SDSoC解体新書2016.2版ソフトウェア編 (チラ見) : Inside SDSoC v2016.2 (Software short edtion)Mr. Vengineer
2016.09.09 : 新規登録しました。
2016.09.10 : SDSoCが生成するSDカード内のファイルの部分を追記しました。
It summarizes the investigation result of software generated by Xilinx's SDSoC v2016.2.
2016.09.09: I newly registered.
2016.09.10: The file part in the SD card generated by SDSoC was added.
SDSoC解体新書2016.2版ソフトウェア編 (チラ見) : Inside SDSoC v2016.2 (Software short edtion)Mr. Vengineer
2016.09.09 : 新規登録しました。
2016.09.10 : SDSoCが生成するSDカード内のファイルの部分を追記しました。
It summarizes the investigation result of software generated by Xilinx's SDSoC v2016.2.
2016.09.09: I newly registered.
2016.09.10: The file part in the SD card generated by SDSoC was added.
クラウド時代の Spring Framework (aka Spring Framework in Cloud Era)Tsuyoshi Miyake
This document discusses Spring Framework and Spring Cloud in the context of cloud computing. It begins with an overview of Spring Framework and its history. It then discusses Spring 2015, Cloud Foundry and its relationship with Java/Spring applications. A large portion of the document is dedicated to explaining Spring Cloud, its subprojects including Spring Cloud Config, Spring Cloud Bus, Spring Cloud Netflix, and Spring Cloud Connectors. It provides details on how each subproject works and its purpose in building cloud native applications on distributed environments.
This document provides information about using high-level programming languages to generate hardware implementations on FPGAs. It discusses how high-level synthesis (HLS) can be used to synthesize register transfer level (RTL) descriptions from C/C++ or Python code. This allows hardware to be programmed at a higher level of abstraction without having to manually write RTL code. Specific HLS tools mentioned include Xilinx Vivado HLS, Altera OpenCL, Veriloggen for Python, and synthesizing hardware from languages like C, C++, Java, and Python.
Java Concurrency, A(nother) Peek Under the Hood [Java Day Tokyo 2016 3-C]David Buck
去年のJJUGナイトセミナー JVM特集で実施した「HotSpot のロック: A Peek Under the Hood」の続きのセッションです。
java.util.concurrentやJava Memory Modelの実装について、いくつかご紹介します。これらで不可欠な技術がJVMとクラス?ライブラリでどのように提供されているかを簡単に説明します。たとえば、volatileキーワードの利用時に、JITコンパイルによって生成されるコードはどのように変わるかを分析します。
26. 26
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
case (s) is
when S0 =>
a <= 1;
s <= S1;
When S1 =>
b <= 2;
s <= S2;
When S2 =>
c <= a + b;
s <= S3;
end case;
end if;
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = a + b;
43. 43
/** Generate code and emit a class file for a given class
* @param env The attribution environment of the outermost class
* containing this class.
* @param cdef The class definition from which code is generated.
JavaFileObject genCode(Env<AttrContext> env, JCClassDecl cdef) throws IOException {
synthesijer.jcfrontend.Main.newModule(env, cdef); // add hook for synthesijer
try {
if (gen.genClass(env, cdef) && (errorCount() == 0))
return writer.writeClass(cdef.sym);
} catch (ClassWriter.PoolOverflow ex) {
log.error(cdef.pos(), "limit.pool");
} catch (ClassWriter.StringOverflow ex) {
log.error(cdef.pos(), "limit.string.overflow",
ex.value.substring(0, 20));
} catch (CompletionFailure ex) {
chk.completionError(cdef.pos(), ex);
return null;