PGS. TS. Nguy畛n Th畛 Nh畉n
B畛nh tim nhi畛m 畛c gi叩p (NG) 動畛c N l t畛n th動董稼g c董 tim
do nhi畛m 畛c l動畛ng l畛n hormone gi叩p (Report of the 1995
WHO/ISFC), K畉t qu畉 l:
T畛n th動董稼g s畉n xu畉t nng l動畛ng c畛a tb c董 tim
R畛i lo畉n chuy畛n h坦a n畛i bo (protein synthesis)
RL ch畛c nng co s畛i c董 tim (Klein, 1990).
Bi畛u hi畛u ch鱈nh c畛a b畛nh c董 tim NG l ph狸 畉i th畉t tr叩i, RL
nh畛p tim th動畛ng l rung nh畛, d達n bu畛ng tim v suy tim, tng 叩p
ph畛i, v RL ch畛c nng t但m tr動董稼g
4. T4
Chuy畛n h坦a c畛a Hormone tuy畉n gi叩p
T4 T3
T4 T3
C叩c m担 鱈ch
Adapted from Merck Manual of Medical Information. ed. R Berkow. 704:1997.
C董 ch畉 feedback
5. T畉n su畉t suy gi叩p tng theo tu畛i
Colorado research
Canaris GJ et al. The Colorado Thyroid Disease Prevalence Study. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:526-534
T畉n su畉t SG/ c畛ng 畛ng DS chung 2%, SG DLS: 5 9%
T畉n su畉t SG gia tng 畛 T t鱈p 1, 2, STM, B辿o ph狸
7. Tri畛u ch畛ng c畛a suy gi叩p r畉t a d畉ng
Tuy畉n gi叩p
T叩o b坦n4
Gi畉m nhu 担ng
Gi畉m k/n sinh s畉n6
RL kinh nguy畛t6
H畛 sinh s畉n
Tr畉m c畉m1
Gi畉m t畉p trung1
Gi畉m h畛ng th炭1
Suy gi畉m ph叩t tri畛n tr鱈
Gi畉m ch畛c nng5
Gi畛 n動畛c v ph湛5
Gi畉m nh畛p tim3
Tng HA3
Gi畉m cung l動畛ng tim3
Trn d畛ch mng tim
RL ch畛c nng t但m tr動董稼g3
1. Nemeroff CB. Clinical significance of psychoneuroendocrinology in psychiatry: focus on the thyroid and adrenal. J Clin Psychiatry. 1989;50(suppl):13-20.
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4. Vassilopoulou-Sellin R, Sellin JH. The gastrointestinal tract and liver in hypothyroidism. In:Braverman LE, Utiger RD, eds. Werner and Ingbars The Thyroid. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott-Raven Publishers;
5. Moses AM, Scheinman SJ. The kidneys and electrolyte metabolism. In:Braverman LE, Utiger RD, eds. Werner and Ingbars The Thyroid. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott-Raven Publishers; 1996:812-815.
6. Emerson CH.Thyroid function and disease in the female. In: Gold JJ, Josimovich JB, eds. Gynecologic Endocrinology. 4th ed. New York, NY:Plenum Publishing Corp; 1987:109-133.
7. Haddow JE, Palomaki GE, Allan WC, et al. Maternal thyroid deficiency during pregnancy and subsequent neuropsychological development of the child. N Engl J Med. 1999;341:549-555.
8. Tri畛u ch畛ng suy gi叩p
M畛t m畛i
Tng c但n
Da kh担 v s畛 l畉nh
Xanh t叩i
L動畛i l畛n v dy
R畛ng l担ng, t坦c
Gi畛ng khn
Gi畉m t狸nh d畛c
Braverman LE, et al. Werner & Ingbars The Thyroid. A Fundamental and Clinical Text. 8th ed. 2000.
M畉t t畉p trung
Hay qu棚n
Tr畉m c畉m
Ch畉m ch畉p
RL kinh nguy畛t v v担 sinh
Nh畛p tim ch畉m
T叩o b坦n
H担n m棚 suy gi叩p
15. Ai l b畛nh nh但n suy gi叩p 畉u
ti棚n ? Gull (Myxedema 1874)
When King David was old and advanced in years,
though they spread covers over him, he could
not keep warm. His servants therefore said to
him, Let a young virgin be sought to attend you,
lord King, and to nurse you. If she sleeps with
your royal majesty, you will be kept warm The
maiden, who was very beautiful, nursed the King
and cared for him, but the King did not have
relations with her. Some speculate that King
David was afflicated with hypothyroidism
Mc Dermott T. M. (2013). Endocrine secrets questions you will be asked. Mosby
Elsevier , Ed: 6th, pp: 523
17. Thu畛c i畛u tr畛 suy gi叩p Thyroxine
L d畉ng t畛ng h畛p hormone T4 c畛a tuy畉n gi叩p
動畛c h畉p thu t畛 h畛ng trng v h畛i trng: 80%
Khuy畉n c叩o 23: u畛ng L-thyroxine 30 60 ph炭t tr動畛c
b畛a n s叩ng ho畉c 4 gi畛 sau n chi畛u, b畉o qu畉n thu畛c
炭ng c叩ch v kh担ng d湛ng chung v畛i c叩c ch畉t ho畉c
thu畛c 畉nh h動畛ng h畉p thu L-thyroxine. B2
U畛ng bu畛i s叩ng 畛 g但y m畉t ng畛 h董稼 bu畛i t畛i
Bolk N et al. 2010 Arch IM 170:1996-2003 (EL2).
Bach-Huynh TG 2009 JCEM 94:3905-12 (EL2.)
18. Theo d探i i畛u tr畛
SG trung 動董稼g: FT4 動畛c d湛ng ch畉n o叩n v
theo d探i i畛u tr畛 SG, (kh担ng d湛ng TSH). FT4 m畛c
ti棚u 畉t tr棚n gi畛i h畉n gi畛a c畛a b狸nh th動畛ng.
(khuy畉n c叩o 12 & 24)
SG ang T: ki畛m tra TSH 4 -8 tu畉n sau khi b畉t
畉u T hay sau thay 畛i li畛u, sau 坦 m畛i 612
th叩ng khi x叩c 畛nh 動畛c li畛u thay th畉 (khuy畉n
c叩o 13)
53. Ca l但m sng 3
BN n畛 29 tu畛i, nh但n vi棚n vn ph嘆ng
C畉t ton b畛 tuy畉n gi叩p do K gi叩p d畉ng nh炭 c叩ch 但y 4 nm
GPB: ch動a di cn, ch動a x但m l畉n v畛 bao
i畛u tr畛 thay th畉 Thyroxin 50 g/ngy
X辿t nghi畛m: TSH = 4,12 IU/ml , Tg (-)
Ch畉n o叩n: K gi叩p d畉ng nh炭 ch動a di cn
M畛c ti棚u: TSH 0,5 - 2 IU/ml Tng li畛u 100g/ngy
54. Ca l但m sng4
BN n畛 32 tu畛i, i畛u d動畛ng, m畛t m畛i, tng c但n, v嘆ng c畛 to ra
Basedow ang T th叩ng th畛 5 (XN l炭c i畛u tr畛: TSH < 0,005, FT4= 5,4ng/dl,
FT3= 3,45pg/ml, TRAb >40, SA: TG to 2 thu畛, tng sinh m畉ch m叩u nhi畛u)
Li畛u Thyrozol hi畛n t畉i 15mg/ng x 4 th叩ng
X辿t nghi畛m: TSH = 15 IU/ml , FT4 = 0,9ng/dl, TRAb = 12UI/ml
Ph畉i lm g狸?
Basedow - SG do qu叩 li畛u KGTH
M畛c ti棚u: TSH 0,4 - 4 IU/ml Gi畉m li畛u Thyrozol
55. K畉T LU畉N
Suy gi叩p l b畛nh l箪 r畉t th動畛ng g畉p
T畉n su畉t b畛nh gia tng theo tu畛i, 畛 ng動畛i c坦 b畛nh th畉n
m畉n, 叩i th叩o 動畛ng, b辿o ph狸 v v担 sinh. ..
N棚n s畛 d畛ng c湛ng m畛t lo畉i bi畛t d動畛c L - Thyroxin, d湛ng
li畛u th畉p tng d畉n, th畉n tr畛ng 畛 ng動畛i l畛n tu畛i, c坦 b畛nh
l箪 tim m畉ch.
Suy gi叩p trong thai k畛 lm tng c叩c bi畉n c畛 cho m畉 v
thai nhi, c畉n tng li畛u L -Thyroxin v gi畛 m畛c ti棚u TSH <
2,5mUI/L, < 3mUI/L v < 3,5mUI/L theo th畛 t畛 3 th叩ng
畉u, 3 th叩ng gi畛a v 3 th叩ng cu畛i c畛a thai k畛.
C畉n c叩 th畛 ho叩 trong i畛u tr畛 v gi畛 TSH m畛c ti棚u theo c叩
th畛 ho叩: ng動畛i l畛n tu畛i, c坦 b畛nh m畉ch vnh, c坦 thai, ung
th動 gi叩p
56. Ti li畛u tham kh畉o
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