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Tim Fitzgerald Mobile 0475830264 Email tim.fitzgerald@health.qld.gov.au
timfitzgerald26@gmail.com imfitzgerald26@gmail.com timfitzgerald26@gmail.com
18 Erbacher Road, Nambour QLD 4560
Mobile 0475830264
Email: tim.fitzgerald@health.qld.gov.au
I bringto the table some twentyyears of successful Human Resource Management experience and
an in-depth knowledge of all aspects of Human Resources discipline and employee life-cycle (i.e.
Compensation and benefits, talent development, talent acquisition, employee relations,
organisational change,successionplanningandchange managementinitiatives. In addition, specific
adjunct opportunities have providedexposureto Seniorand General Managementroles.Extremely
detail oriented with excellent analytical and problem solving skills I am able to demonstrate a
strongtrack recordin developing/implementing leading-edge and transformational HR initiatives.
Culturallysensitive,I amrecognisedformystrong,proactive andcollaborative consultativeskillsand
my success in working with diverse employee groups, Senior Management and Queensland
Unions. I respond well to a demanding environment and believe I possess personal maturity,
emotional intelligence, credibility and integrity with high levels of energy and enthusiasm.
My skills and reputation within the QLD Health Organisation provided me with a unique opportunity
to be proactive and successful in accepting a variety of high profile Adjunct Roles allowing valuable
exposureto notonly Senior/Executive Management but also General Management. These are listed
below and I would be happy to expand on the subsequent achievements in each instance.
Central Zone Director HR Liaison 1999 Exec Director QHSSP 2009 McHugh Transition
Director OH&S Unit People & Culture Corp 2009 Director Policy & Recruitment HR Branch 2009
QLD Health Shared Resources Exec QHSSP 2007/09 Sunshine Coast Health Services Executive
DG¡¯s Payroll Recovery Group 2010 C6 Implementation 2002/03
ESP Implementation Coordinator 2003/04 Acting District Manager 2001/2003
Dir.Corp Services SC Health Service District 2001 LATTICE Implementation Project State Wide 1998
Operations Manager Nambour Hospital 1996 Enterprise Bargaining Negotiator 2010
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service
Manager Operational and Support Services Nov 2014 - Current
o Responsible forthe management,leadershipandbudgetintegrityof Administrationand
Operational services while deliveringoutcomes.
o Ensuringthat servicesare deliveredinanefficientmannerthatpromotesandsustainsthe
strategicvisionof the WBHHS.
o Alignandrefocusmyriadservice deliverycomponentstobettersupportthe organisational
goalsand direction.
o Provide strategicadvice toexecutivemanagementinrelationtoAdministrationand
Operational Service policies,proceduresandperformance toensure effective utilisationof
resourcesandsafe qualityservices.
Positive cultural change throughstaff realignmentwhichinturnresultedinareductionof
WorkCoverclaimstohistorical lows.
Proactivelyidentifiedsupportservice blockages, recalibrated overall resources toimprove
supportservicestoclinicians andliftedemployee moraleandsense of engagement.
Tim Fitzgerald Mobile 0475830264 Email tim.fitzgerald@health.qld.gov.au
timfitzgerald26@gmail.com imfitzgerald26@gmail.com timfitzgerald26@gmail.com
Enhancedrevenue optionsthroughthe identification of the systemicfunctionsof the
medical recordsservice;engagingstaff inidentifyingthe significanceof theirroles.
Executive Director People andCulture Corporate DivisionsQLD Health. 2010 - 2013
o Responsible forassumingownershipof unitingandcombiningthe HRDivisionsof the
followingfive internaldivisions,previouslyall operatingautonomously,intoone HRself-
functioningdepartmentwhilestill maintainingfocus,operational aimsandaddingvalue to
the Organisation.
? IT Division
? HealthSupportAgency
? Office of the Chief Healthofficer
? SharedServices
? Corporate Divisions
o Leadingthe designanddevelopmentof the projectacrossdepartments,whileleveraging
resources withinthe groupinorderto efficientlymeetcustomerneedsandsuccessfully
drive the business.
o Displayingbothalateral andanalytical approach,coupledwithastrongvisionanddirection
for the newdepartmentmeantengagingwithdiverse groupsandindividualsandgaining
theircommitmenttotheirownroleswithinthisnew projectandthe culture change within.
o TranslatingthisnewbusinessopportunityintokeyHRimperativeswhile providing
innovative solutionsthatwouldassistwithindividual andorganisational capability,talent
management,employee engagement,rewardsandrecognitionanddrive tangibleresults.
o Restructuringheadcountdownfrom120 to just 110 and upgradingrolesinthe process
ensuredbetterproductivityandincreasedemployee engagement.
o Actingas a trustedadvisorandconsultingandinfluencingleadersbyprovidingHRsolutions
whichwill supportthe businessobjectives,togetherwithactingasa mentorandadvocate.
Creatinga ¡°Virtual Team¡±while successfully movingresourcesona needsbasistovarious
state offices,thusprovidingassistance oncall,whenpreviouslythishadbeendifficult, and
buildingastrongnetworkwithinHRandothergroups. Thisflexibilityallowedthe abilityto
negotiate win-winsolutionswithall businessleaders,applycritical thinkingandcreative
The creationof thisnewoverall process saw FTEeffectivelyreduced,overallresources
reducedandspearheadedintoone manageable unitagainreducingexpenses andlifted
employeemorale andsense of engagement. FeedbackfromCustomerswasuniformly
positive andongoing.
¡°Tim has a lot of experience in managing change and leading reform, from relocating teams to redesigning
services, like moving linen services between organisation groups or moving supply functions around the State.
Tim does not fuel conflict but factually involves people in understanding and resolving conflict. Janette Jones.
Directorof QueenslandCountryPractice.
QueenslandHealthShared Service Partner (QHSSP)
Director, HR Engagementand Consultancy. Dec 2007 ¨C 2010
(Encouraged by Management to move from previous role to take responsibility for this new Department;
QHSSP employed nearly 2500 employees and was one of the largest Shared Services providers in Australia,
proving payroll, financial, recruitment, stores, supply and linen services to 17 District Health Services
throughout Queensland.
o Responsible for identifyingorganisationeffectivenessopportunitiesanddrive andmanage
complex change managementeffortstoimprove uponthe presentbusinessmodel.
Tim Fitzgerald Mobile 0475830264 Email tim.fitzgerald@health.qld.gov.au
timfitzgerald26@gmail.com imfitzgerald26@gmail.com timfitzgerald26@gmail.com
o Leadingtalenteffortstostrengthenbusinesscapabilitiesthroughproactive managementof
critical talent;integratingindustryinsightstoensure talentprioritiesare inline withmarket
o Takingownershipof nearly2500 staff withone of the largestsharedservicesprovidersin
Australiawhoprovide payroll,financial,recruitment,stores,supplyand linenservicesto17
o Takinga general overseeingrole andstance,walkingManagersthroughdifferentscenarios
and providingthemthe toolstosuccessfullymanage HRsituationswhilebeingpreparedto
stepinif required.
o Settingupquarterlymanagementmeetingsatwhichtime all concernsandachievements
couldbe discussedencouraginginputfromall attendees.
OrganisedaManagers Work Shophelpingtoprovide andtrainthe variousManagers around
the State withthe skillsandconfidence totake ownershipof theirownsites.
Involvedall UnionLeadersfromacrossthe State fora twoday workshop,duringwhichtime
theywere able toshare any concernsina non-judgemental situationandtoworkthrough
opportunitiestomeettheirexpectationswhile still drivingthe businesstosuccessful
Tim excels at functioning across strategic, tactical and operational management levels. He is a strong leader,
motivator and organiser. He is flexible and can change direction according to the need of the service, and
his personal techniques of management across any specific service unit. He has dealt with everything from
verbal conflict to physical conflict in the workplace. Tim has never had a case overturned in either the QLD
Industrial Relations Commissioner or the Office of the Public Service.
Kylie Portelli. Director of Human Resources.
QueenslandHealthShared ServicesPartner (QHSSP)
Change Consultant Jul 2007 ¨C Dec 2007
(July 2007 saw the transition date of the Service Standardisation Project. I chose to remain within the QHSSP
successfully holding the role of Change Consultant)
o Responsible foracknowledgingthe complexityanddiversityof the SharedServicesgroup,
staffedbysome 2500 employeesandthe needforsuccessful negotiation,engagementand
consultationmygoal wasto successfullybringaboutandmanage significantchange inour
workingrelationshipwiththe Unions.
o Drivingchange byreframingthe mind-setof SeniorManagementandstaff by applying
critical thinkingandcreative problemsolvingabilities toeffectseamlessdeliveryof services
for bothinternal andexternal clientsandstakeholders.
o Creatingandexecutinganewstrategicplan anddrivinga HR agendain supportof business
o Buildingrelationshipsandleveragingstrongcollaborationskillsacrossthe new project.
¡°Tim works through issues with people ¨C not dictating but providing an understanding, leading the change or
service delivery. He can present a situation factually and balance needs, wants and constraints in a personal
style that allows common understanding. I have never seen him back away from a problem or difficult
situation but wade through it with determination and understanding applying high personal ethics and
objectivity. Kylie Portelli. Director of Human Resources.
Sunshine Coast Health ServicesDistrict.
Human Resource Services.
Director 1994 - 2007
o Responsible foreffective HumanResource Managementof all HRPolicies, practicesand
proceduresandprovide expertadvice toExecutiveandLine Management,actively
maintainingharmoniousconstructive industrialrelationswithinthe sector.
Tim Fitzgerald Mobile 0475830264 Email tim.fitzgerald@health.qld.gov.au
timfitzgerald26@gmail.com imfitzgerald26@gmail.com timfitzgerald26@gmail.com
o DevelopinganintegratedHRService,providingsupportandadvice tostaff,Business
Managementandthe Executive andextendingthisservice overafive yearperiodprovideda
one-stopshopforall HR relatedmatters.
Playinganintegral partinthe Accreditationbythe AustralianCollege of HealthServices
ExecutivesinOctober1997 for the NambourGeneral Hospital andacknowledgedwitha
Commendationbythe assessors. The Districtwassurveyedagainin 2001 and2005 and on
each occasionourHR service wasacknowledgedwithacommendation.
During2003 and 2004 furtherdevelopedthe integratedservice byimplementingESP inthe
District. In line withHRS¡¯SCustomerService focus,the deliverymodel was centredaround
at 24/7 Call Centre,makingchangestorostersinreal time overthe telephone,alsoreplacing
staff inall streams.
Implementationof the model leadtothe ¡°C6¡± Project,which,oncompletion,formedthe
basisof future State-Wide businessdeliverymodels. C6 providedanHR platformtosix
DistrictHealthServices,utilisingavirtual teamconcept. (Thisconceptwasactuallythe birth
of the nowsuccessful ¡°Virtual Team¡±model.)
PublishedforthisModel inthe 2000 ¡°Learn fromthe Leaders¡±case studiesinBestPractice
withH.R.M. Consulting.
? Enterprise BargainingCoordinator,Regional office Sunshine CoastRegionalHealthAuthority.
? SeniorPersonnel andIndustrial Officer,Regional office,Sunshine CoastRegional Health
? Manager Human Resources,NorthernSector,Sunshine CoastHealthAuthority.
? SeniorPersonnel Officer,GriffithUniversity
? Personnel Manager,NorthernCampuses,QueenslandUniversityof Technology.
? SeniorAdministrationOfficer,PropertyBranch,Brisbane College of AdvancedEducation.
Fellow ¨CAustralianHumanResourcesInstitute
Member¨C AustralianInstitute of Management
Justice of the Peace
Graduate DiplomainBusinessAdministrationQUT1994
(MajoringinOrganisational Change)
Awardedthe ¡°Towards2000¡± Prize bythe AustralianInst.of TrainingandDevelopmentfor
the bestpaperon ¡°StrategicManagement¡±.
Bachelorof BusinessQUT 1992
Mr Mark Brady
Director Mark Brady Consulting
Tim Fitzgerald Mobile 0475830264 Email tim.fitzgerald@health.qld.gov.au
timfitzgerald26@gmail.com imfitzgerald26@gmail.com timfitzgerald26@gmail.com
(Formerly Senior Director Employee Relations
Queensland Health)
Ms Janette Jones
Director Queensland Country Practice
Queensland Health
Ms Debbie Carroll
Chief Operating Officer
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

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Tim ED HR 2015 Resume

  • 1. Tim Fitzgerald Mobile 0475830264 Email tim.fitzgerald@health.qld.gov.au timfitzgerald26@gmail.com imfitzgerald26@gmail.com timfitzgerald26@gmail.com Page1 CURRICULUM VITAE TIM FITZGERALD 18 Erbacher Road, Nambour QLD 4560 Mobile 0475830264 Email: tim.fitzgerald@health.qld.gov.au PERSONAL PROFILE I bringto the table some twentyyears of successful Human Resource Management experience and an in-depth knowledge of all aspects of Human Resources discipline and employee life-cycle (i.e. Compensation and benefits, talent development, talent acquisition, employee relations, organisational change,successionplanningandchange managementinitiatives. In addition, specific adjunct opportunities have providedexposureto Seniorand General Managementroles.Extremely detail oriented with excellent analytical and problem solving skills I am able to demonstrate a strongtrack recordin developing/implementing leading-edge and transformational HR initiatives. Culturallysensitive,I amrecognisedformystrong,proactive andcollaborative consultativeskillsand my success in working with diverse employee groups, Senior Management and Queensland Unions. I respond well to a demanding environment and believe I possess personal maturity, emotional intelligence, credibility and integrity with high levels of energy and enthusiasm. ADJUNCT ROLES My skills and reputation within the QLD Health Organisation provided me with a unique opportunity to be proactive and successful in accepting a variety of high profile Adjunct Roles allowing valuable exposureto notonly Senior/Executive Management but also General Management. These are listed below and I would be happy to expand on the subsequent achievements in each instance. Central Zone Director HR Liaison 1999 Exec Director QHSSP 2009 McHugh Transition Director OH&S Unit People & Culture Corp 2009 Director Policy & Recruitment HR Branch 2009 QLD Health Shared Resources Exec QHSSP 2007/09 Sunshine Coast Health Services Executive 1998/2005 DG¡¯s Payroll Recovery Group 2010 C6 Implementation 2002/03 ESP Implementation Coordinator 2003/04 Acting District Manager 2001/2003 Dir.Corp Services SC Health Service District 2001 LATTICE Implementation Project State Wide 1998 Operations Manager Nambour Hospital 1996 Enterprise Bargaining Negotiator 2010 Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service Manager Operational and Support Services Nov 2014 - Current o Responsible forthe management,leadershipandbudgetintegrityof Administrationand Operational services while deliveringoutcomes. o Ensuringthat servicesare deliveredinanefficientmannerthatpromotesandsustainsthe strategicvisionof the WBHHS. o Alignandrefocusmyriadservice deliverycomponentstobettersupportthe organisational goalsand direction. o Provide strategicadvice toexecutivemanagementinrelationtoAdministrationand Operational Service policies,proceduresandperformance toensure effective utilisationof resourcesandsafe qualityservices. Achievements Positive cultural change throughstaff realignmentwhichinturnresultedinareductionof WorkCoverclaimstohistorical lows. Proactivelyidentifiedsupportservice blockages, recalibrated overall resources toimprove supportservicestoclinicians andliftedemployee moraleandsense of engagement.
  • 2. Tim Fitzgerald Mobile 0475830264 Email tim.fitzgerald@health.qld.gov.au timfitzgerald26@gmail.com imfitzgerald26@gmail.com timfitzgerald26@gmail.com Page2 Enhancedrevenue optionsthroughthe identification of the systemicfunctionsof the medical recordsservice;engagingstaff inidentifyingthe significanceof theirroles. Executive Director People andCulture Corporate DivisionsQLD Health. 2010 - 2013 o Responsible forassumingownershipof unitingandcombiningthe HRDivisionsof the followingfive internaldivisions,previouslyall operatingautonomously,intoone HRself- functioningdepartmentwhilestill maintainingfocus,operational aimsandaddingvalue to the Organisation. ? IT Division ? HealthSupportAgency ? Office of the Chief Healthofficer ? SharedServices ? Corporate Divisions o Leadingthe designanddevelopmentof the projectacrossdepartments,whileleveraging resources withinthe groupinorderto efficientlymeetcustomerneedsandsuccessfully drive the business. o Displayingbothalateral andanalytical approach,coupledwithastrongvisionanddirection for the newdepartmentmeantengagingwithdiverse groupsandindividualsandgaining theircommitmenttotheirownroleswithinthisnew projectandthe culture change within. o TranslatingthisnewbusinessopportunityintokeyHRimperativeswhile providing innovative solutionsthatwouldassistwithindividual andorganisational capability,talent management,employee engagement,rewardsandrecognitionanddrive tangibleresults. o Restructuringheadcountdownfrom120 to just 110 and upgradingrolesinthe process ensuredbetterproductivityandincreasedemployee engagement. o Actingas a trustedadvisorandconsultingandinfluencingleadersbyprovidingHRsolutions whichwill supportthe businessobjectives,togetherwithactingasa mentorandadvocate. Achievements Creatinga ¡°Virtual Team¡±while successfully movingresourcesona needsbasistovarious state offices,thusprovidingassistance oncall,whenpreviouslythishadbeendifficult, and buildingastrongnetworkwithinHRandothergroups. Thisflexibilityallowedthe abilityto negotiate win-winsolutionswithall businessleaders,applycritical thinkingandcreative problemsolvingabilities. The creationof thisnewoverall process saw FTEeffectivelyreduced,overallresources reducedandspearheadedintoone manageable unitagainreducingexpenses andlifted employeemorale andsense of engagement. FeedbackfromCustomerswasuniformly positive andongoing. ¡°Tim has a lot of experience in managing change and leading reform, from relocating teams to redesigning services, like moving linen services between organisation groups or moving supply functions around the State. Tim does not fuel conflict but factually involves people in understanding and resolving conflict. Janette Jones. Directorof QueenslandCountryPractice. QueenslandHealthShared Service Partner (QHSSP) Director, HR Engagementand Consultancy. Dec 2007 ¨C 2010 (Encouraged by Management to move from previous role to take responsibility for this new Department; QHSSP employed nearly 2500 employees and was one of the largest Shared Services providers in Australia, proving payroll, financial, recruitment, stores, supply and linen services to 17 District Health Services throughout Queensland. o Responsible for identifyingorganisationeffectivenessopportunitiesanddrive andmanage complex change managementeffortstoimprove uponthe presentbusinessmodel.
  • 3. Tim Fitzgerald Mobile 0475830264 Email tim.fitzgerald@health.qld.gov.au timfitzgerald26@gmail.com imfitzgerald26@gmail.com timfitzgerald26@gmail.com Page3 o Leadingtalenteffortstostrengthenbusinesscapabilitiesthroughproactive managementof critical talent;integratingindustryinsightstoensure talentprioritiesare inline withmarket practices. o Takingownershipof nearly2500 staff withone of the largestsharedservicesprovidersin Australiawhoprovide payroll,financial,recruitment,stores,supplyand linenservicesto17 DistrictHealthServicesthroughoutQueensland. o Takinga general overseeingrole andstance,walkingManagersthroughdifferentscenarios and providingthemthe toolstosuccessfullymanage HRsituationswhilebeingpreparedto stepinif required. o Settingupquarterlymanagementmeetingsatwhichtime all concernsandachievements couldbe discussedencouraginginputfromall attendees. Achievements: OrganisedaManagers Work Shophelpingtoprovide andtrainthe variousManagers around the State withthe skillsandconfidence totake ownershipof theirownsites. Involvedall UnionLeadersfromacrossthe State fora twoday workshop,duringwhichtime theywere able toshare any concernsina non-judgemental situationandtoworkthrough opportunitiestomeettheirexpectationswhile still drivingthe businesstosuccessful outcomeswithinbudgetconstraints. Tim excels at functioning across strategic, tactical and operational management levels. He is a strong leader, motivator and organiser. He is flexible and can change direction according to the need of the service, and apply his personal techniques of management across any specific service unit. He has dealt with everything from verbal conflict to physical conflict in the workplace. Tim has never had a case overturned in either the QLD Industrial Relations Commissioner or the Office of the Public Service. Kylie Portelli. Director of Human Resources. QueenslandHealthShared ServicesPartner (QHSSP) Change Consultant Jul 2007 ¨C Dec 2007 (July 2007 saw the transition date of the Service Standardisation Project. I chose to remain within the QHSSP successfully holding the role of Change Consultant) o Responsible foracknowledgingthe complexityanddiversityof the SharedServicesgroup, staffedbysome 2500 employeesandthe needforsuccessful negotiation,engagementand consultationmygoal wasto successfullybringaboutandmanage significantchange inour workingrelationshipwiththe Unions. o Drivingchange byreframingthe mind-setof SeniorManagementandstaff by applying critical thinkingandcreative problemsolvingabilities toeffectseamlessdeliveryof services for bothinternal andexternal clientsandstakeholders. o Creatingandexecutinganewstrategicplan anddrivinga HR agendain supportof business objectives. o Buildingrelationshipsandleveragingstrongcollaborationskillsacrossthe new project. ¡°Tim works through issues with people ¨C not dictating but providing an understanding, leading the change or service delivery. He can present a situation factually and balance needs, wants and constraints in a personal style that allows common understanding. I have never seen him back away from a problem or difficult situation but wade through it with determination and understanding applying high personal ethics and objectivity. Kylie Portelli. Director of Human Resources. Sunshine Coast Health ServicesDistrict. Human Resource Services. Director 1994 - 2007 o Responsible foreffective HumanResource Managementof all HRPolicies, practicesand proceduresandprovide expertadvice toExecutiveandLine Management,actively maintainingharmoniousconstructive industrialrelationswithinthe sector.
  • 4. Tim Fitzgerald Mobile 0475830264 Email tim.fitzgerald@health.qld.gov.au timfitzgerald26@gmail.com imfitzgerald26@gmail.com timfitzgerald26@gmail.com Page4 o DevelopinganintegratedHRService,providingsupportandadvice tostaff,Business Managementandthe Executive andextendingthisservice overafive yearperiodprovideda one-stopshopforall HR relatedmatters. Achievements Playinganintegral partinthe Accreditationbythe AustralianCollege of HealthServices ExecutivesinOctober1997 for the NambourGeneral Hospital andacknowledgedwitha Commendationbythe assessors. The Districtwassurveyedagainin 2001 and2005 and on each occasionourHR service wasacknowledgedwithacommendation. During2003 and 2004 furtherdevelopedthe integratedservice byimplementingESP inthe District. In line withHRS¡¯SCustomerService focus,the deliverymodel was centredaround at 24/7 Call Centre,makingchangestorostersinreal time overthe telephone,alsoreplacing staff inall streams. Implementationof the model leadtothe ¡°C6¡± Project,which,oncompletion,formedthe basisof future State-Wide businessdeliverymodels. C6 providedanHR platformtosix DistrictHealthServices,utilisingavirtual teamconcept. (Thisconceptwasactuallythe birth of the nowsuccessful ¡°Virtual Team¡±model.) PublishedforthisModel inthe 2000 ¡°Learn fromthe Leaders¡±case studiesinBestPractice withH.R.M. Consulting. PREVIOUS ROLES HAVE INCLUDED ? Enterprise BargainingCoordinator,Regional office Sunshine CoastRegionalHealthAuthority. ? SeniorPersonnel andIndustrial Officer,Regional office,Sunshine CoastRegional Health Authority. ? Manager Human Resources,NorthernSector,Sunshine CoastHealthAuthority. ? SeniorPersonnel Officer,GriffithUniversity ? Personnel Manager,NorthernCampuses,QueenslandUniversityof Technology. ? SeniorAdministrationOfficer,PropertyBranch,Brisbane College of AdvancedEducation. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Fellow ¨CAustralianHumanResourcesInstitute Member¨C AustralianInstitute of Management Justice of the Peace EDUCATION Graduate DiplomainBusinessAdministrationQUT1994 (MajoringinOrganisational Change) Awardedthe ¡°Towards2000¡± Prize bythe AustralianInst.of TrainingandDevelopmentfor the bestpaperon ¡°StrategicManagement¡±. Bachelorof BusinessQUT 1992 REFERENCES Mr Mark Brady Director Mark Brady Consulting
  • 5. Tim Fitzgerald Mobile 0475830264 Email tim.fitzgerald@health.qld.gov.au timfitzgerald26@gmail.com imfitzgerald26@gmail.com timfitzgerald26@gmail.com Page5 Mbrady.consultant@gmail.com (Formerly Senior Director Employee Relations Queensland Health) Ms Janette Jones Director Queensland Country Practice Queensland Health Janette.jones@health.qld.gov.au 32474825 Ms Debbie Carroll Chief Operating Officer Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service Debbie.carroll@health.qld.gov.au 0419649551