Making a Patent Infringement Trial Understandable 2-23-12Robert Waterman
1. The document summarizes a presentation on making patent infringement trials understandable and interesting for juries.
2. It discusses using the Federal Judicial Center's introductory patent system video to educate jurors on patents. Excerpts from the video were referenced throughout the trial to support the argument that the patents were invalid as obvious.
3. The document emphasizes using demonstrative evidence like trial graphics to help educate and persuade the fact-finder in patent trials. Examples of demonstrative evidence used in one trial are attached.
Identity management solutions helped companies achieve various business goals such as increased sales, approvals rates, and profits while reducing costs, risks of fraud, and customer frustrations. Implementing identity management allowed one company to increase new revenue by $2 million in the first year, approve 15% more applications instantly while surpassing goals. It also enabled faster, simpler customer purchases on mobile devices and better management of high-risk transactions.
Creating Successful OER Institutional InitiativesAdam Croom
This document outlines strategies for creating a successful open educational resources (OER) initiative at an institution. It emphasizes measuring outcomes like student savings and success over actions like workshops. It recommends starting with easy wins, designating a leader, and including people from across the institution. Specific approaches suggested include getting administrative support, presenting to departments, directly asking faculty to pilot OER, and promoting early OER adopters.
Este documento trata sobre la resistencia de uniones soldadas. Explica que los electrodos utilizados en soldaduras var鱈an en sus propiedades y c坦mo se identifican. Tambi辿n presenta las propiedades m鱈nimas de resistencia de varias clases de electrodos. Luego, desarrolla que al dise単ar componentes unidos por soldadura es preferible seleccionar aceros que permitan una uni坦n r叩pida y econ坦mica, y utilizar factores de seguridad basados en la resistencia a la fluencia del material.
This document discusses deviance, crime, and social control. It begins by asking how deviance is defined, how it is distributed in society, what causes it, and how it is controlled. It then explains key concepts like social control, sanctions, conformity, obedience, informal and formal social control, and the relationship between norms and laws. The document examines how deviance is defined, the distribution of deviance in society, and explanations for deviance like strain theory and symbolic interactionism. It also discusses topics like white-collar crime, victimless crimes, power and inequality in relation to deviance and social control.
Cape sociology unit 2 crime and deviancecapesociology
Social order relies on conformity to social norms and rules to guide behavior. Without at least some conformity, chaos would result. However, complete order is rare as all societies experience some level of conflict and criminal disorder. Social control aims to curb deviant behavior through formal laws and sanctions or informal social pressures. Deviance occurs when norms are broken, ranging from minor infractions to serious crimes, but some deviant acts like heroic acts may be seen as good. Overall, the text discusses the concepts of social order, social control, and deviance and their interconnected relationships in shaping society.
Demography is the study of human populations and considers social characteristics and their development over time. Demographers analyze populations based on factors like age, family status, health, ethnicity, and occupation, as well as changes in birth, marriage, and death rates. Understanding demography requires applying it to issues like modernization, development, and sociocultural influences on population size and growth. Key concepts in population studies include crude birth rate, fertility rate, crude death rate, natural increase, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, migration rates, and dependency ratio.
The evaluation of the effect of Sida acuta leaf extract on the microanatomy a...IOSR Journals
This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of ethanolic leaf extract of Sida acuta on the micro-anatomy of the liver and some biochemical parameters in adult Wistar rats. Thirty rats weighing between 140-180g were assigned to three groups (A, B and C) with ten animals each. Group A served as the control while groups B and C served as the experimental groups and received 100mg/kgbw and 200mg/kgbw of the extract respectively for fourteen days. All the animals were sacrificed after fourteen days. Blood was collected by cardiac puncture for biochemical analysis of serum liver enzymes s The liver was removed, preserved and processed for paraffin sections and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. The animals in the control group showed normal histological and biochemical parameters. Conversely, animals that received 100mg/kgbw of the extract showed slight difference in their hepatic cyto-architecture while animals that were administered with 200mg/kgbw of the extract revealed distorted morphological feature showing shrunken sinusoid and dilation of the central vein suggesting that the extract has adverse effect on the morphology of the liver. Results of the serum liver enzymes of animals treated with 100mg/kgbw and 200mg/kg revealed significantly decreased values of AST, ALP and ALT (P <0.05) relative to the control. From the result of this experiment, it is concluded that administration of ethanolic extract of Sida acuta leaves may be toxic to Wistar rats at the doses administered.
On The Use of Transportation Techniques to Determine the Cost of Transporting...IOSR Journals
This paper aims at identifying an effective and appropriate method of calculating the cost of transporting goods from several supply centers to several demand centers out of many available methods. Transportation algorithms of North-West corner method (NWCM), Least Cost Method (LCM), Vogels Approximation Method (VAM) and Optimality Test were carried out to estimate the cost of transporting produced newspaper from production center to ware-houses using Statistical software called TORA. The results revealed that: NWCM = 36,689,050.00, LCM = 55,250,034.00, VAM = 29,097,700.00 and Optimal solution = 19,566,332.00. It was discovered that Vogels Approximation method gives the transportation cost that closer to optimal solution. Also, the study revealed that a production center should be created at northern part of Nigeria to replace the dummy supply center used in the analysis, so as to make production capacity equal to requirement.
Cha me muon day tieng anh cho con can phai chu y nhung
Mu畛n con h畛c Ti畉ng anh n棚n 畛 con th畉y c畉m gi叩c thi畉u th畛n! 畛ng em con v m畉 c滴ng ph畉i h畛c l 1 trong nh畛ng l畛i khuy棚n c畛a dnh cho cha m畉 khi mu畛n d畉y con h畛c t畛t Ti畉ng Anh
Please return the true name for marking on encNam Ninh H
An navigation officer noticed that all the island and reef names in the South China Sea on his ECDIS had been changed to Chinese pronunciations, rather than their true names. He contacted three maritime organizations - IHO, IMO, and UKHO - to request they return the markings to their correct names. The officer expressed that while China claims the South China Sea and Spratly Islands as theirs, the international community does not recognize these claims.