Unitech manufactures and supplies various retail store fixtures and accessories in India such as supermarket racks, shelves, displays, and more. Their products are made of materials like steel, wood, and plastic to properly organize and display retail products. Unitech has extensive experience in the industry and works with clients to design, manufacture, and install customized store fixtures and retail solutions.
O documento discute autistas famosos e surpreendentes e como o filho do leitor pode ser um deles. Exemplos incluem Temple Grandin, uma professora e especialista em ci棚ncia animal que teve sucesso apesar de seu autismo, e Daniel Jansen, um brasileiro que obteve mestrado em biologia.
El documento describe los diferentes tipos de espectros de frecuencia y comunicaci坦n. Explica que un espectro de frecuencia mide la distribuci坦n de amplitudes de cada frecuencia que compone una onda. Luego describe la comunicaci坦n simplex, half-duplex y full-duplex, se単alando que la simplex solo permite la transmisi坦n en un sentido, la half-duplex permite la transmisi坦n pero no simult叩nea en ambos sentidos, y la full-duplex permite la transmisi坦n y recepci坦n simult叩nea en ambos sentidos.
ERA is an international cost reduction consultancy that finds average savings of nearly 20% for clients in non-core expense categories like banking, freight, supplies, and services. ERA has over 250 consultants in the US with access to benchmark pricing data and tools to analyze RFPs. Clients see savings quickly within 90 days, often by retaining current vendors but with better contracts. ERA only charges fees if savings are found with no savings, no fee.
El documento describe la estructura y replicaci坦n del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). El VIH tiene forma esf辿rica, un di叩metro de 80-110 nm y est叩 constituido por una membrana, una c叩pside icosa辿drica y una capa interior en forma de cono truncado. El genoma del VIH contiene genes como env, gag y pol que codifican prote鱈nas virales. El VIH se replica infectando linfocitos T y macr坦fagos que expresan el receptor CD4, lo que conduce a una disminuci坦n progresiva
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre diferentes tipos de desastres naturales, incluyendo fen坦menos hidrol坦gicos, meteorol坦gicos, geof鱈sicos y biol坦gicos. Tambi辿n describe brevemente otros fen坦menos como avalanchas, calentamiento global, incendios forestales y ciclones tropicales. El documento ofrece detalles sobre las causas y efectos de cada tipo de desastre natural.
Cuestionario sobre el Virus del SarampionSandu Cor
El virus del sarampi坦n pertenece al g辿nero Morbillivirus de la familia Paramyxoviridae. Tiene ARN monocadena de polaridad negativa y est叩 envuelto. Sus principales prote鱈nas estructurales son N, M, P, H, L y F. La prote鱈na M es la m叩s importante para el ensamblaje viral ya que a partir de ella se sintetizan H y F. Se transmite por v鱈a a辿rea de persona a persona y afecta principalmente a ni単os de 1 a 4 a単os. El periodo de contagio es de 1 a 4 d鱈as
O documento discute autistas famosos e surpreendentes e como o filho do leitor pode ser um deles. Exemplos incluem Temple Grandin, uma professora e especialista em ci棚ncia animal que teve sucesso apesar de seu autismo, e Daniel Jansen, um brasileiro que obteve mestrado em biologia.
El documento describe los diferentes tipos de espectros de frecuencia y comunicaci坦n. Explica que un espectro de frecuencia mide la distribuci坦n de amplitudes de cada frecuencia que compone una onda. Luego describe la comunicaci坦n simplex, half-duplex y full-duplex, se単alando que la simplex solo permite la transmisi坦n en un sentido, la half-duplex permite la transmisi坦n pero no simult叩nea en ambos sentidos, y la full-duplex permite la transmisi坦n y recepci坦n simult叩nea en ambos sentidos.
ERA is an international cost reduction consultancy that finds average savings of nearly 20% for clients in non-core expense categories like banking, freight, supplies, and services. ERA has over 250 consultants in the US with access to benchmark pricing data and tools to analyze RFPs. Clients see savings quickly within 90 days, often by retaining current vendors but with better contracts. ERA only charges fees if savings are found with no savings, no fee.
El documento describe la estructura y replicaci坦n del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). El VIH tiene forma esf辿rica, un di叩metro de 80-110 nm y est叩 constituido por una membrana, una c叩pside icosa辿drica y una capa interior en forma de cono truncado. El genoma del VIH contiene genes como env, gag y pol que codifican prote鱈nas virales. El VIH se replica infectando linfocitos T y macr坦fagos que expresan el receptor CD4, lo que conduce a una disminuci坦n progresiva
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre diferentes tipos de desastres naturales, incluyendo fen坦menos hidrol坦gicos, meteorol坦gicos, geof鱈sicos y biol坦gicos. Tambi辿n describe brevemente otros fen坦menos como avalanchas, calentamiento global, incendios forestales y ciclones tropicales. El documento ofrece detalles sobre las causas y efectos de cada tipo de desastre natural.
Cuestionario sobre el Virus del SarampionSandu Cor
El virus del sarampi坦n pertenece al g辿nero Morbillivirus de la familia Paramyxoviridae. Tiene ARN monocadena de polaridad negativa y est叩 envuelto. Sus principales prote鱈nas estructurales son N, M, P, H, L y F. La prote鱈na M es la m叩s importante para el ensamblaje viral ya que a partir de ella se sintetizan H y F. Se transmite por v鱈a a辿rea de persona a persona y afecta principalmente a ni単os de 1 a 4 a単os. El periodo de contagio es de 1 a 4 d鱈as
Vietnam has seen rising connectivity and changes in media consumption behaviors. Nearly all online Vietnamese now watch videos online weekly, with the highest rates among younger consumers. Ownership of smartphones and laptops has increased dramatically since 2011 and they are now the most common ways consumers access online content. This is driving more opportunities for cross-platform content and advertising. Consumers want more control and choice over what content they can access, when and where, exercising choice across many channels, devices and platforms.
This document provides a report on Vietnam's internet resources in 2014. It discusses the growth and development of Vietnam's country code top-level domain (.vn), Vietnamese internationalized domain names (IDN.vn), IP addresses, autonomous system numbers, domain name system, and Vietnam National Internet Exchange. Some key facts include that the number of .vn domain names reached 200,000 in 2012, making Vietnam the largest country in ASEAN for ccTLD registrations. It also provides statistics on the usage and growth of internet resources in Vietnam from 1997 to 2014.
This document provides a summary of key internet trends from Mary Meeker's 2014 Internet Trends report. Some of the main points covered include:
- Global internet and smartphone user growth is slowing, while tablet growth remains rapid at over 50% annually. Mobile data traffic is also growing strongly at over 80% per year.
- Smartphone ownership has reached 30% penetration of the global mobile phone user base, indicating significant further growth potential.
- Mobile advertising spending grew 47% in 2013 but still represents only 11% of total online ad spending, suggesting further upside as usage shifts to mobile.
- China is gaining a large share of the global smartphone and internet user markets. Cyber threats are also intens
This document provides an overview of key digital data and statistics for Asia-Pacific countries in January 2014. It includes data on internet users, social media users, mobile subscriptions, and other digital metrics for 22 countries in the region. Specific data is given for regions like South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and others. Charts show comparisons of metrics like internet and social media penetration across different countries.
Mary Meeker's presentation at the 2014 Code Conference highlighted several key internet trends:
1) Global internet and smartphone users continued to grow rapidly, especially in developing markets like India and Indonesia.
2) Mobile data traffic increased 81% due to growing video consumption on mobile devices.
3) Tablet shipments grew 52% in 2013, significantly outpacing the growth of PCs.
4) Mobile advertising revenues increased 47% and accounted for 11% of total internet advertising in 2013, demonstrating strong growth potential for mobile monetization.
Personalized Recommendation - The Key for Engagement?we20
The document discusses personalized recommendation technologies to improve customer engagement. It describes services like dynamic retargeting, in-site recommendation, and print on demand to transition customers from online to offline purchasing. Case studies show these recommendation services increased click-through rates, conversion rates, and average purchase amounts for clients in industries like e-commerce, real estate, DVD rentals, and more. The company, Scigineer Inc., aims to start simple with recommendation technologies and let results from small initial efforts connect to larger future opportunities.
The document provides an overview of Vietnam's legal framework for e-commerce. It discusses key laws and decrees governing e-commerce, including the Law on Electronic Transactions, Law on Information Technology, and Decree No. 52/2013/ND-CP on E-commerce. The decree defines the scope and subjects of e-commerce activities and establishes regulations around e-commerce website operations, online contracting, personal data protection, and dispute resolution procedures. The document also introduces Circular No. 12/2013/TT-BCT, which provides guidance on notification and registration requirements for e-commerce websites.
1) The document discusses various online payment options including e-wallets, online payment gateways, bank transfers, and cash on delivery.
2) It promotes the benefits of using e-wallets like Ng但nL動畛ng.vn for both businesses and individuals, highlighting convenient payment methods, safety, trust, reasonable expenses, and success of global leaders like PayPal.
3) PayPal is presented as the leading e-wallet with over 250 million accounts globally and being more popular than Visa/Mastercard in some markets due to its ubiquity and integration with many online stores.
1) The document discusses the concepts of success and failure in business, noting that a startup is generally considered successful after 20 years while 100 years is considered eternal.
2) It shares experiences and lessons learned from early e-commerce businesses in Vietnam that failed despite having advantages, infrastructure, and technical expertise, highlighting the importance of marketing, community engagement, and adapting to the changing online market.
3) Key lessons emphasized include the need to break big goals into smaller targets, carry out both online and offline activities in parallel, and continually adjust plans as the online market evolves rather than rigidly following an initial master plan.
Mobicom is a mobile game development company established in 2011 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It was founded by L棚 畉ng Nguy棚n and H畛 Vi畛t L但m. Mobicom produces mobile games and applications for over 200 phone models. Some of their most popular apps include 畛c Tin N坦ng, which provides automatic news updates to phones, and 畛i Nh畉c Ch畛, which allows users to change their ringback tones directly from their mobile phones. Their goal is to develop high quality mobile games and apps made in Vietnam.
The document discusses the history and development of an online payment solution in Vietnam. It notes that while an expensive online payment option existed, it was not scalable. The authors chose to build their own more cost effective and scalable solution, though it was very challenging to develop. Over two months, two developers created an initial working version. Continuous improvements have reduced the number of steps needed to complete transactions. The integrated payment solution now supports various local and international payment methods. Integration has been successful so far. The document also provides examples of how payment solutions can become more valuable business assets than the original sites or apps themselves.
This document discusses mobile applications and the mobile app market in Vietnam. It provides information on:
- What mobile apps are and how they are classified.
- The large and growing mobile app market in Vietnam, with over 60 million mobile subscribers and growing smartphone usage.
- A trend toward location-based service apps, which allow companies to directly interact with and market to customers based on their location.
- Key considerations for startups looking to develop mobile apps, such as targeting the right operating systems and understanding monetization options like ads or user fees.
- Challenges of the Vietnamese mobile app market including a variety of devices, spam concerns, and testing apps across different phones.
This document discusses lessons learned from developing mobile applications. It covers choosing platforms like iOS and Android, types of applications to develop like games and news, and strategies for mobile app development. Some key recommendations include focusing on iOS or Android due to their competitiveness, developing games or location-based apps which are often most profitable, and creating a product line of related applications rather than one large all-in-one application. It also stresses the importance of collecting user data through analytics to optimize products and estimate business plans.
2. Global move to Mobile
Apple iPhone, iPod, iPad (iOS)
Google Android/SamSung v
hng trm NSX
Amazon Kindle
Trung Qu畛c
Baidu/Tencent/Alibaba forking
Android OS
Microsoft Surface, WP8, W8
3. Vi畛t Nam: user move strong to Mobile
24% search traffic l t畛 mobile
VCCorp systems
15 mil uniques
iOS chi畉m 40-50% pageview
15-20% pageview, tng 30% so v畛i
qu箪 tr動畛c
D畛 b叩o
51+ % mobile traffic sau 1-2 nm t畛i
Mobile Ads s畉 h董n Internet Ads
>>SmartPhone qu叩 r畉/3G kh畉p m畛i n董i