Azpe inform¨¢tica te invita a darte un paseo por la historia de las redes sociales y te sugiere contactar con Azpe para convertirte en un experto en ofimatica
Diane is an administrative worker at Stanford in her 40s who is busy and doesn't spend enough time exercising. Her coworkers invite her to join them for lunch at a cafe 15 minutes away by foot, and she decides to walk there and back with one of her coworkers who is part of the Stanford Walking Guild.
women¡¯s earned income is growing at 8.1% compared to 5.8% for men. Women are awarded more than half of first professional degrees, and nearly two thirds of master¡¯s degrees. Rising portions of women do not marry until mid-career, and subsequently retain independent financial resources. Still, surveys indicate that over half of all women included some type of philanthropy in their description of an ideal life. The implications of changing wealth ownership for fundraising strategy must be top of mind for philanthropy professionals.
Este documento presenta res¨²menes de varios buscadores de Internet como Searchmash, Hakia, Scroogle, A-9, Snap, Chacha, Yahooligans, Mooter y AltaVista, describiendo brevemente sus caracter¨ªsticas y funcionalidades.
The document outlines supplies needed for a Greek themed event including white linen for the table, a blue glass vase, plates, glasses, flatware, and napkins decorated with a Greek theme as well as a coffee cup set.
The document discusses a startup company called Inventev that is developing plug-in hybrid electric powertrains for medium-duty commercial trucks. Inventev sees an opportunity to electrify these trucks which have been less prioritized than other vehicle classes. Their system would allow trucks to operate for 30-50 miles on battery power alone or use the engine as a range extender. It would also enable mobile power generation at job sites to reduce idling and provide electricity during outages. Inventev believes their technology can save fleets over $8,000 in fuel costs compared to diesel trucks and provide a payback period of under 4 years.
El documento describe los elementos b¨¢sicos del dise?o, incluyendo puntos, l¨ªneas, planos y vol¨²menes como elementos conceptuales. Luego describe elementos visuales como forma, medida, color y textura. A continuaci¨®n, describe elementos de relaci¨®n como direcci¨®n, posici¨®n y gravedad. Finalmente, menciona elementos pr¨¢cticos que constituyen el contenido y alcance de un dise?o.
Este documento presenta una gu¨ªa sobre hidrocarburos para un curso de qu¨ªmica org¨¢nica. Explica que los hidrocarburos son compuestos de carbono e hidr¨®geno que se encuentran en el petr¨®leo, gas natural y carb¨®n. Se clasifican los hidrocarburos en alif¨¢ticos, arom¨¢ticos y c¨ªclicos. Adem¨¢s, presenta las reglas de la nomenclatura IUPAC y ejercicios para nombrar diferentes hidrocarburos. Finalmente, incluye lecturas sobre toxicidad qu¨ªmica y nut
The document is an agenda and presentation slides for an EVM (Economic Value Management) teach-in at Swiss Re on March 31, 2008. The presentation introduces EVM methodology, figures, and compares EVM to embedded value. EVM is Swiss Re's integrated economic framework used for planning, pricing, reserving and managing the business. It separates underwriting and investment performance, recognizes profits at inception based on expected cash flows, and measures performance after capital costs. Sample EVM calculations and investment performance examples are provided to illustrate the methodology.
Este documento define la biolog¨ªa molecular y describe sus principales componentes. Explica que la biolog¨ªa molecular estudia los procesos biol¨®gicos a nivel molecular, relacionando las estructuras de biomol¨¦culas con sus funciones. Describe la estructura del ADN y c¨®mo este se usa para producir ARN y prote¨ªnas. Tambi¨¦n cubre los m¨¦todos utilizados en biolog¨ªa molecular como la microscop¨ªa electr¨®nica y la cromatograf¨ªa.
Development, distribution and use of open source software comprise a market of data (source code, bug reports, documentation, number of downloads, etc.) from projects, developers and users. This large amount of data makes it difficult for people involved to make sense of implicit links between software projects, e.g., dependencies, patterns, licenses. This context raises the question of what techniques and mechanisms can be used to help users and developers to link related pieces of information across software projects. In this paper, we propose a framework for a marketplace enhanced using linked open data (LOD) technology for linking software artifacts within projects as well as across software projects. The marketplace provides the infrastructure for collecting and aggregating software engineering data as well as developing services for mining, statistics, analytics and visualization of software data. Based on cross-linking software artifacts and projects, the marketplace enables developers and users to understand the individual value of components, their relationship to bigger software systems. Improved understanding creates new business opportunities for software companies: users will be better able to analyze and compare projects, developers can increase the visibility of their products, hosts may offer plug-ins and services over the data to paying customers.
This document provides a status report on Wings 2014, which is a report on the world of girls in India published by Save the Children. Some key points:
- Save the Children works to protect children's rights in 120 countries including 16 states in India. Their goal is to inspire changes in how the world treats children and achieve lasting improvements to children's lives.
- The report aims to provide an in-depth look at the complex world that India's 225 million girls grow up in, which is shaped by both tradition and rapid modernization.
- While girls' aspirations have increased with greater access to education and media, societal responses have not kept pace. Issues like abuse, sex-selective abortion, and
Quintel 8 Port Press Release Feb2012 Final CopyNick Walker
Quintel has developed the world's first 8-Port/Quadband slimline antenna that allows operators to combine four major frequency bands in North America onto a single antenna. The antenna provides independent tilt control for each band and polarization, enabling applications like spatial diversity and high power PIM3 mitigation. It allows operators to optimize coverage and capacity while reducing infrastructure costs.
2011-2012 p?gick ett mobilt l?randeprojekt i tv? gymnasieklasser p? Str?mbackaskolan. Projektuppf?ljningen baseras p? m?natlig anv?ndarrapportering till projektledaren, helgruppssamtal med elever i respektive klass, 55 deltagares enk?tsvar samt 13 individuella djupintervjuer med s?v?l personal som elever. Bildspelet anv?ndes som st?d under presentationen av de prelimin?ra resultaten och f?rstaanblicksanalysen. En rapport f?ljer till h?sten 2012 medan en vetenskaplig publicering f?r anst? till dess att intervjuerna hunnit bearbetas och analyseras ordentligt.
Paul Nijbakker: Distansundervisning Innovation och InkubationNVL - DISTANS
Paul Nijbakkers presentation at the symposium "Education creates Development" - Uddannelse skaber Udvikling, in Rudk?bing Denmark 8. march 2011
A presentation in Swedish giving a peek at the various efforts developed at Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences with an eye to making it possible for people to remain living in the remote areas of Finnish Lapland.
This presentation was delivered during the Nordic conference "Uddannelse skaber udvikling" at Rudk?bing in Denmark on 8 March, 2011.
The document discusses a startup company called Inventev that is developing plug-in hybrid electric powertrains for medium-duty commercial trucks. Inventev sees an opportunity to electrify these trucks which have been less prioritized than other vehicle classes. Their system would allow trucks to operate for 30-50 miles on battery power alone or use the engine as a range extender. It would also enable mobile power generation at job sites to reduce idling and provide electricity during outages. Inventev believes their technology can save fleets over $8,000 in fuel costs compared to diesel trucks and provide a payback period of under 4 years.
El documento describe los elementos b¨¢sicos del dise?o, incluyendo puntos, l¨ªneas, planos y vol¨²menes como elementos conceptuales. Luego describe elementos visuales como forma, medida, color y textura. A continuaci¨®n, describe elementos de relaci¨®n como direcci¨®n, posici¨®n y gravedad. Finalmente, menciona elementos pr¨¢cticos que constituyen el contenido y alcance de un dise?o.
Este documento presenta una gu¨ªa sobre hidrocarburos para un curso de qu¨ªmica org¨¢nica. Explica que los hidrocarburos son compuestos de carbono e hidr¨®geno que se encuentran en el petr¨®leo, gas natural y carb¨®n. Se clasifican los hidrocarburos en alif¨¢ticos, arom¨¢ticos y c¨ªclicos. Adem¨¢s, presenta las reglas de la nomenclatura IUPAC y ejercicios para nombrar diferentes hidrocarburos. Finalmente, incluye lecturas sobre toxicidad qu¨ªmica y nut
The document is an agenda and presentation slides for an EVM (Economic Value Management) teach-in at Swiss Re on March 31, 2008. The presentation introduces EVM methodology, figures, and compares EVM to embedded value. EVM is Swiss Re's integrated economic framework used for planning, pricing, reserving and managing the business. It separates underwriting and investment performance, recognizes profits at inception based on expected cash flows, and measures performance after capital costs. Sample EVM calculations and investment performance examples are provided to illustrate the methodology.
Este documento define la biolog¨ªa molecular y describe sus principales componentes. Explica que la biolog¨ªa molecular estudia los procesos biol¨®gicos a nivel molecular, relacionando las estructuras de biomol¨¦culas con sus funciones. Describe la estructura del ADN y c¨®mo este se usa para producir ARN y prote¨ªnas. Tambi¨¦n cubre los m¨¦todos utilizados en biolog¨ªa molecular como la microscop¨ªa electr¨®nica y la cromatograf¨ªa.
Development, distribution and use of open source software comprise a market of data (source code, bug reports, documentation, number of downloads, etc.) from projects, developers and users. This large amount of data makes it difficult for people involved to make sense of implicit links between software projects, e.g., dependencies, patterns, licenses. This context raises the question of what techniques and mechanisms can be used to help users and developers to link related pieces of information across software projects. In this paper, we propose a framework for a marketplace enhanced using linked open data (LOD) technology for linking software artifacts within projects as well as across software projects. The marketplace provides the infrastructure for collecting and aggregating software engineering data as well as developing services for mining, statistics, analytics and visualization of software data. Based on cross-linking software artifacts and projects, the marketplace enables developers and users to understand the individual value of components, their relationship to bigger software systems. Improved understanding creates new business opportunities for software companies: users will be better able to analyze and compare projects, developers can increase the visibility of their products, hosts may offer plug-ins and services over the data to paying customers.
This document provides a status report on Wings 2014, which is a report on the world of girls in India published by Save the Children. Some key points:
- Save the Children works to protect children's rights in 120 countries including 16 states in India. Their goal is to inspire changes in how the world treats children and achieve lasting improvements to children's lives.
- The report aims to provide an in-depth look at the complex world that India's 225 million girls grow up in, which is shaped by both tradition and rapid modernization.
- While girls' aspirations have increased with greater access to education and media, societal responses have not kept pace. Issues like abuse, sex-selective abortion, and
Quintel 8 Port Press Release Feb2012 Final CopyNick Walker
Quintel has developed the world's first 8-Port/Quadband slimline antenna that allows operators to combine four major frequency bands in North America onto a single antenna. The antenna provides independent tilt control for each band and polarization, enabling applications like spatial diversity and high power PIM3 mitigation. It allows operators to optimize coverage and capacity while reducing infrastructure costs.
2011-2012 p?gick ett mobilt l?randeprojekt i tv? gymnasieklasser p? Str?mbackaskolan. Projektuppf?ljningen baseras p? m?natlig anv?ndarrapportering till projektledaren, helgruppssamtal med elever i respektive klass, 55 deltagares enk?tsvar samt 13 individuella djupintervjuer med s?v?l personal som elever. Bildspelet anv?ndes som st?d under presentationen av de prelimin?ra resultaten och f?rstaanblicksanalysen. En rapport f?ljer till h?sten 2012 medan en vetenskaplig publicering f?r anst? till dess att intervjuerna hunnit bearbetas och analyseras ordentligt.
Paul Nijbakker: Distansundervisning Innovation och InkubationNVL - DISTANS
Paul Nijbakkers presentation at the symposium "Education creates Development" - Uddannelse skaber Udvikling, in Rudk?bing Denmark 8. march 2011
A presentation in Swedish giving a peek at the various efforts developed at Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences with an eye to making it possible for people to remain living in the remote areas of Finnish Lapland.
This presentation was delivered during the Nordic conference "Uddannelse skaber udvikling" at Rudk?bing in Denmark on 8 March, 2011.
Pedagogiskt Utvecklingscentrum vid H?gskolan Dalarna p? Dala Skolforum okt 2013evalenaembretsen
Denna presentation genomf?rdes p? Dala Skolforum i Borl?nge v 44 2012. Den inneh?ller m?nga tips p? kompetensutveckling som H?gskolan Dalarna anordnar p? olika s?tt under fr?mst v?ren 2014.
FL2011_ Elevdatorer och inkludering, Gunilla Almgren B?ckFramtidens L?rande
Elevdatorer och inkludering
N?r skolor och kommuner ger elever en egen dator att anv?ndas i skolarbetet ?r det viktigt att v?lja l?sningar och arbetss?tt som g?r det m?jligt f?r alla elever, ?ven elever med funktionsneds?ttningar, att delta och anv?nda datorn. Gunilla Almgren B?ck ber?ttar hur man i M?lndals Stad framg?ngsrikt lyfte in det specialpedagogiska perspektivet
redan i planerandet av IKT-pilotprojektet f?r att skapa en tillg?nglig utbildning f?r alla elever.
Gunilla Almgren B?ck ?r specialpedagog och arbetar vid Utvecklingsenheten i M?lndals Stad bl.a. ansvarig f?r Skoldatateket, samt arbetar med skolutvecklingsfr?gor inom GR (G?teborgsregionen)
This document discusses lurkers in online learning communities. It defines lurkers as those who participate by observing but do not post or post seldom. Research suggests most community participants fall into this category, with estimates that 90% lurk, 9% occasionally post, and 1% post frequently. The document examines factors that influence lurking behavior and discusses strategies to encourage more active participation, such as fostering inclusion, providing feedback, and using interactive activities and methods like brainstorming and group discussions. The goal is to increase learning and improve the experience for all community members.
Presentation funkon16-is lurking workingNVL - DISTANS
This document discusses the phenomenon of lurking in online communities and learning environments. It defines lurking as participating but never posting or posting very seldom. It notes that many people participate this way, with estimates that only about 5-20% of community members actively post. It raises questions about whether lurkers are learning from their passive participation and what factors influence why some people lurk rather than actively engage. It discusses various perspectives on lurking as a legitimate strategy for peripheral learning and knowledge brokering, and factors that could encourage more active participation like inclusion, involvement, meaning, competence and positive psychology approaches.
1. The document discusses the phenomenon of lurking, or passive participation, in online learning communities where some learners never post or post seldom.
2. It notes different estimates for the percentage of lurkers in communities, from the commonly cited 90-9-1 rule to a suggested 55-25-20 ratio from community managers.
3. The document examines possible reasons for lurking such as individual characteristics, situational factors, and the learning environment, and considers whether lurking should be seen as a failure or a legitimate participation strategy.
The document discusses lurking in online learning communities, which refers to participating without posting or posting seldom. It examines whether lurkers are learning enough and what benefits they gain from their participation. Influencing factors on lurking include the online community, individual characteristics, online behavior, and commitment. The document suggests strategies for online course designers to plan for various types of participants and encourage participation, such as providing induction, ensuring the technology works, and giving useful feedback. It also provides examples of active learning methods and activities that can be used, such as brainstorming, discussions, and support groups.
This document discusses learning logs, which are used to help students reflect on their own learning. It provides reasons for using learning logs, including helping students become aware of how they learn best, reflecting on their learning, arranging thoughts, and making learning visible. Learning logs can benefit both students and teachers. For students, they provide structure, allow reflecting and feedback. For teachers, they provide additional assessment material and a way to better understand students. The document then discusses several digital tools that can be used to create learning logs, including Audioboo for voice recordings, MailVu for sending voice messages, and Evernote for taking various types of notes.
Alastair Creelman: Learning Centres for Regional Development in SwedenNVL - DISTANS
The document discusses learning centres in Sweden that aim to promote regional development. Specifically, it focuses on learning centres in Lapland that work with three northern Swedish universities to offer degree programs and higher vocational education in industries important to the region like mining, tourism, and hydroelectric engineering. The centers serve as meeting places for learning, inspiration, support and education and help increase access to education while reducing unemployment and brain drain from remote areas.
Torhild Sl?tto: Online Education as part of a busy life in the NorthNVL - DISTANS
Online education provides flexible options that fit into busy modern lives in Northern Norway. It allows learning from anywhere using mobile devices or small computers. This includes:
1. Farmers who can listen to economics podcasts while working, to help address their financial challenges.
2. Taxi drivers who study for their license in small weekly "nano" portions while waiting for customers through a flexible online course.
3. Sami people in Nordic countries who can earn a degree in reindeer husbandry while working in the mountains, making tacit knowledge visible through project assignments and learning science relevant to their profession.
Taru Kekkonen: Onlind Education Serving Various Students and Learning NeedsNVL - DISTANS
Otava Folk High School is an online upper secondary school for adults that offers open and trust-based education through various online courses to meet different students' learning needs. The school provides non-stop buffet-style courses, ¨¤ la carte collaborative courses, and phenomenon-based learning through their kitchen model. The contact is Taru Kekkonen, who can be reached at or by phone at +358 44 794 3517.
The document describes Otava Folk High School's online upper secondary school for adults. It offers nonstop courses in a buffet style, collaborative courses ¨¤ la carte, and phenomenon based learning in a kitchen style to serve various students and learning needs through an open and trusting online education.
Bridging the Distance: How distance and flexible learning is used to support ...NVL - DISTANS
Bridging the Distance: How distance and flexible learning is used to support rural development in Iceland. A presentation by Hr¨®bjartur ?rnason (University of Iceland) held on EDEN conference in Oslo 12-15 june 2013.
This presentation is part of the DISTANS networks project on "How Education can Support Rural Development":
Eygl¨® Bj?rnsd¨®ttir: Do we need more flexibility? NVL - DISTANS
The document summarizes the history and development of distance learning at the University of Akureyri in Iceland. It discusses some key milestones from 1998 to present day, including the expansion of distance programs to various locations and the increased use of online tools. It then outlines a committee formed in 2008 to develop more flexible distance options, and pilot flexible courses conducted in 2011 that allowed students more control over their study location and time. Research found students generally liked the flexibility but not all wanted it for all courses. The conclusion discusses the university's leadership in Icelandic distance education and plans to further strengthen flexible learning options.
2. ? Som elev
? Inh?mtat gymnasiekompetens
? Examen i l?rarutbildning
? Som l?rare
? Distansl?rare ?t utbildningsf?retaget MIROi
(Kemi, Matematik, Spr?k)
? Som f?rskolechef/ rektor
? Utmaning idag; f?rs?ka som ledare inf?ra
acceptans f?r distansstudier i skolv?rlden.
3. Kuttainen
200 km fr?n kommuncentrum
200 km fr?n n?rmaste gymnasieskola
400 km till n?rmaste universitet
700 km till n?sta universitet (Ume?)
F?ruts?ttningarna f?r studier ¡. inte s? bra!
4. Byn som avfolkas, men ?nd?
sker en utveckling!
?rets by i Norrbotten 2011
Allt detta visar att ingenting ?r om?jligt!
5. ? Skoltr?tt
? Familjen
? Eget f?retag (s?mnad, tyger)
? Kortare utbildningar, restaurang, data m.m.
6. ? Maken hade studerat (gymnasiekompetens)
? Bostadsort och stor familj begr?nsade mina
? Nationell satsning i Sverige, Kunskapslyftet.
? L?rcentrum ?ppnades i Karesuando
(vuxenutbildning p? distans)
? P?b?rjade mina studier, visste inte d? vad det
skulle leda till.
7. ? Lyckades bra redan fr?n b?rjan, b?rjade
fundera p? universitetsstudier.
? S?kte efter m?jliga utbildningar.
? N?rmaste utbildningsort i Lule?
(400 km enkel v?g fr?n hemmet)
8. ? Lapplands kommun f?rbund (LKF) satsade
tillsammans med Ume? universitet p?
l?rarutbildning p? distans.
? N?rmaste studieort i Kiruna.
? Blev antagen, diskuterade med anordnaren
om mina m?jligheter att delta i
undervisningen fr?n Karesuando.
9. ? M?ste resa till Kiruna f?r att delta vid
videokonferens s?ndningar.
? Studera ensam?
? Inspelning VHS.
? Elever slutar! Endast Kiruna och Pajala kvar.
? Videokonferens mot Karesuando blev m?jligt.
10. ? Till?kning i familjen, fick en dotter
? Avsluta studier¡? Det ville jag inte.
? Praktik med baby¡det g?r!
? Exkursion + barnvagn..
g?r ocks?!
11. Studera p? distans ¨C ?r det ett likv?rdigt
? Godtagbart alternativ till undervisning
? Motst?nd bland l?rare
? Nytt f?rh?llningss?tt
? Ny teknik g?r det m?jligt
12. ? V?l fungerande l?rplattform
? Snabba svar p? fr?gor (helst inom ett par timmar)
? Snabb feedback p? inl?mningsuppgifter m.m.
? Tydlig koppling till styrdokument
? Utg? fr?n elevens m?l
? Leda mot ?nskat betyg
? Mail, telefon, skype, youtube (+ annan media)
13. ? Skolor och f?rskolor i tre olika byar, elevunderlag
minskar, kan distansundervisning vara ett
? Resor, utbildningar, konferenser f?r personalen?
? Ny teknik= elevdatorer, l?rardatorer, l?rplattform
? Goda f?ruts?ttningar inf?r distansundervisning/
kontakter i framtiden