This document discusses the benefits of unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) systems. UC&C combines communication channels like voice, email, instant messaging, and video conferencing to improve collaboration. The document outlines how UC&C can reduce "communication latency" by making it easier for employees to connect with the right people at the right time. It provides examples of companies that have implemented UC&C through HP and Microsoft solutions and realized cost savings through reduced conferencing costs, simplified management, and other benefits.
This document provides an overview of cloud computing security challenges. It discusses how cloud computing introduces new risks by making systems accessible over the internet, shared among multiple tenants, and lacking location specificity. The document outlines common cloud computing models including infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and software as a service. It also discusses how multitenancy increases the risk of unauthorized access to user data in cloud environments. Overall, the document examines how cloud computing demands new security practices due to its unique architecture and deployment models.
The Woo themes story - by Adriaan PienaarRAMP Group
WooThemes is a popular WordPress theme and plugin company. The author shares three main lessons learned from building WooThemes into a successful business: focus on a niche, provide excellent support, and constantly improve products based on customer feedback. Prioritizing these areas helped WooThemes grow profitably while keeping customers happy.
The document provides an overview of Websense's Content Research Cortex, which classifies content to block malicious or unwanted data and protect confidential data. It describes how Websense uses over 100 researchers worldwide and technologies like the ThreatSeeker Network to discover, identify, classify, and adapt to content trends on a global scale. Key aspects include discovery of new content through a network of over 50 million systems, identification of content types and protocols, classification using fingerprints and reputation analysis, and continuous adaptation through realigning classification and discovery techniques.
The Sophisticat, the Elephant, and the Secret of the Digital Native - by Arth...RAMP Group
The document summarizes key findings from research into digital usage among youth in South Africa. It identifies two main segments - "Sophisticats" and "Elephants" - who account for a large share of mobile spending. While private school youth showed high levels of digital skills, township youth generally had lower skills levels due to lack of support structures. The research also revealed that digital adoption is driven more by peer influence than by age, challenging the idea that today's youth are "digital natives".
Buyers Guide To Messaging Security Dec 2009Kim Jensen
This document discusses options for messaging security and considerations for choosing an on-premise or cloud-based solution. It covers:
- Types of messaging security like perimeter security and message security
- Delivery options of on-premise vs software as a service (SaaS) solutions
- Factors to consider like control, compliance, costs, and features when deciding between on-premise and cloud-based messaging security
Mobile Business trends anno 2011. Danish presentation. Ipads entry to business market. Cases and concepts, trends and stats, VERTICA
Social Business er skabe grobund for intuitivt samarbejde bla via de nyeste Lync værktøjer. Produktchef Jørgen Rahbeks indlæg på One Step Ahead 2014.
Mobile forretningsløsninger - hvor er vi på vej hen?Esben Emborg
Hvad skal der til for at skabe susces med mobile forretningsløsninger. Antallet af ingredienser er minimale, det hele gælder om at forstå brugernes kontekst og udnytte potentialet. Visma Consulting Denmark
Kromann Reumert sikrer kommunikation og samarbejdeMicrosoft
Man kan kommunikere uden at samarbejde – men man kan ikke samarbejde uden at kommunikere. Med udgangspunkt i denne simple sandhed, ser vi på hvordan Microsoft Lync kan bidrage til at strømline kommunikation og samarbejde mellem jeres medarbejder, kunder og samarbejdspartnere. Hør også advokatvirksomheden Kromann Reumert fortælle om deres erfaringer med Lync som fundament for kommunikation og samarbejde på tværs af organisationen.
Kommunikation og samarbejde i en globaliseret verdenMicrosoft
Man kan kommunikere uden at samarbejde – men man kan ikke samarbejde uden at kommunikere. Med udgangspunkt i denne simple sandhed, ser vi på hvordan Microsoft Lync kan bidrage til at strømline kommunikation og samarbejde mellem jeres medarbejder, kunder og samarbejdspartnere. Hør også arkitektfirmaet schmidt hammer lassen architects fortælle om deres erfaringer med Lync som fundament for telefoni, videokonference i en international organisation.
Proactive og Berlingske Media: Intranet Best Practice 2010VidenDanmark
Ulrich Perch Nielsen fra Proactive og Dorthe Storm fra Berlingske Media giver oplæg ved VidenDanmarks seminar om Intranet Best Practice 2010 onsdag den 29.9.2010.
Forslaget blev præsenteret ved InfinIT-arrangementet "Temadag om samspillet mellem agil udvikling og usability-evaluering" afholdt den 23. januar 2013.
Læs mere om arrangementet på
I like to say thanks to all your participating the Computerworld Summit in Copenhagen the 14th of April 2015, some of you have asked for the presentation, why I hereby share it in Public, please take what can be used or contact my on for further information’s have a nice summer.
BRG Henrik Blas Simonsen.
Oplægget blev holdt ved InfinIT-arrangementet "Temadag: Tværorganisatoriske processer og it-systemer", der blev afhodlt den 22. juni 2011. Læs mere om arrangementet her:
This document provides predictions for security issues in 2016 from Forcepoint Security Labs. It predicts that the 2016 U.S. elections will drive significant cyberattacks themed around the elections, with hackers using social media and websites to spread misinformation. It also predicts that new mobile wallet and payment technologies will introduce opportunities for credit card theft and fraud. Finally, it predicts that the addition of new generic top-level domains will provide new opportunities for cybercriminals to use domain names for social engineering and malware attacks.
OpenDNS is a DNS service that aims to make the internet safer, faster, smarter and more reliable. It was founded in 2005 and now has over 30 million active users, processing half a million queries per second and answering 30 billion DNS queries daily. OpenDNS provides content filtering, phishing and malware protection to households, schools and businesses. It translates domain names to IP addresses faster than other DNS services, improving internet speed and reliability.
Mobile Business trends anno 2011. Danish presentation. Ipads entry to business market. Cases and concepts, trends and stats, VERTICA
Social Business er skabe grobund for intuitivt samarbejde bla via de nyeste Lync værktøjer. Produktchef Jørgen Rahbeks indlæg på One Step Ahead 2014.
Mobile forretningsløsninger - hvor er vi på vej hen?Esben Emborg
Hvad skal der til for at skabe susces med mobile forretningsløsninger. Antallet af ingredienser er minimale, det hele gælder om at forstå brugernes kontekst og udnytte potentialet. Visma Consulting Denmark
Kromann Reumert sikrer kommunikation og samarbejdeMicrosoft
Man kan kommunikere uden at samarbejde – men man kan ikke samarbejde uden at kommunikere. Med udgangspunkt i denne simple sandhed, ser vi på hvordan Microsoft Lync kan bidrage til at strømline kommunikation og samarbejde mellem jeres medarbejder, kunder og samarbejdspartnere. Hør også advokatvirksomheden Kromann Reumert fortælle om deres erfaringer med Lync som fundament for kommunikation og samarbejde på tværs af organisationen.
Kommunikation og samarbejde i en globaliseret verdenMicrosoft
Man kan kommunikere uden at samarbejde – men man kan ikke samarbejde uden at kommunikere. Med udgangspunkt i denne simple sandhed, ser vi på hvordan Microsoft Lync kan bidrage til at strømline kommunikation og samarbejde mellem jeres medarbejder, kunder og samarbejdspartnere. Hør også arkitektfirmaet schmidt hammer lassen architects fortælle om deres erfaringer med Lync som fundament for telefoni, videokonference i en international organisation.
Proactive og Berlingske Media: Intranet Best Practice 2010VidenDanmark
Ulrich Perch Nielsen fra Proactive og Dorthe Storm fra Berlingske Media giver oplæg ved VidenDanmarks seminar om Intranet Best Practice 2010 onsdag den 29.9.2010.
Forslaget blev præsenteret ved InfinIT-arrangementet "Temadag om samspillet mellem agil udvikling og usability-evaluering" afholdt den 23. januar 2013.
Læs mere om arrangementet på
I like to say thanks to all your participating the Computerworld Summit in Copenhagen the 14th of April 2015, some of you have asked for the presentation, why I hereby share it in Public, please take what can be used or contact my on for further information’s have a nice summer.
BRG Henrik Blas Simonsen.
Oplægget blev holdt ved InfinIT-arrangementet "Temadag: Tværorganisatoriske processer og it-systemer", der blev afhodlt den 22. juni 2011. Læs mere om arrangementet her:
This document provides predictions for security issues in 2016 from Forcepoint Security Labs. It predicts that the 2016 U.S. elections will drive significant cyberattacks themed around the elections, with hackers using social media and websites to spread misinformation. It also predicts that new mobile wallet and payment technologies will introduce opportunities for credit card theft and fraud. Finally, it predicts that the addition of new generic top-level domains will provide new opportunities for cybercriminals to use domain names for social engineering and malware attacks.
OpenDNS is a DNS service that aims to make the internet safer, faster, smarter and more reliable. It was founded in 2005 and now has over 30 million active users, processing half a million queries per second and answering 30 billion DNS queries daily. OpenDNS provides content filtering, phishing and malware protection to households, schools and businesses. It translates domain names to IP addresses faster than other DNS services, improving internet speed and reliability.
Infoworld deep dive - Mobile Security2015 updatedKim Jensen
This document provides an overview and comparison of the mobile device management (MDM) capabilities of various mobile platforms, including iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone. It summarizes the new management features introduced in iOS 9 and Android 6.0 Marshmallow, and describes how Android for Work enhances security and management for Android devices running business apps. Key areas discussed include app permissions, device encryption, password policies, and email/calendar management controls available to IT administrators.
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise- State of Security Operations 2015Kim Jensen
This document summarizes findings from 118 security operations maturity assessments of 87 organizations in 18 countries. It finds that the median maturity level remains below the ideal level of 3, and 20% of organizations scored below the minimum level of 1. The top issue facing security operations is the shortage of skilled resources. While organizations are investing in new technologies, many neglect operational budgets and processes, resulting in immature capabilities. Visible breaches have increased focus on security from executive leadership and boards.
5 things needed to know migrating Windows Server 2003Kim Jensen
The document provides five key considerations for organizations migrating from Windows Server 2003:
1. The migration is an opportunity to align IT with business goals and modernize processes, not just a routine system update.
2. Conducting a thorough assessment of all hardware, software, and workflows is necessary to develop an accurate timeline and avoid missed dependencies.
3. Not all existing servers and applications need to be migrated - some may be decommissioned through consolidation or replacement with newer options.
4. Updating hardware in addition to software is important to take advantage of new capabilities and ensure performance supports business needs.
5. Most organizations will benefit from partnering with an outside expert to help plan and execute the migration effectively
The document summarizes security data from Secunia regarding vulnerabilities in software products. Some key findings include:
- The total number of vulnerabilities detected in 2013 was 13,073, a 45% increase over 5 years.
- 16.3% of vulnerabilities were highly critical and 0.4% were extremely critical.
- The top attack vector was remote network access (73.5% of vulnerabilities).
- Vulnerabilities in third-party software accounted for 75.7% of vulnerabilities in the top 50 most common software products.
This document is Cisco's 2013 Annual Security Report which highlights the following key points:
1. The rapid proliferation of devices, applications, and cloud services has created an "any-to-any" world where security has become more challenging. The number of internet-connected devices grew to over 9 billion in 2012.
2. A key trend is the growth of cloud computing, with cloud traffic expected to make up nearly two-thirds of total data center traffic by 2016. This trend complicates security as data is constantly moving.
3. Younger, mobile workers expect to access business services using any device from any location, which also impacts security and data privacy.
1. The number of malicious web links grew by almost 600% worldwide according to data from Websense Security Labs.
2. 85% of malicious web links were found on legitimate web hosts that had been compromised, indicating websites can no longer be trusted based on their reputation.
3. Traditional anti-virus and firewall defenses are no longer sufficient to prevent web-borne threats, as the web serves both as an attack vector and in supporting other attack vectors like social media, mobile, and email. Advanced defenses that can identify compromised legitimate sites in real-time are needed.
The document is a summary of a security survey conducted in 2013 by AV-Comparatives. Some key findings include:
- Over 4,700 computer users worldwide participated in the anonymous online survey.
- Most users are aware of online security risks but some still do not use security software. Detection rates, malware removal, and performance are the most important factors for users.
- Windows 7 and 8 are now the most widely used operating systems. Free antivirus programs are growing in popularity and trust compared to paid solutions.
- Detection testing, real-world protection testing, and tests evaluating heuristic capabilities are the most important types of antivirus testing for users. Performance issues remain a top complaint.
Miercom Security Effectiveness Test Report Kim Jensen
The document reports on a test of various web security gateways. It found that Websense blocked the most URLs (132,111 or 5.84%) of over 2.25 million URLs, demonstrating superior web security effectiveness. It also provided the most comprehensive and effective data theft and loss prevention policies. Websense showed advantages in malware blocking, real-time defense, and practical DLP policy implementation. Management of Websense required less time and effort than competitors. Overall, Websense performed well across security effectiveness, malware protection, data protection, and manageability.
Bliv klar til cloud med Citrix Netscaler (pdf)Kim Jensen
This document discusses how Citrix NetScaler outperforms other application delivery controllers (ADCs) in enabling enterprise networks to be cloud ready. It provides 9 key areas where NetScaler beats the competition: 1) Pay-As-You-Grow elasticity to scale capacity on demand; 2) Superior ADC consolidation with higher density; 3) Ability to cluster up to 32 appliances to expand capacity; 4) Full featured virtual ADCs with performance parity to hardware; 5) Cloud bridging functionality for hybrid cloud environments; 6) Open application visibility; 7) SQL load balancing; 8) Intuitive policy engine; 9) Faster SSL performance. The document examines these areas in detail and compares NetScaler's capabilities to other ADC
This document provides a summary and analysis of data from the 2012 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). Key findings include:
- External threat agents such as hackers were responsible for 98% of breaches and over 99% of compromised records.
- Malware was involved in 69% of breaches and accounted for 95% of compromised records.
- The majority of breaches involved small businesses in the retail, accommodation, and food service industries, though healthcare saw the most compromised records on average per breach.
This document summarizes web traffic trends from Q3 2011 as observed by Zscaler ThreatLabZ across billions of transactions. It finds that while Internet Explorer remains the most used browser, non-browser applications account for over 20% of enterprise HTTP traffic. It also reports that Facebook continues to dominate social networking traffic in enterprises and that browser plugins, especially Adobe Flash, remain out of date and vulnerable to attacks.
This document provides an executive summary and analysis of Forrester's evaluation of mobile collaboration vendors in Q3 of 2011. Forrester evaluated 13 vendors against 15 criteria related to their mobile capabilities and experiences. They found that Adobe, Box, Cisco, IBM, Salesforce, SugarSync, Skype, and Yammer led in their commitment to tablets and smartphones as well as a strategy aligned with mobile workforces. AT&T, Citrix, Dropbox, Evernote, and Google were also strong performers in mobile collaboration. No vendor was considered a contender or risky bet in regards to their mobile support.
The document is a market analysis report from The Radicati Group that examines the corporate web security solutions market in 2011. It segments the market into four categories: specialists, trail blazers, top players, and mature players. The report evaluates vendors based on criteria like functionality and market share. It then plots major vendors in the market into a quadrant chart based on their functionality and size to illustrate their relative position. The report also includes individual analyses of prominent vendors in each category.
Cloud security deep dive infoworld jan 2011Kim Jensen
This document provides an overview of cloud security and how it differs from traditional security models. Some key points:
- Cloud computing introduces new security challenges due to its reliance on sharing resources over the internet, like computing power and storage.
- There are different cloud computing models including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
- Cloud computing is defined by traits like internet accessibility, scalability, multitenancy, broad authentication, usage-based pricing, and lack of location specificity. These traits increase security risks.
- Multitenancy, where multiple users share the same cloud resources, introduces the risk of unint
Cloud services deep dive infoworld july 2010Kim Jensen
This document provides an overview of cloud computing services and strategies for businesses. It discusses several types of cloud services including Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, email services, office productivity suites, development/testing platforms, backup/recovery services, and business intelligence tools. The document advises businesses to carefully evaluate their specific needs and compare cloud options to on-premises alternatives before adopting cloud services to ensure the right fit.
2. Agenda
Siemens IT Solutions and Services
Unified Communications
Udfordringer i dagligdagen
Hvad tilbyder Siemens IT Solutions and Services?
Kundecase: Novozymes
Next steps
Page 2
3. Siemens IT Solutions and Services - Vi er en stærk innovativ og
værdiskabende IT-partner, der udvikler og driver industrifokuserede og
forretningsstrategiske IT-løsninger i Danmark baseret på global organisation
IT-services fra en strategisk IT-partner Løsninger
Unified Communication Services
ERP Consolidation and Harmonization
Product Lifecycle Management
Secure ID Solutions and Infrastructures
Business Software- IT out- Business Intelligence
solutions udvikling sourcing
Application Management
Transformational Data Center
Software Engineering Services
Strategisk teknologipartner med Microsoft og SAP
Page 3
4. Unified Communication baseret på Microsoft UC
Active Directory
Unified Messaging Outlook / Exchange
Instant Messaging
Voice / Video
Conferencing Server
Office Communicator
Network connectivity
Media Gateways
Identitet & Instant Web & Video Voice & Video E-mail Team
tilstede- beskeder konference over IP & kalender arbejdsrum
Unified Communication Services & Solutions
Page 4
5. Unified Communications i praksis
Enterprise IM og Presence
Enterprise IM og Presence
Videokonference med dokument deling
Videokonference med dokumentdeling
Audio/Video kald
Audio/Video kald
Voicemail i iOutlook
Voicemail Outlook
Telefoni integration
Tandberg videokonference
Tandberg videokonference
Page 5
6. Udfordringer i hverdagen
Ringer tit forgæves til andre kollegaer
Kommunikation Sender mails for at kontakte kollega
Har tit brug for at vise/rette fælles dokumenter i møder
Bruger meget tid på at undersøge, om en kollega er på kontoret
Bruger meget tid på transport til møder
Tidsforbrug Sender tit dokumenter til hinanden for gennemlæsning og kommentarer
Har tit brug for at se, om en kollega har tid til kommentar/spørgsmål
Arbejder tit hjemmefra
Økonomi Benytter TDC mødetelefon
Mange flyrejser
Benytter MSN Messenger i dagligdagen
Usammenhæng Får mange telefonbeskeder på mobilen
Hverdagen er fuld af tidsrøvere, og der er store udgifter til transport og rejser
Page 6
7. Fordele ved Unified Communications
Optimeret kommunikation på tværs af fysiske lokationer
Effektivitet Undgå spildt tid ved missede telefonopkald og e-mails
Optimering af møder ved nedbringelse af rejseaktivitet
Nedbring rejseaktivitet mellem lokationer med 5-10%
Økonomi Nedbring udgifter til telefonopkald med 10-30%
Opnå medarbejder effektivitet på 5-15%
Integration med mobile brugere
Tid Optimer arbejdsprocessen med mere effektiv kommunikation
Integreret med AD og Exchange for single-signon
Bidrager til nedbringelse af CO2
Fremtiden Virker tiltrækkende på ung arbejdskraft
Bliver lige så vigtig som e-mails og telefon
Med den rigtige Investering kan ROI opnås på 12 måneder
Page 7
8. Hvad tilbyder Siemens IT Solutions and Services?
Professional Pakker Drift
Vi har gjort dette før
Hurtig opstart, pakker/løsninger
Standardmetoder til implementering/drift
Stor erfaring i telefoni/netværksintegration
Klargøringsworkshops Vi ved, hvad der skal til
Pilot startpakker Fuld drift (UC/telefoni integration)
Projektledelse/rådgivning Del drift (UC/telefoni integration)
Single point of contact
Design Managed services
Implementering OCS nem ekstern adgang
OCS hosted nemt
Hurtig og effektiv roll-out
En leverandør end-to-end
Sikkerhed og stabilitet i leverancen
Page 8
9. Hvorfor Siemens IT Solutions and Services?
Vores erfaringer:
Vi har designet, implementeret og drifter en af verdens mest komplekse og
komplette MS UC løsninger i verden
Det har givet os en god indsigt i muligheder med UC
Hvor ligger besparelserne?
Hvor ligger de skjulte udgifter?
Hvad skal man være opmærksom på?
Hvad er det, der ikke bliver snakket om?
Page 9
10. Hvorfor Siemens IT Solutions and Services?
Vores erfaringer:
Uddannelse af brugerne
Ny kultur/Firmapolitiker
Afhængigheder i infrastrukturen
Mange nye servere (Kan ikke alle virtualiseres)
Overvågning, overvågning, overvågning
Ikke alt kan løses med SCOM
Page 10
11. Novozymes
Siemens IT Solutions and Services as the worldwide
Outsourcing Partner for Novozymes
Active Directory / Desktop / Server Infrastructure
Network Infrastructure
Office Communication server 2007 (OCS)
Exchange Server 2007 incl. UM (Voicemail)
Nortel telefoni
The Unified Communications approach
World leader in bio innovation
Consulting (strategy, IT infrastructure assessment)
around 6000 employees
Planning & solution design (MS UC)
2600 DK
1500 Asia
Rollout and Operation
1300 America
600 Europe 6000 users with Office Communicator and LiveMeeting
Unified Messag. and telephony integration in realization
The challenge
â–º High customer satisfaction
need for global collaboration
â–º Success story due to close partnering between
reduction of travel costs
Siemens and Microsoft
time saving
communication cost reduction â–º MS UC Lighthouse win for Siemens
Page 11
12. Kundecase:
Office Communications Server 2007 (OCS)
Konferencer/Møder via pc med Audi/Video
Deling af filer, applikationer, whiteboards osv
IP telefoni integreret (VoIP)
Adgang via Internet/Mobile enheder
Kommunikation med andre virksomheder
Nortel telefoni (CS1000)
Fælles telefoni/Presence med UC løsning
Exchange Server 2007
UM (Unified Messaging)
Voicemail for hele løsning inkl. Nortel
Voice kontrol/adgang til Exchange/mailbox
Page 12
14. Kundecase:
Novozymes – UC/Nortel telefoni-integration
Fuld integration mellem OCS/Nortel
Presence status
Fælles nummer
OCS/Nortel har et nummer
(dual forking/RCC)
Slut med TDC mødetelefon
QoS end-to-end
Least cost routing
Giver altid billigst telefoni
Ringer altid via billigste land
Page 14
15. Kundecase:
Novozymes – Milepæle
Exchange 2007 gik live Q4 2007 worldwide
OCS gik live 26. maj 2008 worldwide
OCS/UM/VoIP/Nortel gik live 3. nov 2008 i DK
Ren OCS/VoIP pilot i US. ca. 200 brugere
Exchange UM benyttes som Voice mail i US
også for brugere der ikke er på OCS endnu
OCS R2 omlægning igang
Pilot på Exchange 2010 igang (E14RDP)
Siemens eneste danske partner i dette program
Kun 4 partnere i hele europa er med
Page 15
16. Falck – Voice pilot
Challenge Benefits
Demand for an internation collaboration solution Fast & easy collaboration and communication
Reduction of media breaks in communication Cost saving on voice communication and travel
Convince customer of going full scale activities
Start with a pilot Integration with Tandberg conference
Still in pilot phase
Implementation of Microsoft OCS 2007 as voice
pilot for 30 users
Pilot for presence, instant messaging, desk
sharing, multimedia conferencing and voice pilot
Connection to the existing PBX solution (Type ?)
Plan to extend the solution for up to 8000 users
Page 16
17. Novozymes
Challenge Benefits
Need for worldwide collaboration and Fast and easy global collaboration
communication as global enterprise Reduction of travel and communication costs
No collaboration solution in place Time saving
Replace MSN and hotmail Anywhere communication capabilities
High travel and communication costs Integrated communication in desktop and
Worldwide rollout business applications
Solution The new global information highway
Complete UC solution for 6000 users with all
features (presence, instant messaging,
multimedia conferencing, desk/ application
sharing, voice, video, federation) based on MS Logo
OCS 2007
Exchange 2007 UM for voicemail & voicecontrol
1500 voice users on OCS/Nortel solution, 420
OCS voice users with direct external telephony
Page 17
18. Next steps
.... kom hurtigt og nemt i gang
UC startpakke
UC telefoni startpakke
Unified Communication UC Startpakker UC nem ekstern adgang Unified Communication
Klargøringsworkshop Basis Implementering
(Basis & Avanceret) Telefoni-integration
Fast pris pr workshop Fast pris pr pakke Fast pris for opkobling Projektpris
Basic Basic one box OCS pilot Ønsker ekstern adgang Kundespecifik
En-dags workshop UC pilot installation Mulighed for UC på implementering af
Overblik over Microsoft UC Inkl. en-dags workshop mobile enheder UC løsninger
med fokus på Office Hardware udlånes Forbind til andre firmaer
Communictions server 2007 Headsets/kameraer med MS UC Office Communications
Hvordan kan det bruges i 3 måneders test forløb - IM/Presence
virksomheden? Basic - Web Conferencing
IM/Presence - Live Meeting
Telefoni-integration Federation -Telefoni-integration
Avanceret FÃ¥ telefoni i UC pilot
To-dages workshop Inkl. en-dags workshop Avanceret Exchange Server
Basis workshop & Hardware udlånes Audio/video -Post/Kalender
Test og implementerings- 3 måneders test forløb Video konference -Unified Messaging
dag i kundemiljø (Telefoni)
Page 18