Dansk It Neupart Cloud Sikkerhed RisikovurderingLars Neupart
Cloud computing bliver stadig mere udbredt blandt virksomheder i Danmark 淡konomi- og salgssystemer og backup af data flyttes nu ud i skyen.
Mens cloud computing giver virksomheder en r脱kke 奪benlyse fordele (fleksibel adgang, opdateret software, billigere drift af it-systemer etc.), s奪 er der desv脱rre ogs奪 en r脱kke sikkerhedstrusler forbundet med brug af cloud computing. P奪 dette webinar l脱rer du at kunne vurdere og styre disse trusler, og hvordan du kan vurdere, om sikkerheden hos cloud-leverand淡rerne er god nok. Dette webinar er din genvej til at kunne foretage ansvarlige og professionelle risikovurderinger!
Du bliver pr脱senteret for en r脱kke cloud-specifikke trusler og du vil f奪 v脱rkt淡jerne til at kunne foretage professionelle risikovurderinger.
Lakeside arkitekturnetv脱rk - Et kig pa pace layered strategies (2015Q4)Lakeside A/S
Da vi m淡dtes i december til sidste netv脱rksm淡de i arkitektur-kredsen diskuterede vi Gartner Groups "Pace Layered Strategy-koncept. Vi var ca. 20 og vi fik et par gode timers diskussion ud af det.
Is脱r anvendelsen af PLS som kommunikationsredskab eller dialog-ramme i forhold til forretningssiden af projekterne var der en del der kunne se potentialet i. Se vores slides fra dagen og bliv klogere!
- i fremtiden vil n脱sten alle apparater v脱re p奪 nettet. Det 奪bner nye forretningsmuligheder, b奪de i industrien og i servicesektoren. F.eks. kan apparaterne selv melde ind til centralen og bestille service eller advare om overbelastning. Den nye trend Cloud Computing 奪bner ogs奪 nye muligheder for virksomhederne, f.eks. i form af mindre udgifter til it-udstyr og vedligehold. en b奪de nternet of Things og Cloud Computing giver ogs奪 en r脱kke nye udfordringer ikke mindst p奪 det sikkerhedsm脱ssige omr奪de.
Cloud-ready datacenter
Netv脱rk, servere og storage er for alvor smeltet sammen i datacenteret. H淡r om de tre veje til datacenteret, som Conscia hj脱lper med. Vi taler om arkitekturen; byg-selv eller block-l淡sninger og giver gode r奪d om design og teknologi.
Leverand淡r-evaluering og Compliance & sikkerhed er discipliner, som er blevet endnu mere aktuelle med introduktionen af EU GDPR. Dubex har erfaring med at r奪dgive kunder i de fleste brancher i Danmark og giver her et overblik over, hvilke metoder de anbefaler.
Jakob Herbst, CTO, Dubex
Mobile Business trends anno 2011. Danish presentation. Ipads entry to business market. Cases and concepts, trends and stats, VERTICA
Opl脱gget blev holdt ved InfinIT-arrangementet "Intelligent sikkerhed og forebyggelse", der blev afholdt den 30. marts 2011. L脱s mere om arrangementet her: http://www.infinit.dk/dk/hvad_kan_vi_goere_for_dig/viden/reportager/intelligent_sikkerhed_i_sikre_rammer.htm
Lakeside arkitekturnetv脱rk - Et kig pa pace layered strategies (2015Q4)Lakeside A/S
Da vi m淡dtes i december til sidste netv脱rksm淡de i arkitektur-kredsen diskuterede vi Gartner Groups "Pace Layered Strategy-koncept. Vi var ca. 20 og vi fik et par gode timers diskussion ud af det.
Is脱r anvendelsen af PLS som kommunikationsredskab eller dialog-ramme i forhold til forretningssiden af projekterne var der en del der kunne se potentialet i. Se vores slides fra dagen og bliv klogere!
- i fremtiden vil n脱sten alle apparater v脱re p奪 nettet. Det 奪bner nye forretningsmuligheder, b奪de i industrien og i servicesektoren. F.eks. kan apparaterne selv melde ind til centralen og bestille service eller advare om overbelastning. Den nye trend Cloud Computing 奪bner ogs奪 nye muligheder for virksomhederne, f.eks. i form af mindre udgifter til it-udstyr og vedligehold. en b奪de nternet of Things og Cloud Computing giver ogs奪 en r脱kke nye udfordringer ikke mindst p奪 det sikkerhedsm脱ssige omr奪de.
Cloud-ready datacenter
Netv脱rk, servere og storage er for alvor smeltet sammen i datacenteret. H淡r om de tre veje til datacenteret, som Conscia hj脱lper med. Vi taler om arkitekturen; byg-selv eller block-l淡sninger og giver gode r奪d om design og teknologi.
Leverand淡r-evaluering og Compliance & sikkerhed er discipliner, som er blevet endnu mere aktuelle med introduktionen af EU GDPR. Dubex har erfaring med at r奪dgive kunder i de fleste brancher i Danmark og giver her et overblik over, hvilke metoder de anbefaler.
Jakob Herbst, CTO, Dubex
Mobile Business trends anno 2011. Danish presentation. Ipads entry to business market. Cases and concepts, trends and stats, VERTICA
Opl脱gget blev holdt ved InfinIT-arrangementet "Intelligent sikkerhed og forebyggelse", der blev afholdt den 30. marts 2011. L脱s mere om arrangementet her: http://www.infinit.dk/dk/hvad_kan_vi_goere_for_dig/viden/reportager/intelligent_sikkerhed_i_sikre_rammer.htm
Smarter Commerce, Salg og Marketing, Thomas Steglich-AndersenIBM Danmark
The document discusses smarter commerce and running a business more efficiently. It outlines key areas like marketing, procurement, order management, supply chain, fulfillment, and service. It also shows how customers can research, order, change, track and return products across different channels like stores, websites, calls, and mobile. The goal is running the business smarter through better brand relationships, procurement, order management, supply chain visibility, production planning, inventory analytics, and operational efficiency.
IBM is placing a strong emphasis on mobile technologies and applications. The document discusses IBM's MobileFirst initiative which provides tools to help organizations create more personalized, efficient and secure mobile interactions. It highlights growth in mobile transactions, devices, apps and users. IBM acquired 10 companies since 2006 and doubled its 2013 investment in mobile to strengthen its capabilities. The Worklight platform allows developing cross-platform hybrid and native mobile apps using a common codebase. It provides tools for testing, analytics, push notifications, and app distribution to enterprises.
The document discusses several topics related to smart cities and the Internet of Things (IoT), including developing solutions to track sea containers, optimize construction projects using RFID tags, and challenge banks to implement digital marketing. It also discusses trends in IoT such as the growing number of connected devices. The document advocates addressing problems through new technologies and taking on challenges in an innovation perspective.
Echo.it is an internal social media and engagement platform that helps companies align employee actions with strategic goals. It allows employees to share stories of their daily actions and how they further company strategies. Managers can use Echo.it to emphasize desired behaviors, provide recognition, and gain insights into organizational engagement. Employees are invited to a customized platform on Echo.it to share actions in categories related to company values and priorities. Their contributions are then aggregated into engagement statistics and recognition rewards to inspire further aligned actions across the organization. Echo.it offers a SaaS solution that is quick to set up and fully automated to launch and retain users.
The document discusses IBM's Big Data Platform for turning large and complex data into business insights. It provides an overview of key big data challenges faced by organizations and how the IBM platform addresses these challenges through solutions that handle the volume, velocity, variety and veracity of big data. These solutions include analytics, data warehousing, streaming analytics and Hadoop technologies. Use cases are presented for big data exploration, enhancing customer views, security intelligence, operations analysis and augmenting data warehouses.
Smarter Workforce Solutions focuses on helping employees transition to new tools and ways of working by changing mindsets and organizational culture, not just tools. Ginni Rometty notes that in a social enterprise, your value comes from the knowledge you share with others, not just what you accumulate yourself.
The document describes NumaConnect, a technology that tightly couples commodity servers into a single large system with shared memory, I/O, and a single operating system image. Key features include cache coherent global shared memory accessible by all CPUs, a shared I/O subsystem, and support for various APIs. NumaConnect uses custom NumaChip ASICs and a high-speed interconnect fabric to create a unified memory address space across servers at cluster prices. It can scale to thousands of nodes with hundreds of thousands of cores and petabytes of shared memory. Benchmark results show NumaConnect delivers low latency, high bandwidth, and excellent scaling for applications.
Mellanox is a leading provider of high-performance interconnect solutions including InfiniBand and Ethernet technologies. It has over 1,200 employees worldwide and reported record revenue in 2012 of $500.8 million, up 93% year-over-year. Mellanox's interconnect solutions reduce application wait times for data and increase ROI on data center infrastructure.
The document discusses Intel's HPC portfolio and roadmap update. It provides an overview of the new Intel Xeon E5-2600 v2 processor family, highlighting its efficiency, performance, and security features. The Xeon E5-2600 v2 is expected to deliver up to 30% more performance using the same or less power compared to the previous generation. It offers up to 12 cores, 30MB of cache, and support for the latest I/O and memory technologies to provide powerful and efficient processing for modern data centers.
IBM general parallel file system - introductionIBM Danmark
The document provides information about IBM's General Parallel File System (GPFS) 3.5 and introduces the GPFS Storage Server (GSS). It summarizes that GPFS is a scalable high-performance file management system that can scale from 1 to 8192 nodes. The GSS is a new storage solution using IBM servers and JBOD storage to provide high capacity and performance storage in a scalable building block approach. The GSS has no storage controllers and provides a single integrated storage solution built on GPFS software.
The document discusses IBM's NeXtScale computing platform. Key points include:
- NeXtScale uses a modular, scale-out architecture based on a dense 6U chassis that can hold 12 half-width server or expansion nodes.
- The initial compute node, the nx360 M4, is a 1U half-width server optimized for HPC workloads with support for Intel's latest Xeon processors.
- Native expansion options include a storage node that holds up to 32TB and a PCI node to support GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors.
- NeXtScale is positioned as the successor to IBM's iDataPlex platform, offering greater flexibility, density, and
Future of Power: PowerLinux - Jan Kristian NielsenIBM Danmark
This presentation discusses IBM's PowerLinux offering, which combines the Power architecture with the Linux operating system. It highlights:
- New PowerLinux 7R4, 7R2, and 7R1 systems optimized for data-intensive and Java workloads
- Over 1,600 IBM software applications and 2,500+ third party applications certified or optimized for PowerLinux
- An IBM Big Data solution using PowerLinux servers and InfoSphere BigInsights for Hadoop-based analytics
Future of Power: Power Strategy and Offerings for Denmark - Steve SibleyIBM Danmark
IBM is promoting its Power Systems as optimized for big data, analytics, mobile, social, and cloud workloads. Key highlights include Power Systems providing a flexible, secure infrastructure to support next generation applications and analytics on big data. IBM also emphasizes partnerships with software vendors and the open innovation through the OpenPOWER consortium to deliver client choice and drive down costs.
This document discusses big data and provides an overview of key concepts:
- Big data is defined as datasets that are too large or complex for traditional data management tools to handle. It is characterized by volume, velocity, and variety.
- Big data comes from a variety of sources like social media, sensors, web logs, and transaction systems. It is growing rapidly due to the digitization of information.
- Big data can be used for applications like enhancing customer insights, optimizing operations, and extending security and intelligence capabilities. Example use cases are described.
- Architecting solutions for big data requires handling its scale and integrating diverse data types and sources. Both traditional and new analytics approaches are needed.
Future of Power: IBM PureFlex - Kim MortensenIBM Danmark
IBM offers a portfolio of integrated systems designed to improve IT efficiency, accelerate applications and analytics, and simplify cloud infrastructure. This includes PureFlex and Flex System which tightly integrate compute, storage, networking and management. PureSystems provide expertise through pre-integrated solutions and patterns that simplify tasks. Clients benefit from higher performance, utilization and lower costs through integration and automation.
Future of Power: IBM Trends & Directions - Erik RexIBM Danmark
This document provides an overview of IBM i trends and directions presented at a conference on September 4, 2013. It discusses new Power7+ servers with higher frequencies and more L3 cache providing better price/performance. It also outlines IBM i roadmap commitments, new technology refreshes, and strategies around virtualization, availability, security and simplification to focus on business needs. Customer input and priorities are reviewed to guide IBM i investment themes around solutions for today and the future.
Future of Power: Handtering af nye teknologier - Kim EscherichIBM Danmark
This document discusses the opportunity for growth and innovation in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain. It defines the key aspects of an instrumented, interconnected and intelligent IoT. Examples are given of IoT innovations and use cases, such as using sensor data to improve bus transportation performance and help retailers track inventory in real time. The challenges of IoT are also addressed, such as how to generate insights from the vast amounts of data.
Future of Power - Lars Mikkelgaard-JensenIBM Danmark
This document is the Global Benchmark Report 2013 authored by Lars Mikkelgaard-Jensen. It discusses topics like Europe's economic stagnation and unemployment rates. It also discusses trends in big data, mobile technology, and social media transforming businesses. The report notes that Linux is planned for the majority of big data workloads and many mission critical applications by 2017. It presents IBM Power systems as an open platform that can support new applications in areas like big data analytics, cognitive computing, and industry solutions while providing choice, flexibility and availability on-premise or through the cloud. The report encourages inspiration and exploring what is possible with Power systems and its OpenPOWER consortium.
Future of Power - Lars Mikkelgaard-JensenIBM Danmark
IBM Maximo for Facility Management
1. Pr脱sentation af IBM Maximo for Facility
Jens Cajus Pedersen
+45 2880 4360
息 2012 IBM Corporation
2. Dagens agenda
10.00 10.20 Ankomst ved Storeb脱ltsbroen / let morgenmadsbuffet
10.20 11.00 Velkomst og Indl脱g 1: Trends inden for vedligehold ved Frank Madsen
fra K淡benhavns Lufthavn. Hvor er vedligehold p奪 vej hen? Hvad forventer
omverden af vedligehold? Og hvordan h脱nger vedligehold og milj淡
11.00 11.45 Indl脱g 2: Introduktion til Maximo Asset Management for Facility
Management. H淡r om de sp脱ndende muligheder Maximo tilbyder i
relation til Facility Management ved Jens Cajus og Per Engers fra IBM
11.45 12.00 Pause
12.00 12.45 Indl脱g 3: H淡r om IBM's tiltag inden for intelligente bygninger, hvor vi integrerer
fysiske og digitale infrastrukturer og udnytter energien bedst muligt, optimerer
pladsudnyttelsen og s脱nker omkostningerne ved Jens Cajus og Per Engers fra IBM
12.45 Frokost
13.15 13.45 Indl脱g 4: Hvad best奪r Storeb脱ltsbroen af og hvad er sket siden Storeb脱ltsbroen
奪bnede. Hvordan udf淡rer Storeb脱lt vedligehold med Maximo herunder konkrete
eksempler? Storeb脱ltsbroen ved Kurt Lauvring fra Sund og B脱lt og Frank V.
Hansen fra Maintech.
14.00 15.00 Rundtur p奪 Broen og Sprog淡
Ca. kl 15.00 Afgang til Lyngby og Aarhus
息 2012 IBM Corporation
3. Maximo platformen et standard system til registrering og styring af
Maximo er en moderne WEB platform og
har v脱ret p奪 markedet i Danmark siden
1996 og anvendes af b奪de offentlige og
private virksomheder.
Platformen underst淡tter en lang r脱kke
aktiver: produktionsudstyr, medicoteknisk
udstyr, transportudstyr, m奪le- og
analyseudstyr, bygninger, landanl脱g og veje,
IT udstyr m.m.
H奪ndterer: et aktivs livscyklus fra indk淡b til
Indeholder funktioner til: registrering af
udstyr/aktiver, underst淡ttelse af elektroniske
underskrifter, arbejdssedler og arbejdsplaner,
logning af 脱ndringer, workflows, integrationer
og meget andet.
ndringer til l淡sningen: kan nemt
konfigureres af administratorer gennem Corporation
息 2012 IBM
indbyggede v脱rkt淡jer
4. Maximo - H奪ndterer livscyklus for kritiske aktiver indenfor mange industrier
Asset Lifecycle
Traditional Asset Evaluate and Create /
Plan Operate Maintain Modify Dispose
Asset Classes Strategy Design Procure
Transportation and Fleet Fleet, Freight Logistics, Airlines, Railroad, Transit , Marine, Military
Facilities and Real Estate Distribution Centers, Offices, Warehouses, Retail Space, Land, Schools, Airports
Infrastructure Roads, Bridges, Tunnels, Railways, Electric / Gas Distribution, Telecom, Water
Plant and Production Industrial, Mining, Chemical, Petroleum, Electronics, CP, Life Sciences, Power Gen
IT Equipment and Network Desktops, Networks, Routers, Applications, Auto Discovery, Service Desk
息 2012 IBM Corporation
5. Maximo kan h奪ndtere mange typer aktiver her illustreret ved et
eksempel fra sundhedssektoren
Faciliteter /
Facilities /
息 2012 IBM Corporation
6. IBM Maximo Asset Management basis platformen
Asset Work Materials Contract Service
Management Management Management Management Management
ocations Job Plans Item Master Request for Quotation Purchase Contracts SLA Management
sset Routes Storerooms Receiving Master Contracts Incidents
ailure Codes Service Requests Inventory Receiving Inspections Warranty Contracts Problems
ondition Monitoring Service Items Issues & Transfers Purchase Requisitions Lease/Rental Contracts Solutions
Meters Work Order Tracking Condition Codes Invoices Labor Rate Contracts
Meter Groups Safety Stocked Tools Purchase Orders Payment Schedules
Quick Reporting Service Items Desktop Requisitions
Tools /Crafts/Companies
Preventive Maintenance
Master PM
Assignment Manager
Enhanced Workflow Event Driven, Context-based / Escalation Manager
KPIs / Reporting / Analysis
Security & Administration
Asset & service management solutions for the most critical assets across the enterprise
息 2012 IBM Corporation
7. Maximo Facility Asset Lifecycle Management
Asset Evaluate and Create /
Plan Operate Maintain Renovate Dispose
Strategy Design Procure
IT Assets in Operational or Productive Use
Overblik over Anskaf og registrer Udf淡r tilsyn, Kontrolleret
bygnings- aktiver vedligehold og disposition af
bygningsdesign i
anvendelse, forbrug foretag vurderinger aktiver
aktiv databasen Creation of assets via
og omkostninger og prioriteringer i
procurement, inventory forhold til gr淡nt Manage end of life
Understand building
Analyze current lease makeup in a facilities or vendor data regnskab Track end of life
terms and conditions related format ie Asset assignment Condition options
building, floor, room,
View total cost of Assessment
space. Asset tracking Adhere to regulatory
Budgeting and requirements
operation/ownership Naming conventions Notification of asset
for interoperability visibility to financial Manage disposed
Tie utility bills for receipt to end user
benchmarking and Built-in tools to add
rollup reporting Capture energy
asset attributes based Provide finance with
consumption details
on Asset Type accurate end of life
Understand use of data
Utilize Tivoli Service
recyclable materials
Management to create
and environmentally
service tickets
responsible materials
息 2012 IBM Corporation
8. Rollebaseret login KPIer, genveje og dynamiske data
息 2012 IBM Corporation
10. Styring af arbejdsopgaver arbejdsordrer og jobplaner
Logging alle aktiviteter logges med brugerid
Jobplaner ensartet udf淡rsel af opgaver
Jobplaner er kernen i proaktivt eftersyn (forebyggende vedligeholdelse), men kan ogs奪
bruges til andre former for rutine / repetitive opgaver.
Jobplaner er skabeloner, som kopieres til en arbejdsplan ved oprettelse af et job
(workorder) og kan indeholde:
息 2012 IBM Corporation
12. Konfigurations muligheder og v脱rkt淡jer
En administrator kan tilpasse og konfigurere stort set hele systemet gennem de
indbyggede konfigurationsv脱rkt淡jer - herunder f淡lgende:
Tilpasse, fjerne og oprette nye sk脱rmbilleder (herunder tilf淡je, fjerne og
脱ndre felter gennem Application Designer)
Tilpasse, fjerne og oprette nye Workflows (gennem drag & drop i Workflow
Oprette og tilpasse rapporter
Oprette skabeloner for startcentre og e-mails
Udvide databasen med nye felter
Da alle 脱ndringer er foretaget som konfiguration bibeholdes de ved senere
opgraderinger af systemet.
息 2012 IBM Corporation
13. Maximo underst淡tter brug af mobile enheder et omr奪de i rivende
Maximo Mobile Solutions underst淡tter brugen af PDA'er og
andre mobile enheder til registrering af udstyr. Medarbejdere "i
marken" kan udf淡re deres arbejde, mens informationer kan
sendes og hentes, n奪r og hvor det er n淡dvendigt.
De mobile l淡sninger underst淡tter blandt andet:
Connected eller Disconnected (med efterf淡lgende
Barcode / RFID teknologi
Windows Mobile devices
Med Maximo Mobile Work Manager kan brugere downloade
daglige arbejdsplaner, og efter udf淡rsel af opgaverne kan data
sendes retur til Maximo systemet
Med Maximo Mobile Inventory Manager kan man udf淡re
lager t脱lling og foretage udlevering og returnering af udstyr
Med Maximo Mobile Asset Manager kan man udf淡re apparat
kontrol, oprette nye assets/apparater p奪 lokationen samt
kontrollere og opdatere asset/apparat lokation, attributter,
tilstand med mere.
Maximo Everywhere enheder med web-browser kan f奪
fulde eller tilpasset adgang til Maximo. Eksempelvis IPod
Touch samt Iphone og andre smartphones
息 2012 IBM Corporation
14. Maximo Scheduler planl脱gning af arbejdsopgaver
Se multiple jobordrer og opgaver grafisk
Se/editer job afh脱ngigheder
Se/editer opgave afh脱ngigheder
Se resource load & tilg脱ngelighed
Dynamisk hvad hvis
Rediger job
datoer/varighed/afh脱ngigheder med
henblik p奪 at afklare og optimere
Drag and drop funktionalitet
息 2012 IBM Corporation
16. Rapporteringsmuligheder
Alle data kan m奪les, analyseres og rapporteres
Online Adhoc Standard
S淡gning Rapporter Rapporter
息 2012 IBM Corporation
17. Hvilken v脱rdi opn奪r Maximo kunder ?
Labor Utilization UP 10-20%
Asset Utilization UP 3-5%
Equipment purchases DOWN 3-5%
Warranty recoveries UP 10-50%
Inventory needs DOWN 20-30%
Inventory carrying costs DOWN 5-20%
Material costs REDUCED 5-10%
Purchasing labor REDUCED 10-50%
息 2012 IBM Corporation
18. 3nd Largest Maximo User Group - Facility Management (FMMUG)
Over 600 members representing a variety of industries
Education and Higher Ed Hospitality Retail
Service Providers
Public Sector
Health Care
息 2012 IBM Corporation
19. Maximos arkitektur danner en skalerbar WEB applikation
Arkitekturen er bygget over en SQL database samt en eller flere applikationsservere (webservere).
Typisk anvendes en directory server til administration af brugere (Microsoft Active Directory)
Der kr脱ves ikke nogen form for klient installation og Maximo kan tilg奪s blot der findes en internet
IBMs l淡sning er komplet indeholdende database software (DB2) og applikationsserver software
(Websphere) til afvikling af l淡sningen, dog kan man v脱lge at anvende andre software produkter,
s奪fremt dette 淡nskes.
息 2012 IBM Corporation
22. Integrationer
Data import/export
Data synkronisering
Applikationsintegration (event/process integration)
Launch in context
Maximos Integration Framework konfigureres med de indbyggede v脱rkt淡jer og
underst淡tter en lang r脱kke integrationsformater:
XML fil
Flad fil
Interface tabeller
JMS k淡
Kald til en Web Service
Kald til en EJB (Enterprise Java Bean) i en anden applikationsserver
Kald til en kommando i et andet system
息 2012 IBM Corporation
23. Maximo for Facilities typisk forl淡b (henvendelser/rekvisitioner)
Master repository
Service Desk is the Agreements Work Orders are
interface with the
for other systems CAD the interface with
Internal or External the Internal or
Clients External Service
Assets and Providers
Planned Work
Clients Locations Schedule
Service Desk
Standard Procurement
Communicate using Services Invoices
E-mail, Self Service Communicate using
Maximo, Telephone Maximo, Mobile
Maximo, Fax, E-mail,
Procurement in conjunction with
Integrated Systems
Standard Services provides for
automatic call-off of Services from a
Schedule of Rates Contract
息 2012 IBM Corporation
26. Reference case
Skejby Sygehus
Anvendt siden 2009
Implementeret p奪 seks m奪neder
Dataimport fra tidligere system
Alle lokationer p奪 Skejby er registreret
Den mobile medarbejder introduceres via WAN
Omfatter alle medarbejdere i teknisk afdeling
Implementeret af Maintech via train-the-trainer
息 2012 IBM Corporation
27. Reference case
- Amager Hospital
Anvendt siden 2001
100% helpdesk for teknisk afdeling
Styrer alle forbyggende opgaver
Alle afhj脱lpende opgave
Alle lokationer er registreret > 3.000
Alle anl脱g er registreret > 1.500
Administreres direkte p奪 deres intranet
Implementeret af Maintech via train-the-trainer
息 2012 IBM Corporation
Editor's Notes
#5: Our customers use maximo to manage the assets that the are critical to their business. And not just the assets but also the service, or business function, that those assets perform.
#18: This is a representative sample of different metrics from GBS' data, based on years of experience, client engagements, and analysis: Driven by the growth of asset RFID tags & sensors which populate key data to IT systems Need for clients to perform incident management on all assets, including industrial assets Extends functionality within ITSM portfolio Leverages leading IGS practices Management of all key assets is a real pain/challenge, and IBM is filling this void before anyone else