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The Career Counselor Role
in Higher Education
Presented by: Career and Professional Development (CAPD)
Moody Hall 134, Ph. (512)448-8530, think.stedwards.edu/career
Presentation Goals
 Provide insight into what its like to work as a
Career Counselor on a university campus.
 Learn about the fulfillments and challenges of
working with college students.
Some information applies only to St. Edwards University. Administrative
policies may be different at other universities. Some universities have
centralized career services while others have multiple offices
specializing in various areas. Degree credentials to work in a
university career center may vary from campus to campus. The size
of a university, the student profile, and academic degrees have an
impact on each universitys career center program offerings.
Who Are Our Clients?
 Traditional undergraduate, from high school
 Teens to mid 20s
 Little/no work experience
 Seeking 1 career for life
 1 appointment consumer sometimes
 Dont always see the need for career services
 If they do see a need; they may think they can wait
until senior year to use this service
Who Are Our Clients? (cont.)
 Adult students, some with extensive work and
life experience and some out of the workforce
and school for many years.
 More inclined to explore their interests and skills
 Some are career changers, some seeking promotions
 Often DO see the need for career services, but work
and academics may interfere with scheduling
 More willing to come in for follow-up visits
Student Profiles (As of Fall 2014)
Student Profiles (Age/Ethnicity)
Student Profiles (cont.)
 In addition:
 Diverse socio-economic backgrounds
 Increasing number of international students
-Latin America/121, Middle East/103, Europe/76
-Top countries: Saudi Arabia, Mexico, France
 A migrant farmwork student population
(grant funded/4 yr. scholarship)
-35 annually
 Increasing number of veterans
-From 77 in 2009 to: 111 veterans in 2013/14
Motivation of University Clients
At a university, some students may self-refer, but:
-Many are sent by a parent or advisor
-Some are required to meet with counselor
(class assignment)
-Some visit office due to academic probation
Need different approach from working with self-
motivated student
Reasons College Students
Seek Career Guidance
 Ranked, starting with most requested
-Job search
-Seeking internships
-Self-assessment; exploring majors/careers
-Graduate and professional school planning
-Interviewing strategies
Role of University
SEU Career Counselors
 Career advising
 Deliver presentations on career topics
 Market career services via social media
 Coordinate/facilitate career events
 Assess students interests, skills, personality type
 Graduate/professional school advising
 Document counseling appointments
 Help collect outcomes data
 Refer to other university support services
Major Role of a University
Career Counselor
A major role of a university career counselor is
to educate and motivate students to take
advantage of career services and to start the
career planning process early, in their freshman
Our goal is to help them develop a strong
resume/CV by the time they graduate
Topics Referred to Other Depts.
 For psychological counseling
- Refer to Counseling and Wellness Center
 For academic advising and degree
- Refer to their academic advisor
 For sexual harassment/campus related
- Refer to Dean of Students
 For disability issues
- Refer to Disability Services
Expertise Beyond Counseling
 Resume writing, cover letters, networking, graduate/professional school, networking,
interviewing and job search strategies
 Job market, career trends, job outlook
 Information regarding specific careers and majors
 Internet resources and how to search career related topics
 Internships and experiential activities
 Administration of career assessments
 Strategic long-term career planning
 Business etiquette
 Employer relations
 Event planning and coordination
 Public speaking (class presentations and workshops)
 Marketing strategies to diverse student populations
 Interaction with parents (freshman orientation and counseling meetings)
 Social Media/Technology: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Ustream, Skype,
Google+ Hangouts, Tumblr, Flickr, Box, Dropbox
Professional Associations
 National Association of Colleges and
 Southern Association of Colleges and
 Central Texas Liberal Arts Career
 Austin Career Development Network
 National Career Development Association/NCDA
CAPD Career Resources and
Assessment Tools
 On the CAPD website:
- Hilltop Careers job/internship database
- Interview Stream and Career Spots
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (& personalitytype.com)
- Strong Interest Inventory
- Campbell/CISS
- Holland Self Directed Search
- Skill Scan
- Values Assessment
Available Resources
at a University (for students & staff)
 Student support services: Academic advising,
tutoring, health/wellness, counseling, student life,
international services, writing center, campus ministry,
disability services, fellowship program, McNair scholarship
program, athletics, residence life
 100+ Student organizations
 Marketing department
 I.T. help desk (round the clock tech support)
 Faculty resource center and media services
 Copy center
Our Credentials
 Over the years in SEU/Career and Professional
Development, career counselor degrees:
Education Speech/Communication
Psychology English Writing/Rhetoric
History Womens Studies
Marketing Counseling
Social Work Human Resources
 Masters degree required
 Since 1995, 2 licensed counselors
 Wide diversity in degrees of Career Counselors
Career Services for
SEU Students & Alumni
 Moody Hall 134, Hours: Mon-Thurs. 8am-6pm; Friday until 5pm (Ph. 512.448.8530)
 Walk-ins daily: 3-5pm
 Resume drop off: email: seu.careerplan@stedwards.edu
 CPAM 1110 class: 3 sections (Part-time jobs to internships, General career counseling,
and Graduate school/GRE prep)
 Hilltop Careers database:
-User name: 1st
part of SEU address
time logging in: I cant access my account for temporary password
 Website resources: think.stedwards.edu/career
 Connect on Facebook, LinkedIn,Twitter, Pinterest
 Follow blog, Hilltop Scoop: http://sites.stedwards.edu/seucareer
 Weekly newsletter, The Career Insider:
 Drive-thru tabling around campus
 Career events & workshops year round; annually job/internship and graduate fairs
 Launching in fall 2015 semester: Online Career Chat
Why We Do It
 Yes, there are challenges:
-Dealing with unrealistic expectations
-Trying to find jobs in down economy
-Convincing students of career counseling importance
-Might only have 1 appt. with student to cover everything
-Not enough resources or budget for programming
 But mostly there is fulfillment & a sense of pride:
-A university is a fun place to work
-Youre always learning something new
-Youre very current on technology & social media
-Youre thrilled when students return to say they found a job,
or an internship, or were accepted into graduate, law, medical school
-Watching them cross the stage at graduation gives you goosebumps!

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The Career Counselor Role in Higher Education

  • 1. The Career Counselor Role in Higher Education Presented by: Career and Professional Development (CAPD) Moody Hall 134, Ph. (512)448-8530, think.stedwards.edu/career
  • 2. Presentation Goals Provide insight into what its like to work as a Career Counselor on a university campus. Learn about the fulfillments and challenges of working with college students. Some information applies only to St. Edwards University. Administrative policies may be different at other universities. Some universities have centralized career services while others have multiple offices specializing in various areas. Degree credentials to work in a university career center may vary from campus to campus. The size of a university, the student profile, and academic degrees have an impact on each universitys career center program offerings.
  • 3. Who Are Our Clients? Traditional undergraduate, from high school Teens to mid 20s Little/no work experience Seeking 1 career for life 1 appointment consumer sometimes Dont always see the need for career services If they do see a need; they may think they can wait until senior year to use this service
  • 4. Who Are Our Clients? (cont.) Adult students, some with extensive work and life experience and some out of the workforce and school for many years. More inclined to explore their interests and skills Some are career changers, some seeking promotions Often DO see the need for career services, but work and academics may interfere with scheduling More willing to come in for follow-up visits
  • 5. Student Profiles (As of Fall 2014)
  • 7. Student Profiles (cont.) In addition: Diverse socio-economic backgrounds Increasing number of international students -Latin America/121, Middle East/103, Europe/76 -Top countries: Saudi Arabia, Mexico, France A migrant farmwork student population (grant funded/4 yr. scholarship) -35 annually Increasing number of veterans -From 77 in 2009 to: 111 veterans in 2013/14
  • 8. Motivation of University Clients At a university, some students may self-refer, but: -Many are sent by a parent or advisor -Some are required to meet with counselor (class assignment) -Some visit office due to academic probation Need different approach from working with self- motivated student
  • 9. Reasons College Students Seek Career Guidance Ranked, starting with most requested service: -Resume -Job search -Seeking internships -Self-assessment; exploring majors/careers -Graduate and professional school planning -Interviewing strategies
  • 10. Role of University SEU Career Counselors Career advising Deliver presentations on career topics Market career services via social media Coordinate/facilitate career events Assess students interests, skills, personality type Graduate/professional school advising Document counseling appointments Help collect outcomes data Refer to other university support services
  • 11. Major Role of a University Career Counselor A major role of a university career counselor is to educate and motivate students to take advantage of career services and to start the career planning process early, in their freshman year. Our goal is to help them develop a strong resume/CV by the time they graduate
  • 12. Topics Referred to Other Depts. For psychological counseling - Refer to Counseling and Wellness Center For academic advising and degree planning - Refer to their academic advisor For sexual harassment/campus related issues - Refer to Dean of Students For disability issues - Refer to Disability Services
  • 13. Expertise Beyond Counseling Resume writing, cover letters, networking, graduate/professional school, networking, interviewing and job search strategies Job market, career trends, job outlook Information regarding specific careers and majors Internet resources and how to search career related topics Internships and experiential activities Administration of career assessments Strategic long-term career planning Business etiquette Employer relations Event planning and coordination Public speaking (class presentations and workshops) Marketing strategies to diverse student populations Interaction with parents (freshman orientation and counseling meetings) Social Media/Technology: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Ustream, Skype, Google+ Hangouts, Tumblr, Flickr, Box, Dropbox
  • 14. Professional Associations National Association of Colleges and Employers/NACE Southern Association of Colleges and Employers/SOACE Central Texas Liberal Arts Career Consortium/CTLACC Austin Career Development Network National Career Development Association/NCDA
  • 15. CAPD Career Resources and Assessment Tools On the CAPD website: - Hilltop Careers job/internship database - Interview Stream and Career Spots Assessments: - Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (& personalitytype.com) - Strong Interest Inventory - Campbell/CISS - Holland Self Directed Search - Skill Scan - Values Assessment
  • 16. Available Resources at a University (for students & staff) Student support services: Academic advising, tutoring, health/wellness, counseling, student life, international services, writing center, campus ministry, disability services, fellowship program, McNair scholarship program, athletics, residence life Library 100+ Student organizations Marketing department I.T. help desk (round the clock tech support) Faculty resource center and media services Copy center
  • 17. Our Credentials Over the years in SEU/Career and Professional Development, career counselor degrees: Education Speech/Communication Psychology English Writing/Rhetoric History Womens Studies Marketing Counseling Social Work Human Resources Masters degree required Since 1995, 2 licensed counselors Wide diversity in degrees of Career Counselors nationwide
  • 18. Career Services for SEU Students & Alumni Moody Hall 134, Hours: Mon-Thurs. 8am-6pm; Friday until 5pm (Ph. 512.448.8530) Walk-ins daily: 3-5pm Resume drop off: email: seu.careerplan@stedwards.edu CPAM 1110 class: 3 sections (Part-time jobs to internships, General career counseling, and Graduate school/GRE prep) Hilltop Careers database: -User name: 1st part of SEU address -1st time logging in: I cant access my account for temporary password Website resources: think.stedwards.edu/career Connect on Facebook, LinkedIn,Twitter, Pinterest Follow blog, Hilltop Scoop: http://sites.stedwards.edu/seucareer Weekly newsletter, The Career Insider: http://think.stedwards.edu/career/carer-insider-weekly-newsletter Drive-thru tabling around campus Career events & workshops year round; annually job/internship and graduate fairs Launching in fall 2015 semester: Online Career Chat
  • 19. Why We Do It Yes, there are challenges: -Dealing with unrealistic expectations -Trying to find jobs in down economy -Convincing students of career counseling importance -Might only have 1 appt. with student to cover everything -Not enough resources or budget for programming But mostly there is fulfillment & a sense of pride: -A university is a fun place to work -Youre always learning something new -Youre very current on technology & social media -Youre thrilled when students return to say they found a job, or an internship, or were accepted into graduate, law, medical school -Watching them cross the stage at graduation gives you goosebumps!