Power point edat mitjanaSILOCOSAquí teniu un resum dels trets més rellevants de l'Edat Mitjana. Recordeu de fer clic als diferents enllaços per a complementar la informació!!!
ATHack! Inc. - Social Good HackathonsEhb TengATHack! Inc. (pronounced “attack”) is a group of activists and technologists sourcing, funding, and launching new and innovative data-driven ideas to solve major social issues. Our inaugural hackathon is focused on developing tools and solutions that will support anti-human trafficking efforts. Viable projects that come out of our hackathons are invited to apply to our accelerator program in order to become sustainable operations that can help the community. We deeply encourage multi-cultural and multi-gendered diversity in attendance of our hackathons, seeking to grow entrepreneurship among women and people of color. Finding innovative solutions to community issues can only be done thoughtfully and holistically by engaging all aspects of our multi-cultural and multi-gendered community. Types of tech projects we look to catalyze include, but are not limited to: data centric models to fighting human trafficking, software/hardware tech solutions for poverty afflicted populations, resource solutions for the homeless, etc.
Let's investigate englishESO1The document summarizes different types of schools in Barcelona, including private schools, public schools, religious schools, Montessori schools, and country schools. Private schools are independent and more demanding, focusing solely on studying and memorization. Public schools are free or low-cost and offer a more normal and easy curriculum, but sometimes lessons can also be demanding. Religious schools focus on religious education and beliefs. Montessori schools have a different, more collaborative teaching approach. The document notes there are no country schools in Barcelona, describing them as generally having classes inside small houses with outdoor activities.
Irregulars verbsESO1The document provides examples of verbs in English and their past and past participle forms. For each verb, it gives an example sentence in the present tense, an example in the past tense with "didn't", and a question in the past tense starting with "Did". There are over 80 examples provided in this format.
179243Jonas OtterheimThis document summarizes a master's thesis that studied how 18 Swedish multinational companies in Shanghai and Beijing develop the next generation of Chinese leaders. It involved interviews with top executives and high-potential Chinese employees. The thesis found significant gaps between how these groups viewed leadership and leadership development. For example, executives saw money as the main motivator for high-potentials, while they valued personal development more. Executives also underestimated the importance of work-life balance and visionary leadership to high-potentials. The study provides recommendations on how companies can better develop future Chinese leaders and bridge cultural differences, such as establishing mentorship programs and providing more international assignments.
CV Sam HiggsSam Higgs (FCMA, CGMA)Sam Higgs has over 25 years of finance experience, currently serving as Head of Finance for Friday Media Group. He has a proven track record of streamlining processes to reduce costs, implementing new systems like an ERP, and improving reporting accuracy. His skills include financial management, reporting, budgeting, and people management.
Proyecto slideshare1yenipaolaoviedomayorgaEste documento describe la etapa de formación en la cual los estudiantes aplican, complementan y consolidan sus competencias a través de la resolución de problemas reales del sector productivo, utilizando estrategias de autogestión. Los estudiantes aplican los conocimientos teóricos para fortalecer sus habilidades y valores.
Coches de lujoSofiasp20Este documento resume las especificaciones de varios autos deportivos de gama alta como el Ford Mustang GT, Ford GT Mirage Avro 720, Lamborghini Reventón, Porsche Carrera GT 2010 y BMW Efficient Dynamics Concept, incluyendo sus velocidades máximas, aceleración de 0 a 100 km/h y potencia. También incluye una comparación con las especificaciones de un auto más modesto.
eITBM 2017 -Atul BengeriAtul BengeriThis document discusses key aspects of successful smart city implementation through management. It begins by defining a smart city as one that leverages technology and citizen engagement to improve quality of life, efficiency, and competitiveness in an environmentally sustainable way. The document then highlights citizen consultation platforms like MyGov in India and discusses business models, policies, partnerships, and lessons that can be learned from international examples of smart cities like Singapore, Barcelona, and London. It concludes with emphasizing the importance of infrastructure, policy, key performance indicators, and ICT roadmaps for developing smart, sustainable cities.
Tom Straub ResumeTom StraubThomas Straub is seeking a new position that allows him to utilize his skills in management, leadership, culinary operations, and business development. He has over 30 years of experience directing large and complex food service operations across multiple states and venues. Most recently, he was the Director of Culinary Development for Lancer Hospitality, where he oversaw 60 venues with annual sales over $60 million.
ANI RESUME new1_2Aniket BhaduriAniket Bhaduri is seeking a position utilizing his skills in a professional growth industry. He has strong skills in MS Office, Tally ERP 9, C/C++, Java, and computer networking. His experience includes a summer internship at FINO PAY TECH conducting market research and data delivery. He is pursuing a PGDM and has qualifications in digital marketing, online advertising, and social media marketing. His areas of interest are online/digital marketing, retail marketing, and inside sales.
alan's (5)Maggie JohnsonThe document provides a recommendation for an email service provider for Alan's Confectionery. It analyzes MailChimp and Constant Contact based on segmentation, price, features, design, analytics, and customer service. While Constant Contact offers superior customer service, MailChimp is recommended due to its stronger segmentation, analytics, customization options, and focus on marketing automation and ecommerce integration which would help Alan's meet its objectives. MailChimp is concluded to be the best tool to engage customers through email marketing and reflect Alan's brand.
àܻ徱ESO1Este documento presenta un resumen de un video sobre life hacks creado por àܻ徱 e Eduard. Explica que los life hacks son experimentos caseros que ayudan a solucionar problemas cotidianos. El video muestra life hacks inspirados en el canal de YouTube "Expcaseros" con el objetivo de ofrecer soluciones prácticas para la vida diaria.
Proyecto de ingles completoMorelia Ramirez1. Accounting Advising Under IFRS (A.A.U.IFRS) provides accounting, auditing, and consulting services. Its main services include computerized accounting, preparing monthly reports, financial statements, and tax submissions.
2. The document outlines accounting transactions for Paper Trail Office Supplies S.A. throughout October and December 2015, including purchases, sales, payroll, loan payments, advertising expenses, depreciation, and distributions.
3. A.A.U.IFRS is asked to prepare the accounting records and financial statements for Paper Trail Office Supplies S.A. for the period.
Adriana cabrinetyESO1This document is written in an unknown language and contains a series of disjointed statements beginning with "SABIES QUE..." which translates to "DID YOU KNOW..." followed by miscellaneous facts. Some statements discuss unlikely causes of death, distrustful body language signals, the historical status of languages, anatomical similarities across animals, regional climate change perceptions, night vision adaptations in pirates, and the Eiffel Tower's increase in height on hot days.
Laia gironellaESO1El documento describe un viaje planificado a Oslo, Noruega. Se detalla que el grupo alquilará un apartamento cerca del centro de la ciudad y tiene una agenda que incluye visitas a museos como el Museo Fram y el Museo del Esquí, el barrio Grünerlokka, el Popsenter para aprender sobre la historia de la música noruega, parques de atracciones y un paseo en bote por el fiordo de Oslo. El documento concluye que el grupo disfrutó mucho del viaje a Oslo.
Gerard veraESO1El documento lista los múltiples de los números del 1 al 10, dividiéndolos en secciones por cada número. Proporciona una lista de los múltiplos de cada uno de los primeros 10 números enteros.
La dislèxiaESO1The document discusses dyslexia. It defines dyslexia as having difficulties with writing, reading, spelling, and word comprehension. It then shares two stories of people with dyslexia. The first story is about a boy named Jordi who struggled more with reading and spelling than his classmates in primary school. It affected him for a long time but he was able to succeed at a high level. The second story discusses how dyslexia affects the author, with difficulties in writing, reading, spelling, English, and previously with math and speaking, but that they have improved a lot over time.