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Is lurking a problem?
Hr坦bjartur rnason
University of Iceland
CC BY Some rights reserved by Metro Centric
What smartphones reveal
What IS lurking?
Participating in learning BUT
#1 Never Posting
#2 Posting seldom
CC BY Some rights reserved by Metro Centric
90-9-1 Rule
 many have observed
 Rule of thumb
 Not acurate
 But telling
Community Roundtable
 Community Managers
 "More like 552520."
The 70-20-10 Rule
of Community
Paul Schneider 2011
What is the problem?
 Are they learning (enough)?
 What do they gain from their
form of participation?
 Are drop-outs failures / did we fail them?
CC BY Some rights reserved by Shaylor
Influencing factors
1. Online community
2. Individual characteristics
3. Online behaviour
4. Commitment
5. Quality
CC BY Some rights reserved by Marina del Castell
CC BY Some rights reserved by fortherock
Why Lurk?
 Learning environment
 Personal attributes
 Situational reasons
Other aspects
 What you see is at most
the tip of the iceberg
 Lurking as a strategy:
different roles in
different settings
 Legitimate peripheral
Why encourage
 Active learning IS better
 Learners are always co-creators in
a learning event
 Increase learning
 Increase the quality of the event
for all participants
How can we elicit active
 Inclusion fosters Involvement
 How Attitudes Influence Behaviour
 How Meaning Sustains Involvement
 How Competence Builds Confidence
 Learned Helplessness
 Positive Psychology
 Plan for various needs / types of participants
 Make sure technology works
 Help participants learn to use the technlology
 Get everybody in the same Boat
 Create inclusion in group
 Give useful feedback
 Encourage particpation
 Expect participation
 Structured discussions (6 hats,
positive/negative, positive / interesting /
negative SWOT etc.)
 Support groups
 Regular short videos
 Expect learners to comment (points)
More info:
CC BY Some rights reserved by Metro Centric

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Is Lurking a problem?

  • 1. Is lurking a problem? Hr坦bjartur rnason University of Iceland FunKon2016 hrobjartur@hi.is CC BY Some rights reserved by Metro Centric tiny.cc/funkon16
  • 3. What IS lurking? Participating in learning BUT #1 Never Posting #2 Posting seldom CC BY Some rights reserved by Metro Centric
  • 4. 90-9-1 Rule many have observed Rule of thumb Not acurate But telling Community Roundtable Community Managers "More like 552520." The 70-20-10 Rule of Community Participation Paul Schneider 2011
  • 5. What is the problem? Are they learning (enough)? What do they gain from their form of participation? Are drop-outs failures / did we fail them? CC BY Some rights reserved by Shaylor
  • 6. Influencing factors 1. Online community 2. Individual characteristics 3. Online behaviour 4. Commitment 5. Quality CC BY Some rights reserved by Marina del Castell
  • 7. CC BY Some rights reserved by fortherock Why Lurk? Learning environment Personal attributes Situational reasons
  • 8. Other aspects What you see is at most the tip of the iceberg Lurking as a strategy: different roles in different settings Legitimate peripheral participation
  • 9. Why encourage participation? Active learning IS better Learners are always co-creators in a learning event Increase learning Increase the quality of the event for all participants
  • 10. How can we elicit active participation? Wlodkowski Inclusion fosters Involvement How Attitudes Influence Behaviour How Meaning Sustains Involvement How Competence Builds Confidence Seligman Agency Learned Helplessness Positive Psychology
  • 11. Plan for various needs / types of participants Induction Make sure technology works Help participants learn to use the technlology Get everybody in the same Boat Create inclusion in group Give useful feedback Encourage particpation Expect participation Strategies
  • 12. eTivities Groups Brainstorming MindMapping Structured discussions (6 hats, positive/negative, positive / interesting / negative SWOT etc.) Support groups Regular short videos Expect learners to comment (points) Methods

Editor's Notes

  • #3: Technology is making things visible that were invisible before Smartphones make visible what we could only guess before... 油油They are loosing interest Threaded discussions show how many participate 油油In a Facebook group: 油油90 have seen the question, 油油5 have answered LMS tracking shows how often participants log in, view and engage with learning materials 油油What they 油油油油read 油油油油watch 油油油油check 油油How long 油油How often 油油New field of Learning Analytics