Jadwal perkuliahan semester ganjil Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas X terdiri dari berbagai mata kuliah seperti Teori Bilangan, Statistik Dasar, Struktur Aljabar, dan lainnya yang diampu oleh berbagai dosen. Mata kuliah tersebut diberikan setiap harinya dan berlangsung dari pagi hingga sore di berbagai ruang kuliah.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan daftar undangan seminar nasional yang berisi nama-nama dekan, ketua jurusan, dosen dan ketua himpunan mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Udayana beserta nomor telepon mereka.
Kalender akademik semester genap tahun akademik 2013/2014 menjelaskan jadwal kegiatan perkuliahan dan ujian mulai dari registrasi, perwalian, perkuliahan sebelum UTS dan UAS, UTS, libur hari raya Idul Fitri, dan diakhiri dengan UAS pada 18-30 Agustus 2014.
Dokumen ini berisi daftar peringkat 40 guru BK berdasarkan jumlah user aplikasi BK masing-masing. Guru peringkat pertama adalah Retno Ayu Larasati dengan 168 user dan IPK 3.48.
Dokumen berisi daftar peringkat 40 guru MTK berdasarkan nilai total kegiatan mengajar (TKD) yang terdiri dari nilai ranking, nama, total waktu mengajar (TWK), total interaksi unggulan (TIU), total kehadiran praktik (TKP), jumlah user, universitas, dan IPK. Nila Kumoro menduduki peringkat pertama dengan TKD 194. Beberapa guru lain yang masuk 10 besar antara lain Ana Samrotul Jannah, Priska Prameswari,
Dokumen tersebut merupakan panduan monitoring dan evaluasi kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan institut IAIN Purwokerto yang disusun oleh tim penyusun dari Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu IAIN Purwokerto. Panduan ini memberikan gambaran mengenai tujuan, manfaat, sasaran, aspek yang dinilai, metode pengumpulan dan analisis data, serta tahapan pelaksanaan survei kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan akademik dan non-akademik di IAIN Purwoker
MTCS is a training establishment located in Windermere, England that provides ROV and offshore survey training. The training content follows IMCA guidance documents and syllabi to develop competencies in ROV operations. Trainees are assessed using IMCA guidelines, and certificates can be validated online by scanning a QR code or entering a URL provided on the certificate.
Transferencia de calor en un intercambiador de placas durante la pasteurizaci...Claudio Pinuer
The document describes a study that measured heat transfer during pasteurization of orange juice using a plate heat exchanger. The study measured the density and viscosity of orange juice at different temperatures. It found that the heat transfer coefficient of orange juice varied from 983 to 6500 W/m2属C, while water's coefficient varied higher from 8387 to 24245 W/m2属C. The study developed a correlation to predict the orange juice heat transfer coefficient as a function of its viscosity and channel velocity, independent of plate geometry.
El impacto ambiental se refiere al efecto de la actividad humana sobre el medio ambiente y puede incluir la contaminaci坦n de mares, emisiones de gases, y p辿rdida de h叩bitats naturales. La ecolog鱈a mide este impacto y busca minimizarlo, mientras que la evaluaci坦n de impacto ambiental identifica y eval炭a los efectos de proyectos sobre el medio f鱈sico y social. La declaraci坦n de impacto ambiental resume los principales hallazgos de la evaluaci坦n y determina si el proyecto es aprobado desde una perspectiva ambiental.
La Unidad Educativa Fiscomional "Jaime Rold坦s Aguilera" se encuentra en la Parroquia Cotundo de la Provincia de Napo. Actualmente ofrece especializaciones en ventas de informaci坦n, comercializaci坦n tur鱈stica y bachillerato general unificado. El museo de la escuela lleva el nombre de la parroquia y exhibe piezas arqueol坦gicas de cer叩mica y hachas de piedra que dan cuenta de la presencia de pueblos guerreros en la regi坦n antes de la conquista espa単ola.
This document summarizes the landscape of spaza shops in South African townships. Spaza shops are small grocery stores that traditionally play an important role retailing basic goods. They provide a critical source of income for many families and women owners. However, spaza shops face challenges including lack of education, low bargaining power, crime, lack of credit access, and inefficiencies in distribution systems. A proposed solution is to create a cooperative database of spaza shops to improve distribution channels, increase revenues through bulk purchasing discounts, and provide business training and technology services.
Anus Moin is a network engineer currently working at Interlink Technologies in Khobar, Saudi Arabia. He has a BS in Telecommunication Engineering from Newport University and diplomas in Technical Education and Electrical Engineering. His experience includes over 5 years working in networking roles for various companies in Karachi, Pakistan. He is fluent in Urdu and English and has skills in team management, business development, communication, and sales.
Regulation of Medical Research under European Data ProtectionDavid Erdos
Medical research provides unique and critical public benefits but also necessarily involves the processing of some of the most sensitive and private data - which European Data Protection is rightly concerned with safeguarding. Looking at the law across all European Economic Area (EEA) jurisdictions, this presentation outlines the barriers which application of default European data protection norms can pose to such work from requirements to obtain consent for sensitive personal data processing, to data subject notification rules and subject access. Drawing on a survey of Data Protection Authorities it also indicates that regulators are inclined to interpret the law strictly here although enforcement is often rather limited. The presentation then looks forward to the future under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) arguing that the obstacles in the way of getting the law right here remain formidable and, in addition, there is a need for much greater engagement between DPAs and those involved in medical research. (N.B. These slides are based on talk given to the PHG Foundation at Hughes Hall on 13 October 2015 but have been updated in light of the finalization of the GDPR).
Experiences in responding to literature can give children background for dealing with more real life experiences.
Este documento establece las faltas de los estudiantes y las acciones disciplinarias correspondientes seg炭n su gravedad. Las faltas se clasifican como leves, graves o muy graves e incluyen alterar la paz escolar, actos de violencia, deteriorar bienes e interferir con actividades acad辿micas. Las sanciones van desde amonestaciones hasta suspensiones o expulsiones, aplicadas a trav辿s de procesos disciplinarios internos que respetan el derecho a la defensa.
Specifications for the real world Using Specification by Example and GherkinKamil Nicieja
Buy "Writing Great Specificaitons" at https://www.manning.com/books/writing-great-specifications
Specification by Example is a collaborative approach to defining and illustrating software requirements using concrete examples. Gherkin is a business-readable DSL that you use to describe software's behavior as executable test cases that are easy for non-technical folks to understand. Together, Specification by Example and Gherkin offer programmers, designers, and managers an inclusive environment for clear communication, discovering requirements, and building a documentation system.
"Writing Great Specifications" is an example-rich tutorial that teaches you how to write good Gherkin specification documents that take advantage of Specification by Example's benefits. The book begins by giving you introductions to Specification by Example and Gherkin as well as the big picture of how they work together. After a crash course in Gherkin, you'll go in-depth learning to write the text layer of executable specifications in Gherkin in a clear, understandable, and concise manner. Non-engineers will learn how to make essential contributions to testing without having to learn to write testing code. Engineers and testers will find it helpful in striking a stronger chord with non-technical audiences through automated specifications.
EU General Data Protection Regulation & Transborder Information FlowDavid Erdos
This document discusses the European approach to data protection and reconciling it with other interests and rights. It outlines the key principles of European data protection law, including requirements for personal data processing, sensitive data rules, and transparency. It acknowledges tensions with economic, security and other interests. It analyzes rules governing international data transfers and derogations. While the law initially took a flexible approach, more recent court rulings have emphasized data protection as a fundamental right and imposed stricter standards for determining if non-EU countries ensure an adequate level of protection. The upcoming General Data Protection Regulation poses challenges in further restricting data transfers abroad.
Este documento describe el r辿gimen disciplinario para estudiantes seg炭n la Ley Org叩nica de Educaci坦n Intercultural del Ecuador. Enumera seis faltas que pueden cometer los estudiantes, como fraude acad辿mico o actos de violencia. Dependiendo de la gravedad de la falta, las acciones disciplinarias pueden incluir una amonestaci坦n, suspensi坦n temporal o separaci坦n definitiva de la instituci坦n. Los procesos disciplinarios se inician a petici坦n de una parte o de oficio, y un estudiante puede ser suspendido temporalmente durante una investigaci坦n por una
Genetically modified foods have been developed since 1983 when the first genetically engineered plant was created. GM foods are produced by inserting genes from other organisms into crops to give them new traits like pest or disease resistance. While GM foods could increase yields and nutrition, there are also health and environmental concerns. In the Philippines, Bt corn was first introduced commercially in 2002 but the Catholic Church and some groups oppose GM foods due to safety issues. The regulatory system for GM foods in the Philippines is also limited.
Building the Framework: Connecting Users to Relevant, Real-Time Data Webcast ...Tallan
In the second of the three-part series, join Tallans SharePoint Practice Director, Reddy Kadasani, and Lead SharePoint Architect, Michael Gerety, to learn the benefits of developing a connected knowledge solution using SharePoint 2013. See firsthand how enabling information retrieval and sharing can maximize business users ability to quickly find and share data with colleagues and collaborate over results. In this session you will learn how to:
Increase communication using new collaborative techniques
Enable social features to drive content delivery and improve search result relevancy
Actively engage users and connect on the go using mobile features
Join us to explore how SharePoint 2013 can transform your enterprise into a connected, collaborative workplace.
file ini dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Program Aplikasi Komputer materi Microsoft Excel
Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah meng-upload file ini, namun ada sedikit kesalahan dalam mengubah format (.xlsx) ke (.pdf)
inilah file yang sudah benar..
Nama : Silvia Kuswanti
NIM : 06081181419017
Prodi : Penidikan Matematika
Kampus : Indralaya
Universitas Sriwijaya
MTCS is a training establishment located in Windermere, England that provides ROV and offshore survey training. The training content follows IMCA guidance documents and syllabi to develop competencies in ROV operations. Trainees are assessed using IMCA guidelines, and certificates can be validated online by scanning a QR code or entering a URL provided on the certificate.
Transferencia de calor en un intercambiador de placas durante la pasteurizaci...Claudio Pinuer
The document describes a study that measured heat transfer during pasteurization of orange juice using a plate heat exchanger. The study measured the density and viscosity of orange juice at different temperatures. It found that the heat transfer coefficient of orange juice varied from 983 to 6500 W/m2属C, while water's coefficient varied higher from 8387 to 24245 W/m2属C. The study developed a correlation to predict the orange juice heat transfer coefficient as a function of its viscosity and channel velocity, independent of plate geometry.
El impacto ambiental se refiere al efecto de la actividad humana sobre el medio ambiente y puede incluir la contaminaci坦n de mares, emisiones de gases, y p辿rdida de h叩bitats naturales. La ecolog鱈a mide este impacto y busca minimizarlo, mientras que la evaluaci坦n de impacto ambiental identifica y eval炭a los efectos de proyectos sobre el medio f鱈sico y social. La declaraci坦n de impacto ambiental resume los principales hallazgos de la evaluaci坦n y determina si el proyecto es aprobado desde una perspectiva ambiental.
La Unidad Educativa Fiscomional "Jaime Rold坦s Aguilera" se encuentra en la Parroquia Cotundo de la Provincia de Napo. Actualmente ofrece especializaciones en ventas de informaci坦n, comercializaci坦n tur鱈stica y bachillerato general unificado. El museo de la escuela lleva el nombre de la parroquia y exhibe piezas arqueol坦gicas de cer叩mica y hachas de piedra que dan cuenta de la presencia de pueblos guerreros en la regi坦n antes de la conquista espa単ola.
This document summarizes the landscape of spaza shops in South African townships. Spaza shops are small grocery stores that traditionally play an important role retailing basic goods. They provide a critical source of income for many families and women owners. However, spaza shops face challenges including lack of education, low bargaining power, crime, lack of credit access, and inefficiencies in distribution systems. A proposed solution is to create a cooperative database of spaza shops to improve distribution channels, increase revenues through bulk purchasing discounts, and provide business training and technology services.
Anus Moin is a network engineer currently working at Interlink Technologies in Khobar, Saudi Arabia. He has a BS in Telecommunication Engineering from Newport University and diplomas in Technical Education and Electrical Engineering. His experience includes over 5 years working in networking roles for various companies in Karachi, Pakistan. He is fluent in Urdu and English and has skills in team management, business development, communication, and sales.
Regulation of Medical Research under European Data ProtectionDavid Erdos
Medical research provides unique and critical public benefits but also necessarily involves the processing of some of the most sensitive and private data - which European Data Protection is rightly concerned with safeguarding. Looking at the law across all European Economic Area (EEA) jurisdictions, this presentation outlines the barriers which application of default European data protection norms can pose to such work from requirements to obtain consent for sensitive personal data processing, to data subject notification rules and subject access. Drawing on a survey of Data Protection Authorities it also indicates that regulators are inclined to interpret the law strictly here although enforcement is often rather limited. The presentation then looks forward to the future under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) arguing that the obstacles in the way of getting the law right here remain formidable and, in addition, there is a need for much greater engagement between DPAs and those involved in medical research. (N.B. These slides are based on talk given to the PHG Foundation at Hughes Hall on 13 October 2015 but have been updated in light of the finalization of the GDPR).
Experiences in responding to literature can give children background for dealing with more real life experiences.
Este documento establece las faltas de los estudiantes y las acciones disciplinarias correspondientes seg炭n su gravedad. Las faltas se clasifican como leves, graves o muy graves e incluyen alterar la paz escolar, actos de violencia, deteriorar bienes e interferir con actividades acad辿micas. Las sanciones van desde amonestaciones hasta suspensiones o expulsiones, aplicadas a trav辿s de procesos disciplinarios internos que respetan el derecho a la defensa.
Specifications for the real world Using Specification by Example and GherkinKamil Nicieja
Buy "Writing Great Specificaitons" at https://www.manning.com/books/writing-great-specifications
Specification by Example is a collaborative approach to defining and illustrating software requirements using concrete examples. Gherkin is a business-readable DSL that you use to describe software's behavior as executable test cases that are easy for non-technical folks to understand. Together, Specification by Example and Gherkin offer programmers, designers, and managers an inclusive environment for clear communication, discovering requirements, and building a documentation system.
"Writing Great Specifications" is an example-rich tutorial that teaches you how to write good Gherkin specification documents that take advantage of Specification by Example's benefits. The book begins by giving you introductions to Specification by Example and Gherkin as well as the big picture of how they work together. After a crash course in Gherkin, you'll go in-depth learning to write the text layer of executable specifications in Gherkin in a clear, understandable, and concise manner. Non-engineers will learn how to make essential contributions to testing without having to learn to write testing code. Engineers and testers will find it helpful in striking a stronger chord with non-technical audiences through automated specifications.
EU General Data Protection Regulation & Transborder Information FlowDavid Erdos
This document discusses the European approach to data protection and reconciling it with other interests and rights. It outlines the key principles of European data protection law, including requirements for personal data processing, sensitive data rules, and transparency. It acknowledges tensions with economic, security and other interests. It analyzes rules governing international data transfers and derogations. While the law initially took a flexible approach, more recent court rulings have emphasized data protection as a fundamental right and imposed stricter standards for determining if non-EU countries ensure an adequate level of protection. The upcoming General Data Protection Regulation poses challenges in further restricting data transfers abroad.
Este documento describe el r辿gimen disciplinario para estudiantes seg炭n la Ley Org叩nica de Educaci坦n Intercultural del Ecuador. Enumera seis faltas que pueden cometer los estudiantes, como fraude acad辿mico o actos de violencia. Dependiendo de la gravedad de la falta, las acciones disciplinarias pueden incluir una amonestaci坦n, suspensi坦n temporal o separaci坦n definitiva de la instituci坦n. Los procesos disciplinarios se inician a petici坦n de una parte o de oficio, y un estudiante puede ser suspendido temporalmente durante una investigaci坦n por una
Genetically modified foods have been developed since 1983 when the first genetically engineered plant was created. GM foods are produced by inserting genes from other organisms into crops to give them new traits like pest or disease resistance. While GM foods could increase yields and nutrition, there are also health and environmental concerns. In the Philippines, Bt corn was first introduced commercially in 2002 but the Catholic Church and some groups oppose GM foods due to safety issues. The regulatory system for GM foods in the Philippines is also limited.
Building the Framework: Connecting Users to Relevant, Real-Time Data Webcast ...Tallan
In the second of the three-part series, join Tallans SharePoint Practice Director, Reddy Kadasani, and Lead SharePoint Architect, Michael Gerety, to learn the benefits of developing a connected knowledge solution using SharePoint 2013. See firsthand how enabling information retrieval and sharing can maximize business users ability to quickly find and share data with colleagues and collaborate over results. In this session you will learn how to:
Increase communication using new collaborative techniques
Enable social features to drive content delivery and improve search result relevancy
Actively engage users and connect on the go using mobile features
Join us to explore how SharePoint 2013 can transform your enterprise into a connected, collaborative workplace.
file ini dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Program Aplikasi Komputer materi Microsoft Excel
Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah meng-upload file ini, namun ada sedikit kesalahan dalam mengubah format (.xlsx) ke (.pdf)
inilah file yang sudah benar..
Nama : Silvia Kuswanti
NIM : 06081181419017
Prodi : Penidikan Matematika
Kampus : Indralaya
Universitas Sriwijaya
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang distribusi nilai ulangan siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 13 Palembang. Terdapat 40 siswa yang mengikuti ulangan dengan rentang nilai 70-99. Jumlah siswa terbanyak mendapatkan nilai 85-89 yaitu sebanyak 10 siswa.
Dokumen tersebut merangkum contoh-contoh komponen penyajian data dalam Microsoft Word seperti abstrak, tabel, grafik, gambar, dan jadwal kegiatan yang digunakan dalam penyusunan tugas aplikasi komputer. Dokumen ini disusun oleh mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika untuk melatih keterampilan membuat komponen penyajian data dalam penulisan makalah.
Aplikom_UNSRI_5.b Daftar Nilai_Sherly Anggraini(06081181419005)Sherly Anggraini
Ringkasan dari dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Daftar nilai mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Matematika semester ganjil 2015/2016 Universitas Sriwijaya.
2. Terdapat 20 mahasiswa dengan penilaian berdasarkan kehadiran, tugas, UTS, UAS, dan total grade.
3. Kriteria penilaian terdiri dari rentang nilai A (86-100), B (71-85), C (56-70), D (41-55), dan E (0-40).
Mata kuliah yang paling banyak digemari mahasiswa program studi matematika semester III Universitas Sriwijaya tahun 2015-2016 adalah Statistika Dasar dengan frekuensi 12, diikuti oleh Penjaskes dengan frekuensi 7, dan Geometri dengan frekuensi 4.
Jadwal Rangkaian Ujian Akhir Kelas XII SMK NU Mekanika Buntet Pesantren CirebonMughits Rifai
Dokumen ini berisi jadwal ujian-ujian yang akan dilaksanakan di SMK Mekanika Buntet Pesantren untuk tahun pelajaran 2014-2015, meliputi try out I dan II, ujian kompetensi keahlian praktik utama, ujian sekolah teori dan praktik, ujian tengah semester genap untuk kelas X dan XI, serta ujian nasional utama.
Tentatif Program Minggu Jalinan Mesra Kolej UNITI 6 / 2015Profil Modal Uniti
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
Minggu Jalinan Mesra 6/2015 diadakan selama 3 hari untuk memberikan taklimat kepada peserta baru mengenai program, fasiliti, dan peraturan di Kolej UNITI. Majlis Ikrar akan diadakan pada hari ketiga untuk mempersembahkan ikrar setia dan simbolik keanggotaan kepada Kolej UNITI.
Agenda kegiatan temu akrab Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi pada 30 April 2016 meliputi kegiatan cheking peserta, opening ceremony, sambutan, sharing permasalahan bersama dosen dan mahasiswa, istirahat siang, keakraban melalui bermain game, hingga penutupan acara.
Lomba cerdas cermat matematika tingkat SMP dan SMA di Sumatera akan diselenggarakan pada 20-22 Mei 2014. Soal tesnya berisi 40 soal pilihan ganda tentang berbagai aspek matematika seperti bilangan, aljabar, geometri, dan statistika.
Media Pembelajaran PowerPoint Interaktif "Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung"Dhea Budiman
Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang bangun ruang kerucut, termasuk unsur-unsur, rumus luas permukaan dan volume, serta contoh soal terkait kerucut.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan bab I dari skripsi yang membahas latar belakang, rumusan masalah, tujuan, dan manfaat penelitian tentang kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada pembelajaran matematika menggunakan model penemuan terbimbing. Rumusan masalah penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas VII.3 SMP Negeri 17 Palembang. Tujuan penelitian adal
Dokumen tersebut membahas sistem pernapasan pada manusia dan hewan. Terdapat informasi tentang alat pernapasan, proses pernapasan, mekanisme, volume udara, dan pertukaran gas. Juga dibahas kelainan dan sistem pernapasan pada hewan.
Kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi telah menyebabkan krisis kemanusiaan. Meskipun ilmu berhasil menyelesaikan masalah, namun gagal menumbuhkan moralitas. Masyarakat modern mengalami kemerosotan akhlak yang mengkhawatirkan. Filsafat ilmu dan nilai kemanusiaan berupaya mengembalikan tujuan mulia ilmu agar tidak merugikan manusia.
Fungsi sistem pencernaan - Dhea BudimanDhea Budiman
Dokumen tersebut merangkum tentang sistem pencernaan manusia, meliputi fungsi, organ-organ pencernaan, jenis-jenis zat gizi yang dicerna, dan beberapa gangguan pencernaan.
1. Jadwal Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Pesantren Kilat Ramadhan
No Hari/Tanggal Waktu Jenis Kegiatan Petugas Ket
1 Rabu, 3 Agustus 2011 07.30-08.30 Pembukaan Sanlat Kepala Sekolah Aula
08.30-09.00 Penjelasan Urnurn Panitia Aula
09.00-10.00 Materi I Akhlakulkarimah Hamid Aula
10.00-10.30 Istirahat
10-30-11.30 Materi II IslamAgama yang sejuk Abdul Muthalib Aula
11.30-12.30 Sholat Dzuhur/kultum Amran Masjid
12.30-14.00 Materi III Tatacara dan pratekthoharoh Maryani Aula
2 Kamis, 4 Agustus 2011 07.30-08.00 Shalat Dhuha Masjid
08.00-09.00 BTQ Amran Aula
Abdul Muthalib Kelas
Maryani Masjid
09.00-10.00 Materi I Waladunsolih / solihah Zainab Aula
10.00-10.30 Istirahat
10-30-11.30 Materi II Al-quran sebagai pedoman hidup Maryani Aula
11,30-12.30 Shalat Dzuhur / kultum Amran Masjid
12.30-14.00 Materi III Tatacara Praktek Toharoh Maryani Aula
3 Jumat, 5 Agustus 2011 07.30-09.00 Shalat Dhuha Masjid
08.00-09.00 BTQ Abdul Muthalib Aula
09.00-10.00 Materi I Pergaulan remaja Maryani Aula
10.00-10.30 Istirahat
10-30-11.30 Materi II Perkembangan Islam Abdul Hamid Aula
11.30-13.00 Sholat jumat Amran Masjid
Keputrian Zainab Aula
13.00-14.00 Materi III tatacara dan pratek shalat Abdul Muthalib Aula
4 Sabtu, 6 Agustus 2011 07.30-08.00 Shalat Dhuha Masjid
08.00-09.00 BTQ Amran Aula
Abdul Muthalib
09.00-10.00 Materi I Adab kepada kaumduafa Abdul Muthalib Aula
10.00-10.30 Istirahat
10-30-11.30 Materi II Kebersihan sebagian dari imam Zainab Aula
11.30-12.30 Shalat dzuhur / kultum Abdul Muthalib Masjid
12.30-14.00 Materi III tatacara dan pratek sholat Maryani Aula
5. Senin, 8 Agustus 2011 16.00-17.00 TauziyahRamadhan Indoor
17.00-17.30 Selingan Indoor
17.30-18.00 Persiapan Tajil Panitia Indoor
Shalat Maghrib Panitia Indoor
18.00-19.00 Buka Bersama Wali Kelas Indoor
19.00-21.00 Shalat Isya Abdul Muthalib Indoor
Shalat Tarawih Abdul Muthalib Indoor
2. Kehadiran Tugas UTS UAS
1 Anggie Destifanny 70 85 60 90 78 B
2 Dela Fadila 80 85 90 80 84 B
3 Dwi Ranti Dhea Karima 100 85 95 90 91,5 A
4 Riski Destaliani 95 85 98 75 85,9 B
5 Tri Nanda Kurniawan 85 85 56 86 76,7 B
6 Kamilah Febrina 80 85 88 90 87,4 A Grade
7 Sarah Heris Tri Ranti 75 85 90 79 83,1 B A
8 Tri Diska Nabilah Fitri 80 85 75 80 79,5 B B
9 Zelin Heris Dwi Safitri 75 85 60 86 76,9 B C
10 Dirhan 80 85 55 75 71,5 B D
11 Henny Fitria 85 85 80 75 79,5 B E
12 Al Aisyah Dwi Agustin 90 85 80 60 74 B
Kehadiran 10%
Tugas 20%
UTS 30%
UAS 40%
Rentang Angka
4. 1 Anggie Destifanny 90 1
2 Dela Fadila 80 6
3 Dwi Ranti Dhea Karima 90 1
4 Riski Destaliani 75 9 Modus 90 =MODE(RANGE)
5 Tri Nanda Kurniawan 86 4 Median 83 =MEDIAN(RANGE)
6 Kamilah Febrina 90 1 Mean 83,1 =AVERAGE(RANGE)
7 Sarah Heris Tri Ranti 79 8 MAX 90 =MAX(RANGE)
8 Tri Diska Nabilah Fitri 80 6 MIN 75 =MIN(RANGE)
9 Zelin Heris Dwi Safitri 86 4
10 Dirhan 75 9
Jumlah 831
Sumber: Data Buatan
Diketahui Data Nilai Matematika Siswa Kelas XII SMA "HIMMALAYA"
Rumus Hasil Formula
RankNo Nama Nilai