K4 Elevvurdering Torill RøEggenguest48a882Hvordan få til en fornuftig balanse mellom
elevvurdering og undervisning som er
gjennomførbar både for elever og lærere?
Torill Røeggen og Per Bjarne Elle, rektorer ved
hhv Kastellet skole og Oslos nye 8-13 skole
Nvl presentation - ólavur ellefsen -NVL - DISTANSThis document discusses engaging learners in remote locations through interactive computer-assisted problem-based learning simulations. It describes Simprentis' OilSim simulation which teaches oil and gas industry processes. Learners work in teams to make decisions about exploration, drilling, partnering and more. Facilitators are trained to guide remote teams. Challenges include facilitating peer-to-peer and team-based learning remotely. Solutions proposed are using local educational centers, emphasizing facilitation over lecturing by teachers, and providing remote facilitators via text, voice or video.
Nvl presentation - ólavur ellefsen -NVL - DISTANSThis document discusses engaging learners in remote locations through interactive computer-assisted problem-based learning simulations. It describes Simprentis' OilSim simulation which teaches oil and gas industry processes. Learners work in teams to make decisions about exploration, drilling, partnering and more. Facilitators are trained to guide remote teams. Challenges include facilitating peer-to-peer and team-based learning remotely. Solutions proposed are using local educational centers, emphasizing facilitation over lecturing by teachers, and providing remote facilitators via text, voice or video.
Arnor Guðmundsson: Towards a policy for distance learning in IcelandNVL - DISTANSThis document outlines Iceland's policy towards distance learning. It discusses the previous policy and lessons learned regarding distributed learning, implementation, and linking to regional policies. It also discusses the ongoing work to develop a new policy, including the process, challenges, and vision. The vision is for all Icelandic students to have access to high quality distance learning that increases access to education, flexibility in studying, and reduces regional differences. The strategy focuses on students, teaching/learning, curricula, governance, funding, and research/evaluation. Next steps are to ask questions about student needs, changes in teaching/learning, curriculum structure, governance models, funding approaches, and research needs.
Eygló Björnsdóttir: Do we need more flexibility? NVL - DISTANSThe document summarizes the history and development of distance learning at the University of Akureyri in Iceland. It discusses some key milestones from 1998 to present day, including the expansion of distance programs to various locations and the increased use of online tools. It then outlines a committee formed in 2008 to develop more flexible distance options, and pilot flexible courses conducted in 2011 that allowed students more control over their study location and time. Research found students generally liked the flexibility but not all wanted it for all courses. The conclusion discusses the university's leadership in Icelandic distance education and plans to further strengthen flexible learning options.
Case Otava at Eden 2013, NVL DistansNVL - DISTANSThe document describes Otava Folk High School's online upper secondary school for adults. It offers nonstop courses in a buffet style, collaborative courses à la carte, and phenomenon based learning in a kitchen style to serve various students and learning needs through an open and trusting online education.
Distansutbildning som verktyg för tillväxt i nordligaste Sverige NVL - DISTANSLennart Andersson presenterar Kiruna LärCentrum och Distansutbildning i nordligaste Sverige
Gudrun Ellingson: Kompetanse som tiltak til næringsutviklingNVL - DISTANSGudrun Ellingson's presentation at the symposium "Education creates Development" - Uddannelse skaber Udvikling, in Rudköbing Denmark 8. march 2011: http://distans.wetpaint.com/page/Education+Creates+Development
Utvikling av vurderingskompetanse gjennom skriftleg refleksjon og målretta øv...Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN)Utvikling av vurderingskompetanse gjennom skriftleg refleksjon og målretta øving i klasserommet
Høgskolen Stord/Haugesund
Stord kommune
Universitetet i Bergen
Lærarutdanninga ved HSH, forutan
to barneskular på Stord,
4. til og med 7. klassesteg
Til saman 9 lærarar, 90 elevar
En lærende og digitalt kompetent skoleRune Andrè Evensen Presentasjon av min masteroppgave der jeg ser på hvordan skoleledelsen kan legge til rette for å utvikle en lærende og digitalt kompetent organisasjon.
Hvordan kan skole og skoleeier spille hverandre gode, til det beste for elevene?Lasse ArntsenInnlegg om skoleeiers rolle og ansvar på Utdanningsdirektoratets konferanse i forbindelse med satsingen "Bedre læringsmiljø", Gardermoen 19.09.14.
K1 Elevvurdering Elin Bondeguest48a882Endringsledelse. Nyttige tips på hva
skoleleder/skoleeier kan gjøre for å sikre
en god implementering av VfL.
Elin Bonde med utvalgte skoleleder og lærere
i Bærumsskolen
160427 Romerike nettverkLars Arild MyhrForelesning 26. april om
- elevers mestring og motivasjon i skolen
- skoleledelsens arbeid med oppfølging av kvalitet
110908 hordaland dashboard / forventninger til lærer / vurdering for læringgeir dahlbergForedrag jeg holdt for ePedagoger og eKoordinatorer i Hordaland høsten 2011. Lasta opp på nytt pga feil med forrige versjon
Irgens gardermoen 191112 Skolebasert kompetanseutviklingRobert Lien PettersenProfessor Eirik Irgens NTNU har mange kloke tanker om skolebasert kompetanseutvikling og organisasjonsendringer
Is Lurking a problem or an opportunityNVL - DISTANSThis document discusses lurkers in online learning communities. It defines lurkers as those who participate by observing but do not post or post seldom. Research suggests most community participants fall into this category, with estimates that 90% lurk, 9% occasionally post, and 1% post frequently. The document examines factors that influence lurking behavior and discusses strategies to encourage more active participation, such as fostering inclusion, providing feedback, and using interactive activities and methods like brainstorming and group discussions. The goal is to increase learning and improve the experience for all community members.
Presentation funkon16-is lurking workingNVL - DISTANSThis document discusses the phenomenon of lurking in online communities and learning environments. It defines lurking as participating but never posting or posting very seldom. It notes that many people participate this way, with estimates that only about 5-20% of community members actively post. It raises questions about whether lurkers are learning from their passive participation and what factors influence why some people lurk rather than actively engage. It discusses various perspectives on lurking as a legitimate strategy for peripheral learning and knowledge brokering, and factors that could encourage more active participation like inclusion, involvement, meaning, competence and positive psychology approaches.
Is Lurking a problem?NVL - DISTANS1. The document discusses the phenomenon of lurking, or passive participation, in online learning communities where some learners never post or post seldom.
2. It notes different estimates for the percentage of lurkers in communities, from the commonly cited 90-9-1 rule to a suggested 55-25-20 ratio from community managers.
3. The document examines possible reasons for lurking such as individual characteristics, situational factors, and the learning environment, and considers whether lurking should be seen as a failure or a legitimate participation strategy.
Is Lurking Working?NVL - DISTANSThe document discusses lurking in online learning communities, which refers to participating without posting or posting seldom. It examines whether lurkers are learning enough and what benefits they gain from their participation. Influencing factors on lurking include the online community, individual characteristics, online behavior, and commitment. The document suggests strategies for online course designers to plan for various types of participants and encourage participation, such as providing induction, ensuring the technology works, and giving useful feedback. It also provides examples of active learning methods and activities that can be used, such as brainstorming, discussions, and support groups.
Taru Kekkonen: Learning LogsNVL - DISTANSThis document discusses learning logs, which are used to help students reflect on their own learning. It provides reasons for using learning logs, including helping students become aware of how they learn best, reflecting on their learning, arranging thoughts, and making learning visible. Learning logs can benefit both students and teachers. For students, they provide structure, allow reflecting and feedback. For teachers, they provide additional assessment material and a way to better understand students. The document then discusses several digital tools that can be used to create learning logs, including Audioboo for voice recordings, MailVu for sending voice messages, and Evernote for taking various types of notes.
Alastair Creelman: Learning Centres for Regional Development in SwedenNVL - DISTANSThe document discusses learning centres in Sweden that aim to promote regional development. Specifically, it focuses on learning centres in Lapland that work with three northern Swedish universities to offer degree programs and higher vocational education in industries important to the region like mining, tourism, and hydroelectric engineering. The centers serve as meeting places for learning, inspiration, support and education and help increase access to education while reducing unemployment and brain drain from remote areas.
Torhild Slåtto: Online Education as part of a busy life in the NorthNVL - DISTANSOnline education provides flexible options that fit into busy modern lives in Northern Norway. It allows learning from anywhere using mobile devices or small computers. This includes:
1. Farmers who can listen to economics podcasts while working, to help address their financial challenges.
2. Taxi drivers who study for their license in small weekly "nano" portions while waiting for customers through a flexible online course.
3. Sami people in Nordic countries who can earn a degree in reindeer husbandry while working in the mountains, making tacit knowledge visible through project assignments and learning science relevant to their profession.
Taru Kekkonen: Onlind Education Serving Various Students and Learning NeedsNVL - DISTANSOtava Folk High School is an online upper secondary school for adults that offers open and trust-based education through various online courses to meet different students' learning needs. The school provides non-stop buffet-style courses, à la carte collaborative courses, and phenomenon-based learning through their kitchen model. The contact is Taru Kekkonen, who can be reached at taru.kekkonen@otavanopisto.fi or by phone at +358 44 794 3517.
Menntun í Dreyfbýli, Áhrif þekkingarsamfélagsins á byggðaþróun og sjálfbærni ...NVL - DISTANSErindi Önnu Guðrúnar Edvardsdóttur á ráðstefnu um noktun upplýsingatækni í fullorðinsfræðslu 13. sept 2013:
Bridging the Distance: How distance and flexible learning is used to support ...NVL - DISTANSBridging the Distance: How distance and flexible learning is used to support rural development in Iceland. A presentation by Hróbjartur Árnason (University of Iceland) held on EDEN conference in Oslo 12-15 june 2013.
This presentation is part of the DISTANS networks project on "How Education can Support Rural Development": http://distans.wetpaint.com/page/Does+Education+support+rural+development%3F
Hermann Jón Tómasson: Online education in VMA – Then and now NVL - DISTANSThis document discusses the history and current state of online education at Verkmenntaskólinn á Akureyri (VMA), a comprehensive and vocational training college in Akureyri, Iceland. It outlines who takes online courses at VMA, how the courses are structured and taught, and provides statistics about online students in 2011. Key points covered include how instructional methods have shifted from email to online learning platforms like Moodle, the responsibilities of both teachers and students, and VMA's focus on establishing quality standards to improve their online education program.
Sigrún Kristín Magnúsdóttir. NVL & DISTANSNVL - DISTANSThe Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL) is a decentralized organization that promotes lifelong learning and competence development across the Nordic region. [1] It has strategic goals related to quality assurance, cross-sector cooperation, personal development, and disseminating information on priority themes. [2] NVL operates through an open and flexible structure led by the Nordic Council of Ministers, with national coordinators and projects in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and autonomous areas. [3]
Lennart Andersson: Distance Education in Northern SwedenNVL - DISTANSThe document discusses distance education programs in northern Sweden's Lapland region. It notes that the region covers over 60,000 square kilometers but has a population density of only 0.9 residents per square kilometer, much lower than neighboring countries. The document outlines the region's experience with distance education programs dating back to the 1990s and how the approach has shifted from in-person meetings to incorporating more learning platforms and video conferencing. It also summarizes an evaluation of early distance education programs that found technical issues were not the primary problems, and that clear communication, structure, and connecting coursework to students' lives were most important.
2. God kvalitet i høyere fleksibel
utdanning – hva er det?
• God faglig kvalitet - Forskningsbasert undervisning
• God pedagogisk / didaktisk kvalitet – vurderes på
vanlig vis:
Didaktiske relasjonsmodellen
• God teknologisk kvalitet (nå: eCampus)
• Dannende undervisning – som kan gi reell
omstillings- og utviklingskompetanse
• Læringsresultat, læringsutbytte – i vid betydning
• Relevans (samfunn, arbeidsliv)
2 19.09.2012
5. Kvalitetsdimensjoner,
Studiekvalitetsutvalget (1990)
• Inntaks- og rammekvalitet
• Program- og prosesskvalitet
• Resultatkvalitet
5 19.09.2012
6. Kvalitetsdimensjoner, Harvey og
Green (1993)
• Er utdanningen unik eller eksepsjonell?
• Er den perfeksjonert eller i samsvar med
• Hvor funksjonell oppfattes den?
• Hvor kostnadseffektiv den er?
• Hvor utviklingsorientert oppfattes den?
Fokuserer i mindre grad på ulike aspekt ved selve
6 19.09.2012
7. Högskoleverket 2008: ti aspekter for
bedømming av kvalitet i e-læring
• Material/innehåll
• Struktur/virtuell miljö
• Kommunikation, samarbete och interaktivitet
• Bedömningar av studenternas prestationer
• Flexibilitet och anpassning
• Support (till studenter och anstellda)
• Anställdas kompetens och erfarenheter
• Ledarskap och visioner
• Resursallokering
• Process- och helhetssyn
7 19.09.2012
9. Kvalitetsdimensjoner, NOKUT
• Fokuset i kvalitetsarbeidet endres:
mer prosess og resultat (mindre på innsatsfaktorer)
mer fokus på program (mindre på systemer)
• Mer fokus på undervisning og tilrettelegging for
læring, interaksjon mellom student, lærer og fag
• Mer fokus på samfunnsrelevans i vid forstand
(arbeidslivsrelevans / akademisk dannelse)
• Mer fokus på betydningen av utdanningsledelse
9 19.09.2012