The document outlines the timeline of water infrastructure development in Ankushapur, India from 1979 to 2007. It shows the gradual improvements over time, starting with open wells and 1 hand pump in 1979, adding more hand pumps and bore wells through the years, and culminating in 2 piped water supply systems and electric motors being added in later years to provide better water access.
In Search of Sustainability: looking for sustainability through ex post evalu...International WaterCentre
This document discusses factors that affect the sustainability of community-level water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) projects. It explores sustainability from the perspectives of donors, implementers, and recipients. Key factors mentioned include behavioral change and social aspects like community ownership over project design and monitoring, knowledge of cause and effect, dependency on assistance, leadership and governance, gender, appropriate technology, and knowledge of maintenance. The document questions whose definition of sustainability is used and argues it may simply be when project beneficiaries continue enjoying perceived benefits regardless of the state of project infrastructure or outputs.
PG Certificate in Advertising Management & Public Relations HughesEducation
The one-year PG Certificate in Advertising Management & Public Relations provides students opportunities to meet with industry professionals to gain a working knowledge of the advertising business. Classes are conducted twice a week to prepare students for careers in marketing communications and advertising management. The program has received positive recognition from leading companies and provides alumni status from MICA upon successful completion.
Compendio sistematizado de regulaciones USA relevantes en materia de fraude corporativo, corrupci¨®n, compliance y eventual riesgo penal internacional (tambi¨¦n, en varias de ellas, para empresas chilenas, o sus due?os y ejecutivos)
Retirement Plan Capabilities PresentationStonebarger
The document discusses retirement plan consulting services provided by Holmes Murphy Financial Services including plan operation support, advisory services, investment review and monitoring, and vendor selection. It outlines areas of concern for retirement plan sponsors such as fiduciary liability, participant education, investment performance, and plan expenses. The document also discusses providing non-qualified plan services, private investment management, and helping clients achieve their financial goals and secure retirement.
NRS social grade is a classification system used in the UK based on occupation. It categorizes people into 5 social grades based on their job: A (higher managerial), B (intermediate managerial), C1 (supervisory), C2 (skilled manual), and D/E (semi-skilled/unskilled manual). The system has been used for over 50 years by research and media industries to understand social classes, especially for consumer targeting. The Insight Value Group also developed a social values scale with 7 groups defined by their characteristics and outlooks including self-actualisers, innovators, esteem seekers, and disconnected. 2009 AAA Cell Phones And Driving Research UpdateCentury Auto Group
The AAA Foundation conducted two surveys in 2008 to study cell phone use while driving. The surveys found that over half of drivers admit to talking on a cell phone while driving at least occasionally, with 16-17% doing so regularly. Younger drivers aged 25-34 reported the highest rates of cell phone use while driving. Both surveys also found that around 15% of drivers admit to reading or sending text messages while driving occasionally, with 3% doing so regularly. However, most drivers incorrectly believe that using hands-free phones is safer than hand-held, despite studies finding no safety difference. The AAA Foundation aims to increase awareness of the dangers of cell phone use while driving.
Representation refers to how media constructs and portrays aspects of reality such as people, places, events, and concepts through language, images, and other symbols. Within television dramas, representation is analyzed through how characters are portrayed in terms of class, age, gender, ethnicity, and sexuality. Producers create a sense of realism through repetition of representations, which become familiar to audiences and feel natural. Both how identities are depicted within shows and how audiences relate to those depictions based on their own identities and experiences factor into representation.
The document describes someone climbing through a bush at night while holding onto a rope. They hear rustling sounds that get louder, which scares them. Then something hits their legs, causing them to fall face first into the muddy ground. They shout and scare whatever it was away. After taking 15 more steps, they emerge from the scary bush, shaken but relieved.
The document summarizes a pilot study conducted with the Batwa indigenous group in Uganda to understand their health adaptations to climate change. It outlines that the study was conducted in three Batwa settlements and involved partners from the Ministry of Health and other organizations. It identifies priority research areas such as food security, health challenges, water access, and resource rights. The document also discusses plans for training students, capacity building, and influencing policy to better recognize indigenous knowledge and the needs of these communities.
The document discusses adopting iPads for textbooks and social studies curriculum. It outlines the adoption process, including initial training, implementation, and ongoing follow-up support. Details are provided on apps installed, both free and paid, as well as textbooks converted to ePub format. The summary emphasizes the personal nature of the iPad technology and challenges of getting all teachers onboard, while acknowledging its limitations compared to traditional computers.
This document summarizes key points from a presentation called the "Magic 8-Ball of Angel Investing" which addresses common problems brought up in entrepreneur pitches to angel investors. The presentation uses a Magic 8-Ball as a metaphor to provide perspective for entrepreneurs. It discusses issues like lack of uniqueness among competitors, unproven new markets, claims of no competition, unrealistic growth projections, high valuations, and reasons why investors may say no. The goal is to help entrepreneurs understand an investor's perspective and resolve these common problems.
The document outlines Taiwan's higher technological and vocational education system and focuses on YunTech university. It provides an overview of YunTech, including its mission to cultivate professionals, key facts about student enrollment and programs offered, achievements like the 1+4 student program, and goals for the future like becoming a globally recognized technological university.
The document discusses lessons that public sector communications can learn from the past and apply to modern practices. It advocates that while technology changes, fundamental human behaviors do not. Specifically, it suggests that past successful public campaigns, such as anti-smoking initiatives, demonstrate the importance of using cutting-edge advertising techniques grounded in psychology and going beyond just advertisements. Similarly, more engaging campaigns are needed that place information where audiences already are and make sharing easy.
1. The document discusses various types of disabilities that affect children including cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, and others. It notes the physical, mental, social, and developmental challenges these disabilities can cause.
2. Effective communication with disabled children requires bending down to their level, using simple language, listening to understand their perspective, and providing encouragement and praise.
3. Different disabilities may require tailored approaches like breaking tasks into steps, using positive reinforcement, adapting materials, and ensuring inclusion through acceptance by other children.
1) O documento lista as grava??es e lan?amentos dos grupos The Clevers e Os Incr¨ªveis, importantes grupos da Jovem Guarda brasileira.
2) Inclui discos, EPs e compactos lan?ados entre 1963-1967, com m¨²sicas em portugu¨ºs e outras l¨ªnguas.
3) Detalha os artistas que gravaram com esses grupos e as m¨²sicas presentes em cada ¨¢lbum e single.
The document provides statistics on traffic fatalities in the European Union involving heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), buses, and coaches from 1997 to 2006. Some key details:
- The number of people killed in accidents involving HGVs in EU-14 countries fell from 4,544 in 1997 to 3,114 in 2006, a 31.5% decrease.
- Over 5,000 people died in road accidents involving HGVs in EU-14 plus several other countries in 2006.
- The number killed in accidents involving buses and coaches in EU-14 fell from 1,018 in 1997 to 660 in 2006, a 35.2% decrease.
- Generally 5 times as many people are killed annually in accidents involving
This document summarizes a blog post from Loronix promoting the 1976 album "Africa Brasil" by Brazilian artist Jorge Ben. It describes the album as one of the best popular music albums ever recorded in Brazil. It provides the track listing and personnel for the album, including renowned Brazilian musicians. It offers the album for download in various formats, encouraging readers to enjoy the acclaimed record.
Acta rn cmds 15 maio 1973 comando chefe guineCantacunda
O documento descreve a jornada de um ex-usu¨¢rio de drogas chamado Dengue-Escarro. Ele teve um encontro transformador com Deus que o levou a abandonar as drogas, mas ainda enfrenta dificuldades para encontrar trabalho e um espa?o para ensaiar com sua banda devido ¨¤ sua hist¨®ria e falta de recursos.
Dokumen ini membahas rencana sinergi jejaring antara sekolah-sekolah menengah pertama di Jawa Tengah untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran melalui ulangan bersama setiap bulan di bidang matematika, bahasa Indonesia, IPA dan bahasa Inggris, serta memetakan kemampuan siswa secara berkala. Rencananya meliputi persiapan, pelatihan operator, koordinasi guru, penetapan kelompok siswa, dan ulangan bersama
Representation refers to how media constructs and portrays aspects of reality such as people, places, events, and concepts through language, images, and other symbols. Within television dramas, representation is analyzed through how characters are portrayed in terms of class, age, gender, ethnicity, and sexuality. Producers create a sense of realism through repetition of representations, which become familiar to audiences and feel natural. Both how identities are depicted within shows and how audiences relate to those depictions based on their own identities and experiences factor into representation.
The document describes someone climbing through a bush at night while holding onto a rope. They hear rustling sounds that get louder, which scares them. Then something hits their legs, causing them to fall face first into the muddy ground. They shout and scare whatever it was away. After taking 15 more steps, they emerge from the scary bush, shaken but relieved.
The document summarizes a pilot study conducted with the Batwa indigenous group in Uganda to understand their health adaptations to climate change. It outlines that the study was conducted in three Batwa settlements and involved partners from the Ministry of Health and other organizations. It identifies priority research areas such as food security, health challenges, water access, and resource rights. The document also discusses plans for training students, capacity building, and influencing policy to better recognize indigenous knowledge and the needs of these communities.
The document discusses adopting iPads for textbooks and social studies curriculum. It outlines the adoption process, including initial training, implementation, and ongoing follow-up support. Details are provided on apps installed, both free and paid, as well as textbooks converted to ePub format. The summary emphasizes the personal nature of the iPad technology and challenges of getting all teachers onboard, while acknowledging its limitations compared to traditional computers.
This document summarizes key points from a presentation called the "Magic 8-Ball of Angel Investing" which addresses common problems brought up in entrepreneur pitches to angel investors. The presentation uses a Magic 8-Ball as a metaphor to provide perspective for entrepreneurs. It discusses issues like lack of uniqueness among competitors, unproven new markets, claims of no competition, unrealistic growth projections, high valuations, and reasons why investors may say no. The goal is to help entrepreneurs understand an investor's perspective and resolve these common problems.
The document outlines Taiwan's higher technological and vocational education system and focuses on YunTech university. It provides an overview of YunTech, including its mission to cultivate professionals, key facts about student enrollment and programs offered, achievements like the 1+4 student program, and goals for the future like becoming a globally recognized technological university.
The document discusses lessons that public sector communications can learn from the past and apply to modern practices. It advocates that while technology changes, fundamental human behaviors do not. Specifically, it suggests that past successful public campaigns, such as anti-smoking initiatives, demonstrate the importance of using cutting-edge advertising techniques grounded in psychology and going beyond just advertisements. Similarly, more engaging campaigns are needed that place information where audiences already are and make sharing easy.
1. The document discusses various types of disabilities that affect children including cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, and others. It notes the physical, mental, social, and developmental challenges these disabilities can cause.
2. Effective communication with disabled children requires bending down to their level, using simple language, listening to understand their perspective, and providing encouragement and praise.
3. Different disabilities may require tailored approaches like breaking tasks into steps, using positive reinforcement, adapting materials, and ensuring inclusion through acceptance by other children.
1) O documento lista as grava??es e lan?amentos dos grupos The Clevers e Os Incr¨ªveis, importantes grupos da Jovem Guarda brasileira.
2) Inclui discos, EPs e compactos lan?ados entre 1963-1967, com m¨²sicas em portugu¨ºs e outras l¨ªnguas.
3) Detalha os artistas que gravaram com esses grupos e as m¨²sicas presentes em cada ¨¢lbum e single.
The document provides statistics on traffic fatalities in the European Union involving heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), buses, and coaches from 1997 to 2006. Some key details:
- The number of people killed in accidents involving HGVs in EU-14 countries fell from 4,544 in 1997 to 3,114 in 2006, a 31.5% decrease.
- Over 5,000 people died in road accidents involving HGVs in EU-14 plus several other countries in 2006.
- The number killed in accidents involving buses and coaches in EU-14 fell from 1,018 in 1997 to 660 in 2006, a 35.2% decrease.
- Generally 5 times as many people are killed annually in accidents involving
This document summarizes a blog post from Loronix promoting the 1976 album "Africa Brasil" by Brazilian artist Jorge Ben. It describes the album as one of the best popular music albums ever recorded in Brazil. It provides the track listing and personnel for the album, including renowned Brazilian musicians. It offers the album for download in various formats, encouraging readers to enjoy the acclaimed record.
Acta rn cmds 15 maio 1973 comando chefe guineCantacunda
O documento descreve a jornada de um ex-usu¨¢rio de drogas chamado Dengue-Escarro. Ele teve um encontro transformador com Deus que o levou a abandonar as drogas, mas ainda enfrenta dificuldades para encontrar trabalho e um espa?o para ensaiar com sua banda devido ¨¤ sua hist¨®ria e falta de recursos.
Dokumen ini membahas rencana sinergi jejaring antara sekolah-sekolah menengah pertama di Jawa Tengah untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran melalui ulangan bersama setiap bulan di bidang matematika, bahasa Indonesia, IPA dan bahasa Inggris, serta memetakan kemampuan siswa secara berkala. Rencananya meliputi persiapan, pelatihan operator, koordinasi guru, penetapan kelompok siswa, dan ulangan bersama
Przepis na sukces w email marketingu na przyk?adzie dzia?a¨½ Neckermann¡¯a - prezentacja Rafa?a Szyma¨½skiego (Neckermann) i Filipa K?odawskiego (Freshmail) podczas TravelCamp 2013 w Warszawie.