CMC ESTRUCTURA DE L'INTERIOR DE LA TERRAMíriam Redondo Díaz (Naturalsom)Per Ciències del món contemporani. 1r Batx.
Mètodes d'estudi de l'interior terrestre: directes i indirectes. Mètode sísmic. Model geodinàmic i mòdel estàtic
T3 Els processos que transformen les roquesSergi Meseguer CostaAG1012, UJI, Geologia & Edafologia, Roques sedimentàries, Processos sedimentaris, Estratigrafia,
Po ctmait7estrat 1part11_12nuriamartiCTMA I T7 Estratigrafia 1part 11_12
Guía de lectura a partir de 8 añosemmamendezEste documento presenta resúmenes breves de varios libros para niños de entre 8 y 12 años publicados recientemente. Los libros tratan sobre temas como la identidad, las diferencias entre personas, la amistad, la cocina y los cuentos clásicos desde una nueva perspectiva. El documento fue creado como guía de lectura para el Seminario de Bibliotecas Escolares de Fuenlabrada.
Ahlan, ajayi, hussin 2013 - role of governance, ethics and integrity in man...Binyamin AjayiThis document discusses IT governance, ethics, and integrity in managing IT resources from a Muslim practitioner's perspective.
The key points are:
1. IT governance involves establishing structures, processes, and decision-making mechanisms to ensure IT aligns with and supports organizational strategies and objectives. However, Muslims are not always upholding best practices in optimal use of IT resources.
2. Islam advocates doing things in an ethical way that results in integrity. Muslims should internalize IT best practices and use resources in accordance with their faith.
3. An interview with an IT practitioner at a university in Malaysia found roles and responsibilities are not clearly defined, resulting in wastage and issues being left unattended. Proper governance
T3 Els processos que transformen les roquesSergi Meseguer CostaAG1012, UJI, Geologia & Edafologia, Roques sedimentàries, Processos sedimentaris, Estratigrafia,
Guía de lectura a partir de 8 añosemmamendezEste documento presenta resúmenes breves de varios libros para niños de entre 8 y 12 años publicados recientemente. Los libros tratan sobre temas como la identidad, las diferencias entre personas, la amistad, la cocina y los cuentos clásicos desde una nueva perspectiva. El documento fue creado como guía de lectura para el Seminario de Bibliotecas Escolares de Fuenlabrada.
Ahlan, ajayi, hussin 2013 - role of governance, ethics and integrity in man...Binyamin AjayiThis document discusses IT governance, ethics, and integrity in managing IT resources from a Muslim practitioner's perspective.
The key points are:
1. IT governance involves establishing structures, processes, and decision-making mechanisms to ensure IT aligns with and supports organizational strategies and objectives. However, Muslims are not always upholding best practices in optimal use of IT resources.
2. Islam advocates doing things in an ethical way that results in integrity. Muslims should internalize IT best practices and use resources in accordance with their faith.
3. An interview with an IT practitioner at a university in Malaysia found roles and responsibilities are not clearly defined, resulting in wastage and issues being left unattended. Proper governance
Virgin Active Star Awards 2011 - Personal Training CertificateMicheal Joubert
Programa Navidad 2015emmamendezEste documento presenta el programa del festival de villancicos de Navidad en el Colegio John Lennon. Se detallan las fechas y horarios de los distintos grupos que cantarán villancicos entre el 11 y el 18 de diciembre. También se mencionan otras actividades como la visita de los Reyes Magos el 22 de diciembre y cambios en el horario escolar ese día.
Digital etiquetteKlwatt02Digital etiquette refers to a basic set of rules for appropriate online behavior to make the internet a better place for all. It is important because cyberbullying has become a major issue, and following netiquette can help prevent hurtful behavior. The document outlines six key rules of digital etiquette, such as using an appropriate screen name, proofreading messages before sending to avoid causing offense, respecting others' privacy, and treating people online with the same courtesy as in person. Practicing digital etiquette can help curb cyberbullying and create a safer online environment.
Ahlan, arshad, ajayi 2014 - it governance in a malaysian public institute o...Binyamin AjayiThis document summarizes a chapter about IT governance in a Malaysian public university. It discusses the need for effective IT governance in universities to optimize resource usage and impact performance. It presents the COBIT framework as an international benchmark for IT governance standards and practices. The chapter also introduces two intelligent decision making support system methods that could be applied to study IT governance in this context.
Dsr lotus towersBangalore PrjThis document provides details about 2BHK, 2.5BHK and 3BHK apartments for sale in DSR Lotus Towers, located in Hoodi, Bangalore. There are a total of 176 units with 64 2BHK units ranging from 1162-1215 sqft, 56 2.5BHK units ranging from 1392-1459 sqft, and 56 3BHK units ranging from 1561-1631 sqft. Building specifications include an RCC framed structure, plastered walls, wooden doors, tile flooring, electrical wiring, telecommunication facilities, and a backup generator.
6 strokeengine-BY AJITajitmutantThe document describes a 6-stroke engine that aims to increase efficiency and reduce emissions compared to a conventional 4-stroke engine. The 6-stroke engine adds two additional strokes: a secondary power stroke using steam generated from injected water, and a secondary exhaust stroke. This leads to improvements such as up to 45% efficiency, lower fuel consumption and emissions compared to 35% efficiency for a 4-stroke engine. However, challenges include preventing damage from thermal stresses during water injection and addressing weight and space needs of a separate water tank.
3 reasons paying off collections will severely damage your creditDane WilsonPaying off collections will severely damage your credit scores for three main reasons:
1. Paying off a collection updates the statute of limitations, allowing the collector to pursue the debt for longer.
2. The collection status remains as a "9", indicating a defaulted account, even after paying off the balance.
3. Paying off a collection often updates the date reported on your credit reports, keeping the negative item visible for longer.
The only way to truly improve your credit is by having negative items deleted altogether from your credit reports.
GSM Based Bank Security Controlmohin04The document summarizes a student project on developing a bank locker security system using GSM technology. The system aims to automate existing bank locker systems and provide high security by detecting theft, sending messages to users, and being a simple and reliable system. It implements real-time authentication and validation of users to unlock lockers securely. The system consists of a microcontroller, GSM modem, keypad and LCD and provides cost-effective security for bank lockers or other access control applications.
Project Soft PowerJeremie Averousݺߣs used in a presentation by Jeremie Averous, Project Value Delivery's Senior Managing Partner, with the Singapore Chapter of the Project Management Institute on 6 March 2012
Riba , RabaStanley TanThe document discusses the Hebrew words RIBA and RABA, which mean "to increase" and "very much" respectively. It encourages the reader to consider which areas of their Christian life need increase, such as prayer, fruitfulness, or blessings. Examples are given from the Bible where people experienced great multiplication or increase, such as Job's life increasing twofold and Deut. 1:11 promising a thousandfold increase. The conclusion emphasizes increasing one's prayer language to God.
Liquidació del pressupost 22-01-2025.pdfEscolaRoserCapdevila18Liquidació del Pressupost, exercici 2024, de l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
3. Acords Comissió Permanent web 20-02-2025.docx.pdfEscolaRoserCapdevila18Acta de la Comissió permanent del dia 20/02/25 a l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
2. Acords Consell Escolar web 30-01-2025.docxEscolaRoserCapdevila18Acta del Consell Escolar celebrat el dia 30/01/25 a l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
1. Acords Consell Escolar 15-10-2024EscolaRoserCapdevila18Acta del Consell Escolar celebrat el dia 15/10/24 a l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
4. Tipus de vores de les plaques
• Divergents: ←→
– Les plaques se separen.
– Es forma nova litosfera: vora
• Convergents: →←
– Les plaques topen.
– Una de les plaques s'enfonsa sota
l'altra (es destrueix litosfera):
• De cisalla: ↑↓
– Lliscament lateral entre plaques.
– No es forma ni es destrueix litosfera.
5. El moviment es pot donar entre:
• Plaques continentals
• Plaques oceàniques
• Una placa continental i una oceànica
Escorça basàltica (més densa)
0 km
50 km
100 km
0 km
300 km
Escorça granítica
(menys densa)
Litosfera continental
6. Moviment divergent: ←→
• Entre plaques
continentals: rift
• Entre plaques
oceàniques: dorsal
oceànica (cadena de
volcans submarins)