion can result from a number of conditions, such as congestive heart failure, pneumonia, cancer, liver cirrhosis, and kidney disease. [1] The characteristics of the fluid depend on the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism. The fluid can be transudate, nonpurulent exudate, pus, blood, or chyle. Imaging studies are valuable in detecting and managing pleural effusions but not in accurately characterizing the biochemical nature of the fluid.
Chest Radiograph for InternsCristal Ann LaquindanumThis document provides an overview of chest radiograph interpretation for interns, covering normal anatomy, common pathologies, and technical factors. It summarizes how to evaluate for adequate penetration, inspiration, rotation, magnification, and angulation. Common pathologies like pleural effusion, pneumothorax, pneumonia, and pulmonary tuberculosis are described with examples. Normal pediatric and adult chest x-ray features are outlined along with how to read and interpret the major anatomical structures visible.
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: radiology and pathology aspectThorsang ChayovanHypersensitivity pneumonitis in the aspect of radiology and pathology: findings on imaging i.e. HRCT and pathologic characteristics and how to distinguish it from other differential diagnoses.
CXR: Lung Mass - Mediastinal MassStanley Medical College, Department of MedicineA 65-year-old male smoker presented with cough, chest pain, and breathlessness for 1 month with weight loss and loss of appetite. An x-ray showed a well-defined anterior mass that overlapped the hilum, indicating it was located in the anterior mediastinum. Differential diagnoses of anterior mediastinal masses include thymoma, teratoma, thyroid goiter or neoplasm, and lymphoma. The mass's location was identified as anterior mediastinal using the hilum overlay sign, where an anterior mass will overlap the main pulmonary arteries.
Presentation1.pptx, radiological imaging of the larngeal diseases.Abdellah NazeerThis document provides an overview of radiological imaging and various diseases of the larynx. It begins by defining the anatomical structures of the larynx, including the supraglottis, glottis, and subglottis. It then discusses several congenital disorders like laryngomalacia, vocal fold paralysis, subglottic stenosis, hemangioma, webs, and atresia. Various inflammatory disorders are also covered such as acute and chronic laryngitis, epiglottitis, tuberculosis, scleroma, candidiasis, sarcoidosis, and laryngo-pharyngeal reflux disease. For each condition, the document discusses epidemiology, etiology, clinical presentation,
PneumomediastinumGamal AgmyThis document discusses radiology signs of pneumomediastinum. It begins by defining pneumomediastinum and listing potential sources where air can originate from, both intrathoracic and extrathoracic. It then describes several common radiographic signs seen with pneumomediastinum, including the thymic sail sign, ring around the artery sign, and ginkgo leaf sign. Examples of each sign are shown through radiograph and CT images. Other signs like the continuous diaphragm sign, tubular artery sign, and Naclerio's V sign are also defined. The document emphasizes the importance of recognizing these signs on imaging for diagnosing pneumomediastinum.
Pleural Effusion & Pneumothorax radiology made simple by Anish Dhakal (Aryan)Dr. Aryan (Anish Dhakal)This document discusses radiographic findings of various pleural pathologies. It begins by describing normal pleural anatomy and physiology. It then distinguishes between transudative and exudative pleural effusions based on their causes. Various patterns of pleural effusions are described, including loculated, subpulmonic, and fissural pseudotumors. Pneumothorax imaging findings like the deep sulcus sign and conditions that can mimic pneumothorax are also covered. The document concludes with an example of calculating pneumothorax volume using Light's equation.
Deep sulcus sign fallen lung sign-ct angiogram sign-flat-waist signMinstry of health ,Ibn alnafis hoapital, DamascusThis document discusses several radiographic signs seen on chest imaging:
1. The deep sulcus sign refers to an abnormally deep lateral costophrenic angle on supine chest x-rays and indicates the presence of a pneumothorax.
2. The fallen lung sign describes a collapsed lung that has fallen away from the hilum, either inferiorly and laterally in upright patients or posteriorly in supine patients, and indicates a fractured bronchus.
3. The CT angiogram sign is seen on contrast-enhanced CT scans as enhancing pulmonary vessels within a region of low attenuating lung consolidation and suggests conditions like pneumonia or lung tumors.
4. The flat waist sign is the loss
образотворче мистецтво підручник для 4 класу авт. резніченко м. і. трач с. к.MykolaivnaSобразотворче мистецтво підручник для 4 класу авт. резніченко м. і. трач с. к.
Pulmonary embolismNaglaa MahmoudCT Angiography is an important technique for diagnosing pulmonary embolism (PE). It allows direct visualization of blood clots in the lungs. A 16-slice CT scan can cover the entire chest in less than 10 seconds with 1mm resolution, evaluating vessels down to the 6th order branches. While CTPA is fast, non-invasive and highly sensitive and specific, limitations include potential allergic reactions to contrast dye or risks for patients with kidney problems or pregnancy. Proper technique including timing of contrast injection is important to avoid motion artifacts.
Adrenal Adenoma RadiologyDr.Santosh AtreyaThis document discusses adrenal adenomas. It begins by defining adrenal adenomas and their epidemiology. It then discusses the radiological appearance of normal adrenal glands and adrenal adenomas on ultrasound, CT, and MRI. Specific imaging features that suggest adrenal adenomas include low density on non-contrast CT (<10 HU) and rapid contrast washout on CT or signal drop-out on opposed-phase MRI. The document also discusses differential diagnoses, clinical presentations of functioning adenomas, and management guidelines.
Radiological findings of pleural effussionDrArpan ChouhanPleural effusion can result from a number of conditions, such as congestive heart failure, pneumonia, cancer, liver cirrhosis, and kidney disease. [1] The characteristics of the fluid depend on the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism. The fluid can be transudate, nonpurulent exudate, pus, blood, or chyle. Imaging studies are valuable in detecting and managing pleural effusions but not in accurately characterizing the biochemical nature of the fluid.
Chest Radiograph for InternsCristal Ann LaquindanumThis document provides an overview of chest radiograph interpretation for interns, covering normal anatomy, common pathologies, and technical factors. It summarizes how to evaluate for adequate penetration, inspiration, rotation, magnification, and angulation. Common pathologies like pleural effusion, pneumothorax, pneumonia, and pulmonary tuberculosis are described with examples. Normal pediatric and adult chest x-ray features are outlined along with how to read and interpret the major anatomical structures visible.
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: radiology and pathology aspectThorsang ChayovanHypersensitivity pneumonitis in the aspect of radiology and pathology: findings on imaging i.e. HRCT and pathologic characteristics and how to distinguish it from other differential diagnoses.
CXR: Lung Mass - Mediastinal MassStanley Medical College, Department of MedicineA 65-year-old male smoker presented with cough, chest pain, and breathlessness for 1 month with weight loss and loss of appetite. An x-ray showed a well-defined anterior mass that overlapped the hilum, indicating it was located in the anterior mediastinum. Differential diagnoses of anterior mediastinal masses include thymoma, teratoma, thyroid goiter or neoplasm, and lymphoma. The mass's location was identified as anterior mediastinal using the hilum overlay sign, where an anterior mass will overlap the main pulmonary arteries.
Presentation1.pptx, radiological imaging of the larngeal diseases.Abdellah NazeerThis document provides an overview of radiological imaging and various diseases of the larynx. It begins by defining the anatomical structures of the larynx, including the supraglottis, glottis, and subglottis. It then discusses several congenital disorders like laryngomalacia, vocal fold paralysis, subglottic stenosis, hemangioma, webs, and atresia. Various inflammatory disorders are also covered such as acute and chronic laryngitis, epiglottitis, tuberculosis, scleroma, candidiasis, sarcoidosis, and laryngo-pharyngeal reflux disease. For each condition, the document discusses epidemiology, etiology, clinical presentation,
PneumomediastinumGamal AgmyThis document discusses radiology signs of pneumomediastinum. It begins by defining pneumomediastinum and listing potential sources where air can originate from, both intrathoracic and extrathoracic. It then describes several common radiographic signs seen with pneumomediastinum, including the thymic sail sign, ring around the artery sign, and ginkgo leaf sign. Examples of each sign are shown through radiograph and CT images. Other signs like the continuous diaphragm sign, tubular artery sign, and Naclerio's V sign are also defined. The document emphasizes the importance of recognizing these signs on imaging for diagnosing pneumomediastinum.
Лекция для клиницистов "Исследования органов головы и шеи"mosgorzdrav07 марта 2017 года в рамках обучающего курса "Лучевая диагностика для клиницистов" состоялся вебинар на тему "Исследования органов головы и шеи: орбиты, ППН, височная кость, мягкие ткани лица"
Вебинар на тему "Лучевая диагностика заболеваний молочной железы"mosgorzdrav06 июня 2017 года в рамках обучающего курса "Лучевая диагностика для клиницистов" состоялся вебинар на тему " в рамках обучающего курса "Лучевая диагностика для клиницистов".
Вебинар на тему "Исследования сердца"mosgorzdrav23 мая 2017 года в рамках обучающего курса "Лучевая диагностика для клиницистов" состоялся вебинар на тему "Исследования сердца".
УЗД при патологических состояниях мягких тканей лица и шеи: преимущества и не...mosgorzdrav04 апреля 2017 года в рамках обучающего курса "Лучевая диагностика для клиницистов" состоялся семинар на тему "Лучевая диагностика заболеваний головного мозга и органов мягких тканей шеи"
Лучевая диагностика патологии ЛОР органовmosgorzdrav04 апреля 2017 года в рамках обучающего курса "Лучевая диагностика для клиницистов" состоялся семинар на тему "Лучевая диагностика заболеваний головного мозга и органов мягких тканей шеи"
КТ и МРТ основы методов, показания и противопоказанияmosgorzdrav04 апреля 2017 года в рамках обучающего курса "Лучевая диагностика для клиницистов" состоялся семинар на тему "Лучевая диагностика заболеваний головного мозга и органов мягких тканей шеи"
Выбор метода лучевой диагностики в неврологииmosgorzdrav04 апреля 2017 года в рамках обучающего курса "Лучевая диагностика для клиницистов" состоялся семинар на тему "Лучевая диагностика заболеваний головного мозга и органов мягких тканей шеи"
Выбор метода лучевой диагностики в неврологииmosgorzdrav21 февраля 2017 года в рамках обучающего курса "Лучевая диагностика для клиницистов" состоялся вебинар на тему "Исследования головного мозга".
К.А. Сергунова «Вопросы проектирования и обеспечения безопасности работы каби...mosgorzdravЮбилейный Конгресс Российского общества рентгенологов и радиологов, посвященный 100-летию со дня основания Общества РОРР(РАР)
В.А. Гомболевский «Стандартизация описания протоколов исследований»mosgorzdravЮбилейный Конгресс Российского общества рентгенологов и радиологов, посвященный 100-летию со дня основания Общества РОРР(РАР)
А.В. Басарболиев «Основные принципы регламентации процессов в лучевой диагнос...mosgorzdravЮбилейный Конгресс Российского общества рентгенологов и радиологов, посвященный 100-летию со дня основания Общества РОРР(РАР)
Ким С.Ю. «Лучевая анатомия печени: варианты сосудистой и билиарной анатомии»mosgorzdravЮбилейный Конгресс Российского общества рентгенологов и радиологов, посвященный 100-летию со дня основания Общества РОРР(РАР)
Формы и методы межведомственного взаимодействия медицинской профилактики нарк...mosgorzdravМосковский научно-практический центр наркологииДепартамента здравоохранения города Москвы
Опыт организации профилактической работы по медицинской составляющей безопасн...mosgorzdravМосковский научно-практический центр наркологииДепартамента здравоохранения города Москвы
24. Варианты локтевой кости (лучелоктевой
«+» вариант - локтевая кость
длиннее лучевой более, чем на 2
«-» вариант – локтевая кость
короче лучевой более, чем на 2 мм
«0» вариант – разница в
длине не более 2 мм
Методика определения варианта локтевой кости по Gelberman’s
R.Schmitt, U.Lanz. Diagnostic imaging of the hand.
36. Операция Bristow-Latarjet
Реконструкция передне-нижнего края
гленоида частью клювовидного отростка
Цель – стабилизация плечевого сустава
Возможные осложнения:
- ограничение наружной ротации в
плечевом суставе
- остеолиз, неудовлетворительная
консолидация фрагмента клювовидного
- развитие нестабильности
- повышенный риск повреждения
подмышечного нерва (денервация малой
круглой и дельтовидной мышц)
37. Giovanni Di Giacomo et al. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 30,
No 1, 2014: pp 90-98
Интервал Hill-Sachs (HSI)
Максимальная ширина дефекта
Hill-Sachs + оставшееся расстояние
до медиального края прикрепления
сухожилий ротаторной манжеты
38. Giovanni Di Giacomo et al. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 30,
No 1, 2014: pp 90-98
Hill-Sachs: «on track» или «off track»?
1. Измеряем диаметр нижнего края гленоида (его
максимальный передне-задний размер) ЗДОРОВОГО
2. Сравниваем с поврежденным плечевым суставом и
определяем дефицит переднего края гленоида
3. Рассчитываем величину glenoid track GT = 0.83D - d
39. Hill-Sachs: «on track» или «off track»?
Giovanni Di Giacomo et al. The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 30,
No 1, 2014: pp 90-98
Интервал Hill-Sachs > Glenoid trackИнтервал Hill-Sachs < Glenoid track