The global polyvinyl butyral (PVB) market size was USD 2.24 billion in 2015 and expanding government spending on solar power and construction infrastructure along with the growing population will augment industry expansion
This document describes the identification of a putative human mitochondrial thymidine monophosphate kinase (TMPK2). The researchers cloned and characterized a cDNA encoding TMPK2 that contains a mitochondrial targeting sequence. They showed that TMPK2 localizes to mitochondria and overexpression increases cellular dTTP levels and the conversion of radioactive thymidine and dTMP to dTDP and dTTP in mitochondria. TMPK2 expression was detected in various tissues and cell lines, and was upregulated during monocyte/macrophage differentiation, suggesting its role in mitochondrial DNA synthesis during cellular differentiation.
The global polyvinyl butyral (PVB) market size was USD 2.24 billion in 2015 and expanding government spending on solar power and construction infrastructure along with the growing population will augment industry expansion
This document describes the identification of a putative human mitochondrial thymidine monophosphate kinase (TMPK2). The researchers cloned and characterized a cDNA encoding TMPK2 that contains a mitochondrial targeting sequence. They showed that TMPK2 localizes to mitochondria and overexpression increases cellular dTTP levels and the conversion of radioactive thymidine and dTMP to dTDP and dTTP in mitochondria. TMPK2 expression was detected in various tissues and cell lines, and was upregulated during monocyte/macrophage differentiation, suggesting its role in mitochondrial DNA synthesis during cellular differentiation.
Projeto de um circuito integrado digital embaralhador e desembaralhadorAndreygo92
Este documento descreve o projeto de um circuito integrado que cont¨¦m um embaralhador e um desembaralhador. Ele inclui simula??es de inversores, portas XOR e flip-flops do tipo D, al¨¦m dos layouts dos componentes e do chip completo. O projeto passou por todas as etapas de design e simula??o para validar o funcionamento correto do embaralhador e desembaralhador.
El documento describe varios ¨®rganos y entes de la alcald¨ªa del municipio Iribarren en Venezuela. Entre ellos se encuentran la direcci¨®n de catastro, la oficina de inquilinato, el servicio municipal de administraci¨®n tributaria, el consejo local de planificaci¨®n p¨²blica, los bomberos, el instituto de protecci¨®n al ni?o y adolescente, el instituto de aseo urbano, el instituto para el desarrollo social, el instituto de cultura, la fundaci¨®n de econom¨ªa social, el instituto del deporte y la fundaci¨®n del comercio mayorista
Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies: WWW.ANNUITY-HELP.US
Payment of Annuity Due?
If the present value of a 3-year annuity due is $4,500 and the discount rate is 11%, what is the annual payment of this annuity?
Please show the steps and provide as clear explanation as possible. Thanks in advance ;*
Superintendents Proposed Budget for FY 2017-18 fiorillod
The document summarizes the superintendent's proposed budget for the 2017-18 fiscal year. It outlines a proposed 3.1% budget increase to $17,890,900. Key points include that salaries and benefits make up 75% of costs, enrollment levels are expected to remain unchanged, and the budget maintains a focus on efficiencies and shared service agreements while expanding student programming. The next steps outlined are for the board of education to receive detailed budget books and adopt a budget at their March 15th meeting.
The document discusses several internet of things (IoT) devices including a smart tennis racket that records shot data and sends it to a smartphone, a smart cooking pot called Pantelligent that controls temperature and time, a smart yoga mat that provides posture feedback and guides practices, and how IoT could change businesses. It also notes that consumers expect more from their mobile devices and that security features like secure booting, authentication, updates and access control are important for IoT devices.
this was a web based project developed using HTML(Twitter Bootstrap framework) as the front end, jsp as the server side language and Microsoft sql server as the back end
InfraREIT provided its 2016 full year results and supplemental information. It reported solid Q4 2016 performance with an increase in lease revenue and net income in line with expectations. Key highlights included strong growth in Sharyland's service territory with peak load and distribution volume increases, as well as ongoing projects with Hunt. InfraREIT is focused on regulated transmission and distribution opportunities within its footprint, maintaining a strong financial profile to support growth, and growing dividends.
Diversity Matters: How to Be the Change you SeekAtlassian
Diversity is a competitive advantage for businesses and a crucial component for creating high-performing teams that drive innovation. But what are the pragmatic things you can do to drive real change in your organization? In this talk we¡¯ll share real-world examples of three Atlassians who took the Atlassian value ¡°Be the Change you Seek¡± to drive changes in diversity both internally and externally:
Learn about the concept of mentoring rings and the benefits it brings to organizations
See examples of initiatives our volunteer-run Side by Side groups at Atlassian have done
Hear about recent work we¡¯ve been doing with external organizations
Get some actionable insights on what you too can be doing to drive positive change on diversity
Products covered:
Development teams and sale/marketing teams aren't always BFFs. Too often, there is a master-slave relationship: either marketing dictates what the product team builds based solely on what is "sellable" with little consideration to timelines or what non-customer-facing work needs to be done, or the product team does a bunch of random work with little consideration for creating a strong marketing "story". But it doesn't have to be this way.
In the DevOps spirit of cross-team collaboration, why not recruit sales and marketing as your newest allies in the fight against workplace silos?
This talk will cover practical, battle-tested ways to work together towards a higher-quality and more marketable piece of software. I'll share examples of how product teams at Atlassian do it ¨C drawing both from personal experience, and the experience of my fellow marketers. From semi-obvious things like information radiators, to deeper collaborations in roadmapping and release planning, there's a lot more you can do than just invite the sales team to your stand-ups.
Products covered:
Bamboo, JIRA Service Desk
This document contains a test paper with multiple choice and true/false questions about various topics like parts of the body, family relationships, verbs, nouns, punctuation and a short reading comprehension passage. The test paper is divided into 6 sections with questions about identifying pictures, matching body parts with senses, punctuation, vocabulary and comprehension of details in a story about a girl named Siti. It provides an assessment of basic language and literacy skills for children or beginner language learners.
This document contains a reading comprehension test with multiple choice and true/false questions about various topics. It is divided into 6 sections with questions about identifying objects, senses, verbs, punctuation, family relationships, and comprehension of a short passage. The questions require examinees to circle the correct answer and cover basic literacy and language skills.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang ilmu pengukuran (psikometri) yang merupakan cabang ilmu statistika terapan yang bertujuan membangun dasar-dasar pengembangan tes yang lebih baik. Dokumen ini menjelaskan konsep pengukuran, karakteristik pengukuran dan evaluasi, tingkat hasil pengukuran, contoh skala pengukuran, serta permasalahan yang ada dalam tes psikologi.
Dokumen standard pendidikan moral tahun 1sititalib
Dokumen ini menjelaskan Kurikulum Standard Pendidikan Moral KSSR Tahun 1. Ia mendefinisikan matlamat, objektif, organisasi kandungan, dan fokus kurikulum untuk membentuk insan berakhlak mulia melalui penaakulan, perasaan dan perlakuan moral. Kurikulum ini menekankan 14 nilai murni universal untuk diajar setiap tahun dari Tahun 1 hingga Tahun 6.
2. 2
1 a) Rajah 1.1 Nyatakan deria yang terlibat untuk pemerhatian berikut.
Rajah 1.1 [1 markah ]
b) Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan Ammar sedang mengkaji ciri-ciri fizikal pokok kaktus.
(i) (ii) (iii)
3. 3
Rajah 1.2
Apakah deria yang terlibat dalam tindakan
(i) melihat pokok kaktus ? ___________________________ .
(ii) memegang duri pokok kaktus ?_________________________.
[1 markah ]
c) Nyatakan satu inferens bagi setiap situasi dalam Rajah 1.3 .
(i) (ii)
4. 4
2 Berikut menunjukkan satu carta mengenai perkara yang dilarang dilakukan di dalam Bilik
(a) Nyatakan apa tindakan yang wajar dilakukan jika kamu mendapati rakan kamu melakukan
salah satu perkara yang disenaraikan di atas.
(b) Beri satu sebab mengapa murid dilarang makan dan minum di dalam bilik sains.
[2 markah ]Rajah 1.3
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
5. 5
(c) Seorang murid mengalami kecederaan selepas bermain di dalam bilik sains. Nyatakan
perkara pertama yang perlu kamu lakukan mengikut peraturan dalam bilik sains.
(d) Cadangkan satu peraturan untuk meningkatkan keselamatan diri semasa menjalankan
ujikaji di dalam bilik sains.
3 a) Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan organ-organ yang terlibat dalam proses pernafasan manusia.
Labelkan organ-organ yang terlibat semasa bernafas.
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
6. 6
Rajah 3.1
b) Susun organ pernafasan dengan betul untuk menunjukkan laluan udara semasa proses
menarik dan menghembus nafas.
c) Apakah fungsi diafragma kepada peparu ?
[1 markah ]
(i)Menarik nafas
(ii)Menghembus nafas
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
7. 7
d) Dimanakah pertukaran gas karbon dioksida dan oksigen berlaku ?
4 a) Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan jenis aktiviti yang dilakukan oleh seorang murid .Tuliskan
kadar pernafasan ¡® Tinggi¡¯ , ¡® Rendah¡¯ atau ¡®Sederhana¡¯.
[1 markah ]
Rajah 4.1
8. 8
b) Berikan maksud kadar pernafasan ?
c) Mengapakah kadar pernafasan semasa mendaki gunung lebih tinggi daripada
berjalan ?
d) Maklumat dibawah menunjukkan keputusan penyiasatan.
Jenis Aktiviti Kadar pernafasan seminit
Tidur 30
Berjalan 40
Bermain Badminton 60
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
10. 10
5 a) Rajah 5.1 menunjukkan organ-organ yang terlibat dalam proses perkumuhan. Nyatakan
nama organ dan hasil perkumuhannya.
[2 markah ]
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
Organ perkumuhan Nama organ Hasil perkumuhan
11. 11
b) Ramalkan apa yang akan berlaku jika kita tidak menyingkirkan bahan buangan daripada
c) Nyatakan kepentingan proses perkumuhan dan penyahtinjaan kepada manusia.
6 Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan Faris pergi ke klinik gigi untuk mencabut gigi. Selepas 4 jam,
Faris berasa sakit di kawasan gigi yang dicabut.
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
Rajah 5.1
[1 markah ]
12. 12
a) Apakah rangsangan yang terhasil semasa mencabut gigi ?
b) Apakah fungsi ubat kebas yang digunakan semasa mencabut gigi?
c) Terangkan mengapa Faris mula berasa sakit di kawasan gigi yang dicabut selepas 4 jam ?
d) Berikan sebab (inferens) mengapa manusia bergerakbalas terhadap rangsangan.
Rajah 6.1
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
13. 13
e) Ali mempunyai masalah pendengaran . Pada pendapat kamu, adakah Ali dapat menerima
rangsangan ?
Ya Tidak
Berikan alasan anda.
7 Suatu kajian telah dijalankan oleh Wira mengenai ciri-ciri yang terdapat pada datuk, ayah
dirinya. Jadual 1 menunjukkan keputusannya.
Ahli keluarga
yang dimiliki
Datuk Wira Ayah Wira Wira
Berkulit gelap / / /
Berambut kerinting / / /
Berbadan tinggi / / /
Jadual 1
a) Tuliskan pemerhatian berdasarkan maklumat dalam jadual.
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
14. 14
b) Berikan sebab (inferens) berdasarkan jawapan kamu di (a).
c) Berdasarkan kajian ini, nyatakan yang berikut:
(i) Apakah yang diubah (pembolehubah dimanipulasi) ?
(ii) Apakah yang diperhatikan (pembolehubah bergerak balas) ?
(iii) Apakah yang ditetapkan (pembolehubah dimalarkan) ?
d) Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat daripada kajian ini ?
8 Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan poster dalam satu kempen memerangi tabiat merokok.
[1 markah] )
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
[1 markah ]
15. 15
Rajah 8.1
(a) Nyatakan dua sebab mengapa kita harus menyokong kempen ini?
[2 markah ]
(b) Ramalkan apa yang akan terjadi jika perokok mengabaikan kempen ini dan terus
ketagihan merokok?
_______________________________________________________________________ .
[1 markah ]
(c) Nyatakan satu langkah lain yang boleh diambil untuk mengelakkan tabiat merokok di
kalangan orang ramai?
[1 markah ]
(d) Mengapakah seorang perokok sukar untuk meninggalkan tabiat merokok ?
[1 markah ]
(e) Merokok adalah satu tabiat yang mengganggu proses kehidupan. Selain merokok, berikan
satu tabiat lain yang mengganggu proses kehidupan kita.
[1 markah ]