The document discusses Node.js, which allows JavaScript to run outside the browser. Node.js has an event-loop approach that makes it easy to build scalable network servers in a non-blocking and asynchronous way. It uses an event model with callbacks to handle parallel input/output operations more efficiently than nested callbacks for serial operations. Modules and the EventEmitter class provide ways to organize code and handle events in Node.js applications.
This presentation discusses East Syriac Christian imagery found in Mesopotamia and Persia between the 9th and 13th centuries CE. It provides context by outlining the timeline of Christianity in the region and mentions important institutions like the House of Wisdom in Baghdad. The presentation concludes by noting the early 14th century Persian prophet Muhammad.
The document discusses Node.js, which allows JavaScript to run outside the browser. Node.js has an event-loop approach that makes it easy to build scalable network servers in a non-blocking and asynchronous way. It uses an event model with callbacks to handle parallel input/output operations more efficiently than nested callbacks for serial operations. Modules and the EventEmitter class provide ways to organize code and handle events in Node.js applications.
This presentation discusses East Syriac Christian imagery found in Mesopotamia and Persia between the 9th and 13th centuries CE. It provides context by outlining the timeline of Christianity in the region and mentions important institutions like the House of Wisdom in Baghdad. The presentation concludes by noting the early 14th century Persian prophet Muhammad.
This document discusses HTML5 form validation using new input types and attributes that allow for built-in client-side validation without JavaScript. It provides examples of how to add validation for required fields, regular expressions, email, URLs, and numbers. It also discusses new pseudo-classes for visual feedback and the need for fallback validation in older browsers.
Enrollment Strategies to Effectively managing change in the 2012 Annual Enrollment Period
Presented by David Koterba
Senior Vice President C Healthcare Solutions
Merrill Corporation
Optical Micro-mechatronic Systems Integrated on Printed Circuit BoardsSERHAN ISIKMAN
A polymer scanner actuates a lens to achieve dynamic focusing of a laser spot on a target, while scanning a second lens to collect the reflected light. This synchronous scanning and detection enables extended range imaging of targets such as bar-codes, etc.
This document provides information about Kristyn Haywood, who is known as "The Gift Spotter". She is an engaging speaker for corporate leaders and teams, helping them to thrive in competitive environments. Her presentations help audiences connect with their authentic selves and unique gifts. She has over 20 years of experience in leadership development and connecting people to their potential. The document includes testimonials praising her impact and ability to inspire audiences. It also lists some of her presentation topics, such as unleashing gifts, developing humble leadership, balancing masculine and feminine qualities in organizations, and building innovation cultures.
This document discusses lensfree microscopy and tomography techniques developed by Serhan Isikman for biomedical applications. [1] Lensfree microscopy uses holograms recorded by a sensor array to digitally reconstruct microscope images over a wide field of view in a compact, low-cost system. [2] It has been used to rapidly count red blood cells on a chip with high accuracy. [3] Lensfree optical tomography similarly uses holograms from multiple angles to computationally generate 3D images without lenses, achieving micrometer-scale resolution.
Reprocessing and recycling nuclear waste has several benefits: it reduces the volume of waste, extends the safe storage time of waste from millions of years to hundreds of years, and extracts usable material from the waste to generate additional energy. While reprocessing can produce weapons-grade plutonium, newer proliferation-resistant methods like pyroprocessing are being developed. The document recommends funding research into cost-effective reprocessing methods and beginning construction of a reprocessing facility within the next 10 years along with a mixed-oxide fuel fabrication plant and pebble bed fast neutron reactor to fully realize the benefits of reprocessing nuclear waste.
A Comisin Irmns Surez Picallo nace en Sada no ano 2007 co fin de organizar un programa de actos para todo o ano 2008, logo de ser declarado institucionalmente polo Concello de Sada como Ano dos Irmns Surez Picallo. Ao longo deste tempo, promovronse dous ciclos de xornadas en torno a Ramn e Xohn Antn Surez Picallo, as como varias publicacins e unha exposicin.
A partires do 2009 decdese ampliar os obxectivos e redefinir a Comisin, transformndoa nunha Asociacin Cultural con vocacin de permanencia e estabilidade. Desde entn v?ense realizando actos, homenaxes e charlas sobre diversos temas, e t?ense editado distintas publicacins. Ademais, pxose en marcha un blogue en internet para a difusin das nosas actividades e de textos de autores locais.
A A. C. Irmns Surez Picallo est aberta a incorporacin de todos aqueles interesados en asociarse, e, de feito, entre as sas prioridades est a de ampliar constantemente a sa base social para atopar novos colaboradores e novos pblicos.
Se desexa facerse socio, non ten mis que cubrir o formulario que poder atopar no noso blogue e facrnolo chegar. Se o que quere recibir a programacin das nosas actividades, pode enviarnos a sa direccin de correo electrnico a ou contactar connosco a travs do noso grupo de Facebook.
A Asociacin tamn receptiva a todas as aportacins (artigos, documentos, materiais grficos...), comentarios e crticas que o lector nos queira transmitir.
1. Un percorrido polo espazo de Ilustrsima de Carlos Casares Sada do IES : 10:30 Regreso : 12 :30
2. O percorrido levaranos por diferentes puntos Da cidade : Pazo arcebispal e arredores da Catedral.onde se xestan as intrigas contra deste bispo aperturista , no medio dunha sociedade conservadora e supersticiosa. O cine e a sa irrupcin violenta nunha cidade impresionable, a novela sitse a Comezos do sculo xx, sern o eixo vertebrador sobre o que xiran os acontece- mentos Praza do Ferro Praza bispo Cesareo Posiblemente de Eduardo Barbagelatta Que tivo un cine en Ourense en 1912
3. A prensa da poca tamn un punto de referencia importante : la verdad y El liberal sern portavoces respectivamente do conservadurismo e do tradicio- nalismo social e relixioso fronte o anticlericalismo e a defensa dunha sociedade moderna e cientfica. A novela ,xa dixemos est ambientada nos comezos do sculo XX ,poca do goberno de Sagasta e dos ministros do partido liberal Romanones e Canalejas . Sagasta Catedral de Ourense