Prezentacja Head of Sales @UsabilityTools na Sales Camp zorganizowanym przez Divante.
Kuba prezentuje dlaczego Wasza firma nie odnosi sukcesu. Opierając się o własne doświadczenia, pokazuje jak efektywnie zbudować Sales Team, jak nim zarządzać, jak wdrażać efektywne procesy sprzedażowe i na co zwrócić uwagę aby systematycznie zwiększać zyski.
The Head of Sales @ - Jacob, was giving a presentation during Divante's Sales Camp in Warsaw.
Jacob was pointing out the typical reasons for startups to fail. He was explaining how to efficiently build a sales team, how to implement the best processes for outbound sales and how to make sure that your revenues will have constant growth that is predictable.
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UsabilityTools - Jak budować Sales Team: ludzie, procesy, narzędzia
2. Intro
You shouldn’t focus on why you can’t do
something, which is what most people
do. You should focus on why perhaps
you can, and be one of the exceptions.
- Steve Case, AOL
3. Agenda
1. Dlaczego Twój startup to #FAIL
2. Zanim zbudujesz sales team
3. Ludzie
4. Procesy
5. Narzędzia
6. Rezultaty
Always deliver more than expected.
- Larry Page, Google
4. Dlaczego Twój startup to #FAIL
Voice of Customer
Do or do not. There is no try.
- Master Yoda
5. Kiedy potrzebujesz sales team’u
Zbyt mały pipeline sprzedażowy
Rozbudowany proces sprzedaży
Mało informacji o rynku
Twój proces potrzebuje zmian
Chcesz ekperymentować
Whatever you do, don’t obsess over
forecasting. Get out there and build your
- Dan Perry, SalesForce
6. Zanim zbudujsz sales team
Wybierz 3 kraje na których się skupisz
Zdefiniuj najbardziej atrakcyjne branże
Wybierz stanowiska docelowych userów/klientów
Zbierz informacje o konkurencji
Zdefiniuj typowe punkty konwersji
You were born to win, but to be a winner you
must plan to win, prepare to win and expect to
- Zig Ziglar
8. Ludzie
Jasne, określone cele
Znajomość produktu i rynku
When people are placed in positions slightly
above what they expect, they are apt to excel.
- Richard Branson
10. Procesy
It’s not ABC, it’s ABQ - Always Be Qualifying
- Jakub Krolikowski, UsabilityTools
Sales Prospects vs Sales Suspects
Prospects Leads Opportunities Closed WON
10 deals40 opptys160 leads640 prospects
11. Procesy
Przykłady emaili
Magia followupów
Every sale has 5 basic obstacles: no need, no
money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.
- Zig Ziglar
12. Procesy
Przykładowy cold email:
Quick request/ Appropriate person/ quick question/ trying to connect
Przykład: I’m writing in hopes of talking to the appropriate person who handles ... In
that pursuit I also wrote to your manager, his manager and the CEO. If it makes sense to
talk, let me know how you calendar looks.
Przykład: I was making a research about your company trying to find out if there is a
need for ... Could you please refer me to the person in charge of ...?
Selling to people who actually want to hear
from you is more effective than interrupting
strangers who don’t
- Seth Godin
13. Narzędzia
Bazy danych
Śledzenie emaili
It is not your customer’s job to remember you. It
is your obligation and responsibility to make sure
they don’t have a chance to forget you
- Patricia Fripp
14. Rezultaty
Formal education will make you a living; self
education will make you a fortune.
- Jim Rohn
16. Praca
Customer Success Manager
Sales Development Specialist
JavaScript Developer
The secret to successful hiring is this: look for
people who want to change the world.
- Marc Benioff, SalesForce
17. Dzięki za Wasz czas
Jacob Krolikowski, Head of Sales
+48 696 225 602